Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 49 Territory

Happy New Year to everyone!


Susp: Some water sources have been found, but these have been divided into their own possessions by people near the water source

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yu and the two have been back for several days, and although Long Xiang is still not very talkative, it is much better than before. Although Zhang's father and mother found the change after Long Xiang's return this time, after Zhang Yu told them that Long Xiang's brother had passed away, everyone kept it. Silence, because they all know that Long Xiang and his brother's relationship is very good. Now, his brother has left like this. It's normal to be sad.

In other words, if this happened to me, it is unknown that I may be more sad than Long Xiang now. Sometimes, it is better to pretend to be as if nothing had happened. Therefore, although everyone knew about this matter, they kept silent with tacit understanding.

Although everyone wants to remain rational, sometimes, people's thoughts can't completely control your shape and behavior. It's often the same thing in people's hearts. However, what they are doing may not be able to be done, just like many people will set a set for themselves in their hearts before doing something. A goal, but there are not many people who can really achieve it.

Many times people's thoughts and actions are not exactly the same. Zhang Yu's family wanted to pretend to be nothing, but after all, they already know that everyone is an ordinary person, so it is inevitable that they will still show so much, and among them, Zhang's mother's performance is the most obvious.

After hearing the news of Long Zheng's death, Zhang's first feeling was an accident. After that, she was also very sad for Long Xiang. Seeing Long Xiang become like this, she was very distressed and felt that the child was too pitiful. At the same time, she was still sad about another thing, so that her mood became very depressed.

The current situation is so chaotic. Looking at Long Xiang's ability, we can guess that Long Zheng's ability is definitely not weak. However, such a powerful person is gone. Zhang's mother can't help thinking of her wandering brother Yan Hu, their father and son, what the current situation is, perhaps, When she didn't know it, they might have left the world. Thinking of this possibility, she felt very uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhang's mother regretted more and more. She regretted that she did not resolutely stop Yan Hu from going out at the beginning, and regretted that she was soft-hearted at that time. Zhang's mother is a person who is not very good at hiding her emotions, so her sadness is seen by everyone, but after understanding the situation, everyone can also do nothing about it.

Comfort alone is useless for this kind of thing. Now Yan Hu's life and death are uncertain outside. With only some simple and pale words, it is not convincing at all. Originally, when Long Zheng was still alive, Zhang's mother had been pinning her hopes on him to get some information about Yan Hu from him one day. However, what she didn't expect was that Long Zheng, who had never met and had taken care of Yan Hu before, was gone.

When things happened so suddenly, Zhang's mother felt that the world was really too impermanent, and no one could guarantee what would happen tomorrow. Therefore, Zhang's mother, who was already a little sentimental, fell into a low ebb like Long Xiang.

Zhang's mother was sad here. A few days after Zhang Yu and Long Xiang came back, Wang Lin finally came back. Seeing his safe return, his family's heart, which had been hanging before, was finally relieved, but the news he brought back made everyone's hearts hung up again.

"Brother, how did you go out this time? Have you found a suitable water source?" As soon as Wang Lin came back, Zhang Jian asked impatiently. You know, the well in the village was worried that there might be no water in the next two days. This time, the result of Wang Lin's search for water became crucial.

"Hey!" Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Wang Lin didn't say anything, but said with a complicated look.

Seeing Wang Lin's appearance, everyone had some bad feelings and guessed that this search for water might have ended in failure again.

"Brother, what's going on? Don't just sigh and make it clear?" Zhang Jian, who was impatient, immediately asked.

"To talk about water sources, we did find a few good places when we went out this time." When Wang Lin said this, he suddenly stopped and let the people who were a little happy after hearing the news suddenly get stuck there. Looking at Wang Lin's performance, they knew that there might be a "but" behind. Wang Lin's next words really confirmed everyone's speculation.

"However, because we went late, these places have been preempted by others. Originally, we wanted to get some water when these people went back, but these people happened to be near the water source. They had divided all these water sources into their own territory and sent people there to guard them every day. We didn't have a chance to do it at all. Speaking of this, Wang Lin was a little frustrated. They stayed in those places for a long time before, but they came back with nothing.

"What, there are already people in these places! So are there many water sources in these places now? Can you discuss with them and give us some? You have been out during this period. I don't know. The last well in our village will also be dry. Hearing Wang Lin's words, Zhang Jian also felt a little frustrated, but he still asked tentatively.

"Hey, you don't know that those people look at those water sources very strictly, just like their lives. They don't let us get close at all and want them to share some to us. I don't think it's possible at all. However, I looked at it from afar. The water source there is okay and should last for a period of time, because it is far away, and I can't see the specifics too clearly. Wang Lin thought about it carefully and then replied.

"Hey! I'm right. Nowadays, who doesn't regard water as life and wants them to share something with us, I think it's impossible. Zhang Yu, who was supposed to listen, also spoke at this time.

"What should I do? There is no water in our village. How can we live in this life in the future!" At this time, Wang Lin's parents also spoke. Now, because the village is protected by gods and is very safe, the old couple will often go out to inquire about some information or something.

"The captain of our team has gone to explain the story to the village head. I think the village head should also be trying to figure it out. Let's wait first." Hearing his parents' words, Wang Lin also felt very helpless.

"Well, I'm right. The village head of our village is a capable person. Look, he has experienced so many things before, hasn't he solved them all very well? I think it will be okay this time." Zhang Yu praised the village head, hoping that he could give everyone hope.

"Bepartiple, our family has also made preparations before. Now, there is still no problem with the water at home for the time being. We can wait." Seeing a group of people there with sad faces, Zhang Yu comforted everyone. As soon as she came back, she replenished the water stored at home. If she persisted for a period of time, there must be no problem.

The village head will definitely solve this matter quickly. Zhang Yu's family has water, and they may not be able to wait. Before, many people could only get the recent standard domestic water, and there was already a serious lack of water in their bodies, so they couldn't afford to wait at all.

"Oh, that's the only way. I hope the village head can come up with a proper way to deal with it." Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian echoed. He knows that there is a spring in his sister's space. Although there is not too much water, it may not be a problem to ensure the water for these people at home.

The Zhang Yu family, who also knew about this matter, did not act too anxiously. Seeing their calm appearance made the Wang Lin family, who were a little anxious, calm down.

After seeing that everyone listened to his words and became calm, Zhang Yu felt relieved.

However, after everyone left, Zhang Yu frowned, because she just said that on purpose. She only said the situation in her family. You know, the rest of the village can't wait. If people don't see hope, they will do a lot of unexpected things.

At that time, the people's hearts of the village will become unstable. If the people's hearts are unstable, they will show two aspects. On the one hand, people may seek some other spiritual sustenance, such as asking God to worship Buddha. On the other hand, if they are too disappointed and feel that the gods can't bless them, they may leave. The road to self-destruction.

If there are more people and people change greatly, then the divinity of the gods in the temple will be greatly affected. At that time, they may not be able to maintain the end of protecting the village. At that time, it can be imagined what the village will look like. Of course, this is the worst result, but it is also a possible result.

At that time, the village is dispersed, and where should my family go? After all, people are gregariously. Although Zhang Yu can let everyone live in their own space, maybe she can let everyone live in that limited space for the rest of their lives?

Zhang Yu thought a lot. This trip has made Zhang Yu mature a lot. Once you don't expect a little, there may be great changes, and this change is often in a bad direction. Therefore, when she thinks about things now, she is a little pessimistic, because she doesn't want to have any more tragedies that she doesn't want to see.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most loved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~