The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 266 Thunder Means

Deputy Lord Yan felt a little strange and strange about Qin Xue's attitude.

He came from a special background, and the process of sitting in the position of the deputy city owner was also special, so some people in the central city did not obey him very much.

Of course, because he is indeed very capable and has done a lot of things in the central city. Those people don't look down on him, but they always can't have even a slightly "intimate" relationship with him.

Among such people, Qin Xue is the most direct performance. But even Qin Xue, no matter how much she has a problem with him, she will not be like this.

Why did you call yourself the deputy city owner before? Or just ignore him and avoid him.

Why do you look at him now as if he is on trial? Did he show his feet, or some secret things in the dark were broken by her?

Deputy City Lord Yan quickly recalled and guessed in his heart, but the result did not feel that there was anything worthy of the other party's doubt.

Especially the thing he has done recently is still being prepared, and it has not really started at all. There is no reason for the other party to notice anything.

"Absolutely no problem!"

Deputy city owner Yan is very confident. He feels that there is no problem, then there must be no problem. At present, he stabilizes his mood.

And if his secret is not exposed, in his opinion, there is only one possibility. It must be that his subordinates have provoked Qin Xue unhate because of their style of acting.

Although this woman always looks cold and is more decisive and terrible when taking action against the enemy, in fact, she is also a warm-hearted person and does not like the appearance of herself and her men who only talk about "rules" and are not affectionate.

Even if... he and his men deliberately acted like that!

This kind of thing has happened several times before, and now Qin Xue will come over, and I'm afraid she will express her dissatisfaction to herself because of similar things.

And how to deal with it, he naturally comes with it.

"hehe." Deputy city owner Yan retreated a little later. Even in the face of Qin Xue's frosty face, he still maintained an inertial smile: "Miss Qin, is it possible that my people have provoked you again? If there is such a thing, tell me that I will punish them severely and make them dare not do it again!"

Yan's deputy city owner made a look for Qin Xue. He believed that Qin Xue also knew that she was just putting on appearance and would not really punish his men.

Not only will he not punish, but he will also reward his subordinates.

Because whether it is to strictly enforce the rules beyond the general sense, or whether it is very annoying and arrogant, those people are acting according to his will.

Only in this way can he continue to have differences and even estrange from these people and keep his distance.

Because he keeps a distance and the other party can't really find his own problems, he can better protect his secrets and let what he is really doing smoothly.

Yan's deputy city owner thought very well. In the past, as long as he said so, Qin Xue could not vent no matter how dissatisfied she was, and finally had to leave.

But this time, Qin Xue stared at him without even flashing his eyes.

Qin Xue said, "No, I'm here to ask you a question!"

"Hmm?" Yan's deputy city owner was stunned, and Qin Xue's reaction was different from what he thought, which made him feel surprised.

But his face did not show it, and he said curiously, "Oh? I don't know what Miss Qin has to ask me. As long as I know, I will say everything.

"That's what you said!" Qin Xue stared at the deputy city owner Yan.

Deputy city owner Yan was even more surprised, but he could only force himself to nod and say, "Exactly, Miss Qin, please."

Qin Xue snorted coldly and his eyes were as sharp as a knife: "What I want to ask the deputy city owner of Yan is what's going on with the deal between you and Tong Qianli of Huangpu Base?"

" hiss--

Yan's deputy city owner's face has not changed, but his heart is inhaling cold air!

He didn't expect Qin Xue to ask about this matter before, especially when he heard that Qin Xue had intervened to save those people from some killers, so he made similar guesses.

But in his final judgment, it is still insufficient.

It's like a wind, and then it floats away. This is Qin Xue's style, and it's nothing special.

Analysis from the situation at that time, Qin Xue clearly didn't care too much about this matter, but it was just a small thing that often happened. It was just an episode!

And even if this incident attracted Qin Xue's attention, with his previous many bedding, it can be said that the attention can be developed into suspicion, but the reason is far from enough.

But without reason, Qin Xue actually asked, why?

Deputy City Lord Yan's heart was a little drumming, but he said calmly, "Well, Miss Qin rarely attends meetings, but she doesn't know. We signed a mutual trade agreement with Huangpu Base. You also know that our central city is not short of people or weapons, but it lacks basic materials and living utensils..."

Deputy City Lord Yan is smiling and is planning to repeat those "well-known" content. Of course, he will not think that Qin Xue really listens to things outside the window. He really doesn't know this, but he still has to explain it as she doesn't know.

But as soon as he began to speak, he was interrupted by Qin Xue's sneer.

"Hmm! Why is this necessary? Is it interesting to talk about it? Yan Huayu!"

Yan Huayu is the real name of Yan's deputy city owner!

Hearing Qin Xue say this, he naturally couldn't say what he said later. His face could still remain calm because of his habits, and even subconsciously put on astonishment, but the pupils in his eyes couldn't help shrink fiercely.

"Miss Qin, is it possible that Yan has also offended you?"

"No." Qin Xue said.

Yan Huayu pretended to be calm, stared at Qin Xue and asked, "Then dare to ask Miss Qin, what do you mean by this? Yan really doesn't know where I am?

"Is it?"

Qin Xue's always cold face actually picked up a smile. Even Yan Huayu, who turned around like a gyro, couldn't help but have an amazing feeling in an hour.

Qin Xue said, "Since you are not talking nonsense, let me ask you, since your people want to invite Tong Qianli to appreciate the local customs here, why do you go to the uninhabited slope? Ha ha, don't you want to tell me that those soldiers who passed by were sent to protect them, right?

If Qin Xue's strange question before only surprised Yan Huayu, then this time, like a heavy hammer, directly hit his heart.

The where are those people in Tong Qianli?

Indeed, he asked his men to go out with those people, saying that he would take them around the central city.

However, that route and the real destination are exactly the Langhuangpo mentioned in Qin Xuekou!

The name of Langyanpo is very good, and people who have never heard of it may think it is a good place.

Only the residents of the real central city, who have lived here from the beginning, will know that it is the most gloomy and desolate place in the delta region.

Only because the situation changed greatly after the corpse disaster, there were open and secret fights from time to time. And the rebels captured in the city, as well as the first thieves who came from outside and were captured and executed, were all buried in that place.

The most popular name there should be called the execution ground!

His people took Tong Qianli and others who didn't know about them to get rid of those people in the most unnoticed place.

Just like coming to die is the real task of Tong Qianli and others, and killing them is also a condition for Yan Huayu to agree to some people.

And the pair of soldiers mentioned by Qin Xue are his most trusted confidants. They are not only extraordinary combat effectiveness but also absolutely able to keep secrets. It is a weapon to replace him to complete this condition.

It's just that he never thought that these things that should have been top secret and should have been known by Qin Xue so easily!

"Don't know how to answer me? Well, let me ask you one more question! 15,000 guns and some others, almost half of the weapons reserve of our central city. Where are you going to ship them?

Qin Xue's sneering words finally made Yan Huayu unable to calm down. Even if he was an idiot, he knew that Qin Xue did not ask him casually.

It's just a small matter to agree to other people's conditions to kill Tong Qianli.

Even if it should not be known, it is indeed a secret that should have been unconscious, but there is no way to solve it if it is really exposed.

But those weapons... How can Qin Xue know, and how can she know!

This is the real deal between him and Huangpu Base, paying nearly half of his weapon resources in exchange for the support of the other party's high-end combat power, so that he can launch a coup that will not be defeated no matter how he calculates, and make him the real master of a city!

This is a secret, a top secret, and the ultimate ambition hidden in his heart!

How can he let Qin Xue know, and how can he allow more people to know and then be destroyed!

Someone may have to think about it. Maybe he will make up lies to try to continue to deceive others, but he won't.

He can sit in the position of this deputy city owner by ability and means. When he began to carry out this plan, he had already thought that he might be found and figured out how to deal with it.

Although it was discovered much earlier than he expected, Qin Xue is the only one at this moment, and he can't solve it!

just need to... use thunder!

"Ha ha!"

The laughter is still the same, but Yan Huayu's waist has completely straightened up, and the Confucianism on his face has become fierce.

"Qin Xue, I didn't expect that you would be the first person to find out. But you shouldn't, you shouldn't say it to me, and you shouldn't come here alone. I'm sorry!"

As he spoke, the wind-like energy storm had surrounded Yan Huayu.

That's his own strength. The strength revealed has clearly surpassed that of ordinary second-level mutants. Even if he is as strong as Qin Xue, it is impossible to kill him in an instant.

At the same time, Yan Huayu reached out and patted his left arm.

It is an inconspicuous button, but it is connected to the powerful weapon arranged in this room.

It is said that this thing was sent back by the founder of the central city, which can remember the breath of a specific mutants. Once launched, in addition to this remembered person, the ability of other mutants will be affected, and their strength will be weakened by at least 30%.


In the face of Qin Xue, whose strength has been weakened by more than 30%, Yan Huayu has absolute confidence.

With a wild laugh, he clenched his fist and rushed up. However, she didn't notice that Qin Xue, who had always shown coldness, actually provoked a smile and faintly carried a naughty thing that had not appeared for many years...