The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 70 Giraffe Mutant Beast

After arriving at the site, Zheng Yonghao did not immediately begin to absorb the flame power.

He first hid Guan Mang's body, and then expanded his body to check all the places within two miles.

As he saw before, there were no other survivors, no zombies or mutant beasts, which was surprisingly quiet.

He doubted how it was so quiet here and whether there were other reasons, but he quickly put it down.

Death and desolation are the reality of the present.

Zombies will gather spontaneously, and mutants will also find a suitable place for them. This small area has nothing and is normal.

Even so, Zheng Yonghao did not start immediately.

It was not until dark that he completely eliminated the possibility of being noticed by other survivors that he finally began to absorb the flame power.

The process is the same as when absorbing the speed power at the beginning, and there is no need to "failize" the flame power as when the silver-line rat evolved.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to. If he can do it, he will definitely do it.

It's just that he can't do it. Not only can he do it, but no one in the world can do it.

The process of absorbing flame power finally began. When the cells containing superfactors were buried in the subcutaneous tissue by Zheng Yonghao, his breath immediately began to decay.

Until the end, if it is not seen with your own eyes, then there is a life detector nearby, and I'm afraid you can't regard him as a living person.

Such a breath of life is just equivalent to a mouse.

An hour passed, Zheng Yonghao did not move at all.

An hour later, Zheng Yonghao's shoulder had fallen on shallow dust.

When the stars moved and the time had come to the second half of the night, Zheng Yonghao's dead wood-like figure suddenly trembled violently.

And his eyes suddenly opened at this moment!

Among them, it is shock and unbelievable!

It was the power that suddenly appeared in his body, so powerful that he could no longer control his breath.

"How can it be so strong?"

Zheng Yonghao did not speak, but was shocked in his heart.

Bean-sized sweat began to pour out of his forehead, not a drop, but a dense piece.

But in just a few seconds, these sweat drops have turned into foggy heat, wrapping his head in it.

The same scene was also taking place on his body. His clothes were wet in an instant, but they were steamed in an instant.

And immediately, a smell of roasted paste spread out.

His clothes are changing color and drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then broken into pieces and again into smaller pieces.

In the blink of an eye, his clothes were like attached charcoal ash, and even the "dust" seemed to have been roasted by the fire again, drifting away with the heat...

Such a strange and even horrible situation makes people imagine what kind of heat Zheng Yonghao will have.

However, strangely, his skin and even hair are not affected by heat at all.

It seems that the heat knows people and knows where they come from, so they don't hurt the host.

But it is not harmful outside the body, but it can't make Zheng Yonghao happy.

He doesn't even have time to notice these, because his body seems to be thousands of troops and horses rushing for his vitality!

This is not a rejection reaction that almost 90% of the mutants dare not face, but his body is adapting to the newly obtained flame power.

But this power is surprisingly powerful, to the point of consuming his physical vitality.

A similar situation occurred when he absorbed the speed power, and finally ate in time to get through it smoothly.

If Guan Mang's flame power has the same quality level, even if it only reaches the level of red flame, he will make some preparations to start absorbing.

But Guan Mang is only at the level of yellow flame. Compared with the speed power of the silver thread mouse, the difference in quality and level is not a little bit.

In Zheng Yonghao's view, this level of flame power can definitely be easily adapted without any preparation.

So all he thought about before was whether the location was quiet and whether it could not be disturbed, but he never considered whether his body might be able to bear it.


"How could this happen?"

Zheng Yonghao looked at his obviously aging body and was shocked.

He raised his arm and saw that the color of his skin was fading as visible to the naked eye, and even his muscle skin had begun to collapse.

There is no mirror now. He can't see what's going on on his face, but it should be the same.


The heat overflowing around Zheng Yonghao increased again, and even the cement pipes he temporarily lived in began to rattle, as if they were about to burst.

Two meters away, outside the cement pipe, where there is the last green in autumn, is also brown and withered, afraid that it will be baked into ashes in a while.

Zheng Yonghao's face is ugly.

He now feels full of strength, stronger than any previous moment.

But this force is naturally divergent and is not controlled by him at all.

And with the explosion of this power, the energy contained in his body, or his vitality, is also being consumed at a faster speed.

If he can't replenish energy in time, maybe he will become the first mutant to starve himself to death without rejection, but because of insufficient energy supply...

You can't hesitate any more!

Zheng Yonghao rushed out like a flame, and even considering the heat around him, he is really a flame now.

At this time, his most convenient choice is to return to the convoy immediately, where there is enough food.

But this most convenient choice is not the best choice, because of the ** nature of supernuclear power on energy, he knows how much energy he needs to supplement.

Ordinary food, even the meat of the mutant dogs he stored, has little effect on him.

It is not that the total energy contained in these foods is not enough, but that the quality of these foods is not enough.

I'm afraid that his vitality will have been consumed before he eats enough.

Now the only thing he can do is to find a higher quality and sufficient amount of mutant animal meat.

Only this food can replenish the consumed energy in his body in time and let him control this unusual flame power.

Where can I find this kind of animal meat? He just has a general direction.

Before, when he moved forward with Zhang Detao and Guo Xiaohu, he heard a strange roar.

But Zhang Detao and Guo Xiaohu did not react. Obviously, neither of them heard anything.

With such a strange scene and the strange roar he heard, Zheng Yonghao immediately understood what it was.


It may be around, or maybe there is a wildlife park farther away.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, he is sure that the sound he heard is undoubtedly a giraffe.

And the giraffe that can survive in the wild at this time can only be mutant beasts.

Many people think that giraffes are mute and can't make a sound, but in fact, it is a big mistake.

This animal not only can make sounds, but also likes to make sounds very much.

It's just that the sound they make is a very low-frequency incimal wave, and no human beings can hear it before the catastrophe.

And in this apocalyptic era, only mutants who strengthen their ears to a certain extent can hear it.

Like Zhang Detao and Guo Xiaohu, their physical energy value is about 200, and the strengthening of the body, especially the strengthening of the ear force, can't make them hear the giraffe's cry.

If everything goes well, Zheng Yonghao may pull a large army to deal with the giraffe mutant beast after the operation.

But it is more likely that he will choose to ignore it, because the mutant beast is not a statue, but can run. Who knows if this guy is still there when they are ready.

Another reason is that he knows how terrible a giant like a giraffe is after mutation, at least he doesn't feel that he has the possibility of winning one-on-one.

But now, this giraffe mutant, which is likely to be still wandering, has become his hope of survival.

And the direction he is running at this time is exactly there.

Half an hour later, Zheng Yonghao, wrapped in flames and heat, had run out for nearly 20 kilometers.

Just when he thought that he might not find the giraffe mutant beast, a low voice that made his eardrums hurt suddenly sound!

"I found it!"

Zheng Yonghao suddenly turned around and ran towards the source of the sound.

When the huge 15-meter-high body appeared in front of him, Zheng Yonghao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

This is a mesh giraffe. Of course, such a name should be placed before it mutates.

And this giraffe can be seven or eight meters tall and weighs nearly one ton under normal conditions, and now this giraffe mutant beast is several times larger!

Unlike mutants in humans, most mutant animals change their size.

The giraffe mutant beast belongs to the huge kind.

This makes it even up to 20 meters tall and weigh more than 5 tons. It is a real giant!

Zheng Yonghao also saw a giraffe mutant beast in his previous life. At that time, the one was foraging, and it ate another mutant beast.

That is to say, the giraffe mutant has not only changed in size, but also its eating species has changed due to mutation and become more aggressive carnivores!

In the past, Zheng Yonghao really had to think about it for a while to deal with such a fierce big guy.

But now, he has no choice.

While Zheng Yonghao saw the other party, the giraffe mutant beast has also found Zheng Yonghao.

Its low-frequency sound waves come quickly, which is a sign of anger and a precursor to an attack.


The earthquake trembled, and the giraffe mutant beasts crushed Zheng Yonghao like a heavy tank.

Zheng Yonghao's body flashes rapidly, and speed is his advantage. Naturally, he has to make good use of this.

And his most lacking attack power was solved by the unusual explosion of flame power. Even at this time, his whole body can be used as a deadly weapon.

And this is the real support he used to defeat this giant beast!