Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 2 God bless

Summary: This exchange is very lucky.

The left-behind villagers kept praying and begging for the gods to protect their families' safe return. Also, this sincerity really moved God, and it finally brought down the miracle and blessed the villagers who went out this time. On the third day of people's anxious waiting, the people who went out finally returned. Looking at the tired but satisfied smile on the face of the people who came back, the whole village suddenly cheered.

Many people saw that their families came back safely and successfully brought back a large amount of food. While they were happy, some people even left tears of excitement. Before that, so many people went out to look for food ended in failure. Among them, many people stayed outside forever and never I can't come back, but I didn't expect that this time, I just went out for just three days and brought back so much food, and many people felt like they were dreaming.

Finally, there is food, and finally there is no need to starve. Finally, there is no need to worry about being robbed. Finally, it is time to survive the summer harvest. For a moment, everyone's thoughts are thousands of thoughts, and they are greatly relieved. Before, the hostile atmosphere in the whole village finally disappeared, and everyone no longer needs to do that. We are on guard against each other.

The reason why we can get so much food this time is thanks to the information provided by the village head. Of course, there are also the wise leaders and organizations of the village head. Therefore, everyone is also particularly grateful to Zhang Yu, the village head of the village.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Yu's village was able to achieve such a success this time is that luck is very important, but it is difficult to have such luck in the future.

First, Zhang Yu's village received relatively timely news, and when other organizations were still hesitating or did not know the news, the village immediately began to take action. Their action this time was really too fast, so when many forces had no time to respond accordingly Wait, their mission has been completed this time.

Second, before, because of the evolutionist attack on the village, this place became a legendary existence. After hearing the news here, many evolutionists couldn't help but regard this place as a "forbidden place" existence, while some other organizations did not know the truth, but for the sake of safety, they also It is rare to develop here. In addition, after all, it is a remote area with few resources. Therefore, there are no large power groups in Zhang Yu's village area, and some of them are just the uninfluential forces organized by some local villagers.

The last point can only be said to be God's blessing. Previously, the radio did not explain the method of this purchase, so the village head helped everyone briefly analyze before buying grain. The village head was very popular, and the villagers were also very obedient and really brought things as ordered by the village head. As a result, after arriving in the independent zone, after some inquiry, they finally learned the way of exchange, which was too suitable for their situation.

But everyone knows the way to buy, and can't help admiring the village, and it's very coincidental and wonderful.

Sure enough, in today's troubled times, money and banknotes are almost the same as white paper and are completely useless. The value of precious metals such as gold and silver is still there, and it is indeed possible to buy grain. However, Zhang Yu's village is just a remote village after all. Many people do not have gold and silver and other items in their homes. At this time, the third thing has played the greatest role.

Originally, the reason why the method of buying safe food has not been announced is that the purchase method in each place varies according to different regions and needs, and it is impossible to make specific standards at all. Now, when money is useless, the most appropriate way is to barter.

According to the principle of barter, now in each independent zone, a list of items will be made according to its own needs, and the exchange ratio of these items will be marked. Everything on this list can be used to exchange grain with the independent zone. Of course, most of the things on this list are necessities of life. People are very pragmatic now, and those fancy and impractical things are not paid attention to at all now.

Before, the village head asked the villagers to think about bringing something. Therefore, many people brought something valuable and useful. Although these things are various, most of them are necessities in life. Therefore, the people in the independent zone readily exchanged them for the food they deserve. Food.

This operation was very smooth. Everyone got their own share of food. Therefore, after the exchange, everyone was very happy. Considering the various dangers outside, since the food had been obtained, there were many dreams at night, so the villagers accelerated their speed and kept rushing on their way. I went back to my village.

Everyone is satisfied with the result of this operation, but there are exceptions. This person is Zhang Jian. Some time ago, because of the crisis in the village, he stayed at home for such a long time. This time, he finally seized an opportunity to go out. When he set out, he was very happy and felt that he could finally relax, but things were not as he expected. This time the matter was real. It was so smooth that he didn't have a chance to appear, which made him very sorry.

This grain purchase operation has been very smooth all the way, and even a little boring. After leaving the village, the villagers immediately began to be on guard and became cautious. Everyone was cautious. Because I don't know how to buy food this time. Although everyone has brought something to each other, in fact, everyone is not confident and doesn't know whether they can buy the food they need smoothly at that time.

Zhang Jian acted with the village head all the way because he wanted to protect the safety of the village head. However, the village head is a very steady person. In this very period, he needs his calm mind to lead everyone. Therefore, the village head does not speak much. Even if he speaks, he urges everyone to be careful. , or let everyone hurry on the road, the dull journey makes Zhang Jian feel very boring.

When everyone had changed the food and the excitement had not dissipated, the village head urged everyone to go back quickly, which made everyone nervous. However, at this time, other organizations that have received the news have also sent people to inquire about the news. Therefore, there are a lot of people in the independent zone. The situation is indeed a little bad and very unsafe. Therefore, after sorting out their food, they didn't say much and immediately rushed back.

It was really lucky this time. After the people who went to inquire about the news saw the food bought by the people in Zhang Yu's village, their eyes immediately became very greedy. However, at that time, they were still in the independent area, and there were troops defending public security. These people were inconvenient. Do it, so there is no action.

After Zhang Yu and the others came out, although these organizations wanted to do it, but because the previous preparations were not very sufficient, it was not easy to see Zhang Yu and others have so many people and want to eat all of them, so they were a little hesitant. Not only that, most organizations looked at Zhang Yu and others really After buying food, their minds immediately became active. If they could really get food peacefully, the people of these organizations did not want to waste their energy and make boring disputes.

In the end of the world, food is life. Everyone regards food as very important. For food, everyone dares to work hard. At this time, once they start, they will appear extremely fierce, often hurting the enemy a thousand and losing 800. In this extraordinary period of food sales, once the loss is too much, This opportunity may be missed. Besides, there is a simple way not to use it, but it is a method chosen by fools to consume their own power.

Nowadays, in order to seize the living space, each organization is hostile to each other. Therefore, each organization cherishes its own feathers very much. You know, competition is cruel. Once the strength of the organization is weakened, it is likely to be eliminated by other organizations. Therefore, although everyone sees it When it came to the grain purchased by the people in Zhang Yu's village, but because there was still a choice, everyone was very cautious and chose a wait-and-see attitude, and the people in Zhang Yu's village just took advantage of these organizations to hurry up their pace and returned to their villages.

Along the way, everyone was on the road and on alert. It was really very hard, and the mental and physical consumption was very large. Now, they finally came back safely. For a moment, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and relaxed.

The operation was so smooth that most of the villagers attributed the credit to the gods. The villagers thought that this was the blessing of the gods, so in response to everyone's request, the village leaders prepared to hold a big worship event to thank the gods for their protection. At the same time, they also hoped that the gods could continue to bless themselves. Protect the village.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~