Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 29 Temple

In summary: After the disaster, many people believed in the small temple in Zhang Yu village, and the village decided to build the temple

Zhang Yu told his family the results of his investigation. As soon as they heard it, they all felt that these people were not worthy of sympathy. Knowing the reason for this matter, those animals were not dangerous at present, so they were relieved.

The Zhang family was relieved, but the villagers who did not know the truth did not know the reason for the matter, so they came to Zhang Yu's village one after another and began to ask God to worship Buddha.

Seeing this situation, the leaders of the village moved out the temple construction mentioned last winter. The result was very smooth and passed this proposal with absolute advantage.

In view of the prosperity of the temple and the current role of the temple, the village head and several leaders decided that it must be overhauled this time. Recently, too many things have happened and made a lot of trouble. Zhang Yu's village is the few villages around, with the least accidents and the least damage. Therefore, many people in the village attributed the reason for this incident to the temple in the village, thinking that it was a divine blessing.

Under such circumstances, after hearing about the construction of the temple, the villagers generously contributed money, made powerful efforts, and donated things. Soon, the things to repair the temple were ready.

People in other villages saw the movement in Zhang Yu's village and knew that after the temple was built, there were also many people who donated money and materials to ensure their safety.

The new family surnamed Gong in Zhangyu Village was really generous this time, and suddenly donated 100,000 yuan, saying that it was used to reshape the golden bodies for the statues in the temple. This move suddenly suppressed many villagers, and many people began to look up on them. They saw that their families were really rich, and some people believed that their high-priced grain collection was true and began to be a little moved.

At this time, the village head also agreed to his family's previous purchase of land and house. The family has really settled down in Zhang Yu's village, and because of this generosity, for a while, it was in the limelight and attracted much attention.

Zhang Yu couldn't understand the family's behavior before, but now he doesn't understand it any more. It is said that the family is doing very well in the big city. I can't figure out why they came to these small villages to farm, saying that they are farming. It's also a little exaggerated. They buy food.

Before, when they discussed buying a house and land, their families were not in a hurry, especially now, they have passed the best time to sow. Although they have bought the land, they have not been busy sowing.

Zhang Yu is full of curiosity about such an uninvited guest who suddenly came here to settle down. However, although this family is high-profile, it is very low-key and rarely goes out. Everyone is not familiar with this family. Zhang Yu hasn't seen anyone in their family so far.

Not only Zhang Yu is interested in them, but also Long Xiang pays attention to such a family. Through this period of life, Long Xiang found that there may be unusual places in Zhang Yu's family. However, Long Xiang still doesn't know where it is, and this family surnamed Gong may also be related to this matter.

For this matter, Long Xiang asked the people who came here. Unfortunately, there were no results. After that, he asked his brother to help check the matter here. Unfortunately, this place is very remote, the village is also very small, few people pay attention to it, and the recorded information is very good. Less, even if there is, there are only a few words, which have nothing to do with pain and are useless at all.

When people are willing and try their best to do something, the efficiency is really unspeakable. Soon, the small ruined temple in Zhang Yu Village was renovated. The temple has become much bigger and gorgeous. At present, the remaining statues have not been completed, and the rest have been completed.

This time, with so much money to reshape the golden body for the statues in the temple, of course, it can't be as sloppy as before. The statue has found a special sculpture and has to be colored. The whole process seems very formal.

The villagers also specially found someone to calculate the auspicious days and waited for the opening ceremony after the statue was in place.

When it comes to the lighting ceremony, this is a custom in Zhang Yu's hometown. In Zhang Yu's hometown, after the statue was shaped, there was no divinity at the beginning. The lighting ceremony was a kind of ceremony to invite gods.

After the temple is repaired, the statues are placed, but at this time, the statues are not called statues. At this time, they are all covered with colorful silk. During the ceremony, people set off firecrackers, incense, pray for blessings, etc. in the temple, and then the statues are unveiled. At this time, the statues are regarded as real gods.

This kind of ceremony has been circulating for a long time, and it is still impossible to figure out how it was passed down. However, it has been passed down from generation to generation. People in Zhang Yu's village have always followed this ritual.

In the past, these ceremonies were presided over by the old people in the village. Unfortunately, after a disaster, the old people have almost left. Therefore, now the people who presided over the ceremony have become young people in the village. They are not as traditional as the old people, and the host of the ceremony is not as solemn as the old people.

Zhang Yu remembered that in the opening ceremony, when the silk on the statue was uncovered, there could not be outsiders. He must close the door and pray sincerely before he could uncover the silk. It is said that this is done for fear of shock. If people outside the ceremony are present, God will be unhappy. At this time, God may not be willing to move in this temple, so the opening ceremony will fail.

In the past, Zhang Yu was very interested in this ceremony and felt very mysterious. Unfortunately, in the past, these were all refused to visit, but this year, because of the substitution, people were allowed to visit the ceremony.

Of course, not everyone can visit it. This time, the person who can visit is the rich man surnamed Gong. This time, he made great efforts to reshape the golden body of these gods. At his request, this time, several people who presided over the ceremony actually agreed to his request.

When Zhang Yu heard this, she had an idea in her heart. When she decided to open the light, she also went to have a look. Now, she has a spiritual power beyond ordinary people. Recently, although her spiritual strength has declined a lot because of the ritual, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Zhang Yu intends to explore his spiritual strength when he opens the light and observe what the ceremony is like. On the one hand, she did this because she was curious about the ceremony, and on the other hand, she was curious about the family surnamed Gong.

For no reason, Zhang Yu feels that Gong's family will not do things aimlessly. Even if he did so, there must be a reason. Zhang Yu is very interested in this reason.


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