reverse song

Chapter 156 Disaster Star

Sharp and provocative shouts kept echoing in the forest, and orderly footsteps fell on the ground full of thick fallen leaves and dead branches, making a sound, wild breathing and a face full of wildness. These people are the same figure as human beings, and even their appearance is exactly the same. They smeared their faces with paint made of unknown things, completely covering their original skin color and making it impossible to distinguish their original appearance. At a glance, everyone looks almost exactly the same. Only the shouts in the mouth are different, indicating that these are not illusions formed by the same person.

They hunted the mountains and forests, but what they are killing now is not beasts, but prey, the prey of two living people. Their eyes flashed with excitement, and the muscles on their bodies kept beating, and the strength of each muscle allowed them to shuttle between the mountains and forests as freely and deftly as fish swimming in water. They held spears made of the same vine in their hands, saying that the spear was actually just sharpening one end of the vine.

These vines have duck eggs, which are just as long as their eyebrows, and there is a strange black light shining on them. Obviously, the black light on the vine is not caused by those people, but what the vine itself has. It is unknown whether it is born or added later.

These people's thick hands are held on spears made of vines, and blue veins burst into their hands like earthworms. They are not murderous, and they are as peaceful as a lake. They are chasing prey, but it is a natural reaction of predators and do not need any murder. Sharp shouts came from their mouths, which shocked the birds and beasts around them to avoid them. For a moment, the forest was so quiet that only their shouts were left.

Chase the two strange people with blue light in front of them, because the two people destroyed the place where they stored food. Although there was no food in the storage room, they felt that their majesty had been violated. Only the death of those two people can make amends for staining them with dignity, so they have been chasing the two people, so they must chase the two people.

The priest of the

clan said that the two disaster stars sent by the people who destroyed their storage room will bring great disaster to their people. They must be killed before they bring disaster.

The young people began to take action, took their own weapons and waited outside Zulin for a long time. Then, when Zulin opened, they began their journey of killing.

The two strange people are so powerful that they have many inexplicable means, more powerful than the priests in the clan. They can shine cyan, and they can fly like birds, but they have no wings. And they can also cause huge whirlwinds. Sure enough, it's a disaster star, and there are so many strange means. If the disaster is caused by them, even the priests of the clan may not be able to resolve it.

The young people roared and accelerated their march, because the figures of the two began to become blurred and even disappear into the forest, and it was not good to let outsiders run around in the ancestral forest.

These people don't have too many emotions and emotions. They just think it's not good to let outsiders walk around in the ancestral forest, which is a blasphemy to their ancestors. That's all.

Babu, the leading young man, also painted an unknown paint on his right arm with a circle with twisted and indistinguishable words. Seeing that they were about to catch up with the two guys who broke into Zulin in front of them, but they sent out another strange whirlwind, blocking their way forward, so that they had to stop to break the strange wind.

After the wind was broken, the two figures had flown away again. Babu let out a sharp shout, and then made obscure words in his mouth. As he ran, he turned around and said to the young man beside him, "Let the last person who runs go back and tell the priest that the two disaster stars are in the ancestral forest, hoping that the priest can help."

A few shouts came from behind, and several young people who ran at the end were on the ground with their feet a little, and their bodies gently twisted and ran in the direction they came. They did not object to Babu's arrangement at all, and the rest of them had no opinion on Babu's arrangement. Obviously, Babu is still very prestigious among this group.

Seeing that those people had gone back to report to the priest, Bab roared and took the rest of the young people to chase the two disaster stars in front of him. They don't care about whether their physical strength will be poor or not. Running in this kind of forest, they have their own way to adjust the rhythm and restore their physical strength. Now they just need to be able to chase the disaster star.

After chasing another distance, the two disaster stars that were originally covered by trees appeared again. Babu shouted, and the person next to him threw out the spear in his hand.

As soon as the strange tree spear took off its hand, the dark light attached to it suddenly became strong, and even the surrounding environment seemed to be stained by this black light. Wherever the spear passes, it is dark, and even the bright sunlight cannot penetrate the place covered by the black light. The roar came from the tree spear, which hit the two disaster stars at a strange speed. However, before the tree spear approached the two disaster stars, another blue light emerged out of thin air, directly breaking the path of the tree spear.

With a low roar, the tree spear in Babu's hand came out and pierced directly into the wind wall. Between the black light and the blue light, the whirlwind suddenly collapsed. But the two disaster stars disappeared into the forest again. Babu's mouth continued to make sharp shouts, and his body accelerated to chase in the direction of the disappearance of the disaster again. They can't let the disaster star escape like this. After a while of calculation, Bab opened his mouth again and said to the people around him, "The three of you go that way, and the four of you go that way." The rest continue to follow me. Remember, surround them and don't let them run away." As he said, he numbered seven people into two groups and rushed in two directions, while he took the rest of the people to continue to chase the two disaster stars in front of him.

It's more familiar than Linzi. The two in front of them, Xiu and Al, who are called disaster stars by Babu, can't catch up with horseback. After several times in a row, he was about to catch up, but was run away by the other party, Babu finally began to implement the ordinary hunting method. As long as they know the general route of the two people in front of them, they can easily find a shortcut and then carry out the way.

made a shout, and Babu quickly chased after the rest of the people. The sharp and wild shouts echoed in the forest and then spread far away.

Xiu and Al, who ran away in front of them, didn't know that the people chasing them were ready to cover them. They only knew how to escape. They can't beat these people. Although these people have no powers, they are very powerful and agile. The most terrible thing is that their weapons can break the energy shield of the power people. This is the most deadly thing, because I don't know what has been quenched on the tree spear, and the scratched area can't even break through the power.

Hearing the shouting behind him, Al frowned slightly and said, "What are those people shouting about? I really want to tear their mouths." Having said that, he had no intention of stopping at all. He also plans to live a longer life.

"These people's physical strength is really not good." Xiuwei gasped a little. With such a high-intensity use of power, he had to pay attention to the attack behind him at any time. It was difficult not to be tired.

"I don't understand why they have been chasing us. Did we do something wrong?" Al has always wondered where he and his two have offended this group of killing gods, and even chased them continuously without giving up.

"How do I know?" I turned my eyes. He is also depressed. His legs have been abolished for no reason, and he hasn't been better yet.

It is said that the strange big bird that was wrapped in green silk that day was dragged away by the strange bird. Al saw Xiu being taken away and caught up with him in a hurry. Along the way, the two kept fighting with the strange bird, but the strange bird was determined to escape and did not enangle with Al at all. The speed of the strange bird's flight is already fast, and with the help of wind power, the speed of flight is even more terrible. Although Al tried his best, he could only hang far behind the strange bird.

It's uncomfortable to use green silk to connect himself with big birds. The speed of flying strange birds has exceeded the limit he can bear. The roaring wind was fine, but the wind pressure almost crushed the bones of his whole body. Fortunately, he was a wind power and could make good use of the wind power, which barely offset part of the wind pressure and prevented the bones of his whole body from breaking and dying. Even so, he still couldn't stand the strong pressure. He opened his mouth and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in a row, and his head began to feel dizzy.

The strange bird still flashed its wings desperately and flew forward quickly. I don't know how long it has been flying, let alone where it will fly. When the day was getting late, the strange bird finally slowed down.

And the dizzy head is close to a state of coma completely relying on will and instinct to grasp the green silk. When he felt that the wind pressure around him had decreased a lot, he slowly opened his eyes. But this almost didn't scare him to death. The strange bird flew to a big mountain with Xiu. Seeing that the strange bird's behavior was to slap Xiu directly on the mountain wall. In a hurry, Xiu roared in a low voice and suddenly pulled his hands on the green silk. The green silk wrapped around the strange bird is tight.

The strange bird made an uncomfortable cry, and the body that had rushed to the mountain wall suddenly rose up, and also flew high into the sky with Xiu. At this time, Al, who had chased all the way, finally caught up. Before he stopped, he saw the strange bird suddenly rise and rush towards him. He didn't want to raise his hand and launched his strongest attack.

Al's attack rubbed the wings of the strange bird, just blowing through the wings of the strange bird, and also interrupted the green silk wrapped around the strange bird. Xiu let out an exclamation and fell down from the sky, so that Al didn't care about the injured strange bird and rushed towards Xiu as soon as he sank.

If you fall in such a high place, even if you have a powerman with a bad body, you will be thrown into mud, not to mention that the energy of the whole body at this time is almost exhausted. Al pulled Xiu when he was about to fall to the ground, but he ran all the way. There was not much energy left on Al, who had just launched the attack with all his strength. He just slowed down the figure of the two quickly and continued to fall to the ground.

And the injured strange bird looked at the two people who were falling to the ground and flew away high and low.

When the two fell to the ground at a short speed, the white sunlight in the sky gradually turned into a hazy purple moonlight. On the ground, a fire lit up on the originally dark ground. It was the fire of a bonfire, and there were figures flashing around the firelight. But at this time, Xiu and Al smashed something before they could see the situation clearly, and then fell into an empty place. The ground of this place was very soft, as if it was covered with dead grass or something, and a hot smell and a bad smell penetrated into the nose.

The two were still in a daze when they heard loud shouts and messy footsteps around them, but they didn't see anything. Suddenly, a door was knocked open, and a group of people with torches rushed into the house. The sudden bright firelight made Xiu and Al, who had just got used to the darkness, extremely uncomfortable and couldn't help closing their eyes. After a period of time, the two slowly opened their eyes.

The noisy and difficult language came from those people. Xiu and Al couldn't understand what these people were talking about, but looking at their expressions, they also roughly guessed that these people had bad intentions.

Al moved his body and came to Xiu's side and whispered, "Xu, how are you? Are you still alive?"

"Nonsense." Xiu cursed in a low voice, only feeling bursts of soreness all over his body.

"These people seem to have bad intentions. We have to be ready to kill at any time." Al began to leave little wind in the condensed body memory. Xiu also began to do the same.

A man with a strange animal bone on his head came forward, looked at Xiu and Al condescendingly, and opened his mouth and said a series of incomprehensible words. Xiu and Al said that their faces were confused and inexplicable. When the man saw that Xiu and Al had no reaction to their words at all, the look on his face couldn't help changing, and he was a little angry.

The man roared in a low voice, and the people around him immediately pulled out the spear inserted in his waist and approached Xiu and Al with a vigorous face.

As soon as they saw those people's angry faces, Al and Xiu didn't understand anything. Al cursed in a low voice: "These bastards are not going to kill us now." He let out a low roar and stood up from the ground as soon as he turned over. His body was green, and a circle of whirlwind swept around with him as the center.

Those people have never seen a power, let alone hit Al at this time. Before they could stab the spear in their hands, they were overturned to the ground by the whirlwind. Xiu and Al, who saw the opportunity, made a big deal and rushed out of the door. As soon as they went out, they hurriedly flew high into the sky.

But the two had not yet flown high, and the shining black tree spear fell towards them like raindrops. In desperation, the two could only lower their bodies and fly away close to the ground.

When they fell to the ground, it was not so easy for those people to let Xiu and Al escape.

Countless torches and flashing firelight reflected the surrounding environment, and sharp and wild shouts sounded in the night, attracting more strange people. They gathered together, holding dark tree spears in their hands. Their eyes flashed with glitter, looking at Xiu and Al, who fled quickly on the ground. They had never seen anyone shine on their bodies, and for a moment they didn't know whether to take action or not.

Soon the group of people who had just been overturned by Al rushed out of the house, leading the man. As soon as he came out, he roared. It's okay that he didn't say anything. As soon as he spoke, the people who were still watching picked up the tree spears in their hands and threw them towards Xiu and Al, who were quickly fleeing.

Ants can bite elephants, not to mention that the people standing around Xiu and Al now are not ants, but a group of people, a group of wild people. The weapons in their hands were even more powerful. When they threw them out, they emitted a sharp breath, forcing Xiu and Al to dare not take it at all, so they could only support the wind wall to resist.

But the situation made the two people dumbfounded, and they didn't know what the tree spears with black light were that they could break through the wind wall and attack them. If only one or two tree spears break through the wind wall, it's strange. After all, no matter how strict the protection is, there will be loopholes. But the reality is that the tree spears thrown by those people all broke through the wind wall and hit the two people.

Xiu and Al were shocked by the scene in front of them, let out a strange cry, and immediately stimulated the wind in their bodies to fly into the sky. Although the two reacted quickly, Xiu was still scratched across his thigh by a tree spear. The protective energy of the slimming week was completely broken by the tree spear. The sharp breath from the tree spear directly tore the clothes and skin flesh on the body, and a stream of blood gushed out of the wound on his leg. Xiu let out a cry of pain and almost fell back to the ground. Fortunately, Elle beside him grabbed him and flew away.

Even if the two flew into the air, the people on the ground did not intend to let them go. They shouted strangely and threw out the tree spear in their hands as hard as they could, and the black spear scratched the two people fleeing in the air under the purple moonlight.

Elle, who was in a panic, got into the forest with a painful howling, and then went into a strange cave after ling around in the forest. After Al entered the forest, those people stopped outside the forest and kept shouting, as if Xiu and Al were going to come out. However, the two people who went in had no news at all, and the strange people stood outside the forest and guarded them all the time.