reverse song

Chapter 85 Three-on-Three

Kit dived into the darkness under the instructions of the young man, but unexpectedly bumped into the hiding place of Yi Tian and the other three. Although Yi Tian was angry that the young man broke through his hiding for no reason, he also knew that the current enemy was not the time to settle accounts with these two people, and Yi Tian was also curious about why the young man could see through his hiding. Therefore, after a few simple conversations with the young man, Yi Tian was ready to appear and force the three people outside to retreat so that his party could retreat safely. After watching the battle before watching, Yi Tian already knew that the youth and the alliance were opposite. In a simple word, the enemy of the enemy was my friend. Although Yi Tian did not intend to treat these two people as friends, Yi Tian was also very curious about the identity of the young man, which is also the reason why he did not quarrel with the young man.

Although the young man brought into the dark by Kit can't see the faces of Yi Tian and the three, after a short conversation, he still knows that the three people in front of him will not do anything about themselves for the time being. As for what will happen in the future, it will be until then. However, now the young man is also extremely helpless. If he hadn't been forced into a desperate situation, he wouldn't want to use such a risky means. Looking at the appearance of Yi Tian and the three people, and then slowly fade into the darkness, the young man's heart also calmed down a little.

At the end of the dialogue between the young man and Yi Tian, Richard, who had been chasing Kit and the young man, also chased to the edge of the channel. Richard watched Kit and the young man escape into the dark, couldn't help shouting angrily, raised his hand and threw a huge fireball. The fireball hit the darkness. Richard was also extremely sober and knew that rushing into the darkness was likely to be attacked, so when he reached the edge, he immediately launched an attack, trying to force Kit and the young man out.

The huge fireball made a banging sound and hit the dark place, and the red firelight reflected the darkness. But before the fireball could hit the dark, it suddenly went out with a bang, as if it had been suddenly hit by water.

Looking at the inexplicable disappearance of his attack, Richard couldn't help but look at the dark place in disbelief. When he was a little unbelieving and ready to attack again, a lazy voice suddenly came from his ear.

"I said, brother, can you not throw things around? It's not good if you hit someone else." A lazy and cold voice sounded behind Richard.

As soon as Richard heard the sound, he was shocked and did not look back. The flames on his body burned up, and then he bent his body and pressed his right hand on the ground. For a moment, a circle of flames burned around him, and then turned into a circle of fire walls to wrap him around him. As soon as the wall of fire appeared, Richard twisted his body and pedaled his feet on the ground. He broke through the wall of fire and left the place where he had just stood. Richard's series of reactions is slow to say, but in fact extremely fast. From the time he heard the sound to his escape from the wall of fire, it was just a matter of breathing, and he could make such a response in such a short time, which shows that Richard's fighting experience is extremely rich.

Richard, who got out of the wall of fire, did not stop, but raised his hand and threw a few fireballs in the direction of the wall of fire, and then turned into a red figure to bypass the wall and tried to find the speaker. But as soon as he bypassed the fire wall, he heard a sound from another place.

"The response is very fast, and the action is fierce enough. The alliance is really not easy." It's still the cold sound, but it's gone without the previous laziness.

Richard was shocked when he heard the sound. He didn't expect the man to speak so fast. He was standing behind him just now, but now he suddenly ran to another completely opposite place. Richard, who was still rushing, suddenly stopped and looked for the speaker at the entrance of the passage with his flashing red eyes.

"No need to look for it. I'm here." The cold sound came from the darkness, and then the sound of footsteps came.

The three Yi Tian with black masks came out of the darkness.

Richard followed the sound and happened to see the moment when Yi Tian and the three came out of the darkness. When he saw the masks with very similar styles on their faces, he couldn't help but be stunned again. There doesn't seem to be any organization wearing a mask in his memory, let alone a black mask. However, Richard knew from the other party's performance just now that the three were enemies, so when he saw the three come out of the darkness, he immediately put on guard.

When the three Yi Tian appeared at the entrance of the passage, Aurora and the old dog also rushed to Richard's side. The two of them looked at Yitian with the same alert look. When they saw Kit and the young man standing behind Yi Tian, they were stunned at the same time. The old dog said in a cold voice, "Are you a group of people?"

"No." Yi Tian shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know them." However, he knew that the other party would never believe his words.

"Real?" The old dog's tone was a little strange, and then he wink at Richard and Aurora, and his whole body suddenly flashed yellow.

When the yellow light flashed on the old dog, Yi Tian only felt that the land under their feet trembled, and then they heard a rumbling sound. Then four dark shadows suddenly rose around them. When they took a closer look, it turned out to be four earth walls. After a few bumps, the four earthen walls were glued together to form a square cage, and then there was a sound of touch. The earthenlao suddenly darkened, and the place where there was an opening was also covered by an earthen wall.

Yi Tian and the young man trapped in the dirt wall were stunned. They didn't expect the old dog to move so quickly that they laid the earthen prison without warning. Seeing that they were trapped in the dungeon, Kit and the young man couldn't help but feel frustrated. They thought that the three people who suddenly jumped out could be their helpers, but they were trapped by each other as soon as they came out. Kit and the youth are extremely clear about the strength of the old dog. It is impossible to break through this prison.

"Are you trapped?" Xiu looked at the interior of a dark earthen prison with a surprised face and reached out to knock on the strong earthen wall, "It's quite strong." With that, the blue light flashed on his body and he was about to attack the earth wall.

As soon as Xiu was ready to launch an attack, he was pulled by Yi Tian. He looked at Yi Tian puzzledly, but saw the blue light flashing in Yi Tian's eyes. As soon as his expression moved, he withdrew the energy in his hand and waited for Yi Tian to speak.

"Which of the three people outside can you deal with?" Yi Tian actually asked Xiu and Al this question at this time.

Kit and the young man, who were also trapped in the dungeon, felt that the person in front of them was crazy after hearing Yi Tian's words, and they could even ask such a question after being trapped.

"Except for that middle-aged man, there is no problem with both." Xiu pondered for a moment, combined the situation he had just seen and compared his strength, and gave this answer.

"Me too." After the same thought, Al also gave a reply.

"That's good. After going out later, the middle-aged people will give it to me, and the other two, one of you, just force them back. Don't fall in love. We have to retreat as soon as possible." The blue light in Yi Tian's eyes has become stronger and stronger.

"I know." Xiu and Al answered and immediately wrapped their bodies with cyan wind. The two have been with Yi Tian for a long time and know more about Yi Tian. Naturally, they know what Yi Tian will do next.

Yi Tian stretched out his shining blue hand and gently pressed on the earth wall. The blue light instantly covered the front earth wall, and then the blue light slowly turned into white light, and a cold breath appeared in the small earthen prison. This sudden cold smell made both Kit and the young man shiver. When the white light covered the front earth wall, Yi Tian's right hand made a little force and spit "open" in his mouth.

With a crack, a pattern was cracked on the earthen wall, and then another fine sound came from the earthen wall, and cracks kept appearing on the earthen wall. When the earthen wall was full of fine lines, Yi Tian's right hand suddenly banged, and the front earthen wall collapsed. As the earthen wall collapsed, a slightly cool breath rushed into his nose.

Yi Tian and the three of them did not stop at all. At the moment the earth wall collapsed, the three rushed out of the earthen. Kit and the young man were still stunned in the earth wall. They never thought that such a solid earth wall would be broken by the man in front of them. The three old dogs were also stunned. They thought that the five people in front of them would be trapped in the earthen prison, but they never thought that the other party could break through the earthen prison, which did not surprise the three people.

Yi Tian and the three of them ignored the old dogs who were still surprised at all. As soon as they were unearthed, the three rushed to their own goals. Yi Tian rushed to the old dog, Xiu rushed to Richard, and Al rushed to Aurora.

The three old dogs are also powerful people. After a short period of surprise, when they found that someone rushed towards them, the three immediately put on the posture of facing the enemy. Instead of retreating, the three rushed directly to the enemy. These old foxes are extremely shrewd people. They know that once they retreat, they will definitely lose their first opportunity. It's better to attack the other party directly.

When Xiu rushed to Richard, he shook his right hand, and a green silk popped out, and then shook it again. The green silk wrapped his whole right palm under a song, looking like a green set. The cyan wind wrapped around Xiu's body, and his legs kicked on the ground, and his whole body flew low against the ground. The speed of repairing the flight was extremely fast, which dragged out a long cyan tail with the blue wind on his body.

Richard is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When he saw the blue light flashing on his body, he knew that the person in front of him was a difficult wind power. Richard did not retreat, but made a mistake in front of him, and the red flame wrapped him up in an instant. With a low roar, the flame on Richard's body soared a few points, completely devouring Richard's figure, and then the soaring flame suddenly began to rotate, forming a flame whirlwind.

At this time, Xiu had reached the edge of the flame whirlwind, and he had not been able to reflect that the whole person had been swallowed in. As soon as he entered the flame whirlwind, Xiu felt the heat wave. What made him more uncomfortable was that the wind here seemed to be a little out of his control. Except for the wind around him, he could no longer mobilize any wind. This situation makes Xiu feel extremely difficult, but he has no reason to withdraw from here, and even if he wants to retreat now, it is impossible. Because the flame whirlwind has changed.

Out of control and perception of his own flame, when Xiu fell into the flame whirlwind, Richard immediately sensed the changes in the flame. Although his eyes were full of fire, he still clearly knew his location and his current situation. Richard pulled his staggered hands, his right hand into a fist, and his left hand into a palm, and then his right hand gently hit the heart of his left hand. With a blast, the firelight spewed out from the place where his hands were joined. With this, the vortex of flames that had formed a vortex suddenly stagnate, and then roared like a volcanic eruption, and all the flames sprayed high into the sky.

The originally shapeless flame became as thin as a sharp blade and flew up one by one with the beginning of the eruption. Xiu, who was already trapped in the flame, was also taken high above with the eruption of the flame, and the wind on his body was cut like a sharp blade again and again. Although Xiu can always repair the incision on the wind in time, there are too many incisions, and he is in an extremely unfavorable environment, even if the speed of his repair Fast, the skin was still cut by the sharp blade of the flame. Xiu felt the hot pain of the wound cut open by the fire blade. Before the blood could gushed out, the wound was closed by the high temperature, and the heat poison could not be excreted with the blood for a while, making the whole wound swollen.

The eruption of the flame only lasted for a short period of time, and as Richard, who caused the flame eruption, his whole face also turned slightly pale. It seems extremely difficult for him to launch such an attack. However, Richard has no choice. If he can't hit the other party hard for a while, he is worried that there will be other changes. After all, the other party is a person who can get out of the old dog's prison.

Richard adjusted his breathing and a little restless energy. Looking up, a cyan figure was slowly floating in the sky with the disappearance of the flames. The cyan figure fell to the ground freely, and it seemed that the cyan figure seemed to have been seriously injured. Looking at such a situation, I couldn't help but be happy. Sure enough, the decision to spend most of the energy to hit the other party was right.

The cyan figure fell to the ground like a leaf, and in the process of falling, the cyan figure approached Richard little by little. Richard, who had been staring at the blue figure, didn't seem to notice this. He just looked excitedly at the blue figure hitting the ground, imagining the picture of blood splashing on the ground. The red blood falling on the ground must be a beautiful picture. Thinking of the excitement, Richard also stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

Xiu heard the wind in his ear, but a pair of blue flashing eyes had no emotional color at all, and his face was also cold. He endured the hot pain from all the wounds on his body and calculated his whereabouts. When he felt that he was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly turned his body, and the originally thin wind suddenly became strong, and his body suddenly stagnated in the air, and then flew close to the ground in the direction of Richard.

When he was sprayed into the sky with the flames, Xiu began to figure out how to get close to Richard. What he wants is a blow, because he really doesn't want to delay time. Of course, if you keep fighting, Xiu is still sure to win, but this is not the most important thing now. Xiu just needs to hit the other party hard and then evacuate here with Yi Tian and others. So when he was sprayed into the sky, he repaired the wounds on his body as much as possible, while quietly approaching Richard unconsciously.

When he saw the sudden change when the blue figure falling from the air was about to hit the ground, the excitement on Richard's face immediately turned into surprise, but no matter how fast he reacted, such a sudden change still caught him off guard. He never thought that the other party could recover so quickly after suffering such a heavy hit, and rushed to him as soon as he recovered. This time, Richard has no choice but not to return, and there is no reason not to return. At such a close distance, it is impossible for him to fight faster than the wind power, because that is looking for death.

For a moment, the firelight on Richard's body, which was no longer obvious, flashed again, and then he stepped back with his feet on the ground. When jumping into the air, Richard's feet spewed flames, which accelerated his speed, and the distance of his back jump was also much farther.

Even though Richard reacted like this in such a short time, he was still a little slower. When Richard jumped off the ground, Xiu was about to come to him, and when Richard's feet spewed flames, Xiu had surpassed Richard's body and appeared behind Richard.

The Xiu, who appeared behind Richard, shook his right hand, and the green silk coiled around his hand immediately dispersed. Xiu Lian shook his right hand, and the wind appeared on the surface of the green silk, and then began to be constantly interspersed in the air, weaving into a big cyan net. As soon as the net was formed, it disappeared into the air as if it had never appeared. Xiu himself flew forward for a distance, coiled his right hand vigorously, roared, and launched an attack on Richard who flew back.