Magic World

Chapter 66 Killing and Killing 2

The mantis pounces on the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind. Just as the Xiong test was preparing to ambush and escort the escort team to Yanzhou, Zhang Zhentian and the secret agent sent by Yu Qun also inquired about the news that Xi and Xiqi led the elite soldiers to leave the camp together. After receiving the news, Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun were not in a hurry to send people to escort the bodies of Xixiang and Xixiang from the camp.

Because it is now late autumn, and it seems to be particularly cold these days. According to Zhang Zhentian's prediction, today's first snow may come early, and it will be very big. Therefore, it is not too late for Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun to send someone to escort the bodies of Xixiang and Xi after the heavy snow. The most important thing is that with this snow, the test and shacklings that are ambushed in the mountains can suffer more. Once the two fight, they can also save a lot of trouble.

In this way, three days after the two people left the camp, a heavy snowfalled according to Zhang Zhentian's prediction. This kind of weather is nothing to Zhang Zhentian! After all, he came from a dry weather in the earth world. Almost at the same time as the heavy snow, the soldiers patrolling the Yanyun army caught several orc soldiers who defected. After these orc soldiers were arrested, they told the officers of the patrol that their prince and the third prince had taken the soldiers to ambush on the road to Yanzhou, and they were ready to intercept and escort the team.

Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun received reports from patrol officers, and both of them were a little surprised. Although the spies they sent had found out the whereabouts of the examination and the shackle, it was very doubtful that the orc soldiers who came to defected directly told their where they were going.

"Mr. Zhang, look! What do you think about this? After Yuqun asked the patrol officer to leave, he turned his face to Zhang Zhentian for serious consultation.

"Hehe! I think it's a trick." Zhang Zhentian replied with a smile.

"Don't they want to take back the Xixiang and Xixi? Do they know that the two of them are dead? Kunqun couldn't help but be a little surprised, "I think our secret work has done a good job! They won't know about it."

"Hehe! I don't think so." Zhang Zhentian replied with a smile, "General, do ordinary original soldiers know about our plan?"

"I don't know!" Kunqun shook his head, and then he smiled at Zhang Zhentian, "Haha! Sir Gaojian. I understand." The concubine is not a stupid person. Naturally, he understood what Zhang Zhentian meant. Since they designed to say that Yuxiang and Yuxi are still alive, the ordinary original soldiers will not know; then, how did the ordinary orc soldiers know the news of the two elite soldiers with elite soldiers preparing to go out to intercept the original escort team?

"Hehe! However, this matter is still a little strange. Zhang Zhentian replied with a smile, "Although this orc may have released *, they did. Why do you think they did this?"

"Does anyone in their camp want to rescue them?" Hearing this, the concubine said with some surprise.

"I think it makes sense!" Zhang Zhentian nodded, "I once heard you say that there were four sons. We killed his eldest son and youngest son. And this time, he came to the rescue, and he brought his third son; I think it must be his second son to stay in the camp. This Yuqi must be because of inheriting the throne, so I don't want to save Yuxiang. Therefore, these surrendered orc soldiers are just sent by him.

"So what should we do?" After listening, the group nodded.

"Let these sincere orc soldiers be responsible for strengthening the wall!" Zhang Zhentian replied with a smile, "Be sure to arrange for them to participate in work that is easy to escape. I think they are looking for an opportunity to go home now!"

"Haha! What the gentleman said is very true. After listening to it, the group laughed.

On the road from northern Xinjiang to Yanzhou, the two of them were ambushed on both sides of a valley with a thousand elite soldiers. The terrain here is similar to the place where Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang ambushed Jiaoxiang and Xi, but the terrain here is much steeper than Zhang Zhentian's ambush in front of them, and the roads in the mountains are much narrower and longer.

Before the heavy snowfall, the orc soldiers brought by the test and the stingray can easily find food and come back from nearby. But after heavy snow, the animals in the mountains also found safe places to hide. Although these orcs brought some dry food when they came, the desert is now freezing, and the food they brought was quickly eaten clean by them. After all, in a cold environment, the consumption of the human body will become greater. At this point, there is no difference between the original human and the orcs in the original human world and human beings in the earth world.

"Father! Our soldiers have suffered a lot of frostbite in the past two days. The squat walked into the tent of the squat inspection while stamping his feet. Now there are still firewood piles in the tents tested, and the firewood in the tents of ordinary soldiers has long been extinguished.

"Hmm!" After listening to Yuqi's words, he answered, and then replied in a low voice, "It's been snowing for two days! I think it's time to stop." After saying that, he pulled the firewood again with the wooden stick in his hand, "Is the firewood broken in the tents of the soldiers outside?"

"Yes! Father." He gently stamped his feet and answered. In fact, now he is not only an ordinary soldier, but also has no firewood in his tent.

"Let everyone hold on a little longer!" The examination looked up at the inspection and replied, "I think after the snow stops, there must be action in the original barracks!" They are more worried about winter snow than we are.

"Okay! Father. I'm going to send the order." After listening to this, he turned around and left the tent of the examination.

Looking at the back of the hammer, he sighed. His four sons are brave and good at fighting, but when it comes to their skills on the battlefield, these three sons are far stronger than his brothers, but he is upright by nature and not suitable to be a commander. Alas! If he can't come back, it seems that he should really hand over the throne, and only he can lead his tribe to continue to walk without being annexed by other northern tribes or being invaded by yellow monkeys in the south.

The snow fell again one day and one night, and then there was a sign of stopping. At this time, the orc soldiers lying on both sides of the valley had been frozen to death and injured. The two soldiers who were originally taken out of the camp by the examination, but now they have lost more than half. There are only six percent left of the people who still have combat ability to follow the inspection. After all, this was an untime winter snow, and the orcs did not prepare for the winter before leaving the camp.

However, Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun in the original camp did not immediately send people to transport the bodies of Xiangxiang and Xixi back to Yanzhou because of the heavy snow. They know that it's freezing now, and the two jaws and jaws hanging in the wild must be more anxious than their own. Therefore, they still stay in the camp and send people to patrol every day to observe the road from the camp to Yanzhou. When they saw it, they could only order their soldiers to extinguish the bonfire lit by the fire that had just been found in the mountains or bend down directly on the snow to hide. In this way, the orc soldiers were severely tossed by Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun, and they were reduced by more people due to frostbite.

As Zhang Zhentian expected, those orc soldiers who defected to the original camp. After staying in the original camp for a few days, they quietly left the Yanyun camp and returned to the orc camp at night. And this is exactly what Zhang Zhentian wants. In this way, the orc camp naturally knew that the original people had received his news and would not send an escort team to Yanzhou. He would not pay too much attention to the movement of Yanyun's camp, but wait for the two empty-handed return.

Zhang Zhentian borrowed this psychology. On the one hand, he and Yu Qun arranged people to escort the bodies of Tuo Xiang and Tuo Xiang back to Yanzhou, and on the other hand, they also contacted the Baiyue army. They were ready to join the Baiyue army to take advantage of the camp after ambush.