The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 190 Integrated Delta

Guanren said, "It's the captain. Which medicine you gave me last time has a strong physical stimulation effect, which can play an adrenaline effect but is several times stronger. It's just right for use now."

After listening to the explanation of Guan Ren's heart, Zheng Yonghao understood. She was talking about the enhanced medicine. At the beginning, Zheng Yonghao got a bottle when he saved Zhang Detao. Later, he gave it to Qin Ming and Tao Ying one drop each, and the rest were put away by him.

After knowing the identity of the people's hearts, he took this medicine out for the other party to study, but there was no obvious result if it was limited to the conditions.

With Zheng Yonghao's current strength and vision, his interest in enhanced medicine is not as great as in his previous life. He soon forgot it.

He didn't care too much, and in the final analysis, Dong Guoan was still implicated by him. He decisively handed over the enhancement drug.

Of course, there is another reason, which is related to people's minds.

Since she has decided to save Dong Guoan, it must prove that she has read Dong Guoan's subconscious and confirmed the good and evil of the other party.

For example, a member of the Hanjiang Regiment, who was seriously injured before, was sent here for treatment. Instead of rescue, he shook his hand and completely solved the other party.

The reason is too simple. He is a spy, and the Hanjiang Regiment has a "power" in this disaster.

Ordinary people have to adapt for a long time to use enhanced drugs, but there are not so many requirements for mutants. Dong Guoan's body can fully withstand it and will not be poisoned.

Dong Guoan gradually stabilized. Guan people said that it would not take long to wake up, and Zheng Yonghao was waiting here.

In the process of waiting, the wounds on the black magpie have also been treated. After that, it only takes a few days to recover, she can recover as before.

Zhang Detao looked very happy and finally remembered to introduce her to everyone.

The situation is similar to Zheng Yonghao's previous guess. The black magpie was not originally named by this name, but Zhong Han, the youngest of Zhang Detao's group of black birds.

However, her age is not equal to the ranking in the team. In terms of qualifications, she is still before Zhang Detao.

At that time, starting with Zhang Detao's departure from the team, Zhong Han and others also left Blackbird, and were also hunted and persecuted by Lin Hexuan and his son.

Listening to Zhong Han's story of continuing his past experience, Zhang Detao's eyes were red and clenched his fists: "Xiaohan, I hurt you!"

Maybe he finally met a "parent". Zhong Han was in tears but still stopped Zhang Detao's apology: "No, I don't blame you. If you have to blame me, I will only blame myself for why I didn't kill Lin Yuanliang with my own hands and even prevented you from killing him..."

Zheng Yonghao sighed beside him. The world is always like this, and he is more ruthless and helpless.

But he didn't open his mouth until both of them calmed down. Zhong Han wiped away his tears and gave Zheng Yonghao a standard military salute.

"Captain Zheng, thank you!"

Zhong Han solemnly opened his mouth, and Zhang Detao, who was beside him, did the same and saluted solemnly.

Zheng Yonghao was slightly stunned and immediately understood.

Zhong Han thanked him for saving her and the Hanjiang group, and also thanked him for bringing Zhang Detao to her.

Zhang Detao's relationship with himself did not need to be like this, but Zhong Han.

"The relationship between the two is really close!"

Zheng Yonghao was wondering if they had any intimate relationship beyond his teammates. Zhong Han said another sentence to suppress him directly: "I don't know how to repay the kindness, but as long as Captain Zheng has any requirements in the future, the black magpie will die!"


Zheng Yonghao was stunned and said from his heart that he had never believed this kind of words or even vows, but the clock's expression made him unable to believe it. The other party's words were really sincere.

But why did she make such a promise?

I saved her, but the reason is still Zhang Detao. Even if he doesn't consider these, it's just easy. How can people like Zhong Han not see it?

Zhang Detao was also stunned, but he also noticed that Zhong Han's expression was a little strange and couldn't help looking at her doubtfully.

Zhong Han shook his head slowly and said to Zheng Yonghao first, "I'm serious. I will repay this kindness."

After that, he looked at Zhang Detao: "Brother Zhang, you and I are the only one left, and it is... no longer exist!"

"What! Xiaohan, you mean they are all..."

Zhang Detao suddenly thought of something and his face changed greatly.

I'm afraid Zhong Han's gratitude is not for the immediate event, but for him!

A bitter look flashed in Zhong Han's eyes, but he was immediately replaced by perseverance and emphasized: "Yes, they are no longer there."


Zhang Detao also stood unsteadily for a moment and hit the wall behind him fiercely.

His life is very complicated but actually very simple. He has been to many places, but he knows very few people.

The hometown, the army, the Blackbird and the current team are all in his life.

As for the others, there are only four words - unbearable to look back!

In his only life memories, Blackbird occupies the largest and solid piece and will never be forgotten.

He knew that Zhong Han and other people had left Blackbird one after another. It was not that he did not want to find them, but did not dare to look for them.

He was afraid that he would bring danger to others, but he didn't expect that the danger had come long ago, whether he was close or not.

Faces flashed in front of Zhang Detao's eyes, and their clarity gradually blurred, until Zhong Han looked at him and said, "The last message Phoenix gave me was for me to live well and not to avenge them. But... I'm going to kill them, Lin Yuanliang and Lin Hexuan. I must kill them!"

It is difficult to associate the ferocious word with a beautiful girl, but this clock connotation's expression is ferocious and uncontrollable hatred.

Zhang Detao shook his head slowly. He did not ask how Phoenix was, because Zhong Han had already said that they were the only two people left by Blackbird.

"Xiaohan, Lin Hexuan... You don't have to kill!"

"What? Have you already..."

An individual may doubt whether Zhang Detao has lost his heart of revenge, but Zhong Han will not. She suddenly guessed it, but her eyes are still full of disbelief.

"Yes!" Zhang Detao waved his fist fiercely and said, "Captain Zheng took us into the Lin family manor. Lin Hexuan has been killed by me!"

"Ah! OK, that's great!"

Zhong Han, who got the affirmative answer, was not stunned for too long. The tears that had just been wiped out gushed out again, but they were excited and happy.

After the same experience and the same pain, her desire for revenge is as strong as Zhang Detao. The excitement and sadness behind joy at this time are naturally the same as Zhang Detao at the beginning.

"Believe me, the culprit Lin Yuanliang can't escape..."

Zhang Detao really can't comfort people, but Zhong Han is not an ordinary girl. He nodded his head and wiped away his tears again and quickly calmed down. He thanked Zheng Yonghao again.

At this moment, there is no need for too many polite words. Zheng Yonghao responded with a smile, not only because of Zhang Detao, but also because he has always admired these unknown and dedicated real soldiers.

And finally, Zheng Yonghao is actually not sure.

He vaguely felt a very special feeling from Zhong Han, as if he was incongruous but couldn't explain it clearly and couldn't understand it.

"Is it a power that has awakened but has not been detected by her?"

Zheng Yonghao did not immediately say his doubts, but quietly remembered them, and then saw the two of them leave temporarily.

Two former comrades-in-arms or more intimate people must have a lot to say after a long separation. Naturally, he will no longer be involved.


The enhancement agent really played a role, and Dong Guoan's vital signs became stronger and stronger, and finally woke up a few hours later.

Some things happened after that, such as Dong Guoan woke up and asked "What do you mean by Yan Mingjun?", and then lost his mind instantly when he saw someone, and then cried out loud.

Zheng Yonghao was also present at that time, but he didn't know what had happened until after the event.

Yan Mingjun, who seemed to have defected to the enemy, was just helpless. He did not kill Dong Guoan, nor did he kill Lao Liu, the seven brothers of the Hanjiang Regiment. This one woke up after the war and stood in front of Dong Guoan.

Seeing him and he was still alive, Dong Guoan instantly understood the meaning of Yan Mingjun's last sentence and the last shouting big brother.

Dong Guoan and others completely calmed down, and a very serious meeting that should have been enough to change the pattern of the delta began in this very humble ward.

Without Zheng Yonghao's initiative, Dong Guoan made a decision to merge the Hanjiang regiment with Zheng Yonghao's team. The only requirement was to treat him well, especially the women and children who were sent away by their brother.

Naturally, some people oppose such a decision, but they are not dissatisfied with Zheng Yonghao's team.

On the contrary, they are all very grateful to Zheng Yonghao for their help.

After all, if Zheng Yonghao and others did not come in time, those who failed to break out of the siege would either be different on the spot or have to be Mo Wei's dog.

The reason why they have different views on Dong Guoan's decisions is that it is too early and too hasty to make these decisions, but Dong Guoan is extremely resolute.

Zheng Yonghao naturally won't refuse in a gesture. Why did he come here?

The training of soldiers is real, but more importantly, we should take this battle as the starting point and take the opportunity to integrate the scattered deltas into one.

Receiving the Hanjiang Group is the first step in integrating the delta.

And when Brother Bao's group was dispersed and Mo Wei's army was destroyed, receiving the Hanjiang Regiment means that the whole delta was under his control.

After that, he can start from here and make the huge plan in his heart become a reality step by step!


Zheng Yonghao, who walked out of the room, looked at the gloomy sky, the mountains in the distance, and quietly clenched his fist.

"Central City, it's time!"