The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 265 Thunder Means

Trading and negotiation are rarely a matter of hesitation.

What solves all the problems by having a good meal and drinking a sip of wine, and then signing and signing and signing? There is nothing that simple! If there really is, it can only be two small citizens buying and selling motorcycles.

Once it comes to two bases, or a large place like Huangpu base and the central city, how can it be easily negotiated without experiencing several bargaining?

But today's situation is so strange. It is a reception room, but it is obviously not the most important reception room in the central city, let alone a reception room worthy of the "city owner" personally.

Tong Qianli and his party walked in so simply, and then saw the people they wanted to meet. They handed over a contract and took over a contract. The two sides signed it, and then walked out!

It's not just simple, it's just a child's play.

But this is the truth. Their transaction has been completed, and it can be seen from Tong Qianli's sigh of relief.

There are still two people in the reception room, but only one of them is sitting. The other one seems to be quite high, but he did not sit down in front of this person and is filling the other party's glass with beer, looking extremely humble and respectful.

"Do you have any doubts?" The person sitting on the seat suddenly asked.

The other man's expression remained unchanged, and he was not surprised by what the other party said about his mind. He was still humble and said, "My subordinates really feel strange to return to the words of the city lord. Tong Qianli is not the man's confidant, and it can even be said that he has always been unhated by that person. But this time, why did the man send him here?

Listen by the name, I'm afraid this sitting person is the "Lord Yan" that Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan want to see, but somehow, the two of them did not appear.

Lord Yancheng shook his head and smiled, "Brother Lin, just you and I don't want to see each other like this. If I don't call General Lin, don't call me Lord Yan. We will be brothers. In addition, my city owner is just a deputy, and there are still people on it. I can't call it that in the future.

Lord Yan... The person next to Vice Lord Yan is Lin Jiancheng, who is the most trusted confidant of the former.

As a confidant, it is his duty to observe the words and colors. Now although the deputy city owner Yan said not to shout, the unconcealed smile on his face revealed his thoughts. It was clear that there was no displeagreement.

Lin Jiancheng shook his head and smiled, "No, rules are the rules. You are the lord of the city and I am your soldiers, the gun in your hand. Wherever you point, I will hit you. This rule can't be broken. As for the deputy city owner, hehe, his subordinates don't have any other abilities, but they are still a little confident in their ability. In my opinion, the position of the city lord must be yours, and no one can take it away!"

"What if someone really wants to grab it?" Yan's deputy city owner narrowed his eyes, and there was a faint chill in his eyes. Even Lin Jiancheng, who had been welcoming him, shouted that his body was cold.

Lin Jiancheng reacted very quickly. Now he put on a firm look and waved his fist fiercely and said, "Who dares? First of all, ask me if the gun in my hand will agree!"

"Ha, I'm just talking. Brother Lin doesn't have to be excited."

Deputy City Master Yan's face changed extremely fast, but in a blink of an eye, he had returned to his previous calm and wise appearance. He put down his glass and said, "Answer Brother Lin's question. The reason why that man wants to send Tong Qianli, an unpopular guy, is that we are already here this time. There is no need for any negotiation, he is just an errand. An errand man, not to say, is not a confidant, even sending a dog to complete the task. It's just... Ha ha, they still have to worry about you and my face, and always send someone with a little weight.

Lin Jiancheng nodded frequently, and indeed agrees with this reason.

Just as the process of concluding a deal and signing a contract, anyone can really complete it. Even if he is illiterate... I'm afraid he can press his fingerprints!

As long as you can press a fingerprint, that's enough. It doesn't matter whether you are a really important person or not.

Only based on Lin Jiancheng's character, it is enough to have such an answer. He doesn't need to have any other answers. After all, people like him don't care about Tong Qianli at all, and there is no real curiosity.

But he knew that the one in front of him liked to explain to people and showed wisdom and control of everything, so he still had to ask.

"So...what about the other side?" Lin Jiancheng asked with an open mind.

Deputy Lord Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but his eyes were suddenly sharp and said, "On the other hand, our agreement does not need to be sent back to the Huangpu base!"


Lin Jiancheng inhales cold air!

does not need to be sent to Huangpu base, what does that mean?

Do you really mean that agreement, or Tong Qianli... The answer is ready to come out. It is clear that Tong Qianli doesn't have to go back!

"So that's it!" Lin Jiancheng sighed subconsciously, but immediately woke up and quickly changed his expression to a flattering smile.

Lin Jiancheng said, "So, we still did that man a big favor. I don't think we will let us do it in vain, right?"

Deputy Lord Yan sneered and said, "Of course, there is nothing in this world that makes people work for nothing. They have promised me a condition that I and them can't refuse.

"Oh? Congratulations to the city lord!"

Lin Jiancheng's reaction speed is definitely at the forefront of many dog legs in the world. He did not ask what the condition was, because he knew that this was not the question he should ask.

But he can already think of it, so it's just a direct congratulations.

Deputy city owner Yan laughed, but smiled without saying a word, and then sat down as before.

"The people we are waiting for should have appeared, right?" Deputy Lord Yan said.

Lin Jiancheng nodded and said, "Look at the time, it's really time to appear, but I don't know why it hasn't arrived yet."

"Ha ha, it will always appear, but it's a pity that no matter what they do, it doesn't make any good. And with those simple-minded guys, I'm afraid they can't think of anything they can do. They can just talk.

"The city lord is wise, how can they compare with you?" Lin Jiancheng immediately flattered, but at the same time deliberately looked a little worried.

Deputy City Lord Yan asked, "Why do you put on such a stinky look?"

Lin Jiancheng lowered his head and whispered, "I'm worried. Those people are not worried, but what about those surnamed Tie? If he comes out at this time, we are afraid..."

The words have not been finished, because there is no need to finish speaking. The worry and fear can be heard by anyone.

Deputy city owner Yan snorted coldly, slightly dissatisfied but still full of confidence: "Don't worry, he will fall asleep until the end of time! Do you think a sleeping person will have any impact on us?

Lin Jiancheng immediately shook his head and said, "Of course not, unless he sleepwalks."

"Hahaha!" Deputy Lord Yan laughed, reached out and patted Lin Jiancheng's arm and said, "Re Relax, even if he is sleepwalking, he can't get out of that room. You and me are completely foolproof! Well, don't say more. You can avoid it for a moment. She has arrived.


Lin Jiancheng is near the deputy city owner. Of course, he also saw the display on the table, on which a red dot was passing through the map and coming straight to them.

Judging from the movement speed of the red dot, I'm afraid that no guard has intercepted. Obviously, the identity of the visitor is not ordinary.

These do not surprise Lin Jiancheng. Every high-level figure in the central city has such a monitor and such a security program that is already quite "high-tech" today.

Even from the number attached to the red dot, he already knew who was approaching, but one thing surprised him a little, that is, there was only one person on the other side.

They thought that several people would come together, but those people didn't appear together as if they really didn't care about the world or give up.

Lin Jiancheng walked to the back of the reception room, where there was a secret door, and he quickly walked in.

Just when there was only Deputy Mayor Yan left in the reception room, the door was pushed open, and the accompanying outside guard with a trill voice: "Please let me inform..."

But after only half of such a sentence, there is no follow-up, because the person who opened the door has already walked in directly.

The white clothes are close to the body, which completely reveals the perfect figure but does not make people feel indecent at all. There is only a kind of cold holiness.

Vice Mayor Yan waved his hand to let the two embarrassed guards withdraw, stood up and said to someone with a smile, "It turned out to be Miss Qin. I don't know what's wrong with coming here?"

It was Qin Xue who pushed the door and broke in. Although she has a high reputation in the central city and is even praised by the goddess, she actually does not have any position.

When Zheng Yonghao was there, the central city had not really been established, and it was not necessary.

Later, Tie Xiucheng wanted to give Qin Xue a formal position, even if it was just to give her a corresponding right and status, she still refused.

In her words at that time, she didn't need it and didn't care! If you have to give it, you can only say goodbye to her in person.

But who does "that guy who doesn't say goodbye" refers to? Do you still need to guess? Tie Xiucheng couldn't find the other party at all, so he had to give up this matter.

The result is that Qin Xue is much lower than the deputy city owner Yan in terms of his position.

One is a "civilian", and the other is almost the highest level, and the gap is too big.

But Deputy City Lord Yan does not dare to really treat Qin Xue as a civilian. Not only he, but also no one else in the central city dares to do so.

It has nothing to do with the level. Qin Xue's admirers who can line up around the base can swallow those who dare to do so alive.

Yan's deputy city owner behaved very politely, but Qin Xue did not like this.

She is not as tall as Yan's deputy city owner, but she stands in front of the other party and seems to be looking down.