The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 69 Top Capabilities

Gold, fire, silver and ice invisible wind, green thunder and green life change;

Six heroes sit in the sky and wait for Western children.

This is an oil poem compiled by good people in the late end of the world, which is widely recited.

The first half of the sentence is about the top six mutants among the survivors in China, and those gold, fire, silver and ice refer to the power they have.

Among the six top masters, there are only five three-level mutants, and these five are all strong in the ability department.

Qin Xue, known as the goddess of ice and snow, is also among them. After her ice and snow power, it is silver, which is the second mentioned "silver ice" in it.

Of course, the order of ability in the limerick is just to read more and does not represent the ranking of their strength.

In fact, until the end of the world, the strength of these masters was not known.

Many people think that it is not that there has been no battle between them, but that the results of their battle have not been reported.

After all, as the most powerful people in China, they represent a lot of significance, and the forces they belong to do not allow those gossip to spread.

No one knows the answer to the actual ranking of combat effectiveness.

But just as there will be good people who make up this oil poem, the survivor's speculation about their ranking has never stopped.

In these speculations, almost everyone put the oil poem in the last ever-changing space to the first place.

This is a common consensus among the people that this master with space power is the strongest mutant in China.

while other golden fire, thunder and invisible winds are considered to be almost the same. The rankings in different speculations always fluctuate up and down, but they are all between the second and fourth.

Similarly, the fifth and sixth positions are not fixed in various speculations.

Some people think that the strength of Green Life should be ranked fifth, because he made his debut very early.

Because he is the only mutant who is neither capable nor reaches the third level, but can be on an equal footing with those top masters for a long time, which has shown his strength.

But there are also other people who think that Qin Xue, the goddess of ice and snow, is better than the green life with the ultimate self-healing power, because although she is famous for being the latest, she has the ability power with the highest attack power and higher growth.

In the end, there is almost no controversy, except for the first ever-ranked 100, and the survivors are always controversial about the ranking of the other five people.

But one thing is the same. All survivors agree that the ability of the six of them is the strongest.

Fire power gold is the first, and ice power silver is the leader;

Thunderpower is the ultimate, and the self-healing power green is the peak;

The wind power needs to be invisible, and the space power is unique.

This is another extended statement. Although it is not appropriate to use the word "hetero" for Qin Xue as a girl, and the final statement of space power is completely made up, because there is only one person with space power... However, the statement about various power levels is still obtained. The recognition of survivors.

Mutants without awakening ability are all looking forward to their ability to awaken, and it is better to awaken to the strongest ones directly.

The mutants who have awakened their abilities are also looking forward to small evolutionary opportunities and give themselves the opportunity to embark on the same peak road as those.

This mood is actually easy to understand, just like countless people buying lottery tickets in peacetime. They know that the chance of winning the jackpot is lower than being killed by a meteorite, but they still expect that the jackpot will hit their heads...

Hope and extravagance are similar in any era, but nothing will change because of the catastrophe.

As for the last half of the oil poem, it is meaningless.

mentioned the supernuclear mutant who appeared abroad at that time. At that time, the rumors that he would come to China to challenge the six masters were very hot for a while.

Zheng Yonghao had not received any news about S Energy at that time, and he was not interested in the supernuclear mutants to challenge.

He is just fantasizing that one day he will have a chance to evolve into a mutant, and then get a chance to graft power, and then improve his ability to the same level as those strongest...

This fantasy reached its peak until he learned about S Energy, but it also dissipated with the sound of gunfire in the dark.

However, rebirth gave him new hope, and the success of having supernuclear powers made those almost impossible fantasies suddenly become a little feasible.

He first met Qin Xue with silver ice. Of course, Qin Xue's ice and snow power at this time had not evolved to that extent.

But even if Qin Xue's ability has reached the level of silver ice, his principle makes it impossible for him to attack this former lifesaver.

But at least, it made him see hope, see the possibility, and see that the fantasy of the past has really become an opportunity in front of him.

Later, when he successfully absorbed the speed power, it made him more feasible.

And if everything can really develop as he hopes, he can have more than one of the top powers!

The invisible wind of gold, fire, silver and ice, and the green life is empty!

If he can use all these top abilities for himself, he will undoubtedly be stronger than the "genuine" supernuclear mutant in his previous life!

Become the real first person in the world!

This kind of thing... It feels good to think about it!

Compared with being the leader of a base, it made him excited countless times, and it was also the real goal hidden in his heart and finally became clear!

So before, when he learned that the leader of the fugitives was actually a flame power owner, he was already excited.

After that, throughout the battle, he always paid attention to the movement of the other party and wanted to confirm the opponent's ability with his own eyes.

If the news is false, he will be disappointed but won't care too much.

But if it's true, then he needs to find an opportunity to bring the other party over, even if it's just a corpse.

He believes that as long as he proposes, Hu Wende and those people will never refuse.

But in this way, even if others do not doubt it, they will definitely be curious about what he wants to do with a corpse, and he doesn't want to reveal the secrets of his ability to absorb.

As a result, the leader of the fugitive surprised him again and ran away quietly...

So Zheng Yonghao immediately followed, and it was completely easy to catch up with the other party at his speed, but he did not show up.

In order to prevent any unnecessary trouble, Zheng Yonghao kept letting the other party run out more than ten miles before he appeared.

After that, he only dodged and did not fight back, and it was entirely to lure the other party to show his ability.

Finally, when the iron rod in the other party's hand turned red faintly, and the heat wave also came to his face, he confirmed the accuracy of the news and followed with joy.

Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold...

This is Zheng Yonghao's idea when he forced Guan Mang to exert all his strength. In his eyes, the other person has completely turned into a superpower factor to extract raw materials.

What he thinks is that only the ability level of the other party can satisfy him.

The result...yellow!



Zheng Yonghao sighed again, but the disappointment on his face soon disappeared.

He knows his situation very well, because he has it himself, and his understanding of supernuclear powers is countless times better than in his previous life.

Although supernuclear can make him stronger than others in comprehensive ability, if he comes up with a certain item, he can't be top-notch.

For example, simple attack power, whether it is Zhang Detao, who has great power, or Qin Xue, who has not yet fully mastered the ability, is actually higher than him.

Needless to say, Zhang Detao's pure attack power can be several times greater than him at this time.

As for Qin Xue, once he can master the ice and snow power in his body, it is even more unmatched.

If Qin Xue can raise her physique energy value to more than 300 and reach the second level of mutants, even if Zheng Yonghao has a higher energy value, it will be difficult for her opponent.

And that day seemed to be far away, but it was not.

With a lifetime memory, he also knows many ways to quickly improve his physical energy value, but the temporary conditions are not met, but soon he is sure that he can do it.

At that time, as long as Qin Xue is still with him, the rapid improvement of physical energy value can be said to be a matter of certainty.

Is it that he has to rely on Qin Xue to save his life after living a new life?

He doesn't want to do this anymore, so he urgently needs to master an aggressive power.

With his basic advantage, even if the level of this power itself is not high, the power he can exert is definitely not bad.

So although Guan Mang's flame power did not satisfy him, he still decided to absorb this ability.

With the previous experience of absorbing speed powers, there will be no difficulty for him to absorb flame powers this time.

The only problem is that he needs to find a more remote place, because the whole process may take a long time, and he must not be disturbed.

"There is!"

Zheng Yonghao quickly thought of a place where he had followed Guan Mang to pass by a construction site.

Maybe because the project has just begun, there are no complete buildings there, but there are many large cement pipes.

Because the construction site is located in the wilderness, far from roads and villages, few people would go there before the catastrophe, not to mention the current situation.

What are you doing in the inaccessible wilderness at this time?

Play hide-and-seek with zombies and mutant beasts?

That's just killing!

So Zheng Yonghao hardly needs to worry about being disturbed, as for other things...

He had already tried his ability to hide his breath when he was in Shenyang Sportsyuan. Except for a few mutant beasts that may find him, those wandering zombies, even large groups of corpses, will only completely ignore him.

After thinking about the location, Zheng Yonghao immediately dragged Guan Mang's body and rushed there.

And he didn't know what kind of changes and accidents he was about to face at this time!

(Sweat~~~I almost fell asleep... The update is coming!)