Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 255, [Gold Eater Ants]

Talking to girls has always been Chenxi's weakness, and he can only be speechless in Arya's words. With a helpless sigh, Chenxi spread his hands and said, "Okay, Arya, you won!" I can't tell you."

"Ge, just know!" Arya giggled.


This girl is really direct!

"Okay, Arya, let me have a barbecue now, otherwise, I don't know when I want to wait." As Chenxi spoke, he took a large piece of barbecue on the wooden shelf in his hand.

"Oh. Aren't you practicing dark attributes? How can you still barbecue now, but even if you barbecue, I don't think it will take much time. Alia looked at Chenxi in surprise and said.

"Ha ha, every attribute can create a flame belonging to this attribute to a certain extent. You don't know this, do you?" Chenxi said with a smile. For personal cultivation attributes, it is not a secret, but for now, Chenxi has known for a long time. Now his practice of "Black Hole Evolution" can actually use the combat skills of all attributes. Practice this skill can simulate the combat situation of all attributes, and the cultivation speed is still So fast, for people in this world, this repair method is naturally a treasure. After Chenxi arrived at the Magic Martial Arts College, Serena had already warned him not to tell anyone, so Chenxi didn't tell Arya at all now. He said a little, but it was not a lie. .

"Oh. So it turns out that you have a lot of secrets. You have a field in the later stage of the eighth-level warrior, and now you have begun to condense the hellfire. Following Chenxi's words, Alia thought of the hellfire that dark attribute skills would have when she reached the holy strong. She was a little surprised, but she didn't care too much about it. After all, Chenxi had leaked the situation of owning the field before.

"Ha ha, I'll barbecue first." Chenxi neither denied nor admitted it. He picked up the barbecue in his hand with a smile and used the fighting spirit slightly. A large number of black flames appeared in his right hand in an instant. Under his control, these flames soon spread over the surface of the whole barbecue and roasted the barbecue.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that it was time for us to come. At this time, we will have ready-made barbecue to eat." Just as Chenxi's barbecue was delicious and about to ripen, Leiya, Scala and Lophne flew over from a distance together, and the first to speak was Scala, who had a good relationship with Chenxi. This guy looked at Chenxi with an ambiguous face and made a strong gesture to him. Chenxi, we are good brothers who share life and death. You have to give me a barbecue.

Because of the fast speed, Scala and the three of them have reached the place where Chenxi and Arya are. Chenxi took a look at the barbecue of only about 20 catties in his hand and said with a smile, "I'm sorry about this. This meat is not mine. It's Alia's. I still eat other people's. It's not enough.

These two guys are both interesting guys! Chenxi ate barbecue and thought so in his mind. He chewed the barbecue and chewed it. He looked at Alicia, who looked at Scala and Rayya with a soft smile, and said, "Okay, beautiful Alicia, now you can tell us something about the place where the natural fruit is."

Aria was happy. Hearing Chenxi's words, she gave him a white look and said to everyone, "The natural fruit I found is on a mountain nearby. There is a natural fruit tree with eight natural fruits on it, which is enough for us to use. However, it is now occupied by a group of gold-eating fire ants! Those gold-eating fire ants are very powerful. Fortunately, I am a magician with wind attributes. Otherwise, you won't see me now.

Divide the gold to devour the fire ant colony!!!

Chenxi took a cold breath!

He has never seen the fire ant colony. He had seen this species when he was in the undead continent. At that time, he was just a third-level warrior, and the power of those fire ants left a great impression in Chenxi's heart. I remember that at that time, where the fire ant colony passed, whether it was Trees. Stone or something. All of them were swallowed up by fire ants! The scene is hundreds of times more terrifying than the ants in the tropical rainforest on earth.

Indifferently, as far as Chenxi's current cultivation is concerned, the gold-eating ant colonies met in the undead continent are nothing, and he is not afraid! But! Now this place is known as the most dangerous forest, a wild forest. If you want to gain a foothold here, you must have enough power. Just like those previous black steel beasts, most of them are nine-level monsters. And the fire ants here can actually occupy a mountain alone, and there are natural fruits on which both humans and warcrafts are coveted, which makes Chenxi directly smell the powerful danger.