Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 1 Peace Life

Summary: Zhang Yu lived a peaceful life at home.

When she returned home and saw her parents' worried faces, Zhang Yu felt very guilty. Her own way not only worried her family, but also implicated Professor Chen and caused him to return. Even his son Chen Feng is now nowhere to be found. She doesn't understand why she was so persistent at the beginning.

Now, after some twists and turns, she knew that the safety of her family is more important than anything else. The feeling of watching the people she is familiar with return in front of her and no longer there, and she can only miss them for the photos in the future is simply heartbreaking.

At this time, seeing his familiar parents, his familiar home, and everything, Zhang Yu felt that he was so happy at this moment. Only after trying to feel lost can people learn to cherish what they have now.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!" After seeing his parents, Zhang Yu smiled and said this sincerely.

"Just come back! Just come back!" Although it is just a plain word, at this moment, it is so gentle in Zhang Yu's heart,

Zhang Yu's return finally made his family put down his last worries and live in peace without worries.

When he returned home, Zhang Yu, who originally wanted to act as a rice worm, was given a new mission by Zhang's father, that is, you have the most free time at home, so go herd sheep! Zhang Yu felt extremely depressed about this! Why did you suddenly raise so many sheep in your family?

However, this matter is not difficult for Zhang Yu. After some training, Zhang Yu trained his two big black dogs, Big Black and Little Black, into shepherd dogs and asked them to help him manage the sheep. Zhang Yu is only responsible for providing big black and small black food.

Big black and little black like this task very much. Every day, they take good care of the sheep, as if they have become the real leader of the sheep, while Zhang Yu has become idle people and so on.

Zhang Yu also asked Zhang's father about buying so many lambs. However, Zhang's father's explanation was that the animals at home had evolved, so he thought that if he bought more, maybe a few more could evolve, then, in the end of the world, the safety of his family would be more secure.

Zhang Yu felt that Zhang's father was pure and was lying to himself. This reason was not convincing at all. If evolution was such an easy thing, Zhang's father and mother had eaten so much space-produced food and could have evolved long ago.

Unfortunately, Zhang's father's mouth was very strict. Zhang Yu asked many times, but to no result. In the end, she had to give up. Anyway, now she has given all these sheep to the care of two dogs, and she doesn't bother.

In the following time, Zhang Yu's family slowly passed the defensive measures in the constantly reinforced home and repaired Zhang Yu's grandmother's house.

During this period of time, Zhang Yu lived very calmly at home. Many people in the countryside were very simple and had simple thoughts. Without so many twists and turns as people in big cities, Zhang Yu also began to become cheerful. After living outside for three years, the indifference formed slowly faded away.

Because Zhang Yu, who has greatly improved his physical fitness in the second evolution, feels that it is very necessary to follow his brother to learn martial arts routines. In this way, he can not only kill a lot of free time, but also improve his self- protection ability, which can be said to fall in one fell swoop.

Zhang's father and mother also agree with this. Their bodies, after the improvement of food in Zhang Yu's space, are also very strong, and there are no signs of aging at all. Thinking of the end of the world, they may encounter all kinds of things, and they also feel that it is very necessary to learn some martial arts to protect themselves. Of.

Therefore, Zhang Yu's family began a martial arts movement, and even Zhang Yu's sister Zhang Yi and little nephew Haoyu were forced to join the ranks of this movement.

Zhang's father and mother chose to learn Taijiquan and Wuji opera because of their age. Xiao Haoyu also has a patient and better father to study.

When Zhang Yu was in school, he had studied Taijiquan with Professor Chen for a period of time. Professor Chen learned authentic Chen-style Taijiquan. He has been immersed in it for decades and has a very deep knowledge. Zhang Yu has received a lot of guidance from him.

Chen-style Taijiquan is divided into two ways. The first way is the basic routine. After learning, it can be used to strengthen the body. The second way is called cannon boxing, which has a strong attack power. After learning, you can defend yourself.

With such ready-made conditions, Zhang Yu naturally became a teacher and was responsible for teaching his family to practice Taijiquan.

Zhang Yu chose to learn a set of whipping methods in addition to practicing Taijiquan. One of the biggest reasons why she learned whipping is the need for sheep. The second reason is that she feels that girls use whips are very majestic. In this way, learning whips can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Zhang Jian was very obsessed with knife skill. At that time, when he learned that the whole family had to learn martial arts, he strongly recommended his family to learn knife skill. Unfortunately, Zhang's father felt that the knife was a sharp weapon. Once it came out of the sheath, it was easy to see blood and hurt the sky. Therefore, he ignored his opinion and Zhang's mother supported Zhang's father's opinion. Zhang Yu, who wanted to herd sheep, learned the whip method. Haoyu followed Zhang's father and was led by Zhang's father. Zhang Yi claimed that his work was very busy and had no time, so he often did not come.

In the end, Zhang Jian was still the only one at home practicing his swordsmanship alone.

During this period, in addition to the family's martial arts, the Zhang family also has a family sport, that is, learning to drive. This time, Zhang Yu bought an off-road vehicle. In the future, if there is anything to do at home, there will be many aspects.

Unfortunately, at present, only Zhang Jian can drive. In this way, if Zhang Jian is not here, the car at home will become a decoration. Therefore, Zhang's father decided to let the whole family learn to drive.

Zhang Yu was also very supportive of Zhang's father's idea. At this time, she remembered the motorcycles she bought by the way, so she took out all the motorcycles she bought from the space.

After Zhang's father saw it, he didn't say anything. After seeing it, Zhang Jian liked it very much and felt that his sister knew him very well. When he came back this time, he bought everything he liked.

Zhang Yu's home is a remote and small village, very far from the town and a little isolated. Therefore, although H City was very chaotic when she came back, it was still calm here without any impact.

People in the countryside still live their own small life, which is no different from usual. During this period, Zhang Yu lived a peaceful life in his home. What she didn't know was that Long Xiang in H City encountered some trouble.

Long Xiang's family background is not simple. Zhang Yu already has some understanding when dealing with Professor Chen's affairs.

Speaking of Longxiang's family, it used to be a large martial arts family. Later, after the reform and opening up, a large number of foreign ideas suddenly poured in. Although the country emphasized "removing its dross and taking its essence", there were no effective measures. The people of Z's own thoughts were strongly impacted. Later, the Long family was also affected, and the family slowly divided into two factions.

A faction is more conservative and advocates continuing the family tradition and focusing on the pursuit of martial arts. The other faction is radical. They chose to enter the world and enter the military world. With their family martial arts, they have a higher and higher status in the army. Now, a great force has been formed.

Long Xiang is conservative, while his brother Long Zheng is radical. Although the two brothers have different views, this does not affect the brotherhood between them.

Long Xiang's father did not think so. He was of the older generation, more traditional, and he was very proud of his ancestors and especially abided by his ancestral teachings. Therefore, after his youngest son chose to enter the army, he was kicked out of the house in anger.

Long Xiang has also persuaded Long's father many times, but the old man is very stubborn and persistent, so Long Xiang's younger brother has not returned home for a long time. This is also because Zhang Yu has never seen Long Xiang's younger brother.

This time, some mutants appeared in H City. Similarly, they also appeared in the army. These people feel that since God has given themselves extraordinary abilities, they should get a matching position, and the leaders of the army will not easily agree to these requirements.

On the one hand, it can't be easily agreed, and on the other hand, it can't be suppressed, so the leaders in the army are very worried. The relatively shallow-rooted Long family was pushed out, and Long Xiang's younger brother Long Zheng was unfortunately among them.

However, most of these mutants have strengthened their physical strength tenfold, so although Long Xiang's younger brother Long Zheng has good martial arts skills, he can't suppress them.

Long Xiang has a strong understanding of martial arts. Since he was a child, his achievements in martial arts have been much higher than those of the same generation. Later, he followed Long's father to leave the Long family and study martial arts in the ancient books of the Long family outside. Now his achievements can be imagined.

Long Zheng couldn't do it. This time, he had to ask his eldest brother to come out. He put all his hopes on his eldest brother, hoping that his arrival could help him suppress these people.