Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 34 Chen Feng

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Since there is space, Zhang Yu has put most of his daily necessities into the space. Usually, there are some simple sundries outside, which is very convenient and fast to sort out.

Although the school felt a little strange about Zhang Yu's sudden suspension, Zhang Yu's family also called to explain the situation, and the school did not ask more questions.

Zhang Yu is currently waiting for the relevant procedures of the car. Although it is fast to buy a car, it will take some chores such as licensing the car.

Although he will be suspended from school and go home in two days, Zhang Yu's behavior is no different from usual, so the people in the same dormitory as her did not find this situation. Zhang Yu's relationship with them is self-evident.

What Zhang Yu didn't expect was that in just two days, something happened to her at home that caught her off guard, that is, Zhang's father didn't know what he planned to buy 100 lambs at a time while he had a lot of money and was ready to raise them at home.

Because of buying sheep, Zhang Jian had to stay at home for one more day, so Zhang Yu's return home was extended by another day.

Unexpectedly, because of the extension of one day, Zhang Yu knew another thing, that is, Chen Feng had also become a mutant.

It turned out that at Professor Chen's farewell ceremony that day, Long Xiang gave Chen Feng the results of the incident he investigated during this period. Of course, including the information that Professor Chen's body must become an experimental product.

At that time, Chen Feng was very shocked when he saw the files in black and white, saw the cause and result of the incident, and knew that all this was caused by himself.

In the past, he often caused trouble, but Professor Chen helped him solve it behind his back every time. Slowly, more and more times, he felt that these things were very common, because he was used to it.

After that, his restrictions on himself became less and less. Professor Chen warned him again and again, and he didn't pay attention to it, because although Professor Chen told him very strictly every time that there were some things he could not be done, but in the end, he did it, and Professor Chen would still help him solve it.

Just like this time, Professor Chen was very unhappy with the girlfriend he made. He told him that this woman was not good and too scheming. The two of them would not be happy when they were together.

However, seeing Fan Keyyin, who is as beautiful as a flower and smiling ripples, seeing her little woman acting coquettishly to him, seeing her obedient to him, and seeing the way she look at him admire, he has long forgotten Professor Chen's warning.

Finally, seeing his persistence, Professor Chen compromised with him again. At that time, he was still very successful, and now he only feels ironic.

Later, after dating for a period of time, he found that Fan Keyin did have a gap with his imagination, but at this time, he had become very infatuated with Fan Keyin and was deeply trapped in it and could not extricate himself.

When the National Day arrived, Professor Chen had a busy job, so he and Fan Keyin made an appointment to go on a romantic two-person trip, but the day before the two were ready to travel, Fan Keyin called and told him that her brother had been caught in the police station.

When he arrived at the police station, he finally knew that Fan Hui, Fan Keyin's younger brother, a young man under the age of 20, actually robbed others. Will a normal family think of robbery? He was puzzled.

At that time, he thought of his father's words. That woman was very scheming. You will not be happy with her. However, at that time, he was very infatuated with Fan Keyin and didn't pay attention to it. Now when he saw her brother, he couldn't help thinking, what Fan Keyin really looked like. Is it really the same as he imagined?

Long Xiang despised Chen Feng very much. He felt that he was not independent, naive, stupid, and often didn't know people, so that he often caused trouble. Every time he let his father wipe his buttocks behind his back, Chen Feng didn't care about this.

He thought that Long Xiang was completely jealous of himself. He was handsome and had good academic performance. In school, teachers and classmates also gave him face (at that time, he didn't know it was because of Professor Chen's explanation behind his back), and he was very open.

Long Xiang is indifferent, and his grades are not as good as his own. In school, he is not as popular as himself. He often stays in the teaching and research office and deals with those ancient texts all day long. Like his father, he is old-fashioned.

May I ask, a nerd, old-fashioned, what kind of vision does his grandmother's family say that it is useless to read a dead book now. Only by learning finance and management can there be a bright future in the future.

In Chen Feng's eyes, it was the same, so although he knew that his father really wanted him to inherit his manop, he still pretended not to see it.

Later, after dating Fan Keyin, he met a lot of celebrities and rich people. Seeing their daily life, he felt that money was indeed a good thing, and he firmly believed that he was the right choice of finance.

Later, after continuous contact with these people, he gradually learned to enjoy it and slowly became a little depraved and corrupt.

At the beginning, he was afraid of seeing his father, afraid that he would find himself changed, and afraid that he would scold himself, because he knew that it was wrong.

However, with the passage of time, his worry gradually faded and could not be concealed. Some things did change, and with it, his relationship with his father was not as close as before.

After getting acquainted with that group of friends, Chen Feng had more contact. After seeing a wide range of people, he had no previous infatuation with Fan Keyin, and he is still with her because he is still used to it.

As smart as Fan Keying, he naturally found this. Therefore, when his brother proposed to kidnap Professor Chen, the reason why she did not object was that she and Chen Feng would not last long, and it was better to exchange for inhuman power.

What Chen Feng didn't expect was that in his eyes, Fan Keyin, who had no threat, would do such a thing. He had been with her for a long time. Although he had no previous infatuation with her, he asked himself that he still loved her very much.

Fan Hui is just a 20-year-old young man. Although he knew that he had been arrested for robbery with others before, he did not see Fan Hui do it with his own eyes. In addition, Fan Hui's appearance is also very confusing. Thinking about Fan Keyin's appearance, you will know that Fan Hui is not too bad.

Fan Hui doesn't open his mouth and doesn't do anything. He looks like a beautiful and handsome big boy from afar, and he has nothing to do with those vicious people on TV, and Fan Hui shows a mostly good side in front of Chen Feng. Because he ignored his aggressiveness.

Chen Feng protected Professor Chen so well that he forgot a sentence, that is, "people's hearts are separated from each other and they don't know how to do things". He doesn't know that the people in the world are dangerous.

It's such a pair of siblings who are not taken care of by him. In the end, he killed his dependent father.

That day, when Long Xiang scolded him, although he was very unconvinced, the unexplained palpitations made him very uneasy and always felt that something bad was going to happen.

Finally, his hunch came true. When he found his father, he saw his weak and bloody paralyzed there. In his heart, his father, who was always so powerful that he could shield him from the wind and rain, was so weak at this moment that he seemed to be cut off at any time.

He didn't dare to step forward. He didn't want to believe that these were real.

Long Xiang didn't make him think much, so he pushed him away and talked to his father. His father actually left like this before he came, and he couldn't even say the last word to him.

He knew that Long Xiang had not seen him for a long time, but he did not expect that Long Xiang simply explained his father's last words to him, so he was still here alone and drove away alone.

At this time, he never thought that Long Xiang's departure was to investigate the process of the matter and seek justice for Professor Chen.

After Long Xiang left, he was very scared, but he didn't know what he was afraid of. He just stood there and looked at his father. He didn't even step forward to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth for his father. He just stood there in a daze and saw the blood stains slowly solidifying and slowly turning black.

Time slipped unconsciously, and when he thought it would continue like this, a few cars suddenly came.

The people didn't pay attention to him at all, but walked to their father's body. They wanted to take away their father's inheritance. At this time, he finally reacted. Hurry up.

"Who are you and what are you going to do? Where are you going to pull my father's body?" He asked in a panic.

"This is confidential, and you have no right to know." The visitor glanced at him contemptuously, and then motioned the people next to him to pull him down.

"This is my father's body. I have no right to know for a living?" He asked with all his heart.

Unfortunate, no one paid attention to it.

After that, he was taken care of and sent back to his home, and in the end, he did not know where his father's body was going. Everyone ignored his existence. At this time, he felt that he was so small and insignificant. The previous self-confidence and complacency seemed so ridiculous.

The next day, he was woken up by the doorbell and opened it to see that it was his grandmother's family, so he let them in.

He didn't expect that the first thing they said was how much their father's insurance money was, saying that he was still in school and had no experience and could help him manage it.

Do they really think he is a teenager? It's so easy to cheat. Although he used to be naive, he is now an adult and not really confused, so he rudely kicked these people out.

At this time, he thought that he was really ridiculous before. He felt that the people in his grandmother's family were different from his father, not nerds. They were very visionary and very good to themselves, and often gave themselves advice.

This is what he thought was a good man before. His father had just passed away. They not only did not ask for reasons or condolences, but only had money in their eyes. No wonder Long Xiang used to laugh at his innocence and don't know people clearly. In the past, he didn't believe it and often quarreled with Long Xiang about it. Now it's really ridiculous to think about himself.

That day, he stayed in his home, and no one disturbed him again, but no one informed him of the whereabouts of his father's body.

Next, the next day, the third day, and the fourth day, no one came to inform him of the whereabouts of his father's body, and he was forgotten.

In the past few days, Chen Feng was more haggard than a day. He tried to find out and hit a wall everywhere. In the end, he still couldn't know his father's whereabouts. He finally called Long Xiang. Long Xiang simply said that he was trying to deal with it, and then hung up the phone.

Chen Feng didn't call again, because from the phone, he heard Long Xiang's impatience and fatigue. Long Xiang has been a person since he was a child. He said that he was trying to figure it out, so he must be trying to figure it out. Now, all he can do is wait.

He finally received a phone call from Long Xiang, saying that he had negotiated and could transport Chen Feng's father's body out tomorrow to hold a farewell ceremony.

At the ceremony, Long Xiang threw a file bag to him with a blank face. After reading the contents, he finally knew the cause and effect of the matter.

That day, he watched his father's body being transported away again, but this time, he knew where he was going. Sadly, he was powerless. His father had been protecting him before his death. However, after his father's death, he could not even protect his body and could not let him rest in peace. He is unwilling.

That night, he couldn't sleep. That night, he had a lot of thoughts. That night, he suddenly had extraordinary abilities, but he didn't tell anyone that he secretly sneaked into the base, stole his father's body, and then disappeared.