Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 20 [Villaion]

After Feng Ruyue finished speaking, Chenxi stood on the far right, and several people behind stood in their respective positions and broke through to the right together.

Just a few steps, Chenxi saw five skeleton warriors standing in front, holding cold iron swords in their hands, which seemed to be more powerful than the previous ones.

But fortunately, these skeletons are not very agile because they have no flesh. After a few rounds, they were killed by Chenxi and others, and even the wind is like the moon without shining magic.

The death call of undead creatures is really terrible.

Chenxi and others killed the skeleton for a while, but they didn't go far, and five more skeletons appeared. This time, two skeletons were skeleton masters. They held a dark magic wand in their hands, and there was a dark crystal on top of the wand.

"The stronger the undead is, the stronger the undead will be after death, and the higher the wisdom is. And the mage majors in spirit and soul, he is sure that his intelligence is not low. We should be careful." The wind is like the moon.

The warrior skeleton approached several people with a long sword, and the mage skeleton stood behind.

The black staff in the hand of a mage's skeleton behind moved slightly, and a burst of black gas formed at the foot of Chenxi, which soon wrapped around Chenxi's body.

Chenxi immediately felt tired, as if he hadn't slept for months. His right hand holding the black sword also seemed to have no strength, and his feet felt sore and weak.

At this time, three skeleton warriors waved their iron swords and cut towards Chenxi.

Chenxi reluctantly used his strength to block the attack of the skeleton warrior. But I feel that I can't stop it next time.

Fortunately, Irene, Olina and Obac stood up to block a skeleton.

Suddenly, a white light flashed on Chenxi's body, and Chenxi immediately felt that he had recovered.

"Just now, you were enchanted by the undead magic - death entanglement. I used the evolution of light to eliminate these negative magics." The sound of the wind like the moon came from behind.

Chenxi looked at the skeleton mage in the distance with a sword and said secretly that it seemed that these undead creatures were really not so easy to deal with.

There's nothing he can do. Chenxi used to be poor and couldn't afford to buy combat skills. He couldn't afford even the lowest-level combat skills, so Chenxi now just wants to lift his sword and slash the skeleton mage who launched a death entanglement against him. If Chenxi has combat skills, it will definitely be attached to the skeleton mage.

With an erratic step, Chenxi rushed to the undead mage.

On the other side, the wind waved the staff like the moon, sending out a milky white dazzling ball, and bombarding another skeleton mage.

In the distance, the skeleton mage waved his wand, a black light flashed, and the undead summoned.

Chenxi felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the land under his feet. When he moved, he flashed two meters away.

A pale claw stretched out from the ground, and soon, a dead-boned warcraft appeared.

Chenxi's heart was in a cold sweat, no longer paying attention to the dead bone warcraft, and continued to move towards the skeleton mage.

The wisdom of the skeleton mage is not low, and he dares not let Chenxi approach him. He waved his staff continuously, and the undead summoned magic one after another.

One after another of necromancers on the ground in front of the mage, Necromancers, skeleton warriors...

What made Chenxi speechless most was that the skeleton mage summoned two skeleton warriors with steel shields in front of him.

Damn, this skeleton mage is really cunning. Chenxi once again affirmed the wisdom of the skeleton mage.

Fortunately, Chenxi Black Sword is powerful, and melee skeletons are invincible.

In a few rounds, Chenxi solved the skeleton summoned by the skeleton mage.

In the end, several people killed the mage skeleton together.


It was a waste of time to kill this group of undead, which made Chenxi gather a lot of nearby undeads.

It's okay, but there are not many powerful undead around.

Several people advanced quickly.


I don't know how far they have gone. Chenxi and the others finally saw a village.

The village at night is very quiet, with only a few crickets and insects.

"Finally, I found the village. Let's go there quickly. I'm so tired." Erin said.

"Shh! Don't say anything. This is a lost continent. There may be people, but such a village is even more frightening. Chenxi covered Irene's mouth and whispered.

In Chenxi's idea, since the lost continent is called the undead continent, it can be seen that it is very terrible, and there are only two possibilities for such a village - first, it is inhabited by humans, and second, the whole village is undead, and the level is not low.

"Hmm!" Irene nodded and realized that maybe it would not be easy here.

"Obak, let's go to the village there. If there is anyone, we can stay here." Chenxi Road. Olina, Irene, the wind is like the moon, you stay here first. Waiting for our news."

All three women nodded.

Chenxi and Obak walked like ghosts at night without making any sound and forced into the village.

The closest opinion to Chenxi is that the opinions of the house are all made of stones, and the house is covered with tiles.

Chenxi and Obak approached the house carefully.

The window of the house is closed. Chenxi carefully opened the window of the house a little and looked through the cracks to see what was in the house.

What I saw was that a man with a body was lying **, which should be sleeping.

Chenxi's hanging heart was slightly relieved.

"How about it? Is it a human or an undead inside?" Obak asked in a low voice.

"It should be human. It's fleshy. You can also have a look." Chenxi Road.

Obak also opened some windows slightly and looked into the room.

Obak took a look, closed the window and said, "Yes, there is a body. It should be a person."

"But we still have to be careful. There are not only skeletons, but also zombies." Chenxi Road.

There are many legends about the dead in the world, and zombies, like skeletons, are common in the dead. In the continent of the dead, the undead are definitely more than human beings, so we must be careful.

"Well, since it may be a zombie, let's go in and see if it's a human inside." Obak Road.


On the other side, Irene, Olina and Feng Ruyue hid among the grass and watched the movements of Chenxi and Obak.

They didn't notice that not far from the grass, a snake with small fingers quickly crawled towards Irene and the others.

Irene and they all focused on observing Chenxi and Obak, and did not notice that the little snake had arrived at Irene's feet.

The little snake shook its body, crawling and crawling.

sudly, he slipped into the legs of Irene's trousers.
