The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 141 A bolt from the blue, the truth

The man in silver is named Luo Yuan. Of course, he and Zou Xiaochuan are not real brothers and sisters, but they have known each other for six years.

Six years ago, Luo Yuan was chased and killed in danger and finally fled to an alley where he was dying.

It was Zou Xiaochuan who saved him.

After that, in order to hide their eyes and ears, the two were commensurate with their brothers and sisters. Luo Yuan also thanked Zou Xiaochuan for saving his life as an elder brother.

Time Ran Ran, and six years later, the catastrophe came.

Luo Yuan, who was abroad, hurried back to Shenyang to save Zou Xiaochuan, and then took her with him until he met Zheng Yonghao in the Jinzhou base.

Luo Yuan had the ability of mind reading. He found that Zheng Yonghao had no malice towards Zou Xiaochuan. At that time, he happened to have another important and dangerous thing to do and could not take Zou Xiaochuan with him, so he temporarily thought of a way to let Zheng Yonghao take Zou Xiaochuan away.

Speaking of which, his "method" at that time was simply full of flaws, but it was because of too many flaws that Zheng Yonghao could not think of the truth anyway...

That's what happened. When Luo Yuan told the story, Zheng Yonghao kept staring into his eyes.

Although I can't 100% confirm that what he told is the truth, Zheng Yonghao has believed 90% of it.

It's just that this kind of thing of recognizing him as a brother and sister because of saving him still has a very unpleasant feeling, and his eyes looking at Luo Yuan are also full of suspicion.

Luo Yuan snorted coldly, "I know what you're thinking, but if you like my sister, just say clearly, don't look at me with that fearful eyes! Humph! A lame male creature!"

Zheng Yonghao was stunned and the corners of his mouth trembled.

He will not admit it, because he will never say what he just thought, let alone admit it.

He stared at the other party, and Luo Yuan stared back without showing any weakness.

Only at this time did Zheng Yonghao feel that the other party did not lie.

At least his "brother" should be innocent.

"Hmm!" Zheng Yonghao said, "A lame male creature? It seems that you are not a man!"

The man in silver suddenly fell silent and his eyes were angry.

He also didn't understand. He thought that Zheng Yonghao's hostility to him was because he liked his sister and misunderstood the relationship between their brother and sister, which made him jealous because of love.

But he has now made the answer clear, and Zheng Yonghao is still the same, which makes him very dissatisfied.

How could he know that even if he gave an explanation and Zheng Yonghao believed his explanation, how could the accumulated emotions of the two generations be so easy to resolve?

He will not know that the hostility shown by Zheng Yonghao towards him at this time is actually more hatred, disgust and regret for himself.

If he could know these things in the previous life, if he saw the heartbreak scene, he would know that Luo Yuan was Zou Xiaochuan's brother, not a lover...

Then many things will not happen later, and he will not be like an emotionless wooden man in the next few years.

He will not quietly lick his wounds in the dead of night when no one is aware of it.

He will not sleep for a night after that, and he will also end his life. He can only miss him but never look for the figure hidden in his heart again...

What did he say? Can he say it? He can't!


Zheng Yonghao cursed, put away Tang Dao, and turned around to leave.

"Is this going to leave?" Luo Yuan said.

"It's over. How about not leaving? Or are you going to take your sister away?

Zheng Yonghao didn't stop at all and spoke coldly.

However, at the next moment, when Luo Yuan's voice came again, his footsteps, which were still moving forward, suddenly stopped and suddenly turned back.

Luo Yuan said, "Of course not. My sister is very stubborn. Whether she wants to leave or not, even I, a brother, can't talk about her. But don't you want to know that I can do this well with my own ability. Why did I come to you?


When Zheng Yonghao stopped, he directly smashed a stone. When he turned around, a pair of eyes were like lit lights.

As Luo Yuan said, he wondered why the other party found him.

At first, he felt that the other party wanted to use his strength, but now after another close contact, he found that his original judgment of Luo Yuan was still inaccurate.

This guy is not only mysterious, but also stronger than he guessed.

And in addition to his skills, he also has more unpredictable weapons and props, such as the previous inexplicable disappearance and the horrible pistol that penetrated the earth with one blow.

Think about what he did in the whole process, attract Cao Yan's attention, break into the passage according to the route told by the other party, and fight against the six-person team of the desperate team... Are these things really very helpful to Luo Yuan?

Zheng Yonghao doesn't think so.

Attracting Cao Yan's attention, he doesn't feel any practical significance.

And he doesn't think Luo Yuan can deal with the desperate team that can be destroyed by him in an instant as long as he reaches the right terrain.

In this way, his participation seems to be an overdoing.

Unless, Luo Yuan's purpose is just to meet him. Or, take a look at his ability!

Zheng Yonghao stared at Luo Yuan and asked, "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Truth!" Luo Yuan's expression finally became serious and said to Zheng Yonghao, "The truth of everything, all your doubts."

He pointed to Zheng Yonghao's pocket with the hard disk and said, "Actually, you don't need that thing, because I can give you all the answers you want! For example, the truth of the catastrophe!"

"What! You are talking about the truth of the catastrophe. Do you know where this catastrophe came from?

Zheng Yonghao was really shocked and almost suspected that there was a hallucination in his ears. He couldn't believe that what Luo Yuan had just said was really what he heard.

Luo Yuan walked to Zheng Yonghao, looked at him seriously, and then nodded and said, "That's right! If you want to listen, then what I want to tell you is where the catastrophe you are talking about comes from!"

The night was deep, the moon was dim, and more than half of Luo Yuan's face in front of him was covered in darkness. Zheng Yonghao actually felt that his body was covered with a layer of coolness.

After becoming a mutant, he almost never felt cold again.

With his current super physique, perhaps only the North and Antarctic regions will make him feel a little uncomfortable.

But now, he feels cold and his heart trembles at the same time.

"You... say!"

Zheng Yonghao opened his mouth, but in the end he only spit out these two words.

Luo Yuan just looked at him and looked away, and finally turned to the vast night sky.

"Have you heard of the level jump?"

Luo Yuan started with such a sentence and began his story.

From the beginning of his explanation, Zheng Yonghao's expression became more and more serious.

What did he hear?

The earth-like planets in the universe are unknown, and the number of sand in the Ganges cannot be described.

Many of these planets, like Earth, think that they are not alone and try to find other extraterrestrial life.

But as a result, just like human beings on earth, they can't find anything.

Even other lives have come to them, observing and analyzing them, and they are still unconscious.

The reason for this situation is not only the gap in technology, but also the gap in wisdom, but also the gap in the energy level mentioned by Luo Yuan.

It seems to be a self-contained rule in the universe, dividing different planetary ecosystems into different energy levels.

Only planets that reach a certain level of energy can the life on them have the ability and power to step into the wider universe and contact other living worlds.

If it is not reached, it can only be like the previous earth. Even if the satellite is sent out of the solar system, even if the satellite passes by the outer star ship, nothing can still be found.

The energy level of the planetary ecosystem is not immutable. It depends on the development of the planet itself, as well as the evolution of life on it, body, intelligence, technology, cognition...

Many factors come together to determine what energy level a planetary ecosystem will be at and whether it is eligible to be promoted to a higher energy level.

When all the conditions have been met, the planet's energy level promotion will appear spontaneously.

Although this process is not the same as the "energy level transition" known to mankind, it is very appropriate if it is only used to describe it.

The catastrophe Zheng Yonghao has always believed is actually that the earth's ecosystem is completing its "energy level transition, evolving from an energy level that only deserves to exist alone to a higher energy level.


"You mean... so many people have died, and the order of life has collapsed... It's actually because we are evolving in a better direction?"

Zheng Yonghao spoke very slowly and almost squeezed out of his teeth.

His expression is even more ferocious, because he can't accept such a tragic situation, which is essentially a "good thing"!

Luo Yuan seemed to understand Zheng Yonghao's mood. He didn't say anything, but acquiesced.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said with a wry smile, "So does it mean that mutants appear? Mutant beasts, zombies, and those monsters are all the same truth. They are evolving in a better direction, which is..."

Zheng Yonghao couldn't go on. He felt very confused.

Any one who gets such a funny answer after searching for a long time will be deeply disappointed.

Instead of the whole earth giving them "welfare", he would rather accept that there were people like Cao Yan behind the scenes and planned the craziest terrorist attack ever.

Then he can also have an object of revenge and a down-to-earth goal.

But who is he revenge on now? The earth? Destroy the whole world again?

Zheng Yonghao was smiling bitterly, and Luo Yuan suddenly said, "Yes, but it's not right."


Zheng Yonghao looked up. He didn't know why Luo Yuan said so.

Didn't you say before that it was an "energy-level transition" of the entire earth's ecosystem, but why is it wrong to say it?

Luo Yuan said seriously: "The energy level transition of a planetary ecosystem is not a matter of hesitation. The whole process will last for a long time and quietly. And at the level of evolution before human beings, energy-level transitions will not occur until at least a thousand years later.

"You mean this doesn't happen naturally!" Zheng Yonghao suddenly looked up.

Luo Yuan nodded and looked solemn: "Yes, someone advanced the earth's energy leap by thousands of years, which turned evolution into a catastrophe!"