Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 4 Calm Days

Summary: After having enough food, everyone hid in the boundary and began to live a peaceful life, and at the same time worked hard to improve their strength.

The attack of private organizations on the independent zone made the government very angry. They felt that this was a naked provocation to the government. Therefore, after some discussion, they made the following decision not to provide food to the people in the future, because the essence of the matter is that most of this food is destined for It is really a very ironic result that these organizations have obtained the food and attacked the government based on the food.

The occurrence of these things directly led to the power of hardliners in the government to begin to gain a voice. These hardliners are opposed to non-governmental organizations, believing that these organizations are the main factor of social instability now. Therefore, they do not care about their living conditions, let alone aid, let alone Therefore, as soon as these people came to power, they cancelled the food supply and advocated sending troops to suppress and retaliate against the organizations that attacked the Independence Zone.

When the government did nothing, the people below dared to have some ideas. However, when the government was angry, those who had robbed before immediately panicked, so before the government had made other counterattacks, those organizations chose to disappear. Unexpectedly, this time, the government did not dispatch troops to retaliate.

It turned out that after some discussion, the sale of safe food was confirmed to be cancelled. However, if you mind that the resources are insufficient now, most leaders are unwilling to waste the current limited resources. Now it is a troubled time, and there are various civil disputes. Many organizations have seen blood. Once the government and these organizations happen The conflict will certainly suffer a lot of losses, so, despite the continuous demands of the main war faction, the suppression action was eventually cancelled. However, in today's troubled times, the cancellation of the sale of grain alone will cause a huge blow to the current organization.

This time, the government chose a comprehensive contraction, slowly concentrating the troops that were originally scattered in various places, merging small forces to form a large force. After strengthening its strength, the government chose to block the independent zone and turn the whole area around the independent zone into forbidden places, not only that. After the assembly, the troops also built a high wall around the Independence Zone, encircled the whole Independence Zone. Since then, it has become difficult for people to know the news of the Independence Zone.

This series of actions of the government is very puzzled. This time, the government has made a decisive decision. It not only closed the independent zone, but also suspended the broadcast that announced the government's movements to the public from time to time. Since then, people can no longer know the news of the government, and the whole remaining government has been hidden.

All kinds of struggles outside are continuous, but because of the boundary of gods, Zhang Yu's small village, like a paradise in troubled times, has not been affected by the turmoil outside. It is precisely because of this that people living here know more and more about the value of life now, more Cherish your current life.

At present, although there are three organizations in Zhang Yu's village, the yearning for a peaceful life is the deep wish of all people. Therefore, everyone is unwilling to fight with each other in their own village. Therefore, during this period, the villagers live Very calm.

People all know the value of a peaceful life and the importance of strength. Therefore, after buying food this time, many people began to learn to strengthen their strength, and Wang Lin is one of them.

It is the idea of most people in the village now that they want to become stronger, gain the ability to survive in these troubled times, and find the value of their own survival.

Now, the government has chosen to be completely closed and easily no longer interfere in external affairs, while the outside world is constantly fighting. Nowadays, the climate of nature is very abnormal, and the land is no longer reliable. In order to survive in troubled times, you must have enough strength to get more survival resources. Only with strength can you protect yourself and your family. Only with strength can you be better. Survive.

Although the number of evolutionists is small, their status is very detached. Even powerful organizations are generally unwilling to provoke these people, because these people have strong power, and now Wang Lin is very eager for this power. Since he moved to live in his father-in-law's village, he once felt his own incompetence. The deep sense of powerlessness made him feel ashamed of being a man.

After the collective purchase of grain this time, the village finally returned to calm, and people can live in peace for the time being. Therefore, Wang Lin tried to improve his strength, and there were many people who had the same mind as him. Therefore, the young people in the village began to exercise collectively.

Most people in the village do not have skills, but this does not stop these people's determination to become stronger. Even if there is no specific cultivation method, people still use the stupidest and most primitive way to improve their abilities. This method is to improve your physical fitness. Physical strength is the basis of all abilities. Most people in the village firmly believe that as long as their system becomes stronger and their endurance is improved, they will have a certain advantage when they really conflict with others in the future.

Compared with most people in the village, Wang Lin is lucky, because Zhang Jian is a martial arts lover and a collector of martial arts. Since he was very young, he began to collect all kinds of martial arts secrets. Therefore, Wang Lin finally has a martial arts book that is very suitable for him. At the same time, there is Long Xiang A martial arts student is here. As long as he can endure hardships and then take the health medicine Long Xiang gave him, his achievements will certainly be higher than most people in the village in the future.

Is Wang Lin a person who can bear hardships? The answer to this question is yes. After many things, he has seen his powerlessness, and now he has the opportunity to become stronger. Of course, Wang Lin will seize this opportunity and strive to improve his strength, because he knows that although the village looks very calm now, he can't live in this kind of life. Long time.

The independent area has stopped selling grain to the outside world, and God is uncertain. Next year, whether there will be a harvest, or two words, the villagers' family will be eaten up sooner or later. At that time, without the source of food, can the village be so calm? Question mark Thinking with his knees, the answer is no, so there is not much time left for Wang Lin. He must grasp every minute and second now to enhance his strength.

Sooner or later, the food in the village will run out. At that time, the people in the village will have to look for food outside, and they must have a certain strength to go outside. Everyone in the village knows this, so everyone is trying to improve their strength while taking advantage of this relatively comfortable environment.

When the villagers worked hard to exercise, the calm days passed so slowly.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~