The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 184 The dove occupies the magpie's nest, why not kill the dove! Next

Mo Wei came in a square step, fluttering with a cigarette windbreaker in his hand, saying that his spirit was obviously inappropriate, but his complacency could not be concealed.

He is really proud now, because he is winning, because he feels that he is sure to win.

pretend to cooperate to divert attention, but in fact, launch a sneak attack under the other party's eyes, and then use power beyond the other party's imagination to establish the victory.

Step by step, it made him very proud, even if he didn't think of this idea at all.

"Brother Guoan, be safe and sound!"

The proud Mo Wei smiled at Dong Guoan and said, but in the face of this real executioner, Dong Guoan and the three of them all looked at the other people.

That's a person next to Mo Wei, who is masked like other Mo Wei's soldiers.

But it goes without saying that he only used a piece of cloth to block half of his face. Even if he is completely blocked, Dong Guoan and others can't recognize who he is!

Chu Yang's face was full of shock, and the black magpie raised his eyebrows. Even if she rushed all the way before, her face did not change so much.

and Dong Guoan trembled in surprise, and it seemed that a sharp knife had been inserted in the throat: "It's! This is impossible!"

"Tut, I really recognized it!"

Mo Wei, who has always paid attention to his status, does not seem to be unhappy about being ignored at this time. On the contrary, he still looks very excited and proud.

Mo Wei turned slightly and said to the man beside him, "Since they have been recognized, let's meet them!"


The man nodded and raised his hand to untie the masked cloth.

His movements are not slow, but in the eyes of Dong Guoan, it is extremely slow.

That's because they would rather the person not untie the scarf, and even hope that time will stop because of this.

But time cannot be stagnant, and the facts will eventually be faced.

When the man threw the cloth originally used to cover his face on the ground, the trembling on Dong Guoan's body had quietly stopped.

He waved his hand to stop the angry Chu Yang from speaking, and he slowly looked up at the man and said calmly, "Lao Wu, no, Yan Mingjun! I didn't expect that the traitor to be you!"

Yan Mingjun, the person who came out of Mo Wei at this time, was the fifth of the seven brothers of the Hanjiang Group.

Now Dong Guoan has run out of food and is deeply surrounded.

In this case, Mo Wei wanted to kill them in one sentence, but he sent Yan Mingjun out, and it was not difficult to guess why he wanted to do it.

Yan Mingjun didn't say it himself, and Dong Guoan didn't make it clear.

In addition to the initial shock, he now looks very calm, as if he accepted it.

Dong Guoan said, "Don't you know that Lao Qi died beside me and died in Chu Yang's arms."

Yan Mingjun's eyebrows and feet trembled slightly, but he still didn't say a word.

Dong Guoan said, "The second and fourth are no longer there. They are both heroes and saved many people with their lives. You don't know these yet, do you?

Yan Mingjun still did not answer, but he did not dare to look directly into Dong Guoan's eyes.

But his hand slowly took out a scalpel from his pocket, small and thin, but with a dazzling cold light.

Dong Guoan said in a calm tone as if he didn't see these, "Of course, whether you know it doesn't matter anymore, so what about Lao Liu? Where is the sixth brother who admires you the most?

Yan Mingjun looked up and finally said, "Brother, what else are you talking about? Let's admit defeat!"

"Conmission? You have turned to Mo Wei. Don't you know his temperament? Or do you think I can survive as long as I admit defeat?

Dong Guoan sneered, obviously sarcastic words, but his voice seemed to be just telling a very ordinary thing: "Also, please don't call me big brother anymore. You don't deserve to call me big brother, let alone be our brother. Now that your knives have been taken out, what are you waiting for? Let's do it! Isn't that what your new brother asked you to do?

Yan Mingjun's body trembled. Since he was no longer masked, only now can people see the waves in his heart.

But this uncontrolled wave only appeared for a moment, and he had rushed to the other party with Dong Guoan at the same time.


It's just a face to face, and in the faint sound, the two suddenly separated.

Yan Mingjun is still standing upright, but Dong Guoan's figure is shaking, and blood is spreading from his abdomen.

"Big brother!"

"Big boss!"

Chuyang and the black magpie shouted at the same time, but before they rushed over, dozens of black holes had already aimed at them.

Mo Wei sneered and said, "There is no room for you to make trouble in such an interesting scene like brothers. Quietly watching Brother Guoan still live a little longer, and if he dares to act rashly... it will be like this!"


Chu Yang suddenly fell down, and it turned out that a bullet had shot through his calf.


Mo Wei not only surrounded them, but also arranged snipers around them and really controlled everything!

"Hum!" Mo Wei said, "If you dare to act rashly, the three of you will die here immediately!"


The black magpie held Chu Yang, but she really couldn't do anything except curse.

Dong Guoan has also stood up straight. Yan Mingjun's knife only scratched his skin, but it was not fatal.

He still looked at the other party, but said to the black magpie, "Geo, support your third brother and watch how I kill this traitor!"


The black magpie agreed that this may be the first time she did not emphasize that she was not called a magpie but a black magpie.

But at this moment, how can she argue again?

Dong Guoan took out his pistol, looked at Yan Mingjun and said, "Do you know I have a habit?"

"I know." Yan Mingjun said, "You have said many times that you will leave a bullet in the gun, but not to kill yourself, but to destroy the last enemy."

"Yes! It's rare for you to remember."

Dong Guoan suddenly smiled and raised his pistol and pointed it at Yan Mingjun: "This is what I learned from my father. He is an excellent soldier. He taught me to shoot and taught me that bullets can only be used against the enemy. And now I have learned a little bit that bullets should be used to deal with traitors!"


The gunshot is extremely abrupt!

Even the black magpie did not expect Dong Guoan to shoot at this time, which is not in line with his open and aboveboard character, let alone the best time.

Yan Mingjun is not the first master among these people in the Hanjiang Group, but he is second only to the strongest and the only mutants with special abilities.

And his ability - it's agile reinforcement!

At such a close distance, no matter how fast the bullet is, it is extremely difficult to hit him, not to mention the most ordinary pistol.

Yan Mingjun only avoided bullets on one side, and then shook his body and came to Dong Guo'an.

At this time, Dong Guoan only had a bulletless pistol in his hand, and there was no defensive action. The middle door opened as if he was completely desperate because of the failure just now.

"Brother, goodbye!"

Yan Mingjun shouted as if he had bumped into Dong Guoan's arms, but everyone also saw the flashing cold light.

That was the scalpel in his hand, which completely pierced Dong Guoan's heart!

The black magpie was dull, and there were no tears in his eyes but blood. It broke the blood vessels and flowed out of his eyes.

Chu Yang was also stunned, as if he could no longer feel the pain on his legs, and there was only crazy anger in his eyes.

But just when everyone thought that Dong Guoan would fall, a gunshot exploded between the two.

Yan Mingjun's back exploded together, which was brought out of a blood fog several meters away by bullets!

"Hey, don't say goodbye, we will meet again soon!"

Dong Guoan's voice sounded like a dream in everyone's ears, making all the people finally realize that he, who had always adhered to the last bullet, left two bullets this time.

Or, as he said, the last bullet he left at this time was the last bullet to kill the traitor.

And his previous speech, the desperate opening of the middle door was all for the ambush set by this bullet, because only in this way can he kill Yan Mingjun, who is stronger than him.

Dong and die together! Unexpectedly, they died together!

Yan Mingjun, who has been broken and pierced, must be dead, but Dong Guoan, who has been pierced in the heart, certainly has no reason to survive.

The difference is that he may live a little longer than Yan Mingjun, but it is only a short time.

No one could imagine such a result. Even Mo Wei was stunned for a moment before laughing.

He also did not expect such a result. He did not expect that Dong Guoan could really kill Yan Mingjun before he died, but there is no doubt that the current result can also make him most satisfied and excited.

"Haha, it's really good for brothers to go to Huangquan together. Even I admire you a little, Guoan!"

Dong Guoan could not hear Mo Wei's sarcastic words. His hearing and vision had begun to be blurred, and his consciousness seemed to be gradually frozen.

Because he was still held by Yan Mingjun, who was also about to die, he couldn't even let himself fall down and stand with the other party.

But just then, a thin voice penetrated into his ear.

He condensed his final consciousness and barely heard what it was. It turned out to be from his side. Yan Mingjun's voice: "Brother, please live well in the future!"


Dong Guoan wanted to ask, but he couldn't speak. His throat and tongue were no longer controlled by himself.

He was not even sure whether he really heard the sound, or just had hallucinations, and everything could no longer be felt by him.

This scene and the words that are not sure whether they are true or hallucinations were not noticed by anyone.

Who would pay attention to the mortal man? At this time, the scene was silent, and no one dared to speak without Morway's men.

And they all stared at the black magpie that gradually put Chu Yang down, which was also the black magpie standing more and more straight, and they couldn't know that two people were coming here like crazy.

"There must be time!"

Zhang Detao, who was pulled by one hand and galloped like the wind, clenched his fist tightly!