Don't go to the flower

Chapter 185 Love me and don't go

Lin Daimo was also extremely surprised to hear that Qin Luofu was pregnant. He was very drunk, but his body did not fall asleep with him, and it was that night that it caused him such a big trouble.

Every time Lu Mengji saw Lin Daimo, she felt awkward. He had touched other women. Thinking of his closeness with others, she was inexplicably disgusted, but today when she saw his appearance, her heart suddenly softened.

"Don't blame yourself like this. Everyone inevitably makes mistakes," Lu Mengji whispered softly, and Lin Dai seemed to have been granted amnesty.

"But you, I..."

Lin Daimo came to take Lu Mengji's hand. Lu Mengji wanted to get rid of it, but Lin Daimo didn't give him a chance at all and directly put Lu Mengji in his arms.

"You let go," Lu Mengzhen looked up at Lin Daimo's eyes.

"Meng Jian, don't move, let me hug you," Lin Dai tried his best to restrain the impulse to kiss him and firmly held Lu Meng Jian in his arms.

Feeling Lin Daimo's depression, Lu Mengji finally calmed down.

Lin Daimo buried his head in Lu Mengjian's neck, and his heavy breath sprayed on Lu Mengjian's skin, as if hitting her heart.

After a long time, Lin Daimo finally raised his head and said, "To this day, I really feel that you are back. It's good to have you."

Lu Mengji pushed Lin Daimo away and covered the panic in his heart. "It's getting late. It's time for you to go. It's still waiting for you. You are already a father now. Think more about her.

"No, I won't consider anyone except you."

"Well, don't be capricious. You can't get rid of the responsibility if you want to escape. She is your wife, and you should take care of her." Lu Mengji hid Lin Daimo's eyes, and his words were uncontrollably sad.

"Meng Jian, with you, let's not mention her, okay? I just want to be with you." Lin Daimo was tired for too long and finally relaxed. "Meng Jian, no one makes me feel so at ease except you."

Lin Daimo dragged Lu Mengji's hand like a child, walked slowly to the bedside, turned over and lay down **, and patted the position next to him. "Come and lie down with me, just like when we were in the village, we just talk and say something casually."

"Don't make trouble, get up quickly," Lu Mengji wanted to pull Lin Daimo up, but was caught in his arms by Lin Daimo, and the two folded together in an extremely ambiguous posture.

"Don't move, Meng Jian," Lin Daimo stroked Lu Meng Jian's hair contentedly. "You smell so good. I remember that when you were in Shita Village, you always had the fragrance of flowers. At that time, I was wondering if you were a flower fairy, so I couldn't help but be born so beautiful for you. Later, when I came to the house, I dreamed of you every night. Every time I wrote to you, I couldn't help but tell you, but when the words came to my hand, I always felt embarrassed. Meng Jian, have you seen those letters? I always have to write your name many times before I write it down, for fear that I will write your name ugly..."

Lu Mengji lay on his chest, with a powerful heartbeat in her ear. She quietly listened to Lin Daimo's whisper and felt inexplicably at ease.

"When did you write to me?" Lu Mengji came to his senses and felt that something seemed to be wrong. When she was in Shita Village, she only got a few letters, but from Lin Daimo's meaning, he seemed to have written a lot.

"Well, when I first arrived at Huo's house, I was afraid that you would be worried. I wrote a report on safety almost half a month. Later, when Liu's mother went back, she said that she was afraid that you would be worried about you in Shita Village, so she asked me to write you a letter every week. Although there were not many words, I always remembered you in my heart. Except for the days of house arrest, those letters can't be sent out, so..."

"Have you really written so many letters?" Lu Mengji doubted the letter. If so, is it because she didn't receive it, or he didn't send the letter at all...

"Of course, it's a mistake for me to keep you in Shita Village. If you can't reassure people, it's really discord! In fact, I asked you in the letter if you could come to Huo's house together, but you never replied. I thought you wouldn't, so I still planned to wait until the matter in the house was dealt with and then pick you up. Lin Daimo always feels sorry every time he thinks about it.

However, Lu Mengji's suspicion was completely aroused by the letter. She got up and took out three letters from her package and put them in front of Lin Daimo one by one.

"These letters are what I received after you came to Huo's house. As for the others, I really haven't seen them." Lu Mengji opened the letter and read the contents of the letter carefully again. After each letter was simply reported to be safe, there were no other words.

"Impossible. How can other letters disappear in vain? I clearly entrusted the messenger brother to send them to you." Lin Daimo took a few pieces of paper in his hand and read them. These are the simplest of all the letters he wrote, but the rest of the letters are not.

"Is it lost on the road?"

"Impossible," Lin Daimo carefully compared the handwriting in the letter and wanted to figure out, "This letter was written a year ago. Just after this letter, I sent it once. Besides, why did you receive these three simplest letters?"

"Will it be..." Lu Mengzhi stopped talking.

Obviously, Lin Daimo also thought of this floor, "It's just my second aunt who wants to withhold my letters, but she doesn't need to do so at all. She didn't seem to know your existence before, but her father. He heard Vice General Huo mention that I had married, but he would never be so disgusting. The matter."

"What about Qin Luofu?"

"She is a woman, how can she do such a thing!" Lin Daimo shook his head repeatedly, "Besides, I didn't know her at that time, and she didn't have to..."

Lin Daimo's words stopped abruptly. He remembered that he met Qin Luofu on the street. At that time, he didn't pay much attention to the woman at all. Except for feeling too lewd and fierce, he didn't think much about it at all, but later so many things happened between the two, which made people have to be more suspicious.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Mengji noticed Lin Daimo's abnormality and had a lot of doubts about this matter.

"Nothing, don't think too much about the letter. I will definitely find a way to find out!" Lin Daimo completely lost his interest and woke up from fatigue.

"Well, since the other party is trying not to let me get your news, he wants to stop you and me. Maybe they are out of their own considerations. Mo, have you ever thought that your identity is really different from me." Lu Mengji remembered Huo Shuangcheng's words. She could not allow herself to become Lin Daimo's concubine and could not stay in Huo's house forever. The only thing she could do was to try to let herself leave, provided that she would no longer love her.

"What identity, it's all bullshit! Meng Jian, why do you start to believe these unnecessary things? Remember, you are no different from me! At the beginning, I was kicked out of the Lin family. If it weren't for you, how could I be now? You are more important in my heart than those daughters of rich families. There is only one you in the world, and I only have you. Lin Daimo is most afraid that Lu Mengji will mention the difference between them at this time. Because of their different identities, Lu Mengji always wants to escape from this relationship, and because of the change of status, their love has become so humble.

"You can not look at your identity or status, but General Huo, he is a general on the battlefield. Do you think he will allow his son to marry a woman without family background? Do you understand the truth? Even if I enter the Huo family as your wife, I can't really integrate into the Huo family. I can't help you or help you gain a foothold in officialdom, but the Qin family is different. Her family has enough ability to make you go further, and she can also mediate between the major families in Kyoto. But I can't, do you know?"

Lin Daimo was silent. What Lu Mengji said was all true, but none of these were what he wanted. He couldn't learn the smoothness of the officialdom. He didn't want to tolerate the darkness of the official protection. He just wanted to be the simple Lin Daimo in Shita Village.

"You see, the world is not as simple as we think. Even if Cinderella marries the prince, she will face all the royal relatives in the future. When she really faces these, she will know how difficult it is. Although it makes people sneer at the door, it is not protecting grass people like me. Lu Mengji laughed at herself and didn't expect that one day she would be troubled by such a problem, which was really ridiculous.

"If you don't want it, I can give up everything for you now. Shall we go back together?" Lin Daimo held Lu Mengji tightly, but he didn't dare to imagine how Huo Shuangcheng would react after giving up all this.

"Don't be stupid, Mo, let's not embarrass each other anymore, okay? You know that there are some things, but you can't go back. You have your wife and your own family. It's good for us to get together and not owe each other, isn't it? After all, Lu Mengji couldn't help stroking Lin Daimo's hair. Maybe there will never be such a chance again.

"No, I won't allow you to leave," Lin Dai held Lu Mengjin hysterically, like a child.

"Let go."

"I won't let go, and I won't let go. You obviously love me, why did you leave me? Do you know how sad this makes me? You know that I love you, why do you still make me sad..." Lin Daimo put up with the emotions these days and finally sprayed out without reservation.

"The sun comes out in the east and it rains in the west. It's sunny but sunny." Lu Mengji seemed to sigh softly. Obviously, when he first met him, he seemed to be the most ruthless man, but in the end, he cried like a child for love.

There are too many things in the world, like a play, which is always a play inside and outside the play.