The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 150 Bug Emperor's Egg

The number of mutant herds occupies too many places, which he has not noticed before.

But after such a period of time, he finally saw that it was a large group of dark shadows rushing from a distance, covering the sky and the sun.

"Damn it!"

Zheng Yonghao scolded. Although he had not forgotten to take away the body of the mutant beast that had just been killed, his real first reaction was to run away.

He has thought of what it is that can scare such a large group of mutant animals to flee, or fly in the air, and appear in such a plain area.

locust plague - locust plague in the end of the world!

Even in times of peace, locust plague is a frightening disaster.

Large locusts roar past, and no matter how fertile the land is, it will be impoverished in an instant.

That is, this kind of thing will not actively attack human beings, nor will it really feed on human beings, otherwise the consequences of locust transit will not be weaker than war.

But the era of peace is a thing of the past, and now it is the end of the world that cannot be used by common sense. It is really crazy.

At this time, the locusts that have changed not only increased several times in size, but also changed from the original crops to eat everything.

Animals and plants, human beings, and even reinforced concrete to build houses... After the locust plague, everything does not exist!

If you don't run in the face of this kind of thing, you are looking for death. Zheng Yonghao can only wait to grow two more legs, although his speed is fast enough...


The buzz of the mutant locusts flapping their wings is getting closer and closer. Zheng Yonghao secretly looked back and suddenly had a numb scalp.

There are at least dozens of mutant beasts that fall behind, but as the locusts pass by, there is not even a little bone left.

At this speed of being swallowed up and killed, Zheng Yonghao suddenly understood that his previous judgment was wrong.

This mutant herd was not only more than a thousand, but more, but a large part of them have been swallowed up by the locusts, and there are only so many left!

Zheng Yonghao's speed was very fast and gradually caught up with the first batch of mutant beasts that had passed by him before.

But at such a speed, it still seems that it is still difficult to escape the pursuit of the locusts. These flying guys seem to be tireless, and some of them are faintly faster than him.

If it goes on like this, not only will these mutant beasts be spared, but he will also suffer.

At this time, Zheng Yonghao couldn't help but be annoyed. What annoyed him was that he obviously had a space power and got the storage space he dreamed of, but he didn't get the strongest ability in this series of powers - teleportation.

A large part of the reason why the variable space is so strong is that he has the ability to teleport, which makes him faster than the mutants with speed powers and more weird than the mutants with stealth powers.

But Zheng Yonghao did not have such an ability. Although the special space he controls can make objects and even energy appear and disappear at will within a certain range, which is not even possible, he can't do the same thing by himself.

Even if there is no teleportation, he can use flame powers on a large scale!

The locust group is amazing in attack power because of its number, but its individual defense ability is not very good.

If he can maintain his flame in a relatively large area, it is enough to ensure that he is safe in the locust colony.

But unfortunately, he can't do it either.

Now he has a strong attack power, but it can only be regarded as a single attack, which belongs to the kind that has not yet obtained the group attack skill book.

If you really want to keep the flame in a large range while maintaining the attack power, I'm afraid it can only be done when he grows into a third-level mutant.

"Damn! Why am I stupid!"

In the chagrin, Zheng Yonghao patted his forehead.

He suddenly realized that the locusts were terrible, but they were chasing mutant beasts, which had nothing to do with him.

As a result, he is still foolishly running with the mutant herd, which is completely unnecessary. As long as he rushes out in another direction, he can naturally escape outside the locust herd...

Finally, Zheng Yonghao, who was no longer stupid, immediately broke away from the mutant herd. Sure enough, just like he thought, those horrible locusts seemed to recognize this group of mutant beasts. Except for a few dozen, they did not pay attention to him at all.

And only a few locusts, not to mention him, no mutants will pay attention to them and be easily destroyed by him.

Flying far away and confirming that there were no more locusts following him, Zheng Yonghao stopped.

In front of him, it was a hellish scene.

A large number of locust plagues covered the sky, and even the sun covered it, making this area seem to have entered dusk in advance.

He opened his eyes wide, but still couldn't see what the scene was like in the locusts.

But he can imagine that it must be those mutant beasts roaring and fleeing wildly, but they are useless.

Gradually, the locusts have roared far away and become farther and farther away.

But thinking about the experience just now, Zheng Yonghao frowned.

In his memory, locust plagues have a very high level of harm, but they are not common.

The main reason is that even if this insect has mutated, it still retains some old-fashioned nature, that is, timidity.

If there is no external stimulation, locusts rarely attack other creatures.

Even if they can be fearless and have no real natural enemies, their nature determines that they will not take the initiative to attack.

"No, this is not right..."

Zheng Yonghao felt that there was something wrong, but he really couldn't imagine how a group of mutant animals could stimulate locusts.

Just watching the locusts roar past, but he thought of another thing.

Previous books defined the greatest difference between humans and animals as the use of tools, which is even more obvious in the end of the world.

No matter how horrible mutant animals are, no matter how poisonous new plants are, humans can always find ways to make use of them.

About the mutant locusts, especially such a large group of mutant locusts, Zheng Yonghao thought of one thing - the worm emperor egg!

If people want to take advantage of mutant locusts, of course, their terrorist attack power is worth taking advantage of.

However, even 99.99% of mutant animals cannot be tamed, and locusts that have hardly evolved intelligence cannot be tamed.

But after the end of the world lasted for a period of time, people still found a way to use the mutant locust, that is, the egg of the largest and only female insect in the locust's nest.

Once the mutant locusts gather in groups, the largest insect emperor will appear.

Because the worm emperor is always a female, some people call it a worm queen, and its main role in the mutant locust group is to lay eggs, a large number of eggs.

Most of these eggs can only produce ordinary mutant locusts.

But there are also some very few special insect eggs, which can eventually produce powerful locusts with strange abilities, like generals in the locust army, which are not only powerful but also able to control the insect population to a certain extent.

is the latter that can be used by humans by finding a mutant above the second level and using his own ability to catalyze and affect insect eggs.

For such a period of time, when the mutant locust is born, there is a certain chance to remember the breath of the mutant and will never attack him.

Although even if it succeeds, this mutant locust can only remember a person's breath, as long as it is used properly, it can still become a good weapon.

And if it is the luckiest kind, you may even get a unique worm larva in it.

In this way, a mother worm, a future insect emperor, is likely to get an army of its own insect swarm...

Thinking of this, Zheng Yonghao was moved.

He still remembers clearly that in his previous life, an ordinary insect egg belonged to the kind that no one wanted, but a special insect egg that could give birth to a female insect was valuable enough to make ordinary mutants bankrupt.

With the habit of mutant locusts, once this kind of thing is dispatched, it is the whole behavior, and I'm afraid that there is only one immovable insect emperor left in the nest.

This is the best time to steal worm eggs. Zheng Yonghao's heart beating violently... He is already telling him that he must not miss it!

As for danger, as long as you are careful, the insect emperor who can't move will not threaten.

The only thing to worry about and almost death is the return of the population.

But the so-called wealth and danger, the end of the world is a game between life and death. Considering the great value of the insect emperor's egg, what does adventure count?


Zheng Yonghao gritted his teeth, reached out to grab Tang Dao, and rushed out.

The nest of mutant locusts must be in the driest place, and because they are not grassy where they pass, it is not difficult for Zheng Yonghao to find such a place.

It didn't take long for him to find the terrible dark cave that leads to the ground.

Maybe it's because the number of locusts is so amazing that the entrance to this cave alone is two meters in diameter.

In this way, he doesn't even need to think about how to enter, and the rest is to seize the time and steal the eggs.

The cave is very deep, and there is no light in it, but Zheng Yonghao has been carrying military flashlight with his eyesight, which is nothing.

In his opinion, it is reasonable, but in fact, it is very lucky that there are no extra mutant locusts in the locust nest, so that his actions have not been hindered.

"I found it!"

During the rapid search, Zheng Yonghao's eyes lit up. He saw the huge insect emperor in the deepest part of the cave and a large number of insect eggs around his body.

Although in his memory, many people said that the Bug Emperor could not move like a large piece of rotten meat, after all, this is his first personal experience, and naturally he dares not be careless.

As a result, what he knew was not wrong.

The huge insect emperor seemed to be dead and did not respond to his approach.

Zheng Yonghao even stabbed the worm emperor with a Tang knife, but found that the seemingly soft "rotten meat" of the other party was actually as hard as iron and almost difficult to pierce.

The time was urgent, and he didn't want to be too much. He immediately began to collect worm eggs according to his memory.

With little effort, he found as many as seven special worm eggs that he had only seen once in his previous life.

Although there may still be such eggs, considering that the locust group may return at any time, no matter how reluctant he is, he can only choose to stop.

However, let go of these eggs and female insects, and let them develop freely or wait for someone like him to come to get eggs... Zheng Yonghao has never thought about it.

He has a fire tool on his body, and the dry environment here saves him fuel.

But just as Zheng Yonghao was about to set this place on fire, there was a sudden movement from the entrance when he came.

"It's not good!"

Zheng Yonghao was shocked and thought that the locusts had rushed back. He hurriedly clenched the Tang knife and looked back.

But it turned out that he was stunned in an instant. It was not a locust group that rushed in from the entrance, but a person with a huge linen pocket in his hand.

(I feel like I'm going to waste it. I hung a bottle in the hospital for a day today, but there is still nothing better. Alas... In such a winter, please take good care of yourself and the people around you. It's too painful to get sick. There is still only one chapter today. Let's take a look at the situation tomorrow and try to have more. In addition, there may be a lot of typos recently. I'll correct them uniformly after a while, and I'm sorry. Good night and good health to everyone.)