reverse song

Chapter 157 Siege

Xiu felt that he was about to be out of breath. His body had not fully recovered. Now he began to use high-intensity powers. He used powers to move quickly in such a place full of obstacles, which made him have to concentrate on his surroundings to avoid accidentally hitting the tree trunk. The whining breathing came from Xiu's mouth, and the blue light on his body began to dim, and even the wind and invisible roaring wind weakened.

Seeing this, Al hurriedly reached out to hold him, but it was extremely difficult for the two to enter the forest side by side. In particular, the two of them dare not rush out of the dense leaves above their heads and fly to the sky now. In case they encounter the strange bird-like existence again, the two will be regarded as food on the plate within a round.

"How are you?" Al Jianxiu's face began to turn pale, and his hand became weak. Obviously, Xiu has begun to be exhausted, and even the energy left in the body memory has almost been consumed.

Hearing Al's voice, Xiu looked up weakly at Al and tried to squeeze out a smile on his face. A weak voice came from his mouth: "It's okay. I'm okay." Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by the shouts behind him.

"These bastards." Al gritted his teeth and cursed. After calming down for so long, Al thought he had got rid of those behind him. Unexpectedly, he has caught up with him again. If he is chased like this again, Al feels that he will soon collapse.

Xiu did not express his opinion, and he did not have the strength to express his opinion. In his current situation, he can still use power to fly, which is completely supported by willpower and belief. Al, who had been pulling Xiu in a fast flight, suddenly stopped, picked up Xiu and carried him on his back, and then urged the power to fly forward again.

The speed will naturally slow down with a person on his back, but the difference between Al and Xiu is that he has not suffered much damage and is full of energy in his body. Even after being chased by those people for so long, he still saved most of his energy to deal with the next situation. Xiuben did not want Al to run away behind his back, but he was exhausted and could not break free from Al's restraint at all. He had to lie on Al's back and let Al arrange it.

The shouting behind him was getting closer and closer, but this time there was no strange sound of breaking the air. It seems that those people don't want to waste any more energy on such a meaningless thing. If those people don't throw out the tree spear, it doesn't mean that Al won't do it.

As he skimmed a few trees, Al stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on the trunk, and a faint blue light sank into the trunk, while he continued to fly forward with Xiu. The trees that were touched by Al only left a pale cyan palm print on the trunk. There is nothing wrong with the palm print. Those who chased Al and Xiu would not have found the palm prints left on the tree trunk without careful observation.

Babu followed the trail left by Xiu and Al with the remaining young men in the forest at a very fast speed and chased the two people who fled in front of him. They will never allow these two disaster stars to bring great disaster to their people, although they don't know what the disaster is.

Soon they approached the trees that Al had touched.

Babu took the lead in passing through the gap between the trees, and nothing happened. Then the second person, followed by the third, and nothing happened. When the fifth person passed through the gap and kept pressing his hand on the trunk to change his travel trajectory, the cyan palm print left on the trunk flashed blue light, and a wind roar suddenly came out.

With a buzz, the tall trees that were touched by Al turned into powder in an instant, and a sharp breath burst out from the trees. The roaring wind and pressure made several people trapped between several trees spit out a mouthful of blood, and then the sound of snoring kept coming out. Blood springs gushed out, and these people were cut out by the sharp wind blades. The smell of blood flew away in the wind.

And they were still stunned when they were suddenly attacked, because the situation was so sudden that they didn't have time to react at all. When the pain on the wound reached their brains, they roared angrily and in horror. However, their voices were quickly covered by the roaring wind. Like a knife, the wind blade kept scratching their bodies, and blood kept gushing out of the wound, and there was no way to condense.

Babu, who heard the roar of the wind, looked back and found that his people had been injured. His mouth made a low roar like a beast, and a pair of clear eyes immediately turned red. He roared, held the spear and stabbed towards the wind wall. The sharp breath of the shining black spear directly penetrated the wind wall.

Babu held the tree spear in both hands and stirred hard. Sharp breaths were constantly stimulated from the tree spear, stirring the wind wall to pieces. But by the time he completely destroyed the wind wall, the people of Babu had already been severely damaged and lay on the ground and howled in pain. Fortunately, no one died.

Smelling the bloody smell that spread in the air, his red eyes were full of anger. He ordered several people to take the injured back, and he led the rest of the people to continue to chase the two disaster stars in front of him. Babu has believed in his heart that the two people who fled for their lives in front of him were disaster stars, otherwise the warriors in his family would not have been injured like this. In Babu's heart, their ethnic group is strong and invincible.

With an angry roar, Babu accelerated his speed again. The blue veins in his hand holding the spear jumped, indicating the anger in his heart. The young people who followed him also had red eyes, and there was a faint murderous atmosphere on their bodies. Affected by the smell of blood just now, they had decided to smash the two disaster stars.

Once again from afar, he saw the two people running away in front of him. Bab made a low cry from his throat, like a bird and a low roar of a beast. Although the sound was very small, it spread far away.

Not long after Bab's voice came out, the same low sound like a bird and a beast roar came from the other two directions. Hearing this sound, Babu's face was happy and made a sharp and savage shout. With a strong hand holding the tree spear, he threw the tree spear out to the two disaster stars in front of him.

Babu threw out the tree spear, and the rest of the people also tried their best to throw out the tree spear in their hands. A strange and sharp sound of breaking the air came out. I don't know how many tree spears flashed with black light, emitting a sharp breath, passing through the gap between the tree and the tree, falling towards Xiu and Al like raindrops. The same situation also occurs in the other two directions of the sound. The difference is that the number of tree spears is much less.

When he heard the frightening strange sound of breaking the air around him, Al secretly said in his heart that he had suffered, but he did not dare to make any changes. Suddenly, the wind in his body, Al, who had already reached the extreme in the forest, accelerated again. After having the previous injury experience, Al has no intention of hitting these spears, not to mention that he is still carrying an injured repair.

The sharp sound of breaking the air is approaching quickly, and the repaired Al is also marching quickly. He must get out of the cover of the tree spear as soon as possible, otherwise it will not be as simple as injury, but will be directly stabbed into a hedgehog.

Al accelerated his speed, and the people who chased him behind him and the front to surround him also accelerated. These people were already good at walking and shuttling in the mountains and forests. At this time, they saw that the disaster star that had been chasing for so long was right in front of them. There was no reason not to speed up. For a moment, only the sharp sound of breaking the air and the sound of breathing were heard in the forest.

Al didn't pay attention to the people chasing him at all, but the first two groups of people who surrounded him made him feel a little troublesome. Fortunately, they didn't hold the dangerous tree spear in their hands.

The sound came, followed by the sound of thmphs, and those tree spears pierced into the ground of Al's march. So many spears are not stuck in the tree. This shows how amazing these people's eyesight and control are. They are simply a natural hunter race.

The sound behind him made Al feel numb again. He no longer dared to march in a straight line, but suddenly changed the direction and rushed to the side of the few people. He thought clearly that only by breaking through the siege of these people can he really escape. However, so far, he still feels that his escape for his life is really inexplicable.

The savage roar came from the population in front of Al, and the messy face painted was a strange expression, not a murderous one, but an expression of almost enjoyment. The man is enjoying the action of hunting. The two people beside him have the same expression. A cheerful shout came from their mouths, as if they were showing off to their companions. The same shout came from behind Al, but not with joy, but with a faint disappointment. Obviously, they were disappointed that Al did not choose their side.

"These people are really crazy." Al cursed in a low voice, but the speed was not slow at all. He leaned out of his left hand, his five fingers were slightly open, and a faint blue light flowed on his palm, and a small circle of whirlwind began to form in his palm.

"Dragon Roar." Al exhaled, and the blue light flashed in his palm, and the condensed whirlwind suddenly spewed out from the palm of his hand, making a deafening sound.

Those who don't have tree spears are just hunters who are slightly stronger than ordinary people, and it is impossible to compare with the powers. The three people who met Al always thought that the two people who only knew how to escape were not afraid at all, but they forgot that night that Xiu and Al escaped under the siege of their whole family.

It is also because they don't recall this that they forget the strange energy that Al and slimming have that they don't have. When the roaring wind hit their face, they suddenly remembered that these two people could not win with pure physical strength, but it was too late. The roaring wind roared like a dragon and swept towards the three people.

The sharp wind rolled up their bodies and constantly cut their skin everywhere. And they have no power to resist at all. If they lose the tree spear, they will lose their greatest support against Xiu and Al.

Al, who launched the attack, didn't pay attention to the result at all, but went straight through the three people behind his back. The three were trapped in the wind and couldn't take care of themselves. How could they take care of Al?

Babu, who had just met with the other four people behind and chased him, saw his clan trapped by the strange energy of the other party again, and his body was completely injured. He made an angry roar and stabbed out the tree spear he had just retrieved. The black light flew out of the tree spear and turned into a sharp breath directly into the whirlwind.

With a sound, the whirlwind dispersed, but the sharp knife-like wind still brought little trouble to Bab and his party when it dispersed. Some unprepared people were scratched by the flying wind blade, which inexplicably added several wounded. This made Babu roar again, and a strong murderous intention came out of his red eyes. Yes, murderous intention, a kind of killing intention to kill quickly.

"Idiot." Babu roared at several scattered wind-injured clans, and immediately continued to chase the two disaster stars in front of him with the rest of the clan.

These two guys are so cunning that they keep resisting at this time.

"Two damn guys." Bab cursed and chased Al slowly. But what annoyed Babu happened again. Al, who ran away in front of him, did not concentrate on escaping, but set up all kinds of strange traps from time to time. Although these traps were arranged in a hurry and were not very powerful, they made the Babu who chased them worse and worse.

"Bastard." Babu cursed again, and at the same time, with a force of his right arm, the spear in his hand was thrown out again. However, this time, he was the only one who threw the spear, and the others held the spear in their hands tightly and stared at the person in front of them for a moment.

Al was too lazy to pay attention to the sound behind him. He turned around and hid in a huge tree and continued to run forward. He is not in the mood to fight with these people now, especially those who hold tree spears.

He doesn't want to fight, but the other party may not be willing to let them go. Babu made a sharp roar and waved his hand. The people around him immediately dispersed and fanned after Al and the two. They will not stop catching up with the disaster.

The sound of shouting kept coming from their mouths, sharp, full of provocation, and a sense of wildness. Al, who ran away in front of this disturbing sound, was disturbed, and even Xiu, who was about to fall asleep behind him, was woken up by the sound. However, the physical strength has not recovered at this time, and naturally it is impossible to help do anything.

"annoying guy." Al cursed in a low voice, waved his left hand back continuously, and several huge wind blades came out of his hand, cutting off all the tall trees behind him in an attempt to block the way of those people behind him. But these are people who are used to shuttle in the mountains and forests. Even if there is no road here, they can find a way out for you.

I saw them jump up vigorously one by one, passing through the fallen trees without any weight, and continuing to chase forward.

Babu, who had long grabbed his spear, was even more deft like a leopard. He was no longer running on the ground. He inserted the spear in his hand behind his back and jumped up like an ape jumping between trees. His dexterous body shuttled on the top of the tree. Some ethnic groups saw that Babu did this and imitated them one after another. These people who are used to living in the mountain forest are no different from jumping on the top of a tree and running on the ground.

Gradually, they began to approach Al. After all, Al also carried a person on his back. Although the wind power is very fast, his personal speed will be much slower, especially in this kind of space-restricted forest. If it's in an empty place, even if you give those people behind you an aircraft, you won't want to catch up with Al.

Huhu, three dark shadows suddenly appeared on Al's side. It was the tree spear that flashed with black light, and a sharp breath came from the tree spear. This time they no longer aimed at Al, but threw directly in front of Al. The sharp tree spear directly broke through the trunk and passed in front of Al, which made Al, who had been flying forward, hurriedly slow down. Just as Al wanted to change direction, another whirring sound came, and several tree spears hit him again. They also did not stab him, but flew in front of him. The sharp breath shocked Al's heart.

He was forced to retreat twice in a row. Even if Al is a fool, he should know the other party's intention, not to mention that Al is not stupid. But even if he knows the other party's intention, Al can't rush out of such an encirclement. Because these seemingly primitive tree spears are simply deadly weapons for him, he can't break through the encirclement of these tree spears, which means that he can't break through the encirclement of these people.

It was not easy to trap the disaster star in place, and Babu couldn't help shouting excitedly. The same sound came from other populations. Ah, oh, oh, the sharp sound sounded in the extremely primitive forest, indicating the deep excitement in their hearts.

Huhuhu, human figures jumped down from the tree, fell steadily to the ground, and grabbed the spears stuck on the ground. There were also people who stayed on the top of the tree, holding a dark spear in their hands, and carefully staring at Al hovering in mid-air and the repair behind him.

Obscure words came from Babu's mouth, and he was questioning why the two disaster stars destroyed their storage room. But Xiu and Al couldn't understand his words at all, and they didn't listen to them. They were wating how to get out of the siege of these people.