The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 299 Clouds on the Head

Yun Shangzhi and the old dog suppressed Liu Longtan, which made the latter almost lose his soul.

Originally, he thought that his strength was enough to protect himself under any circumstances. If he couldn't beat him, he wouldn't run away?

What's more, he still has the last glimmer of hope. Robin did not allow them to enter the base, but he also promised that it was only the time to fight with him when he really needed it.

When the incoming enemy is killed, he will be a great meritorious official, and there will definitely be a place for him in Robinji.

The words at that time were so beautiful that he really believed them.

But now... he finds that he can't wait at all.

What else has a grand plan and what is hidden with killing methods? It's all nonsense and bullshit!

Robinji behind him hasn't moved yet. If he continues, he will lose his life.

Withdraw, you must withdraw!

Liu Longtan made up his mind to get out, but at this time, a scorching fog suddenly enveloped his face and body, making his eyes as painful as if he had been cut out by a knife.

"This move again?"

Liu Longtan was very anxious. If it weren't for the little understanding between the leaders, he would really suspect that Yun Shangzhi and the old dog used to be together. This cooperation was too skillful and horrible.

This move just now is not only as simple as covering his sight, but also the power that he can't ignore.

Normal water boils for 100 degrees, which is not a big deal for a mutant like him.

But when these two work together, the temperature of the water mist is more than dozens of times, and it is even more abrupt and invisible.

He was not directly injured by the two, but was disgraced by the water mist.

"Damn it!"

The energy is overflowing, and the water mist immediately blooms.

Liu Longtan tried his best. Without waiting for his eyes to distinguish the light, he had already rushed out.

According to his previous experience, he knew that the two would not be opposite him, which was a good time for him to escape.

After all, if he delays any longer and waits until others solve the problem and comes to help, he will be really dangerous.

Liu Longtan just opened his eyes and happened to see a large dark shadow hitting him head-on.

He even saw clearly that it was an oversized tire, and there was an extremely conspicuous man several meters tall in the distance, still keeping the movement of throwing...

"Damn it, it has to be hundreds of meters. What kind of power is he?"

Liu Longtan was still subconsciously shocked, but his body could no longer avoid it.


Vision, hearing, touch... Liu Longtan only felt that his brain was blank at this moment. The tire was extremely powerful, and the power it carried was extremely horrible, making his body paralyzed in an instant and retreated unstoppably.

And behind, two fists are raised at the same time!


Liu Longtan stared at the big hole in his chest. It should have been two, but under the great destructive power, it merged into one.

He couldn't believe that he would be killed by Yun Shangzhi and Lao Gou, two people he had never seen before, so he suddenly learned a word called "Don't close your eyes...

"Haha, Lao Gao, I didn't expect that you and I would cooperate very well. It seems that we can form an ice and fire duo in the future, haha."

Yun Shangzhi pulled back his arm and looked at the old dog opposite him and smiled excitedly.

The other party couldn't help blurted out: "Get out, who wants to make a duo with you... Er! What did you just call me?

At this time, he realized that Yun Shangzhi grinned and said, "Lao Gao, Gao Yang, I really thought I didn't know your name! Or are you going to let me call you a lamb in the future?


Gao Yang was speechless, but he was inexplicably moved to think that Yun Shangzhi, who called his nickname, finally changed his words.

"Haha, let's go, let's see how many brushes there are in Robin's collection, and they dare to count us all."

"Okay, let's go!"

This time, the two really stood side by side and became famous in the future. The name is "Ice and Fire Duo"...

Of course, these are all after words, and they certainly don't know now.

Liu Longtan is already the first master of Hongzhiyi League, and several other slightly weaker ones have been killed as early as the central city.

As soon as he died, the rest of the people suddenly became a plate of scattered sand and had no resistance at all.

Soon, all the fighters of Hongzhiyi League were killed.

There are no innocent people in it. When they came, they didn't bring the ordinary survivors who were attached to them. They were all their cronies.

In this way, Robinji appeared directly in front of the army, and even the bloodless soldiers on the tower could see clearly, and some people lost their weapons and fled for their lives in extreme panic.

Until this time, Robinji still did not launch a counterattack or even organize any effective defense. It is not like when facing a fatal crisis, even on weekdays, people can't believe that Robinji's defense will be so lax.

It is unreasonable, and there must be fraud. Everyone knows that the army already had a similar target plan before departure.

It's very simple. If you don't move, then I will move!




The command was transmitted, the shout was sounded, and the heavy weapons responsible for breaking the city were operated immediately.

There are a lot of artillery in the central city alone, and other bases are insufficient but not completely absent.

For a moment, the gunfire roared, and the wall of Robin's wall suddenly crumbled.

From this point, we can see the difference in basic literacy. Robin set claims to be the largest base in the central and southern region, but it is really not good in defense construction.

If such an attack faces the central city, although it is likely to be difficult to hold in the end, it will never have such a obvious effect immediately.

After a few rounds of gunfire, Zhang Detao, who incarnated as a giant, waved his stick, and the gate, which was already full of cracks, burst into pieces.


The team composed of pure masters immediately attacked under the leadership of Zhang Detao, and no one could stop them for a moment on the way.

But this is just the beginning. Here, Robin's resistance finally appeared.

They have nothing else, but there are many people.

But many people can only let them temporarily resist the first wave of attacks, and even they themselves think it is impossible to reverse the situation and win.

Despation has completely enveloped them. Someone was running away from the beginning, and then more and more.

The momentum of the coalition has never weakened. Everyone feels that victory is imminent and Robin's collection is over.

Unless there is a miracle, this base will be completely removed from the central and southern regions from today.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the fierce battle, the crumbling wall finally collapsed.

There was no hindrance in front of the coalition, and it swept over like a high tide.

It seems that there are really no accidents, but Tie Xiucheng has always felt unscured in his heart.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a dark cloud in the sky.

Only a few people in the fierce battle noticed this change, but they didn't care, and immediately devoted all their attention to the battle.

But Tie Xiucheng didn't. Since he found this dark cloud, he felt a chill all over his body.

In the past three years, his strength seems to be the smallest one.

But the actual reason is that his ability is not combat, but the calculation lies in judgment.

He will never think that he has just noticed this dark cloud like others, but is very sure that the cloud did not exist just a second ago.

With his eyesight, he could see that the dark cloud was extremely close, just above Robin's concentration.

And that direction... seems to be the private residence of Luo Yuankai, the leader of the Robinji base in the intelligence, and the place where Zheng Yonghao, Luo Yuan and others quietly touched in.

From the beginning, they felt the abnormality of Robin set.

Whether it is the previous action against them or the reaction after the action is destroyed, it is abnormal.

After analysis, they were almost sure that Robin was hiding something. It was not until something that had been prepared for a long time that they finally found a truth that shocked them.

That thing is mysterious, but in fact it is just a decryption program. What is used to open is a USB flash drive. At the beginning, He Xuan, a black flag member, gave Zheng Yonghao the USB flash drive.

It was in that USB flash drive that Zheng Yonghao found Luo Yuankai's name.

This person is really a member of the Black Flag Organization. Like Cao Yan at the beginning, he is specially trained to collect information about the heart of Zihai.

Since then, many things have become clear.

For example, the source of the dead weapon, even experts like Hu Guiyi can't complete the improvement, but it will appear in the hands of Robinji, and many can be produced and handed over to Wu Guangyuan and others... At the beginning, it was difficult to understand, but as long as it is related to the Black Flag Organization, there is no doubt.

Higher life, even if it is not good at the practice of science and technology, is far from comparable to the earth at this time.

Dead light weapons may be just pediatrics for them!

And they tried to assassinate Qin Xue, and now they can also get a real answer. On the one hand, they weaken the power of the central city, and on the other hand, they are afraid to test Zheng Yonghao and another person they were not sure about - Luo Yuan.