reverse song

Chapter 86 Struggle

The wind is an invisible thing, and the green silk wrapped in the wind naturally turns into the wind. I don't know what kind of material this green silk is. At the moment when the wind is entangled, it collapses into the wind. Then with a flash of blue light, the big net formed by the green silk disappears into the air. With the disappearance of the green net, Xiu's whole body also moved. He had caught up with Richard at his own speed and overtook Richard, who jumped back. Richard, a fire powerman, was obviously not so good at controlling himself in the air. Although he saw Xiu surpass himself, it was extremely difficult for him to suddenly change his direction at a very fast speed, so he just twisted his body and made himself turn around and face Xiu.

At this time, the two were facing each other. If it were on the ground now, maybe Xiu would be afraid of Richard three points. Unfortunately, it is now in mid-air. This is the world of wind powers. Naturally, Xiu has no intention of avoiding it.

Seeing Richard turn around and rushing to face himself, Xiu's face showed a smile. With a blank press of his left hand, a cyan wind wheel appeared in his hand. The edge of the cyan windmill is jagged, constantly rotating rapidly, making a sharp sound. As soon as the wind wheel appeared, Xiu's left hand waved, and the whole wind wheel was thrown out by him.

The thrown wind wheel made a buzzing sound and quickly rotated towards Richard. In the process of flying forward, the serration on the edge of the wind wheel suddenly soared by three points, emitting a faint green light, giving people a sense of excitement. The surrounding air stirred by the strong wind on the wind wheel is also buzzing.

I was shocked to see the wind wheel coming from the front. Although he is extremely confident in his own strength, it is obviously not wise to deal with wind powers in mid-air. But now that the other party has launched an attack, he can't sit back and wait for death. So Richard closed his hands, and the flame spewed out from his fingertips, and then cut down the wind wheel that had arrived in front of him. With Richard's swing, the original subtle flame suddenly became ten feet long and his arms were thick. The soaring flame suddenly hit the cyan wind wheel.

A strange scene happened. At the moment when the flame and the wind wheel came into contact, some of the wind wheel was smashed but did not break, but stalemate with the flame. Then the blue light flashed on the wind wheel, and the rotation speed of the rotating wind wheel increased by half. The serrations on the wind wheel are also flashing, constantly cutting the flames. The harsh sound kept coming from the two-color light, and the serrated teeth on the cyan wind wheel cut off the red flame like wood.

As soon as the flame broke, the wind wheel broke out of Richard's suppression and hit Richard's face with a shout.

What a person Richard is. In the face of the wind wheel that is already close to him, his face has not changed at all. He just controlled the energy in his body a little, and his whole body fell straight to the ground with a shout. As early as when Richard sent out flames to block the wind wheel, he was ready to escape, and now he is the best opportunity to escape.

After all, the fire power is not a wind power. There is no way to make his body light with the help of wind, let alone fly in the air like the wind power, so Richard's whole body quickly fell to the ground at this time. If it was not the moment of his life, he was unwilling to use this sinking method to let himself fall to the ground, let alone in mid-air. The kind of recoil hitting the ground will not feel much better even with the physique of the power. But now Richard has no other choice. He can only accumulate strength as quickly as possible so that he can launch an attack and block the opponent at the moment he hits the ground.

Richard, who was falling, suddenly felt a green light under his feet, and he didn't know when there was a big cyan net under him. Even if Richard didn't understand what the strange blue net in front of him was, when he noticed the strong wind attribute power on the blue net, he knew that it was a trap set by the other party. But Richard in the fall at this moment really can't change his figure, and even if he changes, he can't get out of the coverage of the blue net.

In a hurry, Richard could only fold his hands into palms to calculate the distance between himself and the green net. When Richard felt the wind on the bluenet touch his feet, he roared, and there was a red light on his hands. With a bang, a huge flame spewed out of his hands. The huge flame hit the blue net, and the same huge reaction force also hit Richard. Richard's whole body rose to the sky again with this rebound. As soon as Richard reached the sky, he immediately twisted his body and turned his head upside down. Then Richard's hands spewed flames again and flew diagonally to the ground.

As Richard's opponent, Xiu naturally saw Richard's series of actions. He didn't expect that the other party could use his powers to such a point, and he naturally felt admiration. However, I admire him, and Xiu is still very clear about his position. After seeing Richard avoid his attack through a series of actions, Xiu did not have any anger, but pointed to the blue net with his left hand. The whole green net disappeared into the air, and there was no way to move when controlling the green net. As soon as the green net was hidden, Xiu stimulated the wind on his body and flew towards Richard who flew to the ground.

The sound of the wind kept ringing in Xiu's ear. While flying forward, Xiu continuously made several wind blades to block Richard's action. However, Richard started too fast, and in this case, it was difficult to catch up with Richard's figure even if he repaired it for a while. When Xiu was about to catch up with Richard, Richard's hands had emitted flames to the ground to weaken the impact caused by the rapid fall back to the ground.

With a roar, a big hole immediately appeared where Richard's hands touched, and Richard's figure did not stop. As soon as his hands left the ground, the recoil caused by the flame hitting the ground finally reached Richard. Richard turned over and his feet fell to the ground, but the inertia of rushing down did not completely disappear. Richard jumped forward a few more steps in a row, but his whole body seemed a little staggering. After running five or six meters in a row, Richard's figure stopped.

And when Richard stopped, Xiu also caught up with Richard and slowly landed on the ground. Seeing that Richard fell back to the ground, Xiu knew that even if he rushed up in a hurry, he would not get any benefits. It was better to let the other party stand up and set himself, and it was not too late to do it again.

Richard didn't expect that the other party didn't take advantage of the situation. As soon as he stood down, he hurriedly turned around, and flames had risen on his hands. The moment Richard turned around, the flame on his left hand was in front of him, and a flame protected his vital part. In this way, even if you are attacked, you will not be hurt too much. Richard turned around and saw the repair ten meters away from him, hanging a foot from the ground. He couldn't see Xiu's expression because he wore a black mask on his face.

"Who the hell are you?" Richard knew that the other party might not attack rashly, so he asked in a low voice.

Xiu smiled, and the wind on his body suddenly became strong, making a whirring wind. He said coldly, "It doesn't matter who I am." As soon as the words fell, Xiu stretched out his hands and held them in the void, and the buzzing sound sounded from the body. One after another wind wheel the size of a fist appeared around Xiu's body, and the edge of the wind wheel was cyan jagged. The wind wheel with jagged teeth quickly rotated, making a squealing sound and constantly coiling around the body.

"Go." Xiu waved his right hand, and the wind wheel coiled around him immediately made a sound to attack Richard opposite him.

Richard had seen the power of the wind wheel before, and naturally did not dare to be careless. In his right hand, a huge fireball appeared in his palm, and then Richard threw the fireball on the ground in front of him. A pillar of fire spewed up from the ground, and Richard also appeared at the moment of the pillar of fire, he suddenly lowered himself and drilled out from the side of the pillar of fire and attacked the opposite repair. Richard thought very clearly that if he distanced himself from the wind power, and with the opponent's body and attack speed, it must be himself who would suffer losses, so Richard would immediately pull in the distance between him and Xiu as soon as he took action.

While rushing forward, the flames gushed out of Richard's body, protecting his whole body, and the flames on his hands were red and a little black. Richard's speed in the air is not good, but it doesn't mean that his speed is not good when he is on the ground. At this moment, Richard is like a red ghost, marching fast against the ground. Every time he steps on the ground, a small flame will erupt on the soles of his feet to improve his speed to the extreme, and he has a lot of borrowing power on the ground, so his body looks strange and changeable.

Richard's route is not just a straight line, but a circuitous route. He tried his best to avoid the attacking wind wheel, while not letting the wind wheel hurt himself. If he really can't avoid the wind wheels that attack him, Richard will not waste any strength to smash the nearby wind wheels.

At the moment Richard left, Xiu understood Richard's idea, but he had no intention of avoiding. He was still suspended in place, constantly controlling the wind wheels in the air with his hands to block Richard's way forward. Xiu was originally a smart wind power. When he was in the woods, his understanding of the wind reached another level after taking a pill given by Yi Tian, and he was even more able to control the wind. The wind wheel was a new method he learned at that time.

While controlling the wind wheel to block Richard's progress, Xiu felt the changes in the wind wheel. This is his newly learned move. Today is the first time to use it. Naturally, he should try his best to understand the characteristics of the wind wheel in actual combat. However, Xiu did not intend to really study the wind wheel here. After all, what he wants to do now is to make a quick decision and then evacuate quickly. Therefore, when Xiu learned some of the more ordinary characteristics of the wind wheel, his eyes flashed, and his whole body also exuded a murderous atmosphere. Xiu shouted in a low voice, and his hands, which had controlled the wind wheel, were closed, and all the wind wheels that were flying randomly in the air to block Richard's march suddenly stagled, and then made a strong sound at the same time and merged towards one place.

All the wind wheels are gathered on the top of Xiu's head. At this time, Xiu holds his right hand high, and the blue light flashes on his right hand to melt all the gathered wind wheels into the blue light. With the continuous integration of the wind wheel, there is also a dense sound in the blue light, which seems to be the sound of the wind wheel in the blue light. Finally, all the sound of the wind wheel flashed into a buzzing with the blue light, and then the sound kept coming out. Xiu held a huge wind wheel in his right hand. The diameter of this wind wheel is three meters, and the cyan serration is nearly half a meter long. The huge wind wheel kept spinning and making a sound, and the blue light above the wind wheel was also flashing.

At the moment when the huge wind wheel appeared, the blue light in Xiu's eyes flashed slightly, and then he saw Richard, who had been avoiding the wind wheel, appear in front of him. At this time, Richard's distance was less than five meters away, and even if it was not a wind power, he would cross it in an instant. So when the cleanup found himself in front of him, Xiu retreated slightly, and the whole person retreated nearly five meters. Then he shook his right hand holding the huge wind wheel forward and shouted in a low voice: "Cut!"

The wind wheel buzzed and flew out, hitting Richard with a strong wind and wind.

Richard, who had been avoiding the wind wheel, suddenly found that the wind wheel that was blocking him suddenly disappeared. First, he was stunned. When he saw the situation of slimming, he immediately understood the intention of the cultivation. He hurriedly rushed to Xiu. When he reached five meters away from the beginning of the slimming, he suddenly felt that the wind that had been fluctuating on the slimming suddenly became stronger. He looked up and found that there was a huge wind wheel on the top of Xiu's head. He was shocked that his footsteps couldn't help but stagnate, and then he understood his situation. With a low roar, Richard rushed to Xiu desperately. He must stop Xiu, or he will die.

But Richard still took a step slower. When his footsteps stagnated, Xiu had retreated five meters. Even if Richard immediately caught up with him, he still failed to shorten the distance. At this time, Xiu has thrown out the wind wheel. Looking at the wind wheel spinning and attacking him, Richard, who had rushed forward, jumped out horizontally with his feet a little bit, avoiding the wind wheel that had been cut close to him. But even so, Richard's clothes were cut a lot by the strong wind on the wind wheel.

Richard, who jumped out horizontally, did not panic because his clothes were cut by the wind wheel. When his feet touched the ground again, he clicked on the ground again, and his whole body rushed to the ground again. While rushing forward, Richard's hands are full of energy from fire attributes and ready to deal with the wind wheel at any time.

He failed to win the blow, and Xiu did not panic at all, but floated in mid-air to control the stroke wheel to catch up with Richard. But Richard, who was walking on the ground, was like a slippery loach. Every time the wind wheel was about to catch up with him, Richard was able to avoid the attack of the wind wheel. If he doesn't avoid it once, Richard will launch an attack on Xiu to distract Xiu.

In the short distance of Richard rushing to Xiu, the two fought no less than ten times, and each time it was thrilling.

As Richard approached, Xiu also knew that it was impossible to hurt Richard with his current ability to control the wind wheel, so he controlled the wind wheel to attack Richard for the last time.

The wind wheel, which made a whistling sound, circled from the air and then hit Richard, who was fast on the ground. Richard saw the wind wheel hit head-on and hurriedly twisted his body. At the same time, with a wave of his right hand, a flame appeared in front of him like a wall, blocking the wind wheel. The wall of fire was broken by the wind wheel without any suspense, but by this time Richard had also avoided the attack of the wind wheel.

Seeing Richard avoid the wind wheel and Xiu's face without any expression, he put his hands together and shouted in a low voice: "Sake!" The wind wheel, which was still spinning rapidly, suddenly stagnated, and the surface of the wind wheel flashed green and buzzed and dispersed.

As soon as the wind wheel dispersed, the strong wind power accumulated on the wind wheel immediately dispersed, forming a strong wind.

Richard, who was still marching against the ground, was swept away by the sudden wind. His body suddenly shook, and the direction of his march changed slightly. This little change made Richard panic, and his left hand hurriedly pressed on the ground and immediately stopped his body.

At the moment Richard stopped his body, he practiced. He stretched out his hand and made an empty move. The green net, which had been hidden in the air, suddenly appeared. Then the blue net flashed, and a piece of green silk came out of the blue net and fell into Xiu's hand. Qingsi got it, and Xiu's previously somewhat uneasy heart immediately settled down. Then when he made a mistake, his whole person turned into a virtual shadow and attacked Richard.

Shaking the green silk on his hand, Xiu poked out his left hand and rubbed it on the green silk. The originally straight green silk immediately fell to the ground and crawled quickly along the ground, and the faint blue light on the green silk also disappeared without a trace, turning into a dull green silk. By the time he finished this series of movements, he had already arrived at Richard.

Richard, who stood in a fixed shape, did not expect that Xiu would take the initiative to narrow the distance between the two. Although he was shocked, this was also something he wanted. So Richard waved his right hand without hesitation, and the flame in his hand flashed and hit the abdomen of the repair. The temperature of the flame on Richard's fist was extremely high, and even the air around him was slightly twisted.

Seeing that Richard's fist was not fancy, his body naturally retreated, and then his left hand stood as a knife, and the blue light flashed and tried to cut off Richard's right hand. But as soon as he retreated, he found that Richard's fist did not attack head-on at all, but attacked from the side. It is impossible for him to avoid it when he finds out. Xiu stared with a pair of flashing blue eyes and watched Richard's flashing fiery fist slowly dilate in his pupils.