Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 16 Under the Chaos

Summary: Because of the disagreement, the village was finally divided.

The fact is cruel. Although there is a trace of hope in the Independence Zone, this hope is based on strong strength. If there is no strong strength, it is likely that it will be killed by endless plants soon. If that's really the case, it might as well stay. Come down, so that everyone can live more time.

When there is no hope, people are eager to get hope. However, when hope finally appears in front of people, people develop. For ordinary people themselves, this time is so difficult to reach. They can only watch, but they can't touch it. This kind of suffering is simply It makes people feel painful when there is no hope.

After listening to the deep meaning implied in Long Xiang's words, everyone felt heavy. Fortunately, the people in the village are very busy now and have no extra time to think about these things, and even if some people figure them out, they will not publicize them. The so-called wisdom and troubles, the ignorant are fearless. Sometimes when they know less, they can live a happier life.

Now, everyone is busy dealing with the mutant plants around the village, and on the other hand, they are busy fighting with other factions. Most of the people in Zhang Yu's village are ordinary people, so after such a lot of toss, they have no energy to think about other issues. And the leaders of these factions also tossed around there for various unknown reasons, but they did not do practical things. Therefore, for a moment, Zhang Yu's family did not know how to deal with the current situation.

Da will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone. In today's troubled times, only a powerful organ like the government can help the world and guide the public, and Zhang Yu's family can only protect themselves in troubled times. Therefore, they can only wait and wait for the development of the situation at present. .

"Listening to the radio, many people have set out for the Independence Zone, and those who are not far from the Independence Zone have now entered the Independence Zone. It is said that it is really safe inside. Up to now, the people in our village haven't decided to go yet. Wang Lin has always been concerned about the movements in the village. During this period, although everyone often discussed this issue in private, no one made a decision without a leader to organize it.

"If only the village head was still in power. At this time, the conclusion must have come out." Zhang's mother is still sighing about the goodness of the village head. During this period, the villagers have just been fighting with words. Up to now, there is no specific words, and many people of the older generation have begun to be dissatisfied.

The older generation is different from today's young people. They have experienced more and rich life experience. They are not as excited and easily provoked as today's young people. They are more calm about their problems. Compared with before, it is easy to see the advantages and disadvantages of the current situation in the village, so it is also easy to breed their dissatisfaction.

Zhang's mother is one of them. Of course, there are many people who feel the same as Zhang's mother. After these people get together, they gossip with each other. After a conversation, they all feel that the old village head is better at that time.

"Today's people are different from before. Before, the village was relatively calm, and some people listened to the village head's words. However, now, people have experienced more, and everyone thinks that strength is more important, especially now. Everyone is more excited. No one wants to listen to the words of the village head with any strength. Hearing his mother's words, Zhang Yu also sighed, but this is the reality. Now, under the influence of the outside, young people's minds are relatively active and become restless. Of course, they are more worshipful.

"Anyway, our family is not going to move there. It doesn't have much to do with us! Just let them make trouble!" Zhang Jian said heartlessly that he only cares about what he is interested in and never cares much about other things.

Zhang Jian's appearance doesn't mean that he doesn't care about the way out of the people in the village, but he is born with a straight mind and a relatively simple way of thinking. Most of the time, he can only think about one thing at a time. If he thinks too much, he will not be able to react. Previously, he knew the importance of power in the end of the world, and during this period, he was constantly improving his ability.

Now, the family lives in the village, but they work with the villagers to resist the mutant plants. However, when the villagers make a decision, the family may have to move. At that time, the family's safety will be obtained by themselves, so he must work hard to mention his ability. At this time, don't Other things are unimportant and secondary to him.

"That's right, but after all, we are from a village. If they have a good way out, we will feel more at ease." Zhang's mother and Zhang Jian have different ideas. There is no need to worry about the future of their family. However, many people in the village are their acquaintances. Everyone usually look up and don't see them. Zhang's mother hopes that they can continue to survive.

"At this time, you have to rely on yourself, but many people in the village pin their hopes on their leaders, but will their leaders really think about them?" Long Xiang doesn't like this kind of person without opinions. I feel that they are not enterprising, not only blind but also fickle.

When the village head was there, they listened to the village head and left many things to the village head to decide. However, now, after joining the organization, they put this feeling on their leaders and never made their own decisions. Not only that, their fickleness is also very hurtful. It is not true that the village head does not have any power now, but the fickleness of these people is also one of the reasons why he contributed to the overall situation.

If the village head stands up at this time, he will offend the leaders of the current three organizations at the same time. After that, he will bring great trouble to himself. However, the people below often take off the mill and kill the donkey. After the incident, it is likely that their eldest brother will come out and say a few good words, and they will continue to turn around and continue to follow their own big Brother, the village head has done so many good things for the village before, but they have not forgotten that at that time, how can the village head be embarrassed?

This kind of effort is thankless and easy to offend people. Of course, there won't be so many shrewd village leaders. Besides, the village head has bought a lot of food from outside before and can persist for a long time. He is confident and can't stand it, so he doesn't care. So he sat firmly in the stands and watched the people below play there.

"Don't talk about the village head. He is a smart man. Who has seen him suffer losses! He hasn't taken care of this matter yet, which means that he won't care about it at all. Zhang Yu said a little clear. In her heart, the village head has always been a wise person and a cunning person who refuses to suffer losses.

The reason why he stood up last time was that on the one hand, most people in the village would follow his arrangement at that time. On the other hand, the purchase of food was related to his own vital interests. He won't get in with the so-called unprofitable and unpleasant things at all.

"Village head, that's really a good man!" After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Zhang's mother nagging with a little dissatisfaction.

"Let's wait, and we can't get rid of this matter for too long. No matter when, you have to give everyone a statement, right? The news in our village is not too closed, that is, the rich man who just moved here before is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In addition, there are seven or eight evolutionists. When people in other places take action, can we still drag on here? Long Xiang's meaning is very simple, that is, waiting.

Indeed, at this time, Zhang Yu had no other way but to wait. Although the leaders of the three organizations in the village can now temporarily delay, this kind of thing will not last long. Zhang Yu's family has a lot of food and can afford to wait.

"It's been so long, I don't think the three of them want to move to the independent zone. If they had this intention, they would have made a statement long ago." At this time, Zhang Jian, who was not very interested in this matter, suddenly said something.

Hearing his words, everyone was stunned at the same time. Although everyone had this kind of speculation before, they were not sure. Now, after listening to such a sword, everyone thought about it again and thought it was quite reasonable. Although Zhang Jian thinks about things simply, his intuition is very keen. Many times his inadvertent words can lead to deep thinking.

When the family was discussing here, the contradictions in Zhang Yu's village finally broke out, and the village was split like this.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~