Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 332 [The Magic Soldier was born]

What is a god-level strongman!

The god-level strongman is the peak of the world's known cultivation!

God-level strongman is a top of cultivation!

The divine strong man is a peak of will and integration!

Cultivation has reached the divine level. Whether it is its own cultivation, human body, soul, and even its own will, it has reached a peak state. At this stage, it is impossible for people to be controlled by others. Even if they are killed and worn out, it is impossible for a god-level strong man to exist in the soul. In this state, refine it into a humanoid weapon!

This is well known!

But what's in front of you!

In front of him is indeed a god-level strong man, and he has been refined into a humanoid weapon!

This breaks all the routines of the past. How can this not be surprising!

There are stormy waves in everyone's hearts, but now is not the time to be surprised, because this divine humanoid weapon has rushed over, and there is blood in their eyes, revealing endless murderous intent, and there is a bloodthirsty meaning that will tear everyone apart!

"Guys, this Bayer is up to me. Deal with it carefully!" Long Jingtian shouted loudly, like a sharp sword, cutting through all the sharp edges in the world, dancing with his big hands, like a sharp blade out of the sheath, killing humanoid weapons!

"Ah! No, another humanoid weapon rushed out! And there is more than one!" Someone with sharp eyes screamed loudly.

In everyone's sight, one humanoid weapon after another, like an arrow from the mystery, rushed out of the crack quickly like lightning.

"This... Si Fuli, O'Neill, Loveha... This, Long Jingtian, what's going on? How can they all become humanoid weapons!" Falklusi was inexplicably shocked. He, who was originally a god-level strongman, would not have been so shocked, but the people who rushed out of this infinite murder, bloody crack, were all people he knew tens of thousands of years ago, and they all had god-level strength in those years, but they all turned into humanoid weapons. , this has to surprise Falk Luci!

"They all participated in the Mayan War tens of thousands of years ago! And it fell in that war. Long Jingtian said, "Maybe the world will be in great trouble."

Long Jingtian did not explain in detail, but the god-level strongmen present were all transparent people. Everyone understood that the meaning of Ante's words was that these people participated in the divine war and were likely to be refined into human-shaped weapons by the peerless old devil after their fall, and under this unknown temple, The biggest possibility is to suppress the peerless old devil who killed a whole continent tens of thousands of years ago!

This is simply shocking, and everyone is shocked! Including Chenxi, and even St. Jesus and Black. Cheek!

Of course, after a shock, St. Jesus was happy in his heart, but Black Cek was nervous in his heart!

Holy. Jesus was happy in his heart, and his joy was not revealed, black. Chek was nervous and didn't look at all, but he secretly informed the god-level strongman of his dark temple, and wiped oil on the soles of his feet. When everyone focused on the humanoid weapon that ran out, he secretly left here with the people of the dark temple.

"This matter is very important. Only when we work together can we get through the disaster." Long Jingtian shouted, "We must work together to suppress this demon, otherwise disaster will come!"

Cuppress! It's indeed repression! Instead of killing!!

The scene of Ito's victory in hundreds of battles tens of thousands of years ago is like a replay over and over again in his heart. The battle tens of thousands of years ago is vivid in his mind, making him feel that there is no chance to win against the old devil!!!

Wei is in his heart. Long Jingtian has no idea of killing at all. In his idea, he can support the old devil who has just got out of the suppression. Even if it is good to suppress it again, there is no possibility of killing at all!

People are born fucking!

The demon wants to give birth to his mother!

The devil was born by the devil's mother!

God was also born by his mother!

God, there is blood, flesh, feelings, and descendants!

The world is in trouble, even if it is at the divine level, I don't want to see it!

The moment Long Jingtian's words fell, the god-level strong men present incarnated one after another. The divine soldiers and stunts emerged one after another, fiercely killing the humanoid weapons rushing out of the crack!

For a while, the awe-in fighting spirit, the show-off magic power, the confused stunts were endless, the scene was chaotic, the wars were continuous, and the space cracks were everywhere. This battlefield was like a purgatory on earth, and no one could survive at all!

In the battle of the god-level strong, people below the god level rushed up and could not even count the ants. They could only be annihilated in the waves of war. Therefore, at the moment when the god-level strongmen fought, Chenxi, who were below the god level, quickly retreated back at the first time and pushed hundreds of meters in a row until the comparison was determined. It is safe to stop, so as not to be affected by the divine war and killed.

The divine war opened, the heaven and the earth changed, the sound of explosions continued, the mountains collapsed endlessly, and the earth cracked endlessly.

The mountain fell, the people died, the ground cracked, and the gods were destroyed...

The tragic battle, the battle of destruction, which has become a forbidden area of life. Below the divine level, those who step in will die!

Time stripped life, history decayed legends, and divine blood stained the earth...

The battle was carried out tragically, and nearly 100 humanoid weapons were beaten. Fortunately, the humanoid weapons only had an endless murderous intention and little wisdom. There were also more than 100 human god-level strong men, and human god-level strong men finally prevailed.

However, it just has the upper hand, and the damage is absolutely not small!

After all, these are strong men tens of thousands of years ago. In their instinct, there are many powerful and lost peerless combat skills, plus the precipitation of time, and the combat power of one person is enough to be comparable to the gods of the two new generation!!

If there are not many gods who are descendants or apprentices of Mayan god war survivors tens of thousands of years ago, it is still unknown where the victorious heaven will be in this battle.


The divine war continued, the strong human beings fell, and there were fewer and fewer humanoid weapons. The "small mountain" that was originally located in the Great Leiyin Temple cracked and emitted endless murderous blood suddenly exploded.

The rocks are flying, and the large or small rocks are mixed with blood-colored magic light, like thunder, scattering in all directions, several kilometers away!

" leg!" A holy strong man was hit by a gravel mixed with blood-colored magic light. In an instant, his legs immediately burst open, and his body was stained with the murderous blood light. The blood light spread with his body, and his body turned into a bloody light and shot into the cracked ground. If the man hadn't action was fast enough , cruel enough to cut off his legs, and he would instantly turn into the dust of history and fall here.

"Ah, my hand..."

"My leg..."


Many people were shot by the gravel, boulder and dust mixed with murderous blood. They suddenly screamed. Some reacted quickly and were cruel to themselves and saved their lives. Some died on the spot, while others were shot in the legs, but they fell down because the reaction was not fast enough.

In an hour, there were screams, mixed with the cries of relatives.

At the same time, the blood that symbolizes life or body is like meteors, flying towards the big pit formed by the peaks under the Great Leiyin Temple.

Looking at the bloody brilliance that took away the body of life, Chenxi couldn't help shouting luck in his heart. If it hadn't been for Chu Yunnan and Bingpo Ya, their cultivation would not have been stable. Bing Ruoxi, Ante, Long Jingtian and others would have asked them not to participate in the battle and use their divine power around them when the mountain burst. If a layer of boundary is arranged, I'm afraid that several of them are now the same as those unlucky guys, either dead or mutilated, and even he himself is likely to die because of it!

"Ah, what is that? Is it a peerless artifact!"

"No, that's not an artifact. What takes away so many people's lives must be a monster! Absolutely not an artifact!"

"The artifact must be an artifact. The weapon is not good or bad. The key is in whose hands it is! Who is using it? The person who uses it has good thoughts, and the artifact is good, and vice versa is evil.



(ps: In the past, there was a small bug that wrote the name of the founding emperor of the Dark Empire as Charles, which renamed the current second prince of the Dark Empire, and now it has been found, so it has been changed)