The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 2 Variants

On September 16, 2019, at 1:30, there were less than nine hours left before the catastrophe.

Zheng Yonghao is sitting on the train to Shenyang, squinting his eyes and his face is grim.

The quiet talk and slight snoring around him were very unreal in his ears at this time, and a little like the hum of flies, which made him a little upset.

The reason why he chose to make a few phone calls and then take a bus north instead of going south to his hometown to be with his parents is that such a decision is painful but not difficult for him.

When the catastrophe comes, his hometown will become one of the few places that are not surrounded by zombies.

The biggest problem is radiation from space, which will cause lesions in most organisms.

But his parents can successfully avoid this danger as long as they hide in an all-metal closed space according to his requirements.

After that, as long as they survive the first two weeks of chaos, they will have a chance to wait for others or even their own rescue.

Even if he has rushed over now, he still has the same response.

At that time, their family, including himself, can only become the most vulnerable in this case, and the future can only repeat the tragedies of the previous life.

He can't allow this to happen again, so he must take advantage of his rebirth to change his fate before the catastrophe really comes.

And Shenyang is the one who can change his fate.

Ten minutes later, 1:40.


"Shenyang North Station has arrived, please get off passengers..."

The radio sounded in the car, and Zheng Yonghao's narrow eyes suddenly opened.

The survival training of the previous life made him not fall into real sleep at any time.

Once his eyes are completely opened, he will definitely stay in the most awake state.

Only by staying awake at all times can we survive in that purgatory-like world.

Those who are careless and not alert have died long ago!

As the flow of people walked out of the station, Zheng Yonghao glanced at the display screen on the wall of the hall.

The news is being broadcast there. From yesterday afternoon to just now, several flights have lost contact in a few hours.

Zheng Yonghao's eyes shrank slightly, but he pushed away the stopped crowd without hesitation.

He didn't need to tell anyone. That's why he chose to take the train instead of the plane when he was in a hurry.

In his last life, also the day before the catastrophe, there were many plane crashes in a row.

It was not until a long time after the catastrophe that human beings re-established the base, and the remaining government departments also disclosed some information.

Only then did we know that the catastrophe had an impact on the earth before it really happened.

The culprit of the plane crash is a superion that has not been discovered at this moment.

It's just that after his rebirth, Zheng Yonghao can't remember which planes were crashed. In order not to take risks, he can only choose other means of transportation.

There was no traffic jam at night. The driver drove the taxi quickly, and Zheng Yonghao soon arrived at his destination, Shenyang Institute of Technology.

After getting out of the car, Zheng Yonghao gave everything on his body to the driver.

The end of the world, the end of mankind!

Now* was just a piece of waste paper at that time, so it's better to make this driver happy now.

Maybe this is the last happiness in his life.

In the driver's excited thanks, Zheng Yonghao did not say anything.

In fact, he can tell the other party something and let him hide, but he didn't do that.

And no matter whether he tells the truth or not, even if he believes it, it will only bring him unnecessary trouble.

Once the catastrophe comes, the ancient saying that more is better than less becomes the truth.

Any unexpected trouble may make people die without a burial place.

Zheng Yonghao's body suddenly accelerated, one step and two steps!

After taking the third step, he suddenly jumped up and soared like a big bird in the night sky. In the blink of an eye, he had crossed the wall of the Polytechnic.

The taxi drivers who haven't left are stunned. Is this something that normal people can drive out, martial arts master!

The next second, the driver hurriedly started the car and drove away quickly.

He also thought he had pulled a thief, otherwise he would not leave in the middle of the night. Why did he jump off the wall?

Thinking this way, he didn't mean to call the police.

It seems that it is also his motto to do more than to do less.

Zheng Yonghao didn't know that he was regarded as a thief by the driver. Even if he knew it, he didn't care.

When it comes to the moment of life and death, who dares to say that he is not a thief? Who is a thorough good person?

How you can live depends on what kind of strength you have.

At this time, he had come to a warehouse of the Polytechnic, holding a fire axe in his hand, and his eyes were awe-inspiring.

Soon, most of human beings will become diseased by space radiation, become flesh and blood-eating monsters, and are also named after a famous series - zombies.

They are monsters that have fallen out of the category of human beings.

People who have not become zombies are collectively referred to as survivors for different reasons.

General survivors naturally need not to say much. It may be a coincidence to avoid radiation, such as being kidnapped and stuffed into containers, but they are blessed by misfortune.

There are also those who were notified by Zheng Yonghao, his parents and the girl far away in Xiling.

If everything goes well, they will also become survivors, but they are the lowest kind of survivors.

Another type of survivors is physical special, so that they are not affected by radiation at all.

This kind of survivors is also a member of the bottom, because they are still the most ordinary human beings.

In that environment, it is too difficult for an ordinary person to survive.

It is almost impossible to have a status.

Zheng Yonghao in his previous life belongs to this category of people, a tragedy that has survived natural disasters but has not escaped man-made disasters.

The last group of survivors is different. They also have a special constitution, but they are different from the former.

This special feature, which has not yet been discovered, makes them mutate in radiation, but they do not become zombies, but have stronger abilities.

They are called mutants, a well-known but most appropriate name at that time.

The mutants have different abilities, and their strengths and weaknesses are also different.

Unsurprisingly, they have an absolute advantage over ordinary survivors.

Although these abilities are far from enough for them to walk horizontally in the end of the world, the chances of survival are too great.

And they are a kind of people standing at the end of the world.

For a long time after the catastrophe, ordinary survivors, including Zheng Yonghao, could only look up to these powerful new humans.

But now he has been reborn, and with the memory in his mind, he can change this situation.

Because at a certain moment, humans suddenly found that mutants are not entirely the result of natural selection.

In addition to the innate appearance, powerful mutants can also be created.


The fire axe in Zheng Yonghao's hand smashed down, and the rust lock on the warehouse door immediately broke into two pieces.