Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 2 Doomsday

Summary: The end is coming, many lives have passed away, and the social order is chaotic. Zhang Yu is very sad about this.

Calm days always fly by. Unconsciously, spring passed like this, and summer came quietly.

In these days, Zhang Yu's family has lived a very fulfilling life. They have achieved some good results in learning martial arts and driving. Zhang Yu's lamb has also grown a lot, and her whip has become smaller.

No matter how chaotic it is outside, it is still peaceful here. Unfortunately, no matter how peaceful the days are, they will come to an end.

When he came back from herding sheep that day, Zhang Yu heard the sound of the ambulance. Zhang Yu feels a little strange, because the people in Zhang Yu's family are not very rich. They usually have a headache and are generally not willing to go to the hospital. Most of them go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine and take them at home.

Most of the people in the village are like this. Therefore, at most, they are given injections and water. Few people are willing to call an ambulance. Zhang Yu feels strange, but Zhang Yu doesn't like to watch the bustle, so she drove the sheep back to her home.

When I arrived at home, I heard my mother say that recently, many people had a high fever in the village. Today, the little granddaughter of the old Gao family in the village had a high fever. At that time, the family didn't care much about it, but they didn't expect that in the afternoon, somehow, the child suddenly got a fever. OK.

At this time, the family knew that the matter was serious and quickly called 120, but 120 came, but the person was still not rescued, and it was gone. At night, Zhang Yu, who had good hearing, heard someone from the Gao family crying there. Now the country has implemented family planning. Even in the countryside, they are not allowed to give birth more. Therefore, the children are all treasures in the hearts of their families. Now suddenly, they are gone. Can they not be sad?

Hearing the cry, Zhang Yu couldn't sleep over and over again in **. How could it not be regrettable that such a young child, a small life, and even she had not had time to look at this colorful world and disappeared?

Zhang Yu thought that this matter had come to an end, but she did not expect that in the next few days, people in the village would continue to be hospitalized because of a high fever, and most of them had no return. For a while, everyone in the village was in danger and talked about high fever.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of the deadline mentioned by the lotus. Zhang Yu knew that the nirvana of heaven and earth might start soon, which was an omen.

Sure enough, this high fever incident is not a matter in Zhang Yu's village. After continuous broadcasts on TV, Zhang Yu learned that the same thing has happened in many places. Many experts explained that this time it is only an epidemic virus and is not incurable. The country is actively studying effective drugs, so that everyone should not Panic, go to the hospital if you are sick.

In country Z, most of the TV is manipulated by the government. The characteristics of the people of Z people, rather than make mistakes, are the highest purpose of the leaders in the world. Therefore, most of these reports choose to cover up or shrink the facts. In fact, they have no practical effect. After looking at it, Zhang Yu sneered at it.

The 21st century is the century of the Internet. Although the government tried its best to cover it up, as long as it turns on the computer and connects to the Internet, it will find that there are no secrets in the world. Rumors will only be exaggerated, not the most exaggerated. It is not easy for the government to cover up the facts.

At present, because most of Zhang Yu's village is full of old people (young people, most of whom go out to work), so even if they pass away, no one will look too sad. In fact, for those dead, except for the really sad family members, others can't feel too much. As more and more people die, even the funerals are becoming more and more frivolous when everyone is in danger.

Zhang Yu and his family also lived very carefully during this period. They didn't even go out to release the sheep, but went directly to mow the grass and came back to feed them. Later, Zhang Yu felt troubled and was afraid that these sheep would be infected, so he put them all into his portable space and planted them in the space. There is a lot of grass for them to eat.

People are looking forward to this incident as soon as possible. Unfortunately, things are only worse, not the worst. Not only has the past, but now it has become a global event.

People are suffering, and people are constantly dying. At first, people still cry, but now they have become a little numb, because people don't know whether it will be their turn next. At that time, will anyone cry for themselves?

This event finally ushered in a big **. On August 31, 2012, which is the night of the traditional Chinese Ghost Festival, it is said that this day is the most gloomy day of the year. Many ghosts can come out to wander on this day. On such a special day, a global flow The attack broke out again, and many people couldn't wake up in their sleep.

This incident suddenly caused panic in the world. At this time, no matter what the excuse is, it seems so weak, and the government of Country Z can no longer suppress the development of the situation.

However, the highest incidence of events can't wake up are those densely populated metropolises, where most of the air pollution is serious and they can't see the starry sky every night. People's work under great pressure and usually don't have time to exercise. Many people often work overtime in order to keep their jobs. In such a dirty environment, you can imagine staying for a long time without paying attention to exercise.

At this time, most of those who died were weak people or old people and children with poor resistance. Those who are left are all physically strong.

What happened was silent. It was too sudden. Suddenly, the whole society lost order and became a mess.

Among the survivors, mutants began to appear. They took advantage of the chaos and began to grab supplies. Many people saw the sweetness and responded to their actions. Most ordinary people dare not go out for their own safety, lock themselves at home and live carefully.

In the countryside where Zhang Yu's family is located, the affected is not much, because those old people or weak people have died in the previous high fever incident, and now most of the rest are strong people. They all survived this incident.

Now in the countryside, everyone has food at home. Everyone has lived here for several lifetimes, and they are all familiar people. Therefore, even if there is a big disturbance outside, it is still very peaceful here.

When Zhang Yu's family saw the various situations broadcast on TV, they felt very heavy. Hearing the report, the country even began to send troops to major cities to maintain order. They felt that the situation was becoming more and more serious.

Zhang Yu was glad that she could know about the nirvana of heaven and earth in advance from the lotus sky. Otherwise, at this moment, she would not have been able to sit safely in her home like now, but would become one of the poor people on TV.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu not only sighed a lot.


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