Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 5 Signs

Absary: The abnormal reaction of the government and some changes in nature are signs of deepening nirvana

The villagers in Zhang Yu's village are working hard to improve their abilities, hoping that they can have the ability to protect their families and get some opportunities to survive for their family in the troubled times in the future. At this time, many external things have become empty, and only their own strength is the greatest in troubled times. Therefore, the villagers worked very hard to exercise this, and there was no laziness or slackness in peace.

The collective exercise of the villagers not only made people's fighting with each other much lighter, but also made the atmosphere in the whole village much more positive. Previously, many people were full of fear and despair about the current life. Although everyone can still eat and wear warmly now, this peaceful life can How long will it last? How long can you live? Many people have thought about these problems countless times, so slowly, this kind of fear makes everyone's heart begin to become negative.

Just like sleep can imagine others, terror and uneasiness also have the ability to infect, so the village was always full of uneasiness, panic and other emotions before.

Now, the whole village has worked so hard to improve their ability. Although people still can't imagine and can't see their own direction in the future, people have seen a glimmer of hope and are working hard, so unconsciously, the atmosphere in the village is getting better. The place has changed a lot.

Although Zhang Yu's village is very calm, the situation outside has become more and more complicated. The government chose to completely close itself, which puzzled many people and organizations. Although there are also some people with a keen sense of smell and found something hidden, most organizations are now trapped in the whirlpool of struggle and can't be distracted at all.

If there is a fight, there will be death, and death will cause hatred. Therefore, with the continuous death of relatives and friends around them and the intensification of hatred, the struggle between major organizations has become more and more radical, and people's emotions have become more and more irritable. Even if the leadership intends to stop the war, it can't stop.

When the situation outside becomes more and more chaotic, nature is also quietly undergoing some changes. It has been a while since the beginning of the nirvana of heaven and earth. With the deepening of nirvana, nature has become more and more moody, and various natural disasters continue to come to the earth, making human beings live. The environment is getting worse and worse.

The poor living conditions make materials continue to decrease. In order to compete for limited survival materials, human beings continue to compete for each other, making the whole nature full of tyrannical factors, and there are negative emotions everywhere. All kinds of creatures, living in such an environment for a long time, will unconsciously be affected. So, they fought with each other, and the war was endless, and everywhere was full of destructive factors.

Nature's moodiness triggered human struggle, and in human struggle, it caused great damage to nature. After nature was destroyed, it became more and more unstable. Various natural disasters occurred frequently, and natural disasters then triggered human despair, and despair triggered tyranny. Therefore, the whole Nature has formed a strange cycle.

In this cycle, everything is being destroyed. The nirvana of heaven and earth are destined to destroy everything to get a new life. In the end, no one can be sure whether they can be reborn on the ruins. And in this destruction, human beings will face a serious test. If they can withstand this test, then human beings will be reborn and evolved like nature. However, if they can't stand the test and can't stand these grindings on the way to the test, then they may be one with other things. In this way, it was destroyed.

In this case, the remaining government is the place where the most power is retained among all the forces now. The government has its own weapons, its own food sources, and a large number of talents. Up to now, the people who can survive are all truly powerful people. With these talents, the government may have noticed anything from the current signs, otherwise, it will not be in its own interests. When he was violated, he not only did not retaliate, but chose not to shrink back.

Zhang Yu and Long Xiang are also very confused about the government's move. However, the place where they now live is remote, and the government completely interrupts its broadcast and concentrates the whole force in the independent zone. Therefore, for a while, it is difficult for Zhang Yu and others to guess the reason for them to do so.

Time does not change because of personal will. A happy day and a painful day consume the same time. Therefore, when Zhang Yu and his village are actively exercising, time passes, and outside, there is all kinds of chaos. When you fight to the world, time is also passing. With the passage of time, nature has changed again, and people are busy with their own affairs, so they have not noticed these subtle changes.

Although humans didn't notice it, animals noticed it. As Lianhua said, although heaven and earth are not benevolent, heaven and earth are also the most fair. Although she does not give animals profound wisdom, she will give them preferential treatment elsewhere. Therefore, most animals in nature have the ability to predict danger.

Whenever there is a big natural disaster, or a disaster that these animals can't resist, their instinct will give them a hint and guide them, so the mood of these animals begins to change.

Before, because of the drought, most of the animals near Zhang Yu and his neighborhood ran out of the deep mountains. However, when the climate returned to normal, the animals that were no longer troubled by water returned to the mountains and lived their own lives. However, nowadays, with the passage of time, these Animals who like to live in the mountains and forests quietly came out of the mountain again.

After experiencing the previous struggle for water, these animals have understood the strength of collective strength. Therefore, even if these animals returned to the mountains later, they did not disband, but chose to cling to the powerful evolutionists. Because of the leadership of highly intelligent evolutionists, this time, they seem to be very organized and disciplined. At this time, human beings are trapped in the quagmire of struggle, so they have not found any abnormal behavior of animals.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~