The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 142 Pillow Sword

Evolution, a sacred word, a gentle and vibrant curve.

People, or the whole earth, should have moved forward slowly on this curve, and then gradually opened up a wider world and gradually exposed to unprecedented opportunities.

But now someone has inserted a knife in it, cutting off the process of development, making the beginning and ending directly connected, turning the opportunity into a catastrophe!

Zheng Yonghao was speechless for a long time. He was digesting, absorbing, trying to force himself to understand every word Luo Yuan said, and then making a judgment.

He soon had his own judgment.

Zheng Yonghao opened his mouth again, and his voice had calmed down. He said, "Continue!"

"So, you have believed my explanation."

Luo Yuan seemed to bejoking. Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said, "No, I only believe in what I saw with my own eyes. Now I'm just a little interested in the story you told, and I'm ready to listen to you finish it.

"Is it just listening to the story... I think I understand." Luo Yuan said, "But this is not a suitable place to tell stories. Come with me. I have a house nearby."

Zheng Yonghao followed Luo Yuan and quickly came to a dilapidated community.

He thought that the "house" mentioned by the other party was also a joke. Basically, he found a place where there was no one to break in, but Luo Yuan really took out a key.

"What did you do before?"

Follow Luo Yuan into the room and see that there is nothing in the room except simple beds and chairs. Zheng Yonghao asked curiously.

Luo Yuan motioned Zheng Yonghao to sit directly to **, and he moved the chair to sit by the window and said, "What you said before the catastrophe? If you want to find a word to describe it, you can think of it as a traveler, a purposeful traveler.

"For example, buying a house here?" Zheng Yonghao asked.

Luo Yuan nodded and said, "For example, I bought a house here!"

A sharp light shines in Zheng Yonghao's eyes. There are many words between smart people that need not be said, because there is no need to say more.

Luo Yuan will buy a house here, which must be used to monitor the underground research institute.

Similarly, he, the so-called traveler, must be doing the same thing in more places. The only question is why!

This time, Luo Yuan did not wait for Zheng Yonghao to ask, but he did not answer, but was more direct than the answer - direct demonstration.

The faint light from the belt buckle quickly filled the whole room, and in front of Zheng Yonghao, these lights converged into a huge pattern he had seen.

That's - the universe!

"You must have seen the whole picture of the universe before. Of course, the degree of detail and accuracy are countless times worse than this. And this one..."

Luo Yuan raised his hand and waved his hand, and the virtual universe of the blue light line was quickly amplified.

In Zheng Yonghao's view, it was as if he and Luo Yuan were in a starship, and countless stars were passing by him until they were dragged into pure light.

"You will be more familiar with this."

Luo Yuan said, and the rapid change of the image also stopped immediately.

appeared in front of Zheng Yonghao's eyes is a huge galaxy and its several shocking spiral arms.

Zheng Yonghao's original geography class was not bad, which made him remember that the solar system where the earth was located was on a spiral arm of the Milky Way, and the position of that spiral arm...

Zheng Yonghao reached out and poked his hand, and the dark blue virtual image immediately turned.

Zoom in, and then zoomed in, Zheng Yonghao finally saw what he was looking for, the solar system.

It's just that it has been magnified into the void many times, and the solar system looks so lonely, not to mention the small earth in it.

Now he only needs to pluck his finger to further magnify the picture to the earth he is familiar with, but he didn't do so.

It was a ripple in the void picture that attracted his attention and made him subconsciously close his vision to see what was going on there.

"This is..."

Zheng Yonghao was stunned. As the picture got closer, he actually saw three aircraft chasing each other in the void!

The one that is fleeing is the smallest and seems to be shaky.

And the two ships chasing behind have the same appearance, which shows that they should belong to the same group of forces.

Perhaps out of human nature's natural sympathy for the weak, Zheng Yonghao does not want the escaped small spacecraft to be destroyed.

But the reality will not be shifted by the mentality of him as a bystander. The small spaceship was soon hit again and eventually disintegrated.

Countless fragments shot around. Just as Zheng Yonghao was about to see if there was anyone in it, Luo Yuan on the side suddenly raised his hand and the picture suddenly changed.

What appeared in front of Zheng Yonghao was a large fragment of the spacecraft, but more accurately it was an escape pod, which was projected.

And the whereof of this escape pod, the beautiful blue planet - is the earth!

Zheng Yonghao's heart trembled and had some speculation about why Luo Yuan let him see such a picture, but he was not sure, because the picture did not move with the escape capsule that fell into the atmosphere, but stayed outside the earth.

There, the two chasing spacecraft hovered quietly.

It seems that the people on the spaceship are hesitating what to do next, whether to continue to chase or give up.

Even if he knew that these were not the truths that were happening, Zheng Yonghao still felt an indescribable tension.

He had seen the two spacecraft fire with all his strength before. If it bombarded the earth in the same way, there was no doubt that no one could stop it, and no one could survive this disaster.

Fortunately, the two spacecraft only left quietly and did not fire on the earth.

It seems that they gave up the pursuit themselves.

It seems that there is something else that makes them dare not act rashly.



Luo Yuan snapped his fingers, and all the pictures disappeared.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head, looked at Luo Yuan and said, "Just these..."

"Hopography projection, that's what you think. But every picture you see has really happened!"

Luo Yuan knew what Zheng Yonghao was asking and immediately gave an affirmative answer.


Rao Zheng Yonghao's acceptance ability is superior, and now he can't help breathing coldly.

He opened the window and looked at the hazy night sky, and his pupils tightened!

Before today, he had no idea that there were horrible spacecraft warships outside the earth.

And he has seen that power in his previous projection. Not to mention that he is only a second-level mutant now, even if he evolves to the level of those third-level mutants in his previous life, he does not think he can survive such an attack.

It's okay if you don't know, but now that you already know, the two spacecraft are like sharp swords hanging by the pillow, which makes him care...

Blowing by the cold wind, Zheng Yonghao's chaotic mood finally calmed down a little.

He turned around and walked back, came to Luo Yuan again, and said calmly, "If those were just for me to believe, then you have succeeded. Now I want to know everything, everything you know, everything! Especially those two ships, I want to know if they will attack the earth!"

"No for the time being!"

Luo Yuan first gave Zheng Yonghao a reassurance pill that didn't work well before muttering.

Just as Zheng Yonghao said, he played the holographic projection before just to make Zheng Yonghao believe and understand his words.

If you can't even accept those, I'm afraid you will only think of him as a madman or an uncured person running out of a mental hospital...

"But not necessarily in the future!"

Luo Yuan's great gasp made Zheng Yonghao almost cut him with a knife. Fortunately, he couldn't help it in the end.

"Explain it!" Zheng Yonghao said.

"Well, it's actually easy to understand." Luo Yuan said, "Do you remember the picture you just saw?"

I don't know how Luo Yuan did it. A holographic projection of the same proportion as before emerged in front of him, which was the scene of the escape module rushing into the earth's atmosphere.

Luo Yuan said, "With the weapons on those two starships, this escape pod can be completely solved with one fire, but they don't!"

Luo Yuan stared into Zheng Yonghao's eyes when he spoke, but there was no problem, but it seemed to be a problem.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Is it because the escape pod has fallen into the earth's atmosphere?"

Luo Yuan snaped his finger again and said, "Yes, because the escape pod has entered the category of the earth. According to the law of the universe, high-energy life cannot interfere with the low-energy world in any way under any circumstances, which is an iron law, so the two starships dare not fire at all.

Zheng Yonghao frowned and said thoughtfully, "In this case, didn't the person in the escape pod violate the rules first?"

Luo Yuan glanced at Zheng Yonghao and said, "You reacted fast enough, but he couldn't save his life at that time. How could he worry so much!" Besides, as long as he is not found by human beings on earth later, it is not a violation of the rules.


Zheng Yonghao muttered with a strange expression.

In his two lifetimes, he is used to the fact that there are no rules and laws in this world, but now he has heard them again from others, and it seems that it is some kind of rule that saved his life and even all mankind.

"It's not a rule, it's a law, the law of the universe!"

Luo Yuan corrected Zheng Yonghao's mistake, but Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes and said, "That is to say, as long as the energy level of the earth has not changed, no matter how powerful alien life is, we are absolutely safe. But if the energy level of the earth has been upgraded..."

"While gaining the right to enter the wider world, you will also lose the protection of the law of the universe for the low-energy world!"

Luo Yuan took over and spoke seriously.

(There is only one chapter today, sorry! I'm a little sick, and I can't control my brain well...)