The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 1 Last 24 Hours

At 9:57 on September 15, 2019, the weather changed from sunny to cloudy.

The first mapping exam of Qingnan's high school graduation class is being carried out in an orderly manner.

The students' nib made a slight rustle, and their invigilator, the famous 36D Tyrannosaurus Rex, narrowed his eyes and looked everywhere for small paper balls that could fly around.

Everything was very quiet until suddenly there was a loud noise, which shocked everyone.

Then they saw a student stand up, with his hands still on the table, with his eyes wide open and frightening.

"It's Zheng Yonghao. What's wrong with him?"

Some students talked quietly, and it was inevitable that they were a little clever and took this opportunity to peek at other people's papers.

The invigilator just happened to walk near Zheng Yonghao. He was most scared and became popular at that time.

She raised her fleshy slap and slapped the table, which was not enough to show her teacher's majesty.

But before her hand fell, Zheng Yonghao's eyes were still empty, but somehow he had copied the chair behind him in his hand, as if he was going to fight back.

The invigilator's face immediately turned white, and this time the shock was more serious than just now.

Now the students' chairs are all made of steel. If Zheng Yonghao really comes over and hits his face, it will be fine. If he hits his chest... The large amount of money she spent not long ago will be completely wasted.

Fortunately, Zheng Yonghao didn't really hit it with a chair, but stopped in his hand and looked at her strangely.

It's as if I don't know her.

The invigilator took a long breath and saw that Zheng Yonghao did not take action, and the teacher's majesty immediately came back.

She stepped back half a step and gasped and scolded, "Zheng Yonghao, what are you doing?"

Zheng Yonghao didn't seem to hear her question at all. There was less emptiness in his eyes, but his face was extremely ugly.

He turned his head and looked around, his eyes crossed over his classmates, and did not stop at all.

Until he saw the front man's stationery box with a calendar attached to it.

Zheng Yonghao's face changed greatly again and rushed over with a sshit.

"Hey! What are you doing? This is an exam!"

The invigilator is going crazy. She has never been so ignored by a student.

However, Zheng Yonghao's action was so fast that he did not bypass the side, but jumped directly from the heads of the two students in front of him!

Zheng Yonghao grabbed the stationery box with the calendar and looked at the huge "2019" on it, and his face suddenly turned red.


The iron stationery box was pinched into a ball by Zheng Yonghao.

The whole classroom was silent at this moment, and both the students and the Tyrannosaurus Rex invigilators were dumbfounded.

And Zheng Yonghao suddenly turned around, looked at a classmate and asked, "What day is it?"

"September 15th."

The student was originally known as the bully in the class and had bullied Zheng Yonghao before.

But in the face of Zheng Yonghao's eyes, he actually felt an uncontrollable trembling, as if he was not facing a person, but a bloodthirsty beast, and subconsciously answered.

September 15th! It turned out to be September 15th!"

Zheng Yonghao muttered and repeated the date, but there was no pause under his feet, and he rushed out of the classroom in an instant.

A teacher and student stared with big eyes, and even those who took the opportunity to cheat before were still in the seats.

At this time, the invigilator reacted and quickly shouted and chased out.

If something happens to a student who is taking the exam, she, as a teacher, will definitely take responsibility.

But when she rushed to the door and looked out, there was no trace of Zheng Yonghao.


On the playground of Qingnan High School stands a huge sculpture engraved with the school motto, and the top is set with a giant clock.

Now Zheng Yonghao is standing under the sculpture, staring at the moving hands up and down of the clock, and clenching his fist.

Now, he finally understands.

I was reborn in high school ten years ago, the day when the doomsday catastrophe had not yet occurred.

But even if he has forgotten the appearance of his teachers and classmates, he will never forget that there is still time for this date.


The bell rang, and the minute hand and the second hand finally coincided. It was ten o'clock in the morning.

And he remembered clearly that 24 hours later, at 10 a.m. on September 16, 2010, the dazzling light would fall from the sky and dye the whole sky purple.

But at this most beautiful and charming moment, few people know that the catastrophe has come to the world.

In the next second, all human order, morality, ethics, rules and laws will collapse in an instant.

Fifty percent of the earth's population turned into a bloodthirsty monster at the first time, biting their blood-stained teeth at their companions.

And just two weeks later, this number will soar to 70%. At that time, the whole world seems to have turned into purgatory, and only a few people can survive.

In his previous life, none of his parents escaped this disaster.

And he became a survivor with a very small probability, but also began a long and painful escape career.

This escape is ten years.

Just as he was about to have the power to protect his companions, a bullet from the dark ended his life.

It is ironic that he fled for ten years and was not bitten to death by zombies or swallowed by mutant monsters, but fell into the same clan.

However, when the catastrophe comes, these are unstoppable facts.

It can't be stopped, but now that he has been reborn, he can change as much as possible.

The next 24 hours are not enough for him to finish everything, but it should give him a relatively better start.

He finally took a look at the clock above his head, and the pointer on it was still walking non-stop, like the footsteps of death.

Then he resolutely turned around and walked out of this last green memory.

"Master, the railway station."

Zheng Yonghao got into a taxi and shouted casually.

The driver still has to habitually get close to him, and a pile of red tickets have been thrown in front of him.

Zheng Yonghao said, "You don't have to say anything. You just need to use your fastest speed. I'm in a hurry."


With the charm of money, the taxi driver decisively suppressed his curiosity and closed his mouth.

Zheng Yonghao took out two mobile phones, one in one hand, which he took down from the podium when he left the classroom before.

In the chaotic situation at that time, no one noticed his hand in hand.

Of course, even if someone notices it, it can't stop him or even get an explanation from him.

Ten years of doomsday escape and today's rebirth have made him fully understand that his needs are the most important.

He doesn't need to trust anyone, and he doesn't need to or pay attention to any rules.

Because in that bloody world, there are no real rules except for your own strength.

Zheng Yonghao opened his mobile phone and pressed the number that he had not forgotten for ten years.

"I'm Yonghao, now listen to me..."

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