Don't go to the flower

Chapter 186 Expedition

In early summer, Western Liao invaded the border of the State of Lei. For a while, the enemy passed by and the people were not living.

The armies of the two countries have been deadlocked for several days, and the people of Lei have suffered unspeakably. The war situation came from the front line, and the ministers have come forward one after another. Huo Shuangcheng, who had defeated the Western Liao army before, has already resigned due to illness. The court has been peaceful for several years, and the army is no longer the heroic force of the past, and few can command the three armies.

Qin Yiwen stood among the ministers of culture and martial arts, and his heart was extremely entangled. His daughter is now in Huo's house. Naturally, he hopes that his son-in-law can accompany Fu'er safely. However, the news from Huo's house made him very worried.

He worried over and finally took a step forward. "As far as Weichen knows, Huo Jingkang, the son of General Huo, is upright and has the style of General Huo. Now he has also made a difference in six parts. According to Weichen's opinion, it is better to give these young talents a chance to serve the great aspirations of the country..."

Qin Yiwen's voice has not yet fallen, and the ministers in the hall have been talking about it.

"Captain Qin, isn't the eldest son of the Huo family your son-in-law? At this time of war crisis, Captain Qin actually recommended his son-in-law to go to the battlefield, which is really selfless!" Xu Xiangguo, who has always been different from Qin Yi's political opinions, implied sarcasm, but he was quite moved by those officials who did not know.

"It is true what Aiqing said that these young people really need the opportunity to exercise well, otherwise the Western Liao thief will really regard me as a thunder country!"

When the news reached Huo's house, the holy will had also been decided.

Huo Shuangcheng learned that it was his family who strongly recommended Huo Jingkang to kill the enemy on the front line, and his face turned black.

"What a Qin Yiwen, how dare he push my son to that place. Fortunately, I still miss marrying him! Kang'er's way forward is dangerous. The barbarians in Western Liaoning are all cruel, and he has never experienced a war, alas..."

Huo Qing stood aside with a solemn face. Huo Jingkang had never even received the study of military tactics since he was a child, and knew nothing about the battlefield. Qin Yiwen was so, which was obviously unfavorable to Huo's house, but Huo Jingkang was his son-law. He had no reason to do so at all, unless he knew that his daughter was appointed in Huo's house. qu.

"Alas, I wanted to let the two brothers spend their lives peacefully. In those years, you and I suffered on the battlefield, but now I feel afraid when I think about it. In case they... Well, since all they are all my Huo Shuangcheng's blood, there is no reason to retreat from the battle. Let Kanger to hone it. I want everyone I can see that there are no bastards in my Huo family!"

Due to the stalemate of the war, the emperor's will soon came down, and Huo Jingkang set off to the border with Xiliao three days later.

This trip is thousands of miles away from Kyoto to the northwest border. Even if the road is non-stop overnight, it will take three days and three nights, and Huo Jingkang has never been on the horse for more than half a day since he was a child. If he travels day and night like this, I'm afraid that in a few days, he will be paralyzed on the northwest.

Lu Mengjian looked at the slightly simple map and was very worried.

After learning that he had to go to the border to fight in the past two days, Lin Daimo has been staying in Lu Mengji's yard. Lu Mengjie also returned to his appearance in Shita Village, chatting with him in the sun and occasionally watching flowers to relieve boredom, but he never mentioned the upcoming departure.

"Is the art of war coming again?" Lu Mengjian saw Lin Daimo looking at a large pile of books in front of him with a sad face and casually picked up a note of Huo Shuangcheng's expedition that year, which recorded the strategy and layout of the battle in detail. Huo Shuangcheng almost didn't sleep for the night about Lin Daimo. At dawn, he moved out the military book he had saved for many years and asked Lin Daimo to read it carefully.

"I have never led a war before, but when I suddenly went to the battlefield, it was a war between the two countries, which was really difficult." Lin Dai Mo looked at Sun Tzu's art of war for a long time. He had long been familiar with these things and even applied them in shopping malls, but after all, the knowledge of books is only on paper and really applied to practice. Lin Daimo is still very uncertain.

"Don't worry, the general's ability to lead troops is well known in Lei. As his son, you must not be too bad on the battlefield. As the saying goes, a father must have a son. Talent is inherited." Lu Mengji knew that her comfort might just be deception, but at this point, she had to let him feel at ease first. Even if he knew nothing after going to the battlefield, he would not let go to his son with Huo Shuangcheng's temper.

When Qin Luofu learned that his father recommended his husband to fight on the battlefield, he immediately ran back to Qin Mansion to make a scene. Mrs. Wu was cried by her daughter and couldn't help crying for her daughter, but Qin Yiwen drove her daughter directly back to Huo's house with a plain face.

"Dad, if he has a long time, his daughter won't live!" Qin Luofu left this and cried all the way back to Huo's house, but Huo Jingkang didn't even show his face and went directly to Lu Mengji's residence.

Qin Luofu knew that this matter was caused by her father and had some debts in her heart, so Lin Daimo stayed out for two days, but the day before her leaving, she could no longer stand it.

In order to make Lin Daimo leave without thinking about it, Lu Mengji never mentioned the topic of leaving, and even deliberately avoided the word wife and children. Lin Daimo seemed to forget the existence of Qin Luofu all day long.

In a blink of an eye, the days before parting always seemed to be short, and Lin Daimo became more and more uneasy.

Lu Mengji set up rattan chairs and fragrant tea in the porch. The two sat in front of the corridor with their books in their arms. Time was still at this moment, quiet and peaceful.

But this beautiful moment was finally broken by the dry noise.

"Get out of the way, bastard, you don't even know me! Go and tell your young master that the young lady is here!" Qin Luofu's voice was sharp and harsh, and the little person at the gate of the courtyard did not dare to hesitate and quickly ran to the courtyard. Before waiting to report, Qin Luofu had pushed the door to the gate of the courtyard.

"Brother Kang..." Qin Luofu's delicate voice made Lu Mengjie couldn't help shaking. She seemed not to see Lu Mengjie and walked straight to Lin Daimo. Her eyebrows were charming and acted coquettishly to Lin Daimo. "Brother Kang, you are about to go to the battlefield. Don't always be so stringed. Remember to come and see our mother. My child and I have been waiting for you at home!"

Lin Daimo lowered his eyelids, didn't look at her, and answered impatiently, "I know, you go back first. I'm studying tactics. I need to prepare a lot to go to the battlefield. This is related to the safety of the country. At this moment, there is no time to care about the love of children!"

"Yes, I understand, then tonight, I'll wait for you at home, you... don't be too tired..." Qin Luofu was ashamed of his father's adjudgment to Huo Jingkang, and unexpectedly the resentment in the ninja's heart retreated.

Cai Ling was very unwilling. When she went out, she began to mutter: "Young grandma, you are really good-tempered. Uncle, he is clear... Young grandma, why don't you take your uncle home directly? He will go to the northwest tomorrow, and I heard that the war is so terrible, just in case..."

"Cai Ling, don't talk nonsense! His father-in-law has always been blessed and will definitely make great achievements. Besides, his father-in-law is a general, and I believe he has strength. Qin Luofu has always been a lover's best in Lin Dimo, and there is no bad reason.

Qin Luofu suddenly remembered that he had just seen Lu Mengjian and Lin Daimo's tacit understanding at the door, and there was a flame in his heart. He had always been her support, but if he went to the battlefield, she would have no support in Huo's house. She was a nameless little woman, but she wanted to see this fox spirit. What can you do!

"I'm really curious about how long she can laugh. Ha ha, Cai Ling, what do you think is the point of her in this house without her father-in-law?" Qin Luofu smiled proudly. It turned out that her father had created such a good condition for her!

It was night, but Lin Daimo still did not show up. Qin Luofu waited all night, but only waited until the morning of the next day to prepare for the sound of the road. The Huo family stood at the door and saw Lin Daimo go on an expedition. Everyone's face was extremely solemn, but they all had their own thoughts.

When Huo Jingping heard that Huo Jingkang was going to the front line, he didn't say a word. In his heart, if Huo Jingkang died in the battle, maybe he would sympathize with the half-brother a little. However, if he came back, he would have something to do at that time.

Since Xue Wenpei got the letter, he has been paying attention to the movement of Huo Shuangcheng, but except for sending a large number of military notes, Huo Shuangcheng didn't even say anything else. This abnormal is very worrying for Xue Wenpei.

"Kang'er, you must take care of yourself on the way. No matter what you do on the battlefield, you must do whatever you can, and the general should be your relatives..." After Huo Shuangcheng's simple instructions, Lin Daimo nodded solemnly. Regarding the battlefield, he knew the importance of military spirit.

It's just that Lin Daimo is still worried about Lu Mengji. He is worried that she will leave him again after he leaves, but he can't say this. Subconsciously, he did not want Lu Meng Jian to leave, but he hoped that Lu Meng Jian could have a new life. In case he inadvertently died for the country, he did not want her to live for herself for a lifetime. This contradiction seemed to be confused and wrapped around his mind.

Qin Luofu finally couldn't help crying and ran to Lin Dai's side, and was pulled aside again. "Father, my child and I are waiting to come back. Don't worry!"

"Why cry? Kang'er went to war, which is his luck," Huo Shuangcheng scolded Qin Luofu loudly. Since Qin Yiwen pushed his son into the fire pit, he hated the Qin family to the bone, so he had no patience with his daughter-in-law.

Lin Daimo waved his whip, raised his hoofs, and finally left.

In Huo's house, Lin Daimo's shadow suddenly disappeared, and Lu Mengji couldn't adapt to it. For several days in a row, Lin Daimo couldn't wait to mess with him every day. Such a pure man seemed to lack some sustenance.

Only one day after leaving, Lu Mengji began to miss Lin Daimo.