Don't go to the flower

Chapter 182 Re-aling

"Ha ha, I didn't expect this little bitch to run quite fast," the two yamen behind him grabbed Lu Mengzhi, and the horizontal meat on his face trembled as he ran and looked particularly ferocious.

" Let her go!" The man on the horse scolded in a low voice, and the two yamen were stunned. Lu Mengji had been caught on the horse's back.

"Who are you, how dare you to ruin our good deeds! Humph, put the person down quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The man on the horse did not move at all, but only waved his hand gently, and two guards immediately surged behind him to capture the shouting two people.

"Bring them back and examine them carefully to see who is so bold," the man struggled desperately on the horse's back, waved his whip and ran forward.

Lu Mengji was dizzy, his stomach was stirred upside down, and he finally stopped.

"Miss Lu, I'm sorry to offend you," Huo Qing took Lu Mengzhen off his horseback.

"Vice General Huo?!" Lu Mengji looked at the man in front of her in surprise. Since she took Lin Daimo's book from Huo Qing, she had never met him again. Unexpectedly, when she was hunted down today, she had to help her.

"It's right here," Huo Qing looked serious. "To tell you the truth, girl, this time I want to invite you to enter the house and persuade the young master. Since the girl left, the young master has been depressed and lost a lot of weight. I'm afraid it's only the girl... Alas, there was something that offended the girl at the beginning, and I hope the girl won't mind. Huo Qing was distressed when he thought of Lin Daimo's appearance.

Lu Mengji was a little entangled. She heard Huo Qing's meaning clearly, but suddenly, she was unprepared.

"Vice General Huo, I can't go into the house with you like this. There is still Youyou in my family that needs to take care of. If you go to Huo's house like this, there is no one to take care of Youyou, and I can't rest assured." Lu Mengjian politely refused. She didn't want to see Lin Daimo, but now she has too many responsibilities so that she can no longer act arbitrarily.

However, Huo Qing was entrusted by Huo Shuangcheng, and this trip was decided to take Lu Meng Jian back to Huo's house.

"Well, Miss Lu, how about you take me back to Huo's house? Huofu also has a private school. If the girl is worried, you can invite the most famous gentleman in the city to teach Youyou. What do you think?

Lu Mengjie looked at Huo Qing in surprise. In the past, when she was Lin Daimo's wife, Huo Qing never regarded you. Unexpectedly, he was commensurate with such a humble identity at this meeting, which was really shocking.

Lu Mengji refused. Huo Qing packed and sorted out all the things of Lu Mengji all the way, and then took Youyou back to Huo's house to deal with it properly. Lu Mengji was dizzy and was taken back to General Huo's mansion.

The first time she came to General Huo's house was at Lin Daimo's wedding. In a word, she abandoned everything that stayed in Huo's house and even had no complaints about being under house arrest.

But this time, she had made a decision with Lin Daimo. The two had almost no entanglement. Lu Mengji came reluctantly. Even outside Huo Qing's words, it was Lin Daimo's depression and sadness.

"Deputy General Huo, are you wrong? Maybe his love injury is not because of me!" Lu Mengji's doubts did not stop Huo Qing's movements, but attracted Huo Qing's sympathy for Lin Daimo.

"Miss Lu, maybe the general's words were too much. I hope the girl doesn't mind. The general was also thinking about the young master at that time, but now the general has figured it out that he really can't force himself." After saying that, Huo Qing then added, "But the general also said that the fate of Miss Lu and the young master was doomed by heaven. Now that the young master is sad, the general is also unhappy..."

Huo Qing said that he persuaded Lu Mengzhu to enter the house and still lived in the small yard where he had lived before, which was Lin Daimo's previous yard, and it was also convenient to live in it.

Lu Mengji looked at the familiar courtyard. She thought that there would be no intersection with Lin Daimo from now on, but she didn't expect that she would return to this place again, so she visited again, but there was no excitement in her heart.

This is where they ended, and she can't imagine what the road will be like in the future.

She left a note for Xiangzi before she came. About Xiangzi and Lin Daimo's twin brother, Mrs. Sun repeatedly asked Lu Mengjie to keep it a secret for Xiangzi. If it hadn't been a last resort, Lu Mengjie would never reveal this matter to Huo Shuangcheng at will for Xiangzi's safety. It's just that Xiangzi's existence is like an adventitious bomb. Maybe it may detonate around him at any time.

Lu Mengji was quietly taken into Huo's house by Huo Qing, and Huo Shuangcheng did not deliberately hide it.

Qin Luofu was originally eating yellow peach lazily in the room, but when he heard that Lu Mengji entered the house, his whole body jumped up like a hair. Her husband was really confused. It was clear that he already had a daughter-in-law and had to pick up the fox spirit in. Are you really afraid that the house would not be messy enough?

"Cai Ling, let's go and go with me to see that fox spirit. I'd like to see what she has to do. She can even fascinate the old general. Humph, this fox charming ability is really not small!" Qin Luofu didn't care if she was pregnant, so she rushed to the courtyard next to her.

Lu Mengjian was packing up his luggage in the room. Hearing the sound of ping-pong outside the room, he hurried out to check, but saw Qin Luofu with his waist and directing the maids around him to throw the decorations in the courtyard that had not yet been collected into the room to the ground.

Lu Mengji looked coldly and didn't say anything. He leaned against the door frame to watch the bustle. He was so angry that he wanted to rush out to stop it, but he was pulled by Lu Mengji. "These things have nothing to do with us. Let her smash them. When the smashing is finished, let you replace it with a new one. Let's take it as a lively scene."

"You fox spirit, you still have the face to stand here and gossip. Let me tell you, I'm pregnant with Brother Kang's flesh and blood now. You can't take him away from me!" Qin Luofu was very angry when she saw Lu Mengqiyun's light appearance. Every time she always had such an unimmorous expression, but every time Brother Kang left himself behind because of her.

Qin Luofu rushed forward to tear Lu Mengjian. Youyou was not willing to accept it, so he opened his teeth and danced his claws to meet him.

Lu Mengji was afraid that the fetus in her womb would be affected by this, so she hurriedly pulled Youyou, closed the door, and completely shut Qin Luofu outside.

"Open the door, you fox, you have the ability to hook a man, you have the ability to open the door!" Qin Luofu kept patting the door, and his little face turned pale with anger.

"Young grandma, be careful of your stomach!" Cailing looked at Qin Luofu worriedly.

In the first three months, the fetus was unstable. Qin Luofu himself was so careless. In case this only bargaining chip is gone, her candidate will be even more useless, so even for herself, she will help Qin Luofu save the child.

After Cai Ling's reminder, Qin Luofu thought of the little life in his abdomen and hurriedly bent down to cover his lower abdomen. "Oh, Cai Ling, go and ask the imperial doctor. My stomach hurts so much..."

"Young grandma, don't be afraid, I'll call someone right away!" Cailing sent the little man around her to call someone to the imperial hospital. Looking at Qin Luofu's painful expression, she did not dare to help her back, so she had to vigorously pat the door of Lu Mengji's room.

"Girl, open the door. Our young grandma is not feeling well. Girl, please let our young grandma go in and lie down for a while!" Cai Ling said pitifully, and Qin Luofu's moan gradually became louder.

"Mom, don't open it!" Youyou blocked the door, and he could see the scene clearly. Naturally, he knew that the people outside the door had no good intentions. In case the door opened and the other party wanted to hurt Lu Mengjie, he absolutely had no power to fight.

"Youyou, get out of the way. What if she really doesn't feel well and something happens?" Lu Mengji's heart softened for a moment and opened the door.

Cai Ling helped Qin Luofu into the house and lay**.

"Oh, ** has something, come to me," Qin Luofu shouted and pulled out a wooden stick from under his body. "Oh, my God, how can ** have this thing? Pick Ling, save me. She must have put it here on purpose!"

Qin Luofu took Cailing's hand with a frightened face, but his eyes seemed to stare at Lu Mengji with great fear.

"Fuer, what's wrong with you?" Xue Wenpei arrived in time and saw Qin Luofu with a pale face. He rushed up in a hurry and pushed Lu Mengjian aside. Lu Mengjian took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"Mother-in-law, she, she...woo," Qin Luofu pointed to Lu Mengjian and aggrievedly sw his head in Xue Wenpei's arms.

"Good boy, don't cry. You are still pregnant. Don't be too excited. Tell your mother that what happened will be your mother's decision for you." Xue Wenpei spoke very gently, like a kind mother. If Lu Mengji hadn't known what she had done, he would have been confused by her appearance.

"Mother, she, she wants to harm me and my child," Qin Luofu looked at Lu Mengjian with hatred and presented the wooden stick in her hand to Xue Wenpei. "The child has been weak recently and has no energy all day. He heard that a sister has come here today, so he wanted to visit him, but he didn't expect this sister Seeing the child, he fell and smashed in the courtyard in front of the child. The child was shocked and afraid and almost fainted. Cai Ling helped the child in to rest. Who knew that there was such a thick wooden stick hidden in this **. If the child hadn't noticed it, I'm afraid that the child in the child's belly..."

"I didn't expect this woman to have such a vicious heart," Xue Wenpei looked at the wooden stick in Cai Ling's hand and trembled angrily. "Come on, arrest this woman and judge her carefully to see what her intentions are!"

"Second aunt, please slow down!" Huo Qing heard that Qin Luofu was wild in the courtyard, so he hurried here, but he didn't expect to be taken the lead by Xue Wenpei.

"Oh, Vice Admiral Huo, why are you here?" Xue Wenpei smiled without smiling.

"This girl is a distinguished guest specially invited by the general. The general has told me that I will be responsible for the girl's safety, so the second aunt is really sorry." Huo Qing bent slightly and saluted, and then stood beside Lu Mengji.

"Oh? Since you are responsible for this big problem, do you know that Fuer's child was almost lost because of this crazy woman? Are you responsible for this?" Xue Wenpei looked back at Qin Luofu angrily and glanced at Lu Mengjian again.

"Second aunt, you can rest assured that Miss Lu will never do anything to hurt people's lives." After saying that, Huo Qing looked at Qin Luofu with a deep meaning. He didn't expect that she would just leave for a while. This woman came here in the heat regardless of her pregnancy. She was really well-intentioned, but for him, her intentions were just a few tricks!