Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 333 [The Devil's Soldier]

The sky collapsed, and in the middle of the collapsed mountains, there was smoke and dust, but this could not stop everyone's sight. In everyone's sight, in the deep pit, a small black-blooded octagon plate was dripping, as if someone was controlling it. Every time it rotated, it would emit a lot of blood red. At the same time, the light, and blood-colored beams from the stones mixed with blood light continue to disappear into the small plate, and everything seems mysterious. And the bloody beam that took away the life of the holy strong man made everyone feel scared. More importantly, the black-blooded plate still exudes that bloody light all the time!

The stone is ordinary, but mixed with blood and glory, it can kill the holy strong man, which is enough to show that this blood and light is enough to kill any creature, including the divine level! Of course, the premise is that the blood-colored light can touch the body of the god-level strong!

Chenxi was shocked to see the octagonal disk mixed with blood and black, because what he saw was a gossip compass used by Taoists in China on earth. Outside is gossip, and the center is yin and yang Taiji, but now the white in the black and white two colors in the yin and yang Taiji have been replaced by blood. It looks very strange and strange. this the heavenly magic compass that the old devil wanted to refine tens of thousands of years ago!! Chenxi was extremely surprised.

Fear, startled, surprised, greedy, salivate...

People who are constantly talking about each other all reveal all kinds of emotions in their words, including good, bad, greedy and cowardly!

"That...that seems to be the monster in the Mayan war tens of thousands of years ago!" Someone recognized it and pointed to the rotating octagonal disk and shouted loudly, "My great-grandfather once participated in that divine war. In our era, there is a black and bloody eight-shaped compass in the divine war. Is this... Is this the blade of the old devil of the divine war tens of thousands of years ago? !!!"

"Yes, we also have this rumor in our family."

"Is the old devil born again!"

"The old devil reappears, and the world is in trouble!"


As the words of the first speaker fell, it immediately caused a burst of panic and shock. When you say a word, the scene was chaotic for a while.

Of course, there are surprises and fears, and naturally there will be happy people, such as saints. Jesus, he is happy that the master has finally come out again, and he can follow the master to dominate the world in the future.

"Hmm! Ante, you wait for me, I will definitely make your whole family restless! Today's humiliation, I will repay it ten times tomorrow!" St. Jesus was very happy and thought so, fantasizing about the reappearance of the master Ito chaos. After that, he could let the master avenge himself and humiliate Ante again and again, so that Ante would never live!

The most frightened person present is the Lord of the Dark Temple, Black. Cheke!

In those years, black. Chek is a little servant who follows the Lord of the Dark Temple, so he got the opportunity to walk flat. Later, he killed his former master by extraordinary means, and he became the master of the Dark Temple. Now, he sees the master of the master who made his former master stronger. Moreover, when the peerless demon who killed a whole continent was about to be born, the first thing that came to his mind was: "It's over, it's over, the old devil is still alive. Now it's over..."

In order to survive, the power saves life, plus the current situation here, black. Chek gritted his teeth fiercely and said firmly and loudly, "The people of my dark temple obeyed the order, for the sake of the world, for the benefit of the people, and for the millions of believers in our dark temple, today, we vow to kill this old devil again!"

"Yes, Lord!" The divine strong men of the Dark Temple shouted together, with a firm look and determined to fight to the end!

"Let's take action together!" Long Jingtian shouted, and as he and the people of the dark temple shouted, he immediately made the divine strong men present change their momentum again one by one. They became desperate, their divine power flourished, and they all rushed to the bloody compass.

"Please note that this bloody light is specially designed to kill the body. Once touched, unless the word cuts the body, it will never die!" Fengmucheng reminded loudly, "Everyone should remember that the divine power can protect the whole body at any time, and there must be no trace of skin leakage, otherwise it will be unimaginable!"

According to strength, Long Jingtian is the strongest here, but in terms of reputation, Fengmucheng, as the dean of the College of All Saints, has the strongest reputation in the world. No matter who he is, will listen to it more or less.

This reminder immediately made all the god-level strongmen secretly nod, with endless divine power to protect themselves, while being hit by this bloody light.

"The divine power is endless, Tianyuan attack!" Long Jingtian rushed to the front, and his magic power flourished, and his hands pushed forward. At a moment, a magic gun composed of divine power appeared in his hand. He waved his hand and stabbed forward. The tip of the gun condensed unparalleled divine power, and the extremely horrible momentum condensed at that point. The light of the gun swallowed and was bound to penetrate the black-blooded two-color compass.


Just when Longjingtian's magic gun was about to pierce the Tianmo compass, the Tianmo compass suddenly emitted a blood-colored and black Taiji map. The Taiji map kept rotating, but in God*, it caused only a little noise. The Tianmo compass was not damaged at all, and even Longjingtian's magic gun did not approach Tianmo at all. The compass returned in no effort.


The magic gun composed of the divine power of Longjing, at the moment when it hit the black blood two-color Taiji of the Tianmo compass and returned to no success, there was an immediate shaking. In an instant, countless cracks were broken into countless pieces and dissipated in the air.

" can this be!"



Many people are terrized when they see Long Jingtian's blow without success. You know, Long Jingtian is the strongest existence among the people present. He failed with one blow, and he doesn't even approach the body of the compass, which is simply appalling!

Weapons are always weapons. When did the weapons become so powerful!

And this is still when the old devil hasn't appeared yet. If the old devil appears, then...

Who else will be the opponent!

This directly made many people present retreat!

Long Jingtian's blow was useless, but the other people's bombardment was not recovered, and a swarm of bees hit the Taiji in an instant.

God's knife, sharp sword, magic fist...

All kinds of attacks, like rain, hit in an instant.


Taiji keeps rotating, which is the most unloading force. At this moment, I can't stand it. The whole Taiji graphics trembled and seemed to collapse.

But at this time, the speed of the rotation of the Tianmo compass suddenly more than doubled. In the yin and yang fish eyes of the Tianmo compass, they emitted a blood and black divine light, shooting on the Taiji, and the Taiji recovered in an instant. There was no more tremor, and all the attacks were removed in an instant.


Taiji rotates, but the attack of the god-level strongman does not disappear, but bounces back in another direction as the Taiji rotates in one ten thousandth of a sudden!

At this moment, the Taiji has become an unstoppable turtle shell, and all the attacks on it have become the best attack weapon for the Tianmo compass!

Chaos and disorderly, and the ability of fighting and star-shifting is beyond the expectations of many god-level strong men, and many god-level strong men will be killed by mistake in these rebound attacks!

"The heavenly magic compass turns the stars!!!" Long Jingtian's hind legs retreated hundreds of meters in an instant, and his face became pale. This day's magic compass has been suppressed for so many years, and its power has not diminished at all!"

This is too unexpected by Long Jingtian. In that divine war, many god-level strong men were killed under the rotation of the magic compass. Unexpectedly, this move is still so strong!

However, how could he think that this heavenly demon compass was originally a powerful monster that absorbed flesh and soul. In the war tens of thousands of years ago, the soul and body absorbed by the heavenly demon compass did not come much more than after the divine war!