The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 149 Unexpected

The flame knife that appeared out of thin air was only for a moment, briefly dazzling and then suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Zheng Yonghao put his knife and stood there, and the knife of flame was nowhere to appear, as if it had never appeared.

But he reached out, and the heat still remained in the air, proving that the scene just now was not false.

Zheng Yonghao's chest fluctuated and his breathing worsened.

The face changed from the original doubt to a slight flush, as if excited.

He stretched out his hand, the Tang knife that had been sheathed, the previous small bottle, the backpack, the twenty-four flying knives he originally carried, and even the modified short-cylinder shotgun... all disappeared from him!

And with his hands raised, just around his body, all these appeared in mid-air, as if he had wisdom and was worshipping his master.

And unlike before, these things hovered in mid-air without falling, as if gravity had lost its effect on them at this moment.


Obviously, he controlled this scene, but Zheng Yonghao couldn't help but be stunned.

Others can't see it, let alone feel it, but he can feel what is hidden behind this scene!

"Sure enough, it is not to simply influence and change the existing space, but to act on a brand-new independent space that exists but does not exist more by me... This is my space power!"

Zheng Yonghao muttered excitedly, and except for himself, no one could understand what he meant.

Even he can feel and feel something, but he still can't accurately describe it.

But this is what space is like. Up to now, there is no accurate definition in the scientific community. In fact, a guy who has not graduated from high school can describe it clearly.

All he knows is that he has succeeded.

The original judgment was correct, and the "firepowder" of the desperate team was indeed full of space power.

He has no problem with the preservation of superpower particles. The three parts of brain marrow fluid only played an effect on the first time, allowing him to absorb them successfully.

Although there are still some accidents, there are some differences.

For example, the independent space he " has" is not the same as what he once learned, but what does it matter?


All items disappeared without a trace again, and this time they did not reappear.

Zheng Yonghao's eyes were sharp and smiled gently. He didn't care about the disappeared things and walked away.

It's not that he doesn't want it, but that he knows that these things are not disappear or covered in place, but enter a special place that only he can feel.

The size of that place is dozens of square meters, not to mention these, it is more than enough to hold more things.

No matter where he stretches out, as long as he has an idea and consumes little energy, what he wants will immediately appear beside him, even anywhere he can.


In the previous life, if you say which person you yearn for the most and whose name makes him feel the most shocking, it must be the three-level mutant known as the ever-changing space, the number one master of Yanling Base and even the whole Chinese region.

This is not only him, but also casually asked by another person. I'm afraid that nine out of ten people will say the same name.

The only possibility is that the remaining one is a dumb person, but in the end, it must be the three words variable.

Because of the existence of such a strongest person, Zheng Yonghao, like others, has been most yearning for space powers for a long time.

This yearning has not even been weakened by the later emergence of supernuclear powers mutants, just because by imagination alone, you can imagine what kind of effect space powers have on a person.

What is the most important thing in the end of the world? Live!

What is the basis for living? Resources!

Food, drinking water, weapons... are all resources. Without these things, no one can survive in the end of the world.

In the late end of the world, energy was scarce.

For the vast majority of people, transportation is no longer convenient.

In this case, it is difficult to travel by yourself, let alone bring all the accumulated possessions.

Once you travel, the loss of people is even secondary. The inevitable loss of resources is the most deadly place.

The end result is that the major bases become more and more independent, and there is also a false prosperity with the increase of population density.

As for those small bases, they were eliminated in the process, and eventually either disappeared or merged into large bases...

Zheng Yonghao was also troubled by such a problem in his previous life, especially when he finally dissolved the base and took some people desperate to find S energy.

On this journey, the resources they consumed themselves are less than one-tenth of the loss along the way, which shows how difficult it is to carry resources to migrate in the end of the world.

At that time, he fantasized about having space power. Among other things, the natural storage ability of space power alone was enough to make him envy him to death.

The unfulfilled wishes in his previous life finally succeeded, and Zheng Yonghao's excitement was almost uncontrollable.

Obviously, he is not suitable to appear in front of everyone, so he did not return to the team immediately, but planned to calm down first.

The means of calmness can be gradual habits or instantaneous vents.

Zheng Yonghao originally thought about the former, and it won't take long for him to adapt.

But the reality pushed the latter in front of him, which made him guess whether this was a chance for God to adapt to new abilities.

It is a mutant herd composed of a large group of mutant beasts, with more than a thousand. The black pressure is enough to frighten anyone, and the roaring forward is even more amazing.

Even if it is Zheng Yonghao, he will definitely not provoke them in the past.

Even if these mutant beasts are not strong, the amount of terror gives them the ability to crush everything.

He can kill ten hundred, but it is impossible to destroy thousands of mutant beasts.

Once he is surrounded by mutant beasts, the consequences can be figured out with his toes.

But that was before, now...

Zheng Yonghao reached out and "grabbed" Tang Dao from the void.

Under his intentional control, the knife appeared little by little from the handle to the blade to the last tip. If someone sees such a magical scene, they will certainly exclaim whether they have come to the two-dimensional world from reality.

And he felt extremely happy, because of this kind of thing that could only be imagined at the beginning - he had wanted to do it for a long time!

In the face of the rushing herd, Zheng Yonghao stood still with the Tang knife.

The natural wind and the impact fluctuations brought by the huge herd made his clothes ring.

Just when the first mutant beast was still far away from him, the Tang knife in his hand had been suddenly cut out.

The blade split into the void, and the burning knife light suddenly appeared in front of the mutant beast.


The mutant beast did not even respond to two sections, and when its body fell to the ground, the same abrupt knife light had swept away!

Even the best hunter in the end of the world can't be as exaggerated as Zheng Yonghao did.

He just stood there and waved his knife out of thin air, and the mutant beasts in front of him lay down one after another, flying flesh and blood.

But near him, within two meters in front of him, there was nothing, and the cleanliness was unbelievable.


When he killed a mutant beast again and was about to try his new ability that he had not yet tried, Zheng Yonghao was surprised to find something.

These mutant beasts were killed by him like this, but they did not have the power to attack him.

With his understanding of mutant beasts, especially the brutality of the herd, this should not have happened!

Unless it is said that there is any guy more sarcastic or more horrible than him, which makes the mutant herd unwilling to talk to him...

"Is it?"

Zheng Yonghao, who calmed down, raised his eyes and looked into the distance. It was the rear of the mutant beast and suddenly stunned!