Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 3 Situation

Summary: After buying grain and solving the current difficulties, various situations have changed.

After the worship, people's excitement gradually faded, and the village regained calm. However, this time, the calm and the calm of the feelings were obviously different.

After experiencing so many things, many people understand the importance of power and the importance of information. Therefore, after returning this time, although the hostile atmosphere of the village has disappeared, everyone has not returned to the previous state of living alone in each family, some good people, They continued to live together and formed some fixed organizations. At the same time, people no longer shut themselves up and choose to hide, but choose to face the reality. Now the people in the village will come out of the village from time to time to inquire about the news outside.

After this incident, the village head disappeared again, and out of respect for him, people generally did not disturb him when they had nothing to do. However, with the passage of time, under the influence of things outside, Zhang Yu's village slowly developed into a power group, and a small village suddenly had three organizations.

The first organization was the first part of the people who had no food. Because of the pressure of life, most of them went outside to take risks. Many people had blood and were invisibly evil spirits, which made the timid feel very awe. At present, it is the most powerful organization in the village.

Most of these people are relatively poor people in the village. One reason why they are poor is that they are not doing things, and more are indeed because they are not flexible, honest, simple in their minds, and there are not many twists and turns. It is precisely because of this that these people are easier to manage and have a strong organizational centripetal force.

The second organization is the relatively rich people in the village. These people have various gaps with the people of the first organization for some previous reasons. When they went out to buy food this time, they also bought the most food because they were relatively rich. As the saying goes, every man is innocent and full of gold and jade. Shou, in the era of peace, it is a kind of glory for you to have wealth, but in times of turmoil, it becomes a source of disaster. Therefore, for their own safety, these people also unconsciously organized together.

People who can get rich are generally more intelligent. However, sometimes, people are too smart to see good things. Being smart means that these people have their own independent ideas. No one is willing to obey others and often separates. Therefore, the structure of this organization is very loose. There is no centriness, and the strength is not very strong.

The reason for the establishment of the third organization is more to follow the trend. Because of the establishment of the first two organizations, the lives of ordinary villagers have also been affected. These villagers do not have much property and are generally not jealous. They do not want to be involved in the struggle and just want to live their lives safely. However, because the people of the other two organizations continue to win over them This friction has brought a lot of trouble to the lives of these people. In order to resist these people, these people have gradually become a third-party organization in the village, a neutral organization.

Similarly, the third organization is also a relatively loose organization with little strength.

Although the power in Zhang Yu's village is slowly developing, the villagers' life is still calm. At this time, the situation outside is not very good.

The government suddenly announced the sale of safe food and established a large number of independent zones. Originally, this was a good thing, which could make everyone stop worrying about food and solve the problem of people's livelihood. However, things did not go as the government imagined. At the beginning, many people did come here to buy food according to the government's requirements, but more people did not do so.

In troubled times, all kinds of living materials are the foundation of a force, and many forces are struggling to get more materials. At this time, let them exchange their own things. To be honest, they are actually reluctant, but not all organizations think so, some of them I'm still willing to change it.

The disunity of opinions leads to different results, so those who are unwilling to exchange food put their ideas on those organizations that have exchanged food. As a result, all kinds of fights for food began to unfold.

At the beginning, this kind of robbery was still relatively obscure. People only carried out in the dark. However, gradually, many organizations joined the robbery industry. As a result, a large number of organizations wandered outside the independent zone. These people specially ambush here to rob those who came to exchange for food.

After the rampant robbery outside the independent zone, many people were deterred. Therefore, fewer and fewer people came to the independent zone to buy grain. At this time, a new industry emerged, which is the "bodyguard" industry.

If someone wants to exchange food, as long as they find the person in charge and say that they are willing to pay a certain price, then some more powerful organizations will ensure their safety. In this way, these people can still get part of the food, and those large organizations can also get food without much effort, which is a "win-win" strategy.

At the beginning, the behavior of this kind of bodyguard was relatively smooth, but gradually began to have problems. With these bodyguards, the business of the robbers outside the independent zone became very bleak, which directly led to the unhappy lives of the people in these organizations. Therefore, they slowly began to be dissatisfied with those large organizations.

At the beginning, the robbers still gave face to those big organizations, but slowly, these robbers began to make some small actions to express their dissatisfaction. However, these big forces did not pay attention to their reactions, so this dissatisfaction accumulated more and more. Finally, these robbers After some discussion, a plan was organized.

So, when a large organization organized a group of people to buy food again, the robbers finally took action and robbed all the food. And this action is like a fuse, opening up a melee between various organizations.

Battle is a very resource-consuming behavior, and many small organizations have been dragged down, leading to the reshuffle of various forces. When I was forced to be helpless, some organizations finally made up their minds in the Independence Zone. Now, everyone knows that there is a large amount of grain in the Independence Zone.

There are a large number of new independent areas established by the government this time. At the end of the world, due to the poverty of various resources, the defense measures in some small independent areas are not so strong. Therefore, finally, some organizations have achieved success, and these actions have made many people's hearts lively, so, very Many independent zones have been attacked, and the government's losses are very serious.

The attack on the independent zone is a kind of naked provocation and the loss of a lot of materials, which finally angered the government. The government immediately announced the cancellation of grain sales in Country Z. Not only that, the government is also constantly gathering its own forces, merging many weak independent zones, and closing them. Close the independent zone and turn the areas around this independent zone into forbidden places and prohibit people from entering. Otherwise, they will be attacked.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~