The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 300 Black Flag

Zheng Yonghao almost never let Luo Yuan appear in the central city before. It was not until the time three days ago that Luo Yuan really appeared in front of the public.

The result is that the other party did not investigate, but they took the initiative to explain it. Luo Yuankai and the people behind him must have known that Luo Yuan is in the central city and will definitely respond to it.

It's too late to regret. Instead of waiting passively, it's better to take the initiative to attack, so that the next army will gather under the city.

Zheng Yonghao finally revealed the secret hidden in his heart to his most trusted people. Now it is no longer the time for him to bear it alone. The black flag may appear at any time, and hiding it from the public will only make them more vulnerable to danger.

Surprises, surprises, and even complaints.

But soon, everyone began to explore how to deal with it, and no one flinched because of this shocking truth.

Qin Xue, even her brother Qin Ming, is the same.

Qin Xue is fine. One is silent but does it.

Qin Ming has always been a big mouth and super talkative, but this time he didn't say anything. He just packed up his weapons and was ready to do a big job.

He didn't even say that he wanted to fight side by side with Zheng Yonghao, because he knew his strength. On an extraordinary basis, he was better than the average level of mutants, but he was far worse than Zheng Yonghao and his sister.

He can't participate in the highest level of combat, but he can contribute his strength to other battlefields.

In the face of the same situation, there are also Tie Xiucheng, Zhang Detao and Zhang Jie.

They are the same, even if they are only one line away from the top, but this front line determines which battlefield they are more suitable for and where they can play their role.

When the army set off, Zheng Yonghao, Luo Yuan, Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan had already left early.

In the face of the Robin set in this state, with their ability, they are bound to sneak into the target location without shocking anyone, but what they will encounter next is not what Iron Xiucheng can imagine.

"Anyway, the war situation has been decided, and even the black flag can't change anything!"

Looking at the strange appearance and the dark clouds that are getting bigger and bigger, Tie Xiucheng frowned and thought, but still couldn't feel at ease.

Now that their coalition has taken the advantage, Robinji can't hold on any longer.

It's only two hours, and they have occupied a quarter of the Robin set and are still expanding rapidly.

But why hasn't Zheng Yonghao returned yet? Is Luo Yuankai so powerful that they can't take it together, or the black flag... has arrived?

Tie Xiucheng frowned, waved his hand to kill a person while gently dodging, avoiding a bullet from the right side.

His ability may be difficult to play against top masters, but on such a battlefield, he can make the most appropriate judgment and response at the most appropriate time.

Even so, he can't determine what happened to Zheng Yonghao.


Tie Xiucheng's eyes suddenly trembled, and he suddenly raised his head.

And at this moment, it was not only him who forced away the opponent in front of him and looked up in shock, but also most of the people on the battlefield.

They were all shocked by the sound of the shock of the world, but now they raised their heads and saw something more frightening.

On the dark cloud that had covered half of the sky, the electric light was intertwined into a power grid, and the thunder seemed to tear the sky to pieces.

"What's going on? The end of the world?

The same question appeared in everyone's mind, and even the fierce battle stalled as a result.

Dragon and snake-like lightning continued one after another. Originally, it was just flying in the sky, but at this moment, electric light occasionally hit the ground. Robinji soldiers gathered in the rear crowded together and had nowhere to hide. Hundreds of people were killed directly by the lightning.

Just as another electric light shone on the world, everyone saw a figure flying from the ground to the sky.

"Ah! Don't die!"

Everyone exclaimed, but after the shock, they realized that this person actually flew up, and he was obviously not an alien variant with wings.

Most of these guys are Robin's people and other bases, but the people in the central city are all nervous.

In particular, Tie Xiucheng has always felt that something has gone wrong. He was not hit by a bullet but was hit in the face by a small pebble in the wind.


Tie Xiucheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the figure.

Although it is very far away, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, so that others can recognize it but still doubt it, but he is very sure that the person who flew up is Zheng Yonghao.


At this moment, a light blue light door opened beside Tie Xiucheng.

The teleport is not the kind made by Luo Yuan through scientific and technological props, but the second ability awakened by Zou Xiaochuan.

Tie Xiucheng hurriedly looked over, and Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan walked out from the left and right.

And among the two girls, this person was Luo Yuan, but it changed Tiexiu's face. At this time, Luo Yuan was seriously injured.

"How could this happen, and how did the leader..."


Without waiting for Tie Xiucheng to ask, Zou Xiaochuan has fallen to the ground, and Qin Xue on the other side could not hold them in time and was also brought down.

Tie Xiucheng hurriedly supported them and found that it was not only Luo Yuan who was injured, but Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan were also seriously injured.

It's just that they haven't reached the level of Luo Yuan, and more of them have lost their strength and obviously gone through a big war.

"Luo Yuankai attracted the people of the black flag, very powerful... We tried our best to kill them, so my sister used a force that should not be used... But there is another, stronger one, who is facing alone..."

Zou Xiaochuan gasped and said intermittently, as if she would interrupt the coma at any time, but she had been holding on, and her eyes kept looking at the sky, Zheng Yonghao.

I have only heard a general idea, and it has not been fully figured out, but there is no need to figure it out.

He finally saw what was behind the thunder and lightning. It was originally just a small black dot, but it gradually became clearer and clearer in his eyes.

That's a person, the source of lightning and thunder!

He found that the lightning was not to tear the sky, nor to make the end come again, but to prevent this person from appearing, as if it were the anger of the world, and as if... there was also the fear of the world.


In the ceiling, dark clouds, thunder and lightning.

In the distant ground, a person with a black spot became clear and looked like an oriental teenager.

He moved his body and looked at Zheng Yonghao curiously, but in the depths of curiosity were imperceptible bloodthirsty and viciousness: "I really didn't expect that there would be people like you here."

Zheng Yonghao's clothes have been broken everywhere, and he looks very embarrassed, but he can't make his spine bend a little.

Zheng Yonghao also moved his wrist and said, "I didn't expect that the big man of the black flag, known as the master of the higher world, would look like this."

"Oh?" The black flag teenager smiled and said, "Isn't this good? I have chosen many bodies and searched the memories of many people. In their aesthetic concept, this appearance is very popular.

"Hahaha." Zheng Yonghao laughed loudly: "It's understandable that you will be affected by your brain when you come to that perverted place. But when you think about it, you really match this body, little boy.

I don't know whether the young man of Black Flag understands or doesn't care, but since he has been cared by many people, he can also understand the reputation of the place where he came to is in this land.

"These are not important. At worst, I will just change my body. I think your body is very good. If you can reach this level in such a short time, you can be called a genius in our world.

The black flag teenager grinned, and his bent eyes looked at people's scalp, as if he really fell in love with Zheng Yonghao's body.

Zheng Yonghao snorted coldly, and then smiled calmly: "Is that right? It feels good to be praised, but it's different to be praised by you. Of course, I will really go to your world when I have a chance in the future to see what kind of soil and water can raise something like you! By the way, do you have a name? Let's talk about it.

The black flag teenager was stunned. He always felt that there was something wrong with Zheng Yonghao's words just now, but Chinese was really a language that was not easy to understand. He just couldn't figure it out, so he had to stop thinking about it.

"My name... well, as a low-class person who can bring me accidents, you are also qualified to know my name. Listen, my name is Magic Scorpion, and I am the president of the Starship 499 of the Black Flag.

"Four hundred and seventy-nine?"

Hearing this number, Zheng Yonghao couldn't help but be stunned. This time, he really didn't pretend.

This magic scorpion is the leader of the 499th ship, that is to say, there are at least 499 starships with black flags...

The scorpion smiled and said, "What, are you afraid?"

Zheng Yonghao shook his head gently and calmed down in an instant and said, "It's just a little unexpected, not fear. Not to mention 400, so what if you have 4,000 starships? If I remember correctly, you only have two starships here, right?


The scorpion was a little surprised: "Princess Luo Shen told you, right? It seems that your relationship is very good. She even told you all this, and she is not afraid that we will come to kill her at any cost?

Zheng Yonghao sneered and said, "It's as if she didn't say anything and you wouldn't come."

The Scorpion smiled again and simply admitted: "Yes, even if she doesn't do anything, we won't let him go."

"Bear by the way, how have you recovered after such a long delay?"

A sudden sentence of the scorpion made Zheng Yonghao's face freeze, as if he had been seen through by the other party.

Seeing that Zheng Yonghao didn't say anything, the magic scorpion smiled and said, "Haha, it's nothing difficult to guess. Although my subordinates who were killed were waste, they were subject to the upper limit of the world, and they were almost strong enough. The little princess lost her fighting power because of this. Your other friends are useless. They should try to ensure that you will suffer the least damage, but they are certainly still not easy.

Zheng Yonghao still didn't say anything and seemed to be on guard.

The scorpion waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I rarely come out once. I just want to move. I will give you time to recover, and we can also take this time to talk. If I guess correctly, you want to save this planet. Well, the best way to think about it is to solve us and then seek the recognition of the center of the universe, right?

Zheng Yonghao raised his eyes and said nothing. The magic scorpion laughed. He thought he was right.

"In fact, there is no other choice. You should already know what the purpose of our coming here is, at least you can guess a little."

Zheng Yonghao finally nodded and spit out three words: "Zihaixin!"

The scorpion said, "That's right! It is the heart of Zihai. As long as you help us find Zihaixin in advance, I may promise you to let go of this planet. What do you think of this deal?

Zheng Yonghao feels extremely funny. The other party is actually ** himself. Does this mean that he wants to rely on himself?

Without waiting for Zheng Yonghao to answer, the scorpion said again, "Since I have said so much, I don't mind talking more. There is one thing you don't know. In fact, if you want to get the recognition of the cosmic center, you don't have to meet all the requirements. As long as you have enough wealth, such an admission can be bought.

Zheng Yonghao's face changed, and the scorpion looked very satisfied. He smiled and said, "Let me tell you one more thing. Your princess friend has enough wealth to pay and can be recognized by the center of the universe. Haha, she must not have told you about it, right?

Zheng Yonghao's face darkened, and he seemed to be a little entangled and asked, "Wealth! Is that why you came in person?

The scorpion nodded simply and admitted: "Exactly! Otherwise, what do you think is worth my hard work to suppress less than 1% of my strength on such a low-level planet? Humph, even if I wait for this planet to jump to nearly complete, my projection strength is only 30% at most. You know how unhappy I am.

The Magic Scorpion frowned when he said this, and was obviously very dissatisfied with this state of lack of strength.


The corners of Zheng Yonghao's mouth suddenly stirred up, and his whole look changed: "Actually... Luo Yuan has told me what you said."


The scorpion was stunned and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Zheng Yonghao stretched out his fist and said, "She also told me that she was willing to provide this wealth to help me get the recognition of the center of the universe in response to the situation that I could not reach the strength of the star in time. But I refused!"


The scorpion's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that someone would refuse such a condition and refuse such a large amount of wealth that moved him.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Because I want to try it, with my own strength, because this is my home, and because... there is an opportunity now."

"What opportunity?"

The magic scorpion has become a habit of asking, but suddenly realized where the inexplicable strange feeling just now came from.

Zheng Yonghao!

It was from Zheng Yonghao that he had always thought that Zheng Yonghao was recovering from his injury, but in fact he didn't seem to be!

Zheng Yonghao suddenly opened his fist, and a young purple flame flashed in his palm, as if it could be extinguished at any time.

But the scorpion felt a terrible power from the flame, something that only intuition could feel.

"I'm not recovering from my injury, but I'm waiting for my body to get used to this power, and then - seize this opportunity!"


The originally young flame suddenly expanded rapidly at a terrible speed, and a storm rose from Zheng Yonghao's body, even dispelling the dark clouds and blowing up the lightning.

His physical energy value climbed steadily at this moment, and without any obstacles, he broke through the 99 that had been trapped him, and then 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, still rising!

Dark clouds and lightning reappeared, but this time they were no longer gathered around the scorpion, but gathered to Zheng Yonghao and responded to his power.

The face of the scorpion has finally changed. If he had just thought Zheng Yonghao was interesting and a worthy object to play with.

So now, he finally felt nervous and began to face Zheng Yonghao.

When Zheng Yonghao's physical energy value finally stopped growing, no one other than himself could notice that the value at this time was more than 3,000!

"Why do you think Luo Yuan was injured, not because of your cowardly men, but because she gave me all the hope! Now, it's time for me to repay her!"

Zheng Yonghao said that his voice had not yet fallen, and he had waved his fist like a demon scorpion.

Wind, purple electricity, fierce flames, broken void!

At this moment, everyone on the ground can no longer open their eyes, and there is no color in the world.

Only one punch!


This book has been cut in half by the editor, tried and fought for it, but to no results!

I'm sorry and ashamed of the hurried end.

I personally want to write it all the time. From the content, I believe everyone can see that it is just at the end of the first part.

I don't know what to say, that's it!

I hope everyone will always be happy and healthy, and I also hope that I will not fail again, which is very painful.

(the end of the book)