Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 33 Farewell

After Long Xiang left, Zhang Yu's heart could not calm down for a long time. Professor Chen died like this. A few days ago, the two were still talking and laughing together, but now they are separated forever. This incident made her thoughts unable to calm down for a long time.

Although Long Xiang said that the matter has nothing to do with this, does it really have nothing to do with it? If he hadn't given Professor Chen fruit wine before, wouldn't such a thing would have happened?

The family let themselves stay at home and not come to school, but they couldn't rest assured that Professor Chen and insisted on coming. However, they didn't expect such a thing to happen. Is this the result of their persistence?

Zhang Yu couldn't help thinking that if he obeyed his family and stayed at home this semester, could Professor Chen still live well now?

"Shouldn't I really come? H city is getting more and more chaotic. Will my brother come to pick me up later? It seems that I have to go home as soon as possible and can't stay here any longer. The longer it is, the more unsafe it will be." Zhang Yu finally made up his mind to go home as soon as possible.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu dialed the phone at home.

"Hello?" Zhang's father's voice sounded on the phone.

"Hey, Dad is me. I decided to go back as soon as possible. You ask your brother to prepare and come over in a couple of days. I'll go back with him." Zhang Yudao.

"Yeah, okay, I should have come back a long time ago. Now TV always reports how messy you are there. Your mother and I are worried as a whole. When you come back, we will be relieved." After knowing that Zhang Yu was coming back, Zhang's father felt very relieved and happy.

"Ye, I'm sorry to worry you. I'll deal with the matter here and go back as soon as possible. Recently, there have been many mutants who no longer hide their abilities. You and your mother should be more careful at home. Zhang Yu was concerned about it.

"Don't worry, everything is fine at home. Everything is normal here, but you must pay attention to your safety there, okay?" Zhang's father replied.

"I know, Dad! I will be careful." Zhang Yu replied.

"What's wrong with you? Listen to your tone. Has something happened to you?" Zhang's father asked doubtfully, feeling that Zhang Yu's tone was different.

"Ye, do you remember Professor Chen? He was killed by a power man yesterday because of the fruit wine I gave him. Dad, I didn't know this would happen." Zhang Yu's voice was very excited, with a faint cry.

"I should listen to you and stay at home this semester. In that case, such a thing may not have happened, and Professor Chen will not die." Zhang Yu's voice was full of self-reproach and pain.

"Xiaoyu, what's going on? Don't cry. You said you wanted to come back. Is it because of this?" Zhang's father quickly comforted him.

"Dad, I don't know that things will turn out like this. Of course, I asked him not to talk about the wine. However, Professor Chen's son told the matter. Later, those people cheated Professor Chen out. Later, when Professor Chen argued with them, he was beaten to death, but now, The prisoner ran away and didn't catch it. Zhang Yu simply explained the matter.

"Xiao Yu, if you want to come back, come back quickly. It's so dangerous there. Don't be sad, everything will pass. Go back quickly." Although it sounds plausible, Zhang's father listened to H City, which is very dangerous at present.

"Ye, I know Dad. I'll go back as soon as possible. I have nothing to do, but I feel a little uncomfortable. After saying it, I feel much better now." Zhang Yu sorted out her thoughts and said that she didn't want her family to worry too much about her.

"I will let your brother go there as soon as possible. You must pay attention to safety, okay?" Zhang's father warned uneaslessly.

"I know, let's do that first, Dad! Goodbye"

"Ye, be careful and safe outside! Goodbye!"

After talking on the phone with his family, Zhang Yu was in a much better mood. After calming down, Zhang Yu decided to go out to make a big purchase, and then go to the car market to see and choose a suitable car.

For safety, Zhang Yu took Heiyu on the street this time. Recently, the outside is very chaotic. Heiyu's ability can predict danger and his attack power is not weak. He is a good bodyguard for Zhang Yu, whose mental strength is now weakened.

In order not to attract attention, Zhang Yu took the method of accumulating more. She swept all the supermarkets. Although the things bought by each family were not too exaggerated, they could not be underestimated in the end.

In the car market, she finally chose an off-road jeep of about 300,000 yuan. The off-road vehicle has large horsepower and large space, which is a good choice.

In addition to buying cars, she also bought 5 motorcycles, which are mobile and easy to use. In addition, with enough money now, Zhang Yu is not soft to buy them.

Although I bought a lot of things, there is still money left. If this money is not used now, it may not be used in the future. All, Zhang Yu's plan is to spend them all.

After some consideration, Zhang Yu bought two high-power generators, which are based on Zhang's father's last purchase, one is a wind turbine and the other is a diesel generator.

One day, Long Xiang called her and said that Professor Chen's affairs had been concluded. Although his old man's body was inevitably studied, at least it did not have to be dissected so miserable.

Zhang Yu was very satisfied with this result. Long Xiang also told her a happy thing. He had negotiated with the relevant departments to transport Professor Chen's estate and hold a simple farewell ceremony.

On this day, Zhang Yu came to the scene of the farewell ceremony with complex emotions. From afar, he saw Professor Chen's body lying in a sea of white flowers. After putting on makeup, his expression looked so peaceful, as if he had fallen asleep. However, his pale face without a trace of blood sold this.

Zhang Yu slowly walked to Professor Chen and thought as he walked.

Thinking of the tension when I first met Professor Chen, Professor Chen's serious attitude towards work, his usual care for himself, and his words and deeds before his death, tears blurred her eyes.

Slowly, she finally came to Professor Chen's body. She bowed deeply and put the flowers she brought next to the body.

"Professor, what will happen to you is caused by the wine I gave you. I'm sorry about this. I'm really sorry. I hope you can have a good journey. If there is a heaven in the world, I wish you can enter heaven and continue to live a happy life. Zhang Yu silently repented and blessed the body of the captain Professor Chen.

Zhang Yu specially brought Heiyu today, hoping to see Professor Chen at the end with the help of his eyes. Unfortunately, Hei Yu did not feel anything. Zhang Yu deeply regrets about this.

In a blink of an eye, she looked at Chen Feng, who was kneeling next to him, and saw that he had no longer had the kind of arrogant and chic as before. The only thing left was pale and haggard, such a tall person. At this moment, he looked like a poor child. However, Zhang Yu could not have even a trace of sympathy for Professor Chen's death.

At the ceremony, she saw Long Xiang. Like her, Long Xiang just came to say goodbye to Professor Chen and ignored Chen Feng. However, after bowing to Professor Chen, she threw a brown paper file bag in front of Chen Feng with a blank face.

Seeing Long Xiang coming out with no expression, Zhang Yu hurried forward. Long Xiang, wait!"

"What's the matter?" Seeing that it was Zhang Yu, Long Xiang stopped.

"Ye, I have taken a break from school with my study, and I'm ready to go home in two days." Zhang Yudao.

"Exit from school? Why? Because of Professor Chen's affairs?" Long Xiang was puzzled.

"For some of my own reasons, Professor Chen's affairs are also a little bit. Recently, H City is not peaceful, and my family is also worried about my safety. I hope I can go home." Zhang Yu explained simply.

"Well, when do you plan to resume school?" Long Xiang asked.

"I haven't thought about this yet." With this, Zhang Yu's heart is full of bitterness. The end of the world is coming. Is there still the day to resume school?

"I have to pack my things these two days, and I'm afraid I won't have time to say goodbye to you. Now, mention saying hello to you!"

"Hm, it's not very peaceful recently. Do you want me to see you off?" Long Xiang frowned. He himself didn't notice that he frowned more often recently.

"No, my brother will come to pick me up. I just bought a car, and then we will drive back directly." Zhang Yu refused Long Xiang's kindness.

"Your brother will come to pick you up, then I'm relieved." Long Xiang did not insist.

"Long Xiang, do you remember what I asked you to hoard more materials before? Finally, I will solemnly tell you again, take advantage of this opportunity to hoard more. In the future, you will know the reason." Zhang Yu's tone has never been more serious.

"Okay, I will." Looking at Zhang Yu's eyes at this time, Long Xiang agreed.

"Well, there's nothing else. Let's separate here! I know you have been very busy recently. We will have a chance to see you again in the future. After saying that, Zhang Yu turned around and left.