Invert the universe

Chapter 55 Xuantian Token

Why is bloodthirsty called bloodthirsty? Of course, it was named because of this perverted skill, which instantly swallowed the blood in the enemy's body and quickly lost the enemy's vitality.

Li Chuan used bloodthirsty as the attack striker to have a careful plan. Of course, the owner is familiar with the bloodthirsty skills. Bloodthirsty began to launch his own skills bloodthirsty at the moment he penetrated Huo Yan's body. Suddenly, the strange red line appeared, and the blood in Huoyan's body was swallowed, and the vitality was quickly lost, and the body was produced. It's stiff, but the fire hasn't died yet.

The most important thing is Li Chuan's follow-up attack. Six golden needles came towards Huo Yan's other key attacks. Li Chuan has predicted the direction of Huo Yan's movement and is fully prepared. Although these key points cannot be fully hit, Li Chuan has calculated the direction of Huo Yan's movement. These six golden needles are the root. According to the attacks from these directions, and Li Chuan can also control these golden needles in the air to change direction, so this blow is the real killing move, a deadly killing move.

The result of the consumption of the two fireballs in the air also ended in an instant. The purple fireball, which had the upper hand, swallowed the remaining fireballs in an instant, and the surrounding turbulence calmed down in an instant, and the steaming fog gradually disappeared.

Huo Yan stagnated stiffly in the air, his face showed a gray color, and the vitality in his body was obviously exhausted. His face was still in a state of anger, and then slowly fell down.

Li Chuan came to Huo Yan in an instant, took his body casually, and fell on the island below.

Li Chuan has no expression on his face. His heart is very cold, without any kindness and fear. This world is the law of iron and blood. If it is strong, it will be born, and if it is weak, it will die!

Landing on the island, the fire's body was thrown to the ground by Li Chuan, silent and stiff. Li Chuan raised his hand, took back the bloodthirsty and checked it carefully.

The red lines around his bloodthirsty body are brighter, and Li Chuan can feel that bloodthirsty conveys an excited emotion to him. Li Chuan is a little puzzled why weapons have emotions that can be sensed by him. There were not many other changes, so Li Chuan put away his bloodthirsty and began to search for loot.

Li Chuan is still quite excited. There should be a lot of high-end goods in the senior management of the Mixed Heaven Sect.

There is not much on Huo Yan's body, only a storage bracelet and a flame halberd. Li Chuan erased all the breath of Huo Yan's storage bracelet. After carefully checking that there were no loopholes, he picked up the long halberd.

The halberd is made of good material and belongs to the top of the treasure weapon. This kind of weapon is very rare. It is made of basalt iron, and basalt is a relatively medium ore. Only in the volcanoes that are active all year round will some natural fire attributes, which have a boost effect on the attack of fire attributes and can improve the attack speed and strength.

Li Chuan put away the halberd with his satisfaction, and then put away Huo Yan's storage bracelet and was ready to flash away, but by chance, he suddenly stopped the figure that was about to fly up and returned to the side of Huo Yan's body and squat down to check it carefully.

In the middle of Huo Yan's eyebrows, a black token appeared. Half of the body of the token was stuck inside Huo Yan's forehead, and half of it was exposed. There was a deep cyan fog around it. It was strange to look at it.

Li Chuan frowned and felt that this token had a strange feeling. He didn't know what it was, and he didn't know the origin of it for a while. Li Chuan stretched out his right hand, carefully wrapped his hand with Zhenyuan, and slowly and tentatively walked towards the token.

Li Chuan's right hand slowly approached the mysterious token without any obstacles. He slowly approached the token, touched the token, and gently pulled it up.

Pull the token out of the eyebrow position without any effort. Li Chuan did not withdraw Zhenyuan and put it in front of him to carefully check the token.

This token is all blue and black, with the word Xuantian on the front of the ancient seal, followed by a separate order. There are some mysterious lines around. Li Chuan can't understand where these patterns come from and doesn't know what this token belongs to.

It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. After careful search again and there is no other harvest, Li Chuan will no longer stay and decisively flew away from this place to find a safe foothold.

Now Li Chuan can be sure that today's Huntian Sect has no time to take care of it and has no time, energy and manpower to deal with the Duan family, so the next step is a duel between himself and the whole Hun Tian Sect. Li Chuan resolutely moved forward, and the road to real road is full of ups and dangers. At the same time, it is full of crises and opportunities. If you grasp it, you can go further. If you can't grasp the dust, you can return to the dust!

The scholar was searching in the direction of the Duan family alone, but he always had a bad feeling that something big was going to happen. The monk's spiritual sense was very keen, and the scholar also trusted his intuition, so he stopped and went to the area of Huo Yan's search.

Li Chuan flew all the way and even wanted to go back to the small world to study the token he had just got, but he didn't have time to go back, so he was targeted by a very strong man.

This person is not someone else, but a scholar who turned back to look for Huo Yan. After returning, he felt even worse. After a quick search at sea for a while, he found some clues left by the battle between Li Chuan and Huo Yan. He landed on the island and found Huo Yan's body.

The scholar is a little angry. Huo Yan is one of the three pillars of his mixed heavenly sect. Even if he wants to kill Huo Yan himself, it will be very troublesome, but in such a short time, Huo Yan was killed here, which shows that the mysterious man's strength is at least comparable to him, even stronger than him. The last trace.

The scholar began to search around the island to find some valuable information. Li Chuan's flight speed was not as fast as that of Huo Yan and the scholars. Li Chuan did not escape eagerly. He did not expect that the scholar would kill a gun. Li Chuan estimated that it would take three or four days or even longer for someone to find Huo Yan to be killed.

The scholar was very cautious. Although he found Li Chuan's trace, he did not move forward rashly, but followed Li Chuan all the way to see Li Chuan's strength.

The scholar was thoughtful and not as reckless as Huo Yan. After following for a day, he confirmed that Li Chuan's strength only accelerated his speed and approached Li Chuan quickly in the middle of the foundation.

Li Chuan also found that the scholar was following him early, and began to fly quickly in the direction of the small world, increasing his speed to the maximum. Unfortunately, the strength of the stalking person was much stronger than him. No matter how he speeded up, he could not get rid of it. So Li Chuan resumed consumption while flying, so that he always kept himself. Hold at your best to face the sudden trouble of the people behind you.

The scholar finally dispelled his doubts and caught up with him. Li Chuan gradually slowed down and waited for the arrival of the scholar. Now it is not very far from the small world. Li Chuan has vaguely sensed the existence of the small world. Although it is not very clear, it is enough. If the enemy is really Powerful, Li Chuan won't pretend to be a good man. It's certain that he runs away. Of course, Li Chuan knows the truth that Qingshan doesn't have to worry about firewood.

Looking at the people quietly, Li Chuan adjusted his breathing. This is the most powerful monk he has met so far. Conservatively estimated that he is also a master in the middle of Xudan, because Li Chuanguang felt that this person was much stronger than Huo Yan.

"Are you the trouble for me?" The scholar stopped ten feet away from Li Chuan and asked. His voice was not gloomy and yang, which gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Li Chuan nodded and did not say anything, but stared at the scholar without blinking. His intuition told him that this person was very dangerous and could bring him a fatal danger and had to be prevented.

"You also killed Huo Yan?" The scholar still asked with a trace of disbelief on his face and asked questioningly.

Li Chuan nodded again, still silent, calmed and ready to prepare for the enemy's sneak attack at any time.

"Can you tell me the reason and why I provoked you or you?" The scholar asked again, but the expression on his face was enough to show that he did not have much hope for Li Chuan to say the reason.

"Is it necessary?" Li Chuan said the first sentence in a hoarse voice without any expression on his face.

"Very good, then you can die!" As the scholar's words had not yet fallen, a dark shadow flew towards Li Chuan like lightning, and came to Li Chuan in the blink of an eye.

A folding fan unfolded in the air, making a soft sound. A wave of air ripples around the folding fan rippled towards Li Chuan's head. In the distance, Li Chuan's face was somewhat deformed by the ripples.

Li Chuan had been prepared for a long time and knew that this person would definitely take action against him and want to kill him with one blow.

Don't underestimate the scholar's blow. It doesn't seem to have any attack power, but the "click" sound is enough to disturb the enemy's mind, make the sea turbulent, and can no longer respond effectively at the first time, and be killed by the scholar.

Li Chuan's spiritual knowledge is very strong. The tingling from the sea of knowledge is enough to explain how sharp the attack is, but although Li Chuan has received a little interference, it is not enough to make him subject to others.

Feeling the discomfort from the sea of knowledge, Li Chuan seized the opportunity, punched like lightning, and hit the position of the scholar's temple.

The strong and hard iron fist hit the scholar's temple with a roar. If this punch is solid, even with the strength of the scholar, it will not be spared. It will definitely be blown away with one punch.

The scholar was a little surprised to see that his unique secret soul fan did not work. He was surprised by Li Chuan's sea of knowledge and the strength of spiritual knowledge, and a ting came from his temple.

Before he could take a closer look, he quickly flashed and moved to Li Chuan a foot away. He looked at Li Chuan with some surprise.

The scholar no longer underestimates Li Chuan. After all, he is very clear about Huo Yan's strength. He can completely kill Huo Yan in a short time, and his cultivation and strength will certainly not be too weak.

Li Chuan only has the strength in the middle of foundation building, which is very different from Huo Yan and his strength, but the scholar was not confused by Li Chuan's appearance. As soon as he saw Li Chuan's figure, he guessed that Huo Yan must not have taken any advantage, and checked Huo Yan's body and found Huo Yan was not killed by hard hitting him, but by being pierced by several key points around his eyebrows and his body.

Li Chuan failed to win a blow. He felt the thorny of the scholar and was also excited. After all, he would make progress in fighting with people stronger than himself. Moreover, his current state has stagnated. If there is strong pressure in this battle of life and death, his potential will be squeezed out and he will understand what is right. It will be very helpful to break through the bottleneck by yourself.

"You are very strong. If you join me, the previous things can be written off! What do you think, Taoist friends? The scholar stopped attacking and said to Li Chuan.

"Let's talk about it after defeating me!" This time, Li Chuan did not wait quietly, but took the initiative to attack. A record of Mount Tai was at the top, and the bloodthirsty long stick came to the scholar with the power of breaking a thousand.

Several remnants were left above the scholar's head, and there was a harsh roar in the air, which was obviously a sono boom formed by the friction of the long stick with the air.

The scholar looked up at the long stick shining with glory, and the folding fan in his hand rotated and flew up, holding the milky white light towards the bloodthirsty. The scholar's counterattack is also very powerful, and now he mainly fights for strength, skills and combat experience.

Li Chuan is not afraid at all. Although he is not as old-fashioned as a scholar in experience, he is not weaker than a scholar in strength and skills. Seeing that the scholar's folding fan running towards bloodthirsty, he increased his strength and prepared to fight with the scholar's attack. He is very confident in bloodthirsty.

The folding fan rotated quickly and bumped against the bloodthirsty, and Li Chuan felt bad.

It turned out that the scholar did not want to fight with Li Chuan at all, but used his cleverness to lead his long stick out to him and then accelerated the folding fan instantly, flying to his head. If this attack came, Li Chuan's head would definitely be cut off by the fast rotating folding fan, and Li Chuan couldn't help sweating coldly.

Because Li Chuan hesitated to attack, his center of gravity leaned forward and rushed forward. The folding fan was already there. There was no time to think about it. Li Chuan took the opportunity to avoid the fatal blow, but how could the scholar miss this good opportunity to control the folding fan and follow Li Chuan's figure and still came towards Li Chuan's head.

Li Chuan secretly hates and deeply feels the cunning of the enemy. He is still too young in battle. It seems that it is still a large part of luck to kill Huo Yan. If Huo Yan knows all his details, the probability of killing Huo Yan will be much reduced. Maybe he will die in Huo Yan's hands.

Li Chuan could no longer avoid it. He only heard a sound mixed with fractures, and blood sprayed in the air in an instant.

Li Chuan couldn't avoid it. Seeing the trajectory of the folding fan, he patted the folding fan with his left hand and prepared to pat the folding fan away with his hand. A hand injury is much better than moving your head.

Li Chuan did not care about his injury, and the long stick still swept towards the scholar's head, sharp.

The scholar did not expect that Li Chuan would work so hard that he didn't have time to dodge. His arms stood in front of him and suffered Li Chuan's powerful stick.

A soft sound of "ga" reached their ears very clearly.

The sound of broken bones sounded, and the scholar dodged aside with the strength of this stick. He held the forearm of his left hand and looked at Li Chuan in shock.

The battle took place in an instant, talking slowly, but in the blink of an eye, and the two looked at each other separately in an instant. The battle just now is extremely dangerous. With a little carelessness, both of them are in danger of their lives.

Li Chuan patted the folding fan with his right hand. Although he took a lot of defensive measures, he was still scratched by the folding fan. This is still the reason why Li Chuan is strong. If he is an ordinary monk, even if he goes to the gear with his hand, Li Chuan will be cut through by the folding fan and continue to cut to the throat.

Li Chuan's right hand was injured, but Li Chuan did not have any panic. The faint pain came from his right hand, which made Li Chuan more awake. This pain was still within Li Chuan's tolerance.

The dark purple blood stained the long stick. The strange thing is that these blood was not wasted at all, and they were all adsorbed by the long stick on their bodies. Then he returned to Li Chuan's body again through the red silk thread around him, and Li Chuan's wound was also healing rapidly, shining light green around the wound.

Li Chuan and the scholar fought again. Li Chuan had a trace of understanding in the series of battles. He felt that he was about to make a breakthrough. At this time, he was not suitable to continue fighting. Moreover, he was not the opponent of the people in front of him at present. The continued to fight increased his injuries and died at his hands with a little carelessness.

The other party is really strong and can't deal with it now. If it is delayed any longer, I guess I will have to explain here, and I vaguely feel that I am going to break through. I can't miss the opportunity because of the battle. Thinking of this, Li Chuan no longer hesitates and quickly fled in one direction.

The scholar did not expect that Li Chuan would escape like this. Of course, he did not want Li Chuan to escape. Even if he did not join the Huntian Sect, he would have to stay here. If he was allowed to escape, the Hun Tian Sect would face a very terrible enemy in the future. Although he could not pose too much threat to himself now, the disciples of the Hun Tian Sect It's not his opponent.

The scholar followed, chasing and launching an attack, and the folding fan also roared quickly to attack Li Chuan's back. Li Chuan's spirit has already found that his body has slightly avoided the key points and was attacked by the scholar.

"Puff!!!" Injured again, Li Chuan took the opportunity to rush into the sea. Now he has clearly sensed the coordinates of the small world and can enter it at any time. If it is too close, it is easy to be found, so Li Chuan accelerated his speed.

At the moment when Li Chuan was attacked, Li Chuan also got into the water, and then began to teleport, left here and came to the small world.

The scholar chased in the rear and saw that his attack knocked Li Chuan into the water and was about to fall into the water together, but as soon as he went less than ten meters under the water, there was no trace of Li Chuan, even blood.

The scholar did not give up and searched underwater for a long time without finding any trace. Li Chuan disappeared in this way. The scholar was puzzled and left the place with some resentment, with a gloomy face.

Li Chuan came to Xiaotiandi, and the scars on his body had stopped bleeding, and the scars on his left hand had basically healed. There was a feeling of numbness in his back. Obviously, Li Chuan's back injury was much heavier than his palm, but his wound was healing rapidly.

Li Chuan didn't have time to think about this. He didn't have to worry about his life. He came to the cliff and sat cross-legged, because he was about to face a breakthrough. This feeling was suddenly born and unstoppable, so Li Chuan did not look back to answer the small world. Breakthrough is the most taboo to be disturbed. It can be said that the small world is It is Li Chuan's natural best place for breakthrough.