Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 48 Hardship

Susp: Zhang Yu and the two returned, and the villagers are still struggling to find water

Long Zheng's death made Long Xiang feel very sad. Although he had killed all those evolutionists and buried them with his brother, his dead brother would not be resurrized because of this. The sad Long Xiang became interested in everything.

The division of the family, the death of his brother, and his father's obsession with the family made Longxiang feel very tired. Now, he just wants to find a place to hide and no longer need to pay attention to these things.

After experiencing these things, Long Xiang became very silent and didn't talk much all day. Zhang Yu persuaded him several times but had no effect. Finally, Zhang Yu, as Long Xiang's wife, could only silently accompany him and give him silent encouragement, hoping that he could slowly get out of this sadness.

After Long Zheng's after-the-job, the two said goodbye to Long's father and embarked on their return journey.

When the two came back, what they saw along the way made them realize that the drought in their hometown had not passed, but felt a little worse. The scorching sun was still in the sky, the crops in the ground were also dead, and the surface was already dry.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu began to return to her heart. She was very worried about her family and didn't know whether they had been doing well recently. Although Zhang Yu did leave a lot of resources for her family when she left, the drought lasted for so long that she was afraid of something.

Zhang Yu's worry was right. At the beginning, people were very worried to see that their hard-earned crops died. However, now people have no extra mood to care about these, because the villagers are now overwhelmed by themselves, and they almost have no water to drink.

With the continuation of the drought, there is only one well left in Zhang Yu's village. The village head has begun to limit everyone's daily water consumption. The water people in the village receive every day can only guarantee the minimum amount of water that can survive. However, even so, this well may not last long. .

The people in the village are now worried about this matter, so when the two hurried back, they felt the sad fog that enveloped the whole village.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu was more worried about her family. She accelerated again and rushed to her home. When he came to the door, Zhang Yu couldn't help feeling it with his spiritual strength and found that there was nothing unusual in his home, so he was relieved.

The family was very happy to see that Zhang Yu and the two returned safely.

"Sister, you are finally back!" Seeing the two coming back, Zhang Jian hurried up and said happily.

"Ye-huh, I'm back." Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu replied with a smile. Yes! She finally came back. After returning to her own acres of land, Zhang Yu felt particularly kind. Long Xiang stood aside and did not answer.

"Just come back! Just come back! You two have worked hard along the way. Hurry up and have a rest. Are you tired on the way? Are you hungry? I'll make some food for you now." As soon as Zhang's mother came up, she said a lot of words. After saying that, without waiting for them to reply, they immediately went to the kitchen to cook.

"Thank you for your hard work on the way. Let's go to the house and rest first." Zhang's father also spoke. Although he knew that Zhang Yu's ability was extraordinary, he was still worried before, and now he was finally relieved to see their safe return.

"Yes! Yes! Go to the house and have a rest." Zhang Yi's parents-in-law also echoed.

When Xiao Haoyu saw Zhang Yu, who had been meeting for a long time, he wanted to come to show his kindness, but he was pulled by Zhang Yi beside him. The child was very noisy. If he pestered Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu would definitely have no way to have a good rest.

The two hurried back all the way, and they were indeed a little tired, so they followed Zhang's father's words and decided to go to the room for a rest first. When he got to the house, he looked around, but did not find the trace of Wang Lin. Zhang Yu felt a little strange.

"Sister, brother, why didn't you see him?" Zhang Yu couldn't help asking doubt.

"Your brother, this time it's their team's turn to go out to look for water. It may take a few days to come back." Speaking of this, Zhang Yi was very worried. It was not an easy task to find water outside, especially running outside in the hot sun, but she also knew that there was nothing she could do.

"So that's it. So, how is the water source now?" Thinking of the feeling of sadness when entering the village, Zhang Yu hurriedly asked.

"Oh, it's difficult to talk about this! Here, the area affected by the disaster this time is quite large, and the water sources in many places have dried up. Now the scope of search has been expanded several times, but the result is still unsatisfactory. Zhang Yi said with a bitter face.

"Life in the village has really been very hard these days. However, the scope of search is getting larger and larger now, but no suitable water source has been found. However, even if it is found so far away, it is not only inconvenient to get water, but also can't send someone to guard it at all. Anyway, there are many difficulties. Previously, the village head has held several meetings for this matter, but there is still no result. Zhang Yi said, and Zhang Jian was there to help add.

"Also, the only well in the village that still has water is about to dry up. What should the people in the village do in the future without this well?" Speaking of this, Zhang Yi was very worried and his face was full of sadness.

"It turns out that no suitable water source has been found for so long." Hearing the words of the two, Zhang Yu was a little puzzled. Is it really so difficult to find a water source?

At this time, she couldn't help thinking of the rain in the area of the Long family, such an extremely opposite phenomenon as the two areas, is it the punishment made by nature to revenge on the previous wanton destruction of human beings? Zhang Yu has no solution.

"How have you been at home during this period? I'm outside now. How's it going?" Daze helps the world, and when she is poor, she is alone. Zhang Yu doesn't have that much ability. Therefore, as long as she can take care of her small family now, she is satisfied. This time, Long Zheng's death touched her very much. She didn't want such a thing to happen to her family.

The sadness of Long Xiang and Long's father made her look so bitter and unbearable. Especially the dragon father, in addition to sadness, also has deep repentance. People often know more about the happiness of having it after losing it. However, when it comes to loss, everything is too late. She won't let such a thing happen to her. She doesn't want to lose any member of the family.

"Our family is doing well. Fortunately, you have foresight and have saved so much water in advance. Your eldest brother also has a big black follow, so there should be no problem. During this period, Zhang Yi has deeply understood Dahei's ability and intelligence. With it, she believes that nothing will happen to her husband.

"That's good." Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that my family has lived a good life during this period.

Originally, Zhang Yu wanted to ask something else, but at this time, Zhang's mother finally finished the food, and Zhang Yu had not eaten her mother's cooking for a long time, so she said nothing and began to concentrate on enjoying the long-lost taste.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~