Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 15 Chaos

In summary: Due to the changes in the flow of people, the whole situation has fallen into chaos.

Now, although the government has announced such a positive news, it is really difficult to see the endless plants outside. Therefore, most of the people in the village are sad. If you see Wang Lin and others so happy at this time, you can imagine that How eye-catching it will be. If they don't restrain their excitement and excitement and let others see it, it will inevitably cause people's suspicion and misunderstanding, which will cause some unnecessary trouble at that time. Therefore, Long Xiang hurriedly reminded.

Having lived until now, he has grown a lot. In addition, Wang Lin's family is not a fool. Therefore, after Long Xiang's slight mention, the family quickly restrained their excitement. You know, for most of the day, people have been fighting with plants from the outside world and will meet many people. Their appearance has been seen by others, and the impact is really bad.

The government released this news, which is a big news for the people in the village, which has caused a strong shock. Many people are thinking about their family's future way out. Even if the hope is so slim, everyone is unwilling to give up.

However, if everyone in the village is separated from each other, they can't form a great combat effectiveness at all. If you want to reach the independent zone like this, don't think about it. At this time, the village needs a leader and a leader who can convince the public.

Now, Zhang Yu's village has been roughly divided into three factions. Neutral, rich and poor, these three factions usually have little contact with each other. Even in the war with mutant plants, they are still with their own factions, but at this time, this situation has become the biggest problem.

The leaders of the three factions did not accept each other and could not form a sense of unity, so they began to fight with each other, so now, no conclusion has been reached. Zhang Yu thought that at this time, the village head should come out to lead everyone, but unexpectedly, the village head did nothing.

"What do you think is going on? If it had been in the past, the village head would have organized a meeting to discuss this matter, but now that it has been several days, why is there still no movement? On this day, Wang Lin, who was impatient, asked doubtfully. Although everyone's decision had little impact on their family, he still cared a little.

"Who knows! Since the last time he came back from buying grain, the village head has closed the door and no longer manages the affairs of the village. Now, no one knows what he thinks. Zhang Jian was not very interested in this, so he said disapprovingly.

"Well, that is, now the people in the village are affected by outsiders. What organization should be established to make the village a mess, which is not the same as before. The village head was angry and didn't want to manage it, and he didn't blame him. Zhang's mother began to say good words for the village head. After all, when the village head was in place, she did bad things for the village and solved many problems.

"Now, the people of the three factions, who fight separately, already have their own leaders. Now, even if the village chief stands up and speaks, if their leaders do not agree, the village head has no way." At this time, Long Xiang said lightly that this makes people go cold. Most of the time, the reality is like this. He has seen too much of this kind of thing in society before.

"Oh, so that's it! His words didn't work. No wonder he didn't come out to talk. Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Jian was a little disappointed. To put it in his heart, he actually admired the village head. Now, he is also a little sad that the village head has fallen into such an embarrassing end.

"Hey! Our village head is very shrewd. He knows what he can do and what he can't do! Now, his words are useless. He will definitely not stand up and smear his previous reputation. Zhang Yu thought she still knew something about the village head. After hearing Long Xiang's words, she said with some disappointment.

"The village head of our village is really a talented person!" Hearing her child's words, Zhang's mother sighed and said with a faint regret in her voice.

"Now, the village head can't come out to preside over the overall situation. What should the villagers do after that!" After listening for a while, Wang Lin understood that the village head's power was empty and useless.

"These factions are now just talking and don't do anything at all. I don't think they want the villagers to move to the independent zone at all. If it is in our village, at least they are still leaders who can seek benefits for their families, but when it comes to the independent zone, it is different. When they get there, there will be a lot of people. What are they? At that time, everything can only be done by themselves. Once people taste the taste of power, it is difficult to let go. Long Xiang analyzed it coldly.

"The three of them just moved their mouths and made appearances for everyone. Other than that, they knew each other's ideas very well, and the village head also understood their ideas. Therefore, he was very aware of the current affairs and did not come out to preside over the overall situation, because he knew that even if he stood up, he would not play any role. Instead, he It will offend these people and make themselves sad in the future. After all, Longxiang is from a big family, and his vision is not comparable to Wang Lin and other farmers at all, so it is very difficult to see the problem.

Ah? Is it like this?" Hearing Long Xiang's words, Wang Lin and Zhang Jian looked at each other. They were shocked and unbelievable, but Long Xiang's words were so reasonable that they couldn't speak for a moment.

"If this is really the case, their eyes are too short-sighted. How long can they take with the current grain in the village? If we set out for the Independence Zone, we will still have a glimmer of life. After living in the city for several years, I saw a lot of dark Zhang Yu. I was not so surprised, but a faint analysis of the current situation.

"With this strength of the village, can you really reach the independent zone safely? Look at the endless plants outside. Out of the village, it is difficult to distinguish the direction. At this time, how to determine the orientation of the independent zone and how to find the independent area are all problems. In addition, it is likely that you will be killed by the plants outside soon after leaving the village. In that case, it's better to stay here for a while, isn't it? After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Long Xiang replied faintly. There is still a big gap between Zhang Yu and Long Xiang in the overall situation.

The fact is cruel. Although there is a glimmer of hope to set out to the independent zone, this hope is based on strong strength. If there is no strong strength, it is likely to be killed by plants soon. In that case, it is really not as good as Stay, so that everyone can live more time.

After hearing Long Xiang's words, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~