The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 183 The dove occupies the magpie's nest, why not kill the dove! Medium

There is no need to guess the facts. Dong Guoan and Black Magpie have just rushed out, and the specific news has come.

All members of Mo Wei's army were dispatched, and two teams of nearly 500 people attacked left and right, but they broke through the peripheral vigilance of the Hanjiang Regiment in an instant and killed people at sight!

"So that's it! It's easy to calculate, it's really easy to calculate!"

Dong Guoan is about to crack, and his face is no longer any mild as before.

Shouting, cursing and calling for help!

It can be heard clearly here. How can he not understand what happened?

Mo Wei discussed cooperation with him during the day, and even came to his territory at risk. What he wants is not his help, but it is obviously reassulating him and letting him relax his vigilance!

There is a gap between their strength and Mo Weijun, but this gap is not enough to crush them.

If it is really a battle with a clear sword and a gun, although they will be defeated, they can also leave unbearable losses to Mo Wei's army.

But at this moment, Mo Wei's army launched a sneak attack on them and attacked them at the most unexpected time.

Even when they knew that Mo Weijun had made a move, they still thought that the other party's target was the new group of people, which led to their conscious negligence.

One step wrong, one step wrong!

The original strength of Mo Wei's army has made it difficult for them to resist under the sneak attack, not to mention that Mo Wei's army at this moment is stronger than they know.

Originally, a large number of people under Brother Bao appeared to have defected to different forces, and it seems that they deliberately avoided both sides in order to avoid disputes.

But in fact, those people were secretly Chen Cang, and all of them joined Mo Wei's army, and then suddenly broke out!

There is no doubt that Mo Weijun's hands are beautiful and vicious, and the Hanjiang regiment is completely irresistible by the enemy.

Less than ten minutes after the alarm was sounded, the Hanjiang Regiment has been completely defeated, and Dong Guoan and his two brothers have also been blocked in a house.

"Brother, Lao Qi...he's gone!"

Chu Yang's left hand was blurred, and a long knife that had already been cut and broken was firmly tied to it with cloth, as if it had grown together.

But he didn't notice this at all, but held a person tightly with his right hand, which was about to crack!

The man in his arms has no sound!

"Old Seven!"

Dong Guoan only felt that his heart suddenly stopped. He bit and shouted out, and his voice was hoarse and low like a crazy but seriously injured beast.

But no matter how he shouts, the person hugged by Chu Yang will no longer answer and will never call him the eldest brother.

Dong Guoan's trembling hand finally fell, but it helped Lao Qi close his eyes.


After finishing this action, Dong Guoan shook his hand again, and a bullet shot out, directly to the head of a person who was exposed outside the window.

It is known that the sound of Soso sounded outside that those who besieged them were fleeing in a hurry.

Of course, it is his deadly bullet to avoid.

Dong Guoan's shooting is very good, and it is with this ability that he can temporarily block the intrusion of those people.


What if it is blocked for the time being!

He also has Chu Yang and five other people. The seven brothers who kowtowed to each other supported each other after the catastrophe and came here together to establish the Han River Regiment together.

Yesterday, they were still talking about their dreams, preparing to start a company in the future, preparing to abandon literature and taste different lives from martial arts in the future, and planning to live an ordinary life after everything returns to normal...

Those are their dreams, the dreams of his brothers, but now!

Lao Qi died in Chu Yang's arms and blocked the last bullet for him before he died.

Lao Si died on the way out of the siege, but before his death, he used his strongest body to build the strongest wall for the escaped women and children!

His second brother, Chu Yang's second brother, was no more, and even they couldn't say a word to him and saw the fireworks that brought death.

The second brother likes gorgeous things the most, but such a gorgeous death... must not be what he wants!

Lao Wu and Lao Liu went out to patrol before and were not by their side. But with the current situation outside, how can they be reassuring?

Dong Guoan clenched his fist, and blood, sweat, and perhaps tears that he had not even noticed were all frozen on his face.

It's like - it's frozen!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Everyone in the Hanjiang Group knows that Dong Guoan is the most gentle and rational, but at this moment he would rather be wrapped up crazily.


There was another gunshot, but the bullet hit his own foot.

"You don't even listen to your fingers anymore!"

Dong Guoan found his state, but so what!

If he wants to shoot with his fingers, he has to shoot himself. He wants to shoot bullets into the enemy's body. Even if there is no bullet, he still has his fists and teeth until he really loses everything!

There is no need to say anything more between the brothers. Chu Yang finally put down Lao Qi's body, not because he was no longer sad, but just so that he could kill more enemies!

Just as the Hanjiang regiment did not expect that Mo Wei's army would launch a sneak attack, the people outside the house did not expect that Dong Guoan was in such a desperate situation and dared to rush out to attack.

People like them may never understand what kind of courage a person who is crazy with grief and regret will have!

Two people, three guns!

Under the sudden and crazy counterattack, dozens of people outside were suppressed.

Just face to face, Dong Guoan and Chu Yang killed eleven Mo Weijun, and the rest of them hurriedly looked for shelter to escape, and some people had been scared to call for help.

Power, this is power!

But after all, their number is too small, and the ammunition has long been insufficient.

Soon, Mo Wei's army regained control of the situation, and Dong Guoan and Chu Yang not only added scars here, but also really ran out of food!

"It seems that you really need to use fists!" Dong Guoan looked at Chu Yang, and his eyes calmed down unexpectedly.

Chu Yang laughed and laughed loudly, and there was no bitter regret in it: "Brother, the people we kill now are enough, and every one we kill is profitable. Next, let's see which one of us can make more, so that we can take it down so that Lao Qi can also avenge happily!"

"Okay! Let's see who can make more!"

Dong Guoan also laughed heroously and was about to rush out with Chu Yang to finish the last thing in their lives.

But at this moment, the sound of bullets pouring like a rainstorm suddenly sounded.

It's like thousands of troops and horses, but in fact there is only one person, and the heavy machine gun in her hand!

The bullet poured out, and Mo Wei's army's firepower was suppressed in an instant, but Dong Guoan and Chu Yang were not happy, but their faces changed in an instant!

"No!" Dong Guoan roared and turned his head to look in one direction.

There, the tongue of fire is spewing out from a tall figure that looks slender and weak in the night wind.

That's a black magpie, a person who shouldn't be here at all.

The gunshots vented, and the black magpie pressed Mo Wei's army's people so that they dared not show up, and he took the opportunity to run to Dong Guoan and Chu Yang.

"You! Didn't I ask you to leave? Why are you back? Alas - asshole!"

Dong Guoan stamped his feet fiercely in anger. In order to cover the breakthrough of the others of the Hanjiang Regiment, Dong Guoan and his brothers did not retreat a step.

But the black magpie was not there at that time, because she was cheated away by Dong Guoan.

Dong Guoan knew that under normal circumstances, he could not let the black magpie escape alone, so he lied to her that there was an important person to protect, but in fact, it was a follow-up team he left behind for evacuation.

He thought that the black magpie would understand his good intentions as long as he escaped, but she still came back.

And judging from the blood stains on her body and the speed of return, she may have noticed it as soon as she got there, and then rushed in directly from the outside.


Dong Guoan hit the wall with a fist and was extremely annoyed.

He is not afraid of death, and even he is still looking forward to dying so that he can be with his brothers.

But what did the black magpie do when he came back? How many people still think that there are not enough people to die?

However, seeing the firm and persistent eyes of the black magpie, Dong Guoan finally understood that these questions did not need to be asked.


Two people suddenly stopped when they heard the gunfire and poked their heads out. As a result, they didn't see anything, and their heads had exploded into two piles of paste.

The heavy machine gun, which even a strong man has to take a breath, is as light as a toy in the hands of the black magpie, and it is as flexible as a pistol.

Dong Guoan is not surprised at all. Others think that he is the best sharpshooter in the Han River Regiment and even the Delta, but he knows that he is not.

The best gunman is by his side at this moment, which is the black magpie famous for using knives.

However, this is not a good time to show her shooting skills. The only reason why Black Magpie will use a heavy machine gun as a pistol is that her bullets have also been used up.

The bulletless gun is not even a stick. The black magpie threw the heavy machine gun directly on the ground and raised his hand to pull out a short knife.

"Big." Before rushing out, the black magpie said, "I'm sorry that I never called you big brother, but in my heart, you are just like my big brother. You have saved me and treated me well."

Dong Guoan's face condensed slightly, but there was a little rare tenderness at such a moment of life and death: "What are you talking about now? I can't see what you think. It's just a pity that you could have left..."

The black magpie shook her head to stop Dong Guoan's words. She could leave, but she didn't want to leave.

Leaning against the wall, the black magpie once again sorted out his only weapons and equipment.

Short knife, belt, a wire rope, that's all.

But she sorted them out seriously and naturally, as if she had done these things countless times a long time ago.

"Before I met the boss, I once had a big brother, many brothers and sisters, and a home that I thought I could live in for a lifetime. But later, someone destroyed all this, the eldest brother was killed, the brothers and sisters were separated, and the family was gone. Since then, I have changed my name to Black Magpie, the black magpie that has been occupied in the nest!"

"The turtledove occupies the magpie's nest, and the magpie can choose to escape or fight bravely. That time I escaped and left my home in sadness and despair. But this time, I won't run away again! Never run away!"

Dong Guoan and Chu Yang looked at each other and were all silent.

She was dying when they found the black magpie before, and then she came back to life and was treated as a sister by all of them.

But they don't know what Black Magpie has experienced before, don't know what happened to her, and never ask her.

But now, she said it before the final farewell.

The black magpie packed up his equipment, tied his hair again, and suddenly smiled.

"Big brother, third brother, I know what you're thinking, but now it's time for us to fight side by side!"

"Good! Fight side by side!"

A sharp look crossed Dong Guoan's eyes. He stepped out first, and Chu Yang and Black Magpie followed him closely.

But when they thought they would be greeted by the rain of bullets, there was no movement at the muzzle pointed at them.

Dong Guoan was not happy, let alone think that Mo Weijun's conscience found that he wanted to let them go.

On the contrary, such a situation can only explain one thing - he is here!