Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 30 Opening Ceremony

Summary: After the temple was repaired, Zhang Yu and his family came to the temple to watch the opening ceremony and prepare to peep at the secrets.

The statue has finally been molded, and the opening ceremony will be held soon. This incident has spread in the village, and many villagers plan to watch the ceremony at that time.

"Sister, tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the statue. Let's go and have a look then." Zhang Jian suggested that he was very interested in the temple in his village. Recently, he has always heard the legend of this temple.

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow." Zhang Yu replied calmly. Even if Zhang Jian doesn't say anything, she plans to go there.

"Really, sister, will you really go tomorrow?" He remembered that Zhang Yu was not very interested in this kind of thing before. Last time, he asked Zhang Yu to go there with him, and she refused.

"Ye-huh, I will go." Zhang Yu replied, and his tone was still calm.

"The opening ceremony of the statue is quite novel. I'll go to see it tomorrow." Long Xiang has never seen such a thing before, so he decided to follow him to have a look tomorrow.

"Okay, there are so many people." Zhang Jian was very happy to hear that Long Xiang was also going.

"The ceremony passed down from the ancestors is very solemn. When you get there, don't do anything disrespectful, you know?" Zhang's mother said that she was not worried about Zhang Yu and Long Xiang, but about Zhang Jian. What's the child's hairy?

"Okay, I know, Mom." Zhang Jian felt that his mother regarded him as a child again, and he still knew these things.

"In fact, there is nothing to see. You can only watch the beginning and watch a lively or something. The ceremony and important parts are all closed, and you can't see it." Zhang's mother said again. She had seen this kind of ceremony before, but she didn't see anything about how the statue lit up.

"Well, I've heard from others. However, I heard that this time, the person who donated a lot of money can go in and watch it. Zhang Jian is very upset. Just because he donated a lot of money, can he be special than others?

The family surnamed Gong has lived in a simple way all day. Zhang Jian has not yet seen what their family looks like. This time, in the past, he also wanted to see what is the difference between those rich people in big cities and those rural people.

"Hey, people nowadays are really not comparable to the past. With money, any rules can be broken. They are all bad habits brought back by running outside before." Zhang's mother is a relatively traditional person. In her heart, rules are rules. Since they were handed down from her ancestors, there must be some truth in it. If it is not a last resort, these rules cannot be easily broken.

Now, many people go out to work, and now they are back. However, after running around, their hearts change. They feel that they have insight. They begin to feel that the village is not right here and there, and now they begin to violate the teachings of their ancestors.

Zhang's mother believes that if those old people were still alive, they would have presided over the current ceremony, and nothing like this would have happened.

"People nowadays are really not as good as in the past. They are becoming more and more unruly." Zhang's father also agrees with Zhang's mother's words. Nowadays, many people have been influenced by the outside, become more selfish than before and can play tricks. He is very disappointed with these people, which is also the reason why he doesn't want to mind his own business. These people are really not worth worrying about.

Seeing Zhang's father's speech and speaking quickly, the family began to eat carefully and stopped talking.

The next day, Zhang Yu and others came to the temple in the east of the village to watch the opening ceremony.

When they arrived at the place, Zhang Yu and others were really shocked. I saw a lot of people coming here. There are few people in the village, and everyone is often busy. Recently, they have stayed at home all day, so they haven't seen so many people for a long time.

This time, not only the people from Zhang Yu's own village, but also many people from other villages came. These people did not come empty-handed and brought a lot of tributes with them. They are ready to worship immediately after the light is opened, so as to get an auspicious head.

Recently, because of the previous bloodshed incident, everyone's little wings stayed at home and haven't come out for a long time. Zhang Yu's village has not been so lively for a long time. Now that everyone has gathered together, I feel that there are endless words and it seems very lively.

Many people wear more formal and new clothes. It feels like the New Year in previous years. At that time, it was also so lively. However, last year, everyone was trapped at home by heavy snow and lived a very difficult life. Therefore, the New Year was just hastily passed, and there is nothing new at all. The atmosphere of the year.

Soon, the ceremony was about to begin. First of all, a lot of firecrackers were set off, all of which sounded tens of thousands of times. Around the courtyard of the temple, there were several rounds of firecrackers. For a moment, the sound of thunder. It is said that this is called removing urity, which means driving out all the unlucky things and turning the temple into a clean place.

The second step is to apply incense, also known as divine incense. Just opposite the gate of the temple, there is a huge stone incense burner, led by the person who presided over the ceremony to pray for incense. When people pray for incense, they should sincerely and ask for the gods to come. At this time, many villagers will go to incense. It is said that if at this time, those who pray devoutly will be inspired by God when the gods come, and then they will be blessed.

The third step is to kowtow and donate merit. After the incense was served at the door, people entered the temple and kowtowed and donated money in the merit box. At this time, the money required to be donated must be coins, and there must be a sound in the box. The moral of this move is that the incense in this temple is very strong, and many incense guests come to donate merit. If the gods choose to live here, they will get a good Worship, don't be afraid that there is no tribute.

The previous three steps are to invite God and tell the gods that this is a good place to live in peace. I hope the gods can come here to keep this side safe.

Zhang Yu felt that these actions were more like ** gods and let them come here to do hard work and protectors for the villagers here. Of course, she just dares to think about these in her heart.

The fourth step is the most important step and the most mysterious step, asking God to possess it. This step has always been carried out in secret. There are very few people in the village who can take this step. They have been passed down by word of mouth through the ages. It is a secret. In the surrounding villages, only a few families in Zhang Yu's village can do it.

In the first few steps, ordinary people can do it. Only the last step is the most important. The gods are invited. However, if they can't be attached to the statue, then these gods can't live here, and those gods are just dolls that make mortal fetuses and will not be divine. It can't protect the safety of one party.

Zhang Yu is curious about the step of inviting God's possession. She wants to know how people invite God's possession.

Soon after the third step was completed, the idle people inside were invited out, leaving only a few people who presided over the ceremony, and of course, the surnamed Gong.

It was not until this time that Zhang Yu knew what the rich man surnamed Gong looked like. Seeing this person around 40 years old, his facial features look very easy-going and smiling. At first glance, it gives people a feeling that he has always been amiable, which is easy to make people feel good. However, Zhang Yu saw the occasional flash of wisdom in his eyes, and knew that it was not as simple as it was shown.

How can a person with such a look come to this small village to settle down without a purpose? If he came to the countryside to farm or something, at this time, seeing him, Zhang Yu felt that the reason was so pale and powerless.

Soon the temple gate was closed, and the face of the middle-aged man surnamed Gong quickly disappeared in Zhang Yu's eyes. Zhang Yu hurriedly took her attention back. Next, she planned to mobilize her spiritual strength and peep at the divine possession ceremony inside.


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