Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 256 [Heavenly Enemy]

"Aria, what kind of cultivation do you think those fire-eating ant colonies over there are!" Chenxi asked immediately.

Aria shook her head, chewed the barbecue in her mouth, and said, "Most of the gold-eating fire ant colonies I saw on any hill are about level 7, and some of them are level eight."

"So strong!!" Chenxi was surprised.

The gold-eating fire ant group is a racial group, among which the queen is the most powerful, followed by male ants, followed by worker ants and military ants, but there are many levels among them. Among the military ants, there is basically one eighth-level worker ant and one hundred eighth-level worker ants and one hundred eighth-level worker ants. A nine-level worker ant is the same as others, but the soldier ants are the strongest attackers among them. They are definitely the strongest physical attack ability, and the queen ant is the strongest in spirit. Chenxi estimates that even if there is a strong ant colony near the ant nest, the queen is very promising in this ant colony. It can be a holy strong man, and the rest of the weak are estimated to be extremely powerful. There will still be dozens of nine-level ants in the whole ant nest.

"Yes, I also think they are too powerful. That's why I didn't go up alone!" Alia looked helplessly at Chenxi and others who took a cold breath and sighed.

"So, Alia, what is the proportion of Level 7 and Level 8 of the ants you see over there!" Lovenie asked with a solemn expression. And have you been brought into the center of the ant nest? What's your track back?"

Lophne's words point directly. The proportion of ants can calculate the strong number of ants. Whether it is close to the ant nest is directly related to whether the ant group has dispatched the strongest ants, and the walking route can guess the approximate number of ant nest from point to point and surface.

Chenxi and others are all staring at Alicia and waiting for her big words.

Aria smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't fly very close to the ant nest, and I guess that mountain has been hollowed out by the gold-eating fire ant colony!! And I just saw the natural fruit in the sky! When he came back, he also ran away quickly in a straight line. Naturally, she also saw the root of Loveni's question.

Aria paused and looked at Lophne. She said, "As for the approximate ants you mentioned, I still paid attention to this, calculated and chased my ants. Each of them was about the size of an adult dog, and the number was about 5,000, among which the ant nest reached level 8 could be seen. There are three. There are hundreds of Level 7, and the rest are Level 6.


What Alia said was very dangerous, and Chenxi and the others were silent after hearing it. Slowly eating his own barbecue, Chenxi calculated himself.

On the surface, the number of gold-eating fire ant colonies chasing Alicia is 6,000, while these 6,000 are all ants with Akasaka or above level 6, of which only three are eight-level fire ants, but Alicia's walking path is just a straight line, even if Elia's walking route will It attracts the attention of ants in the 36-degree area of the whole mountain, that is to say, there will be 30 eight-level gold-eating fire ants in the gold-eating ant colony on the surface of this gold-eating fire ant colony!

However, this is only on the surface. Arya's only flying on the surface of the ant nest has attracted the attention of so many fire ants. There must be more ants and more powerful fire ants inside, and this number is at least ten times that. That is to say, there will be at least 300 gold-eating fire ants above level 8, and more than three nine-level gold-eating fire ants. It is not difficult to guess that at least 90% of this gold-eating fire ant population may have queens above the holy level!!

Thinking of this, Chenxi immediately realized that it was very dangerous to get the natural fruit this time. He immediately said, "No, I'm afraid we will be in danger this time!"

"Holy Queen Ant!"

"There is no natural fruit!"


Almost at the same time, Lophne, Rayya. The three Scala also said it as soon as they finished Chenxi's words.

"Oh, you have guessed it." Arya said with a wry smile helplessly, but she was still eating barbecue. Obviously, she had thought about these things for a long time before they arrived.

Hearing this, Chenxi, Lovene, Scala and Lei Ya looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. I ate barbecue and barbecue silently.

Of course, Chenxi was also thinking and chewing slowly when eating. Soon, Chenxi thought of the law of the food chain on earth!

According to the law of the food chain, ants are not at the top of the biological chain, and there are natural enemies at the top, so what are the natural enemies of ants?

Chenxi keeps thinking in his heart!

"There is! Ant-eater!!" Chenxi suddenly said loudly, "There is a heaven and earth for all creatures, and it is the same with fire ants. As long as we find the natural enemies who eat fire ants, then we can kill people with knives."

"The pangolin!!" Scala immediately shouted when she heard Chenxi's words, "The native Warcraft pangolin is a kind of warcraft that makes a living from ants. This kind of warcraft is not afraid of the bite of ants. They are natural enemies that divide gold and eat fire ants!"

"Antivore with dark attributes is also a kind of warcraft that specializes in eating ants!" Lei Ya also said.

"Oh, forget it, these things are warcrafts that specialize in eating ants, but these warcrafts don't listen to us, and we can't let them come over, and the most important thing is that these monsters must have a certain degree of strength. If the level is not enough, they will just deliver vegetables to the fire ant colony in the past. ." Lophne was first surprised to hear Chenxi's words, but she thought of the gap between imagination and reality in an instant, and she said helplessly.

Lophne's words were equivalent to pouring a basin of cold water on the heads of the happy people, which instantly made everyone fall into silence again and do their own things.

Chenxi is also a little disappointed. After all, those warcrafts are not domesticated, not to mention that there are so many ants, at least a considerable number of natural enemies such as anteaters or pangolin can have a certain impact on the fire ant colony. Chenxi and others can fish in troubled waters, but this Obviously, it is not realistic, and most importantly, even if there is, it must reach a certain level. After all, this is not the earth, and the monsters here are not as simple as the earth.

But just as Chenxi chose to be silent and eat barbecue, Babaka said in Chenxi's mind: "Chenxi, don't be angry. Food is even very suitable in every world! As for the mountain that Alicia said is full of gold-eating fire ants, I estimate that there must be natural enemies of the gold-eating fire ant colonies nearby. Otherwise, the power of gold-eating fire ants, now the whole area has become a territory of gold-eating fire ant colonies, and we can't stay here at all! "

Because Babaka and Yaner saw what happened with Sally Win before, Chenxi wanted to let Babaka and Yaner stay in the pet ring. Yaner was the reason for the threat and good impression, which made Chenxi send the magic martial arts academy, but Babaka said, "It doesn't matter if I stay there. Anyway, I Whether you stay in the ring or in your mind, you can see clearly what's going on in the world." Directly made Chenxi have no choice but to let Babaka stay in his mind, but the good thing is the sentence after Babaka, "Don't worry. I won't pay attention to those things when they happen. I'm a robot and I'm not interested in those things. I will automatically turn off contact with the outside world. Only in this way can Chenxi be completely relieved.
