The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 135 Desperate Squad

Zheng Yonghao stared, and these six people were all covered, making people unable to see their faces.

But their clothes... Even Zheng Yonghao, who was used to big scenes, couldn't help frowning secretly after watching it.

They have the strange glasses of the skeleton army.

Five people wear it on the top of their heads, and one person is tied around their neck.

They also have the magical armor worn by the bombers.

And it not only protects the front chest and back, but also the arms and thighs seem to be the same thing.

In addition to these, all kinds of guns and ammunition* are densely hung on these people.

The weight of these things alone is enough to crush people.

But they seem to have been used to it for a long time, like a six-person arsenal!

"Brother, if you go any further, you will die!"

Zheng Yonghao had just stepped forward and tied his glasses around his neck and spoke again. He was the woman who had just heard the sound before.

Listening to her voice at this time, it is still so frivolous, but the tone seems to have a kind of magic that makes people feel crisp and numb.

"Well, if I go back, will you not listen to it?"

When Zheng Yonghao spoke, he carried the knife in his hand and did not stop at all under the foot of the meteor.

The woman immediately laughed and laughed, as if it was not only her ears, but also her skin trembling with the tone.

"Ha ha, the little brother laughed. Of course not. Sister, I got the order to kill you.

The woman laughed and trembled. Zheng Yonghao snorted coldly, "In this case, what else is there to say?"

"Of course."

The woman didn't seem to care about Zheng Yonghao's approach. She looked at Zheng Yonghao and said, "If you don't come over and stay there to wait for us, you will be more relaxed before you die. Also, if your little brother is honest enough, maybe your sister can let you enjoy it a little before you die, which is guaranteed that you will feel worthwhile in this life... Ah! You little son of a bitch!"

The woman's voice suddenly changed greatly, and she cursed and lost her temperament at the same time.

That was Zheng Yonghao's sudden acceleration. The distance of more than 20 meters seemed to exist, and the blade with flames had been rapidly splitting at her!

Pity and cherish the jade?

It also depends on the object and identity.

For Zheng Yonghao, when the other party becomes his enemy, he will not care whether it is a man or a woman.

The guy who claims not to do it with women, disdains or can't bear to kill women basically dies at the hands of women in the end.

He lived a lifetime, so he is by no means such a fool.

Since you are doomed to die, he won't care whether he is despicable or not.

However, in the face of his sudden knife, the woman cursed and retreated, but there was no tension and panic.

At the speed at which she retreated at this time, it was obviously impossible to avoid Zheng Yonghao's attack.

But the fact is that Zheng Yonghao is still two or three meters away from her and has been stopped by another person.

That was the strongest of the six people, and suddenly, the originally scary body size increased several times, like a meat wall.

He alone occupied half of the width of the channel, blocked Zheng Yonghao's blade, and protected the previous frivolous woman behind him.

Such a change is special enough, but there is also a scene that surprised Zheng Yonghao. He actually reached out and grabbed his blade!


The louder and harsh friction noise resounded through the channel, and the blade could not even cut into the palm of this person's hand!

"What a hard skin!"

Aware of the resistance from the blade, a strange color flashed in Zheng Yonghao's pupils. Instead of increasing the strength in his hand, he turned upside down and pulled the knife back.

He wants to attack, and the other party can block it.

But he wanted to withdraw, but the other party couldn't stop him.


Just as Zheng Yonghao flew out, a circle of dense bullets also hit the wall.

If he didn't retreat in time, all these bullets would have hit his heart just now, and there would not even be any deviation!

Only three-level mutants can resist bullets without being hurt. Zheng Yonghao can't do it yet, so he can only dodge back to the corner of the passage.

Although he is very reluctant to think so, he has to admit that he has already felt pressure and even crisis.

From the time he just took the knife to now, he has no choice but to retreat. In fact, there was only one moment, and only two people from the other party took action.

But he has noticed that the guy who can block his blade with just his palm is an extremely rare mutant, an evolutionist of animal genes.

This is the last variant outside the enhanced and energy type, but it is also the rarest variant.

They have obtained or been stimulated by the ability of some animals in the process of evolution, which has led to fundamental changes in body structure.

Among them, the most famous one in the previous life was a bird mutant. The woman had a pair of beautiful wings similar to a swan and was very famous.

Some people will grow gill organs similar to fish, so that they can live in water for a long time, just like the legendary Atlantis...

In a word, all variants that have evolved animal genes and even organs are very strange and belong to the very difficult to think about.

As for the one in front of him...

The change in the other party's body shape is hard enough to resist the skin of his blade, especially the one-horn bone raised on his head, which has shown the direction of his ability - rhinoceros!

This is actually a rhinoceros man!

Zheng Yonghao felt a headache for a while. He had never seen such a mutant in his previous life.

But they have heard that they are almost invulnerable when they launch their ability, and can even resist large mutant beasts.

This kind of guy is extremely difficult to deal with!

If there was only such one, Zheng Yonghao would not care too much.

Although rhinoceros mutants have strong defense, they consume several times more energy when launching their abilities than other mutants.

At the speed of Zheng Yonghao, he can even completely ignore the attack of the other party.

Relying on consumption, you can defeat this mutant without injury.

But this is not the only one in the current situation. There are still five helpers around him.

He can't see what kind of ability the woman who just spoke has.

But there was a man who made him notice something when he just fired.

That person's figure is not outstanding, and obviously it can't be another meat shield character.

But his pistol method, as well as the strange eyes exposed outside the mask, can make Zheng Yonghao guess that if this person is special, it must be in his eyes!

"Little brother, are you shocked by our calf? But it's a pity. Do you think you can escape from our desperate team? Sister, my nickname is a cute hamster!"

The woman's voice came again, and there was a chill that made people palpitate when she came with her.

Just out of his intuition about the danger, even Zheng Yonghao did not see any abnormality, so he suddenly jumped away sideways.


It was a long golden nail that quickly scratched the tip of his nose from bottom up.

(I'm very tired today and in a bad state. This chapter is only 2,000 words, sorry.)