The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 189 Integration in the Delta

It seems that there is no chance of winning against three or four times the enemy with more than 100 people, but fighting and counting are two different things.

They have the right time, place and people, literacy weapons and fighting spirit, but Mo Weijun, which has been completely chaotic, does not have it.

When all the dust settled, Mo Wei's army's men surrendered to death, and the black face of Tie Xiucheng was really as black as the bottom of the pot.

"One person died and was seriously injured in less than 20, all of whom were recently joined..."

Tie Xiucheng stared at Zheng Yonghao while reporting. Anyone could see that he was angry or very angry.

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "Ha ha, this battle is a good result. Why don't you seem to be happy?"

"I'm happy? I'm so happy... Forget it!"

When Tie Xiucheng was about to say that word, he quickly swallowed it back and then waved his fist fiercely.

"We have agreed that this time it is mainly to train soldiers and polish these little ones. But now it's good to catch people like catching chickens, and they are all sick and dead chickens that have been paralyzed!"

Tie Xiucheng was completely shouted out. Obviously, he has endured for a long time. Maybe he has endured since he saw those "enemies" outside the Hanjiang Regiment.

Listening to his roar, Zheng Yonghao was not angry at all, but raised the corners of his mouth with a smile.

looking at his whole core team, Zhang Detao is his brother of the two generations. Qin Xue was brought out by him. There is no need to mention that Qin Ming and Tao Ying are responsible for being funny. Zou Xiaochuan's relationship with him is also so chaotic that he can't figure it out, and it's not really the core.

The only difference is iron cultivation, and it can even be said that he is the only "outer" around him.

But this "outsider" can play a role that those people can never play in many cases, such as the calmest thinking, such as the most direct reminder.

As the most rule-oriented person, Tie Xiucheng always commensurate with Zheng Yonghao's position and will never use words such as Brother Zheng, only Captain Zheng.

In front of everyone, Tie Xiucheng is also the person who can best maintain Zheng Yonghao's status. Even his two cronies have been indoctrinated by him who is the leader.

But he is also the most disciplined person, and he is also the person who dares to talk to Zheng Yonghao in private.

He will never hide his opinion and say anything because Zheng Yonghao is his superior.

Even Zhang Detao can't do this, only he can.

"Are you worried?"

Zheng Yonghao said, Tie Xiucheng immediately nodded, and his face was extremely serious.

"Yes, I'm worried. No matter how you look at it, this is the best opportunity to train those people as soon as possible. After today, there is no power in the delta that can compete with us, and no one can stop us from rising here, but it also means that our people have lost the opportunity to polish and grow forever.

"If they don't grow up as soon as possible now, their only sharpness will also be worn out in the next construction process. In case an enemy invades, how can they defend such a big place? Alas!"

Tie Xiucheng sighed. In his opinion, the ease and simplicity of this battle are endless, and it has not been made up for.

"Don't worry!" Zheng Yonghao put away his smile and said, "It's not that there will never be a chance!"

Huh? You mean..."

Tie Xiucheng frowned. He had more separate conversations with Zheng Yonghao, and his understanding of Zheng Yonghao was a little deeper than others. He admired Zheng Yonghao's extensive knowledge, and sometimes almost unpredictable.

Zheng Yonghao looked into the distance and looked as if he were on the edge of the sky, but he seemed to have a panoramic view of everything here.

"Do you remember the corpse tide I told you about?"

"Hmm! The corpses gathered, and then migrated crazily, as unstoppable as a torrent of steel!"

Hearing Zheng Yonghao mention the corpse tide, even if this noun was originally told by Zheng Yonghao, Tie Xiucheng couldn't help but be worried in his eyes.

That kind of scene, just thinking about it, can make such an iron man shudder.

Zheng Yonghao said: "After my observation and inference, there will be up to four months for corpses in all places, and a global wave of corpses will also appear. At that time, you just want them not to be trained!"


Tie Xiucheng's eyes suddenly widened. Although it has proved many times that Zheng Yonghao's judgment is very accurate, such a news still makes him unable to believe it, or it can be said that he does not want to believe it!

Zheng Yonghao nodded and said, "I'm just speculating now, but it's very likely. And no matter whether the corpse tide will appear or not, we must be prepared!"

Tie Xiucheng was silent for a while, and when he looked up again, he was already resolute. The previous surprise and shock could not be seen again.

"I see. I'll be ready." After saying this, Tie Xiucheng frowned and said, "I will keep it a secret!"

"Haha, okay."

Zheng Yonghao smiled and returned to the team with Tie Xiucheng.

About half a year after the catastrophe, there will be the first global corpse wave, and a real corpse king began to be born. In fact, he didn't want to say this too early.

Wh if anyone believes it is still a secondary problem. What they are afraid of is that someone believes it and causes panic.

Not to mention how horrible the real corpse tide is. Just think about the impact and shadow left by the corpses on the survivors, you can know that panic is bound to occur.

But he doesn't have to worry about what he said for Tie Xiucheng.

How much impact will a news like this have? Tie Xiucheng can certainly think of more and more specific than him.

This is a professional skill, which he can't compare with.

Mo Weijun has been dealt with, but the matter is not over yet. There are a lot of problems to deal with, how to deal with the prisoners, how to distribute the results of the war, and the remaining Hanjiang regiment personnel... all need to be properly dealt with. If it is a little inappropriate, it may have a bad impact on his plan.

For example, killing all the captives is the simplest and most convenient solution, but he can't do that.

If he could, he would have killed them before. Why bother to catch them? Anyway, they can no longer let the team get exercise.

But in order to make the base that is about to be established also his foundation stronger, he must let at least some of them survive, because he needs a voice, a voice that allows more people to surrender in the future!

"Captain, please come over."

"Okay, I know."

Someone came to inform Zheng Yonghao, who was thinking about things, to cheer up.

Guanren came with Tie Xiucheng, and after he came, he began to treat the black magpie and Chu Yang.

These two people are the only important figures left by the Hanjiang Group, and some problems that must be solved also fall on them.

Since people are sent to send a message, it means that some of them have woken up and can start to solve the problem.

Although Mo Wei's attack was fierce before, there were no heavy weapons after all.

Even firearms can only be owned by Mo Wei's cronies. Most people still use cold weapons. It is no problem to kill individuals, but the damage to buildings is very limited.

The important wounded were placed in a house with little damage in the Hanjiang Regiment, and the black magpie had a separate room.

To Zheng Yonghao's surprise, it was not waiting for him in the black magpie's room, but another one, and even the black magpie who just woke up was here.

Zheng Yonghao was stunned when he saw the man lying in ** wearing an oxygen mask.

"Dong Guoan, he is still alive!"

is not a suspicious inquiry, but an affirmative surprise.

With Zheng Yonghao's spiritual perception, a person can clearly distinguish whether he is alive or dead.

He saw Dong Guoan tied to the wooden frame before. Although he had not checked it carefully, he was very sure that the other party had not breathed.

But at this moment, Dong Guoan's chest is slightly undulating, and his breath is very weak but clearly alive.

Guan Ren said, "His heart was pierced, so his heart stopped and his breathing stopped, but those were just illusions."

"Fake? What do you mean?

What I don't understand is not only Zheng Yonghao, but also Zhang Detao, and the pale but nervous black magpie around him.

Guanren frowned and said, "I was also surprised, but obviously the person who attacked him was extremely measured. This knife stabbed very cleverly, leaving him in a state of suspended animation without really hurting his heart. In a word, it's a very smart skill.

"Five... Yan Mingjun used to be a famous surgeon in the country."

The weak voice of the black magpie came, and Zheng Yonghao didn't feel anything. Anyway, he had never heard who Yan Mingjun was before, but Guanren was stunned. Obviously, he had heard the name.

"It turned out to be him, no wonder!"

Guanren said: "Obviously, the other party is not really trying to kill people, but saving people in this way. But one thing is strange..."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Yonghao asked.

"This ingenious knife can make Dong Guoan fall into a state of fake death and recover quickly after waking up. The injury that really fatally made him unable to wake up is still in his body, captain, you see.

Guanren pointed to Zheng Yonghao and said, "Here, and here. These injuries went straight into the inside, but they did not hurt the muscle skin, as if they had been injured by a master like the chief with internal strength, but from the situation, it was a bit like the impact of an explosion..."

The others were still confused, but Zhang Detao was stunned. Except for him, no one noticed the embarrassment on Zheng Yonghao's face.

The leader in people's mouth naturally refers to Guo Xiaotian. Zheng Yonghao knows that he is a real martial arts master and what inner strength means.

It is indeed the effect of internal strength without hurting the skin, but he knows better than people's hearts that this is by no means internal strength, but something else.

To be precise, the second half of the sentence that is about people's hearts is very close to the truth, that is, the impact of the explosion - the impact of his knife and the collision with the ape Moway.

At that time, he saved Black Magpie and Chu Yang by speed, but ignored Dong Guoan and Yan Mingjun who had "dead".

Now that I think about it, it's not someone else who really made Dong Guoan hurt like this, but himself.

Of course, Mo Wei, the frog, also has a certain responsibility. If he does not resist death, there will be no shock wave, but who will hold a dead person accountable...

Obviously, it was not only Zheng Yonghao who figured this out, Zhang Detao also thought of it, so he was stunned.

"Uh - why don't you tell me how to save him?"

Guan people didn't notice Zheng Yonghao's embarrassment. She said seriously, "That's why I called the captain to come here. What can save him is on you."


Zheng Yonghao was stunned. He really didn't feel that he had anything to save people, but there were a lot of murders.