Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 21 [Da Leiyin Temple]

"Ah!" Irene suddenly stood up screaming.

His face was pale, constantly shaking his right foot.

"Irene, what's wrong with you?" Olina asked.

Feng Ruyue also looked at Irene with doubts in her eyes.

"There is something in my trousers, like a snake." Irene is about to cry. What girls are most afraid of are these snakes, mice, cockroaches,...

Sure enough, as soon as Ellie's words were finished, the snake with thin fingers was shaken out of her trousers by Irene.

"You haven't been bitten." The wind like the moon cut the little snake into two sections and asked.

"No, no." Irene was still worried about being drilled into the leg of her trousers by a little snake.

"It's good not to have it."


On the other side, Chenxi and Oba-Obak carefully opened the door without alarming the people inside.

The room at night is very gloomy.

Chenxi and Obak sneaked into the room that the two had seen through the window.

Without making a sound, he walked to the bedside.

Looking at the "people" lying on **, Chenxi and Obak were surprised and secretly said, but fortunately there was no knock on the door.

** To be precise, the individual is a zombie, purple all over, with closed eyes, and a lot of maggots on his face, which looks very horrible.

In particular, this room is gloomy and has no sound, which is even more gloomy and horrible.

Chenxi doesn't know anything about zombies, so she doesn't know whether the zombies are sleeping or what they are doing.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream came from Chenxi and Obak's ears, which instantly broke the tranquility of the village.

** The zombie with closed eyes opened his eyes at this moment and then stood up.

Outside the room, at the moment of Irene's scream, the originally quiet village seemed to be boiling, but the crickets and insects that were still screaming were all quiet.

One after another, zombies kept coming out of the houses in the village.

Roar! Roar! Roar!......

The zombies who came out looked up at the bright moon and roared.


In the gloomy room, Chenxi and Obak were confronting zombies.


The roar of the zombies outside the room sounded.

"Go. The village is full of zombies. Chenxi shouted.

trapped in the zombie village, they will be surrounded if they don't pay attention. Chenxi and Obak no longer pay attention to the zombies in the room and turn around and flee outside the village.

The escape of Chenxi and Obak angered the zombies in the room, and the zombies opened their rotten mouths.


With a roar, he chased Chenxi and Obak, and some maggots fell from time to time along the way.

The roar of the zombies in the room may communicate with the zombies outside, maybe just anger, but the consequence is that all the zombies in the village know that two people have entered the zombie village, and all the zombies saw Chenxi and Obak rushing out of the house, and all of them roared. Chasing these two little men who don't know the depth of heaven and earth.


In the forest, the wind just finished saying--as long as it's okay.

The three women heard the roar from the village.

Then, they saw Chenxi and Obak escape from the house in a hurry.

Behind him, a large group of decomposed zombies with maggots roared and chased after them.

"โ€”โ€”" Irene stuck out her tongue: "It seems that I'm in trouble again. I'm so sorry."

"Forget it, it's not your fault." Olina said.

Irene's location is not far from the village. Chenxi and Obake escaped this time with zombies once chased them, so both of them used their fastest speed.

Soon, the two arrived at the place where Irene's three daughters were.

did not say anything, and several people fled forward with a tacit understanding.

The zombies behind chased after them, and the maggots falling from the zombies along the way didn't know how many early birds to feed.

The forest is overgrown with weeds and dense trees, which is not easy to walk. In addition, they often come to this place for the first time. They are not familiar with this place, so Chenxi's speed has slowed down a lot. In addition, the zombies don't know the pain, and this is a familiar place for zombies, so Chenxi and The speed of the zombies is about the same.

Along the way, the zombies chased. They were not familiar with these mountain roads, so they didn't know what direction to go. They only knew how to choose a good path. Fortunately, with the help of Babaka, they did not encounter the dead in the way, otherwise it was likely to become the food of zombies.

One hour, two hours.......

I don't know how far Chenxi has gone.

"Chenxi, to the right, there is a temple. The breath inside is very pure and masculine. It may be the place you can go. These zombies should not dare to enter the temple." Babaka suddenly said in Chenxi's mind.

Babarka's words are simply dry dew for Chenxi.

No matter what to hide, Chenxi said, "Come with me and go this way."

With that, Chenxi turned the direction of escape to the direction that Babaka said.

Although several people have known each other for a short time, they have lived and died together along the way, and have become friends of life and death in their hearts.

There is no doubt that Irene, Obak, Olina, and Feng Ruyue also followed Chenxi to change their direction and escape.

Even if Chenxi and the others changed their direction, the zombies still chased after them, as if they had an sworn feud with Chenxi.


Chenxi kept pressing Babaka's prompts and took Irene and others to quickly approach the temple mentioned by Babaka.

"I feel that the front is full of sacred breath, which is a little similar to the breath of the Temple of Light, but a little different." The wind suddenly said like the moon.

She is a magician of the Department of Light, and she is very** for the sacred breath.

"Similar to the Temple of Light, that is to say, as long as we talk there, these zombies dare not chase them?" Olina asked.

"That's right."

"Great, we are saved and can finally get rid of these damn zombies." Irene said happily.

Feng Ruyue's words seem to have injected stimulants into everyone, and the speed under their feet has also accelerated a lot.

Ten minutes later.

Chenxi and the wind like the moon finally arrived at what Babaka called the "temple". That is, the place where the wind is like the moon says with a sacred atmosphere.

They felt happy to see the "temple" like the moon.

And when Chenxi saw the "temple", his heart was like a thunder on the ground--shocked.

The temple mentioned by Babaka is located on the top of a large and small mountain.

The "Temple" is located there, emitting a soft golden light.

What shocked Chenxi was the simple words engraved on the main plaque of the temple - Da Leiyin Temple.
