The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 134 Underground

"Kill him!"

In the explosion, there was also a roar from Cao Yan.

Just listening from the voice, I don't know who he is talking about, and Zheng Yonghao won't care.

In front of him is a magnificent building, which used to be the largest library in Binhai New Area.

Even in an era of peace as before, not many people come here, let alone at this time.

The lights were all out, the door opened, and Zheng Yonghao rushed straight in.

"If he is right, it should be here... huh? That place!"

Zheng Yonghao looked at a wall, which was obviously nothing special, but he seemed to have found something and raised his hand and waved his knife!


If everything is normal, his fierce knife is enough to collapse the wall.

But now, the wall is peeling off in the middle of the shock, but the main structure is motionless.

When the surface wall was completely peeled off, revealing a dark iron plate. Even if the knife mark had penetrated a few inches, it still did not break through it!

"It's really here!"

Zheng Yonghao took his knife and looked at it carefully with his eyes wide open.

At the same time, his spiritual perception is also fully released to capture every detail missed by his sight.

Suddenly, Zheng Yonghao stopped.

There are still many thick metal plates in front of him, which looks no different from the place just now.

But in his eyes, he saw a gap, a gap that was not available anywhere else!


Zheng Yonghao straightened the blade, saw the trace of this gap, and stabbed it fiercely!

It's strange to say that the metal wall that he could not destroy with all his strength actually cracked because of his stabbing.

What is revealed is a secret door!

Now that it has been turned on, the rest is simple.

Zheng Yonghao only exerted a little force, and the secret door opened in response.

And as the dark door opened, a deep passage to the ground also appeared in front of him!

There is a well-defended secret road under a library facing the public, which will not be believed in the past.

However, it is the truth.

Zheng Yonghao raised his hand and took out a plastic stick from his clothes. With a twist of his hands, the stick suddenly emitted a bright red light.

After that, Zheng Yonghao took it out, and the appearance in the dark secret road also appeared in front of him.

There is no organ, at least on the surface, there is no organ. Zheng Yonghao picked up the steps down.

Of course, this does not mean that he does not need to continue to be vigilant.

It's just the beginning, and it's a very close road to the ground.

From the perspective of confidentiality, there will be no large organs in such a place, because once launched, it is easy to attract people's attention.


Just as Zheng Yonghao was walking down the secret passage, a group of people were also walking through a narrow passage.

The one protected in the middle is Cao Yan, who has just shouted from Zheng Yonghao.

He hurried on his way, but his eyes were looking at the display screen on his arm.

The small picture on the display screen is still divided into two parts, one of which is Zheng Yonghao, who is going down, and the other... can't see anyone, only a series of explosions and fire!

The explosion transmitted to the speaker before came from his special watch and rushed into the microphone.

"Damn it! Who the hell is that? Why didn't I get any news before? Are you all fucking shit-eating?

Cao Yan's eyes have been staring at the explosion. Occasionally, one or two things, like safes, rushed out of the firelight because they were blown away... His cheeks would tremble fiercely.

Those things are all his painstaking efforts and the result of his hard work over the years.

But now, it's all destroyed in the explosion, and he doesn't even know who broke in.

You know, not long ago, there was only one Zheng Yonghao on his guard.

But this kind of defense is actually a joke, and there are more elements for fun.

What he said is half true and half false. I admire Zheng Yonghao's desire to attract him, and it is also true to delay the time and transfer, but how to value Zheng Yonghao is a complete lie.

Because even now, the person he remembers the most and wants to touch the most is Qin Xue, not Zheng Yonghao.

Listening to Cao Yan cursing, the people around him didn't say anything.

These subordinates are not qualified to speak in front of Cao Yan. At this time, of course, it is better to shut up.

"Tig for me! Find out who this person is! Obviously, there is only one person, but it can invalidate all our defenses. This person must not be simple! There must be a record in the organization!"

Cao Yan cursed and gave orders, and someone next to him immediately recorded it with something similar to his wrist.

And as the last action of the person's finger was completed, the word "successful" immediately appeared on the small screen.

If the survivors outside saw this scene, they would be very surprised.

Now, except for a small range of walkie-talkies, all kinds of communication tools are invalid.

Needless to say, those wires on the ground have long lost their function, and even the satellites in the sky have failed. They even have a way to transmit information remotely.

The people present were not surprised at all, as if all this was reasonable.

Until Cao Yan saw that a figure finally flashed by on the display screen, but then the display screen went black for a moment, and he didn't even see clearly what color of clothes the man was wearing... His anger was detonated again.


A young woman's voice sounded, and Cao Yan seemed to be suddenly stuffed with garlic.

Then he suddenly turned his head and stared at the tall and hot woman walking beside him.

"What did you find?"

It's very strange. Cao Yan's eyes have proved his anger at this moment, but when he spoke, he forcibly suppressed that anger.

In the face of this woman who looks like his follower or plaything, there is a faint fear in his voice...even fear!

The gorgeous woman said, "You don't have to look at me like this, and you don't have to pretend. I know what you're thinking. Also, don't worry that I will put the blame on you, because... hum! You can't afford it!"

Cao Yan's chest fluctuated, and finally gradually calmed down.

It doesn't matter if this base is destroyed. They have already decided to give up here.

Many special instruments have also been transferred in advance, but the problems involved in the destroyed data are too serious.

If he can't give a reasonable explanation and response, he can't imagine what kind of punishment he will suffer.

And I'm afraid the only woman beside him can exempt him from punishment now.

"What on earth did you find?" Cao Yan asked

"It's just a person. If I'm not mistaken, the first guy to break in is the man he has been arresting."

"Wait! Do you say you have been arresting?"

Cao Yan keenly grasped the key points in women's words. Obviously, it will not be a short time to describe it as "always".

"Yes, I have seen a top-secret information. The person in it is very similar to this person and has been entangled with us for a long time."

The woman sneered and said, "If it's really him, you don't need to worry. Because you must not be his opponent, and your superior will also send special people to deal with him.

Cao Yan frowned fiercely. For a self-respecting person like him, it is really unbearable to hear someone say that he must not be the opponent of some guy.

But in fact, he also understands that from the perspective of the other party's easy destruction of their base alone, this kind of power is indeed not comparable to him.

Even the most elite people under him can't stop each other.

And listening to the woman's tone, it seems that even his organization has a headache for this person, which makes him even more surprised.

When he was just absorbed into this organization, he could hardly believe that there was such a force in the world.

He doesn't even think any country can compete with him, let alone a certain person.

"Who is he? Can't even the organization do anything about him? Cao Yan asked.

The woman smiled and her eyes were as charming as silk.

But for Cao Yan, who often deals with her, her charm is more vicious than the most sinister snake and scorpion.

The woman said, "Don't ask, he is not a person you can reach at your level. Also, please remember not to doubt the power of the organization. The reason why this person has been kept is that he still has secrets that we must dig into. You can't kill and can't kill, but it's completely different!"

Cao Yan's lips trembled, and finally swallowed back what he wanted to say.

As the woman said, his level is not enough.

And spying on the organization's secrets is more serious than the destruction of his base this time.

A strange secret room has appeared in front of it, but the place is not big but bright.

The others retreated to both sides and let Cao Yan and the woman take the lead in.

When he walked in, Cao Yan paused slightly and let the woman walk ahead.

The woman was also rude. Just as she stepped in, the room suddenly shone brightly, and her body gradually blurred in the light.

At this time, the woman's voice came out again.

"You don't have to worry about that person, but the other person doesn't need to worry about it. Let your people do it!"

Cao Yan nodded gently and said, "The desperate team has passed. He will die."


The voice is still echoing, but the woman's figure mysteriously disappears in the light.

The corners of Cao Yan's eyes trembled faintly, but there was no hesitation under his feet and stepped into the light.


On the other side, Zheng Yonghao finally stopped.

In the passage behind him, the spotted burn marks were extremely ugly.

Those were all weapons that were originally arranged around, but somehow they could not be launched until they were destroyed by Zheng Yonghao.

Looking ahead, Zheng Yonghao's palm clenched the handle of the knife again.

"Come out, don't be sneaky!" Zheng Yonghao suddenly said.

"Yo! The little brother's reaction is very sensitive.

In the frivolous laughter, a group of six people stepped out of the shadows.