reverse song

Chapter 200 City Break

The horrible roar, the chilling sound of chewing, and gusts of fishy wind brought disgusting blood. Too much blood and minced meat scattered on the ground, making the originally dry ground sticky and disgusting. Every foot will fall deeply into the flesh and blood, rather than the solid ground. A red quagmire composed of minced meat and blood is three inches thick, and the thickness is still increasing.

The seven people of Babu leaned their backs, and the spears in their hands kept dancing, forcing the approaching beasts back. However, the physical strength of the seven people is limited after all, but the beasts that attack are ruthless. Even if the seven people cooperate tacitly, it is difficult to resist the constantly attacking beasts. And now the seven people are no longer intact people who have just rushed down the wall.

After resisting the flame attack of the red beast, the seven people failed to escape the whirlwind released by the horned wolf. The seven people were distracted and almost completely trapped and strangled into minced meat in the whirlwind. Fortunately, Jijik reacted quickly, and fortunately, the tree spear in the hands of the seven people had a strange restraint on the power. As soon as the seven people stepped into the whirlwind, Jijik immediately waved the tree spear in his hand to break a big hole in the whirlwind to escape, and then waved the tree spear continuously to rescue the remaining six people.

How powerful the whirlwind released by the horned wolf is, and Jijik is just an ordinary person. He can only break the power by relying on the strange ability of the tree spear. Although it could offset the power, the huge strangulation force from the whirlwind was still shaking Jijik's right hand. By the time all six people were rescued, Jijik's right hand was already full of blood marks, and several visible bone openings were cracked on his arm, and the bright red blood kept pouring out. His right hand is unusable now.

Escape from the siege of the whirlwind does not mean that the seven people can retreat to the wall with comfort. A large number of beasts had separated some of the seven people when they were trapped by the whirlwind. The horned wolf and the red beast were suddenly among them. Before the seven people reacted, the horned wolf and the red beast opened their mouths and sprayed blue and red rays at the same time.

The two-color light that was not eye-catching turned into wind and fire, and the two energies were entangled together to attack the seven people of Babu. This blow is powerful and extremely fast. Babu and others have no time to dodge at all, and there is no way to dodge. With an angry roar, the seven people were like beasts forced into a desperate situation, and a fierce light burst out in their black eyes, which was a look full of wildness, enough to frighten all the beasts. With this roar, the seven people moved neatly and stabbed the tree spear forward at the same time, and the black light burst out with a sharp breath. At this time, the seven people were like a whole, a crazy beast, facing the attack of the two energies of wind and fire with its fangs emitting black light.

Bang, the black light and the blue-red light touch together. It's like a cloth encountering sharp scissors. The two energies entangled together were cut in half by the black light, and then the two energies burst out. The blue and red light already contained great energy. At this time, it was suddenly cut open, and the wind and fire energy contained in it immediately burst out. Countless fine flames and winds shot around, and even the seven Babu were inevitably covered by these broken energies.

The powerful explosive force immediately shattered the black light, and the anti-shock force attacked the seven people along the tree spear. The seven people turned pale, and they spit out a mouthful of blood, and their bodies were shocked and retreated repeatedly. At this time, the small flames covered also fell overwhelmingly. The seven people don't have any strength to resist these flames. I can only protect the key points on my body and constantly dodge. However, the flames covered the aurora, and even though the seven people kept dodging, their bodies were still stained with a lot of flames and fine wind.

Scalds and cuts, seven people are already scarred, and these wounds have become more shocking. By this time, the seven people had completely lost their direction, and their eyes were all red, and a little farther away had become blurred. Out of instinct, the seven people leaned together tightly and constantly waved the tree spear in their hands with the reaction of their muscles to repel the beasts that kept coming.

The wild beast roared angrily with a strong bloody smell. The hands of the seven people holding the tree spears began to numb, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably. Their physical strength is not much left, but now they only feel blurred in front of them. They can do nothing but instinctively wave the tree spear to force the beast back.

There was a crashing sound from the sky, and the crisp sound of birds suddenly sounded. Unexpectedly, a large flock of birds flew from afar and directly hit those powers and troops standing on the wall. These people have been standing on the wall since the beginning of the beast tide. Those powers occasionally attack and force the attacking beasts back. After all, there are seven people outside the city that attract most of the beasts, so that they don't have to deal with too many beasts.

But now the seven people of Babu are almost unable to hold on, and the beasts began to gather outside the city in large numbers, staring at the people on the city wall. Among them, many supernatural beasts open their mouths and launch flames or whirlwinds or ice cone attacks. The people on the wall also kept fighting back. When the fierce battle under the wall was anhydride, a large group of birds came and broke through the defense network on the wall.

The roar broke out from the wall, and they had never seen a tide of beasts joined by birds. The appearance of birds made the defenders panic. The power man hurriedly urged the energy in his body to attack the birds swooping down from the sky. However, there were too many birds, and these powers hurried to meet the enemy. For a moment, they were completely suppressed by the birds and kept retreating. Those ordinary people in standard clothes are even more unbearable. They can't even resist and fall to the ground by the birds. Some large birds directly reached out their iron claws to catch people high in the sky and then threw them down. Those people fell into mud, and their brains and blood flowed all over the ground. More tragic people were torn to the ground by two or three birds in the air.

Lost the attack of the people on the wall, and the beasts on the ground began to attack the wall. The beast without any wisdom actually directly hit the gate that raised the iron fence. They seem to know that it is the road to the city. A roar of the beast spread all over the herd like an order, and the originally chaotic herd gathered together and constantly hit the iron fence. Beasts with powers launch their powers to attack the iron fence one after another.

Although the iron fence is an extremely hard alloy that can resist the attack of power, it soon made a last cry under the impact of beasts and turned into a pile of scrap iron under the impact of beasts.

As soon as the iron fence was broken, the people who laid defense in the city pulled out their weapons and constantly attacked the beasts. But there are so many beasts that they can't resist the tide at all. As they resisted, they retreated to a narrow place.

"Blow up the city gate. Blow up the gate." Someone roared and gave instructions. In order to prevent the beasts from rushing into the city, the only way is to blow up the gate. But now the defenders have been forced to retreat far away from the city gate, and there is no one to have time to blow up the gate corridor. That order could only turn into a roar and drown in the roar of the beast.

These well-equipped people did not have the courage and courage of Babu and others. The herd just rushed into the city, and they began to retreat without even a trace of resistance. The power man jumped directly to a safe place and retreated. But now there are birds in the sky, beasts on the ground, and where is safe? Those who jumped high were immediately attacked by birds.

"Bunno, it can't be returned. Keep attacking." The leader scolded angrily and pulled the trigger continuously with his right hand to smash several beasts. But he was squeezed to the edge by his companions, facing more and more fierce beasts. It was just that the man was thrown to the ground by the beast. With the screams, the man turned into a pool of meat.

Blood flows into the sewer along the ground. The person hiding in the sewer was stimulated by the thick and disgusting bloody smell and almost vomited. Although I have seen the beast tide, the tragic scene is still difficult to adapt to every time the beast tide hits. And the people hiding in the basement and sewers never thought that those who stayed to resist the tide of beasts would collapse without resisting at all.

The various sounds from the head made the people hiding in the sewer tremble, but they did not have the courage to go out and could not go out. As long as they take a head, they will be torn to pieces by fierce beasts. Some people began to sob in a low voice. They were afraid that they would turn into a pool of blood and could no longer survive.

The city is in chaos, the roar of beasts and people's howls are mixed, and the roars and cries are mixed. Some people want to retreat, some people want to move forward, some people retreat without fighting, and some people move forward bravely. No matter what kind of person is, there is no way to do what he wants to do in a messy city. Those who wanted to move forward were blocked by those who retreated, and those who wanted to attack were blocked by the defeated soldiers.

I watched my people being dragged over by beasts, torn to pieces, and their flesh and blood scattered all over the ground. The bloody scene made the people who had already collapsed even more collapsed. They howled and climbed with their hands and feet, trying to bypass the people and buildings that blocked them. At any time, some people who escape will bring great trouble to the scheduled plan, and at this time, Yu'an City is facing the biggest trouble. If these people can be effectively organized at the first time, they will not be able to block the herd outside the city. However, some people had already collapsed when the herd attacked. When the herd broke through the iron fence, they completely collapsed. Before the war, human turmoil was the most dangerous thing.

Yu'an City was chaotic, and the herd attacked recklessly when the people in the city failed to organize a defensive formation. The alarm filled the whole Yu'an City, and the alarm contained various howls.

A loud noise suddenly covered all the sounds, making the whole Yu'an City suddenly quiet, and then the radio sound sounded.

"Everyone takes up their weapons to fight against the beast tide. Back and kill for no reason. The harshly worded broadcast echoed over Yu'an City.

Those who retreated were stunned and then tried to run to a safe place. The order of killing without amnesty has just been issued, and it is not the old society now, and no one dares to kill people rashly under such circumstances. These people are afraid, which does not mean that everyone is afraid.

Suddenly, a blood light burst out, and a young man holding two pistols looked at a headless body in front of him with a unchanged face. He easily blew a puff of smoke from the muzzle, and the two-gun young man roared, "Listen to me. If you want to live, unite with me to fight against the tide of beasts, or don't blame my gun for disowning people." As he spoke, he pulled the trigger again, and a red fireball shot out of the muzzle, smashing the head of a man trying to escape.

The youth's decisive killing shocked those who tried to escape, and also set an example for all those who wanted to resist the tide of beasts. Those who still wanted to retreat were shot and smashed by the people around them before they could react, otherwise they would be chopped off with a knife. The chaotic Yu'an City became more chaotic for a while, spraying blood. Most people die not under the claws of beasts, but at the hands of their own people.

The bloody means forced the remaining people who wanted to retreat to grab the weapons in their hands to fight against the beast tide, and no one wanted to die. Although escaping can save their lives, no one wants to die at their own hands now.

With the same purpose, the establishment of the defense front has become much easier. The two-gun youth broke out in front with a group of supernatural people, constantly forcing the attacking beasts back, while ordinary people covered behind and killed the beasts that had leaked the net one after another. At first, there were still some loopholes in the cooperation, but after a short running-in, they became tacit.

The establishment of the defensive front also relieved the people in the city, at least to keep the beasts out of a certain range. If a large number of beasts rush into the city, it will be troublesome to hang the beasts completely.

The two-gun youth kept pulling the trigger, and fireballs crossed the sky like meteors, falling into the herd and bursting. The beast bombarded in front of him immediately burst, and the splashed flesh and bones directly pierced the surrounding beasts because of the speed. For a moment, the young man killed the beasts without any resistance.

Some people also rolled up a gust of wind in the herd and swept the surrounding beasts into the air, and then smashed them down fiercely. The beast and the beast touched each other, and the beast screamed, but there was nothing they could do. The water powers even rolled up a huge wave on the flat ground and rushed all the beasts out of the city. The team led by the two-gun youth was so lethal that they soon rushed to the gate. The young man pulled the trigger continuously, shot the fireball into the gate corridor, killed all the beasts inside, and then he roared loudly.

"The earth power quickly, seal the gate, and don't let the beasts outside come in. Hurry up." The young man is very sober. As long as the gate corridor is sealed, the beast will lose the source of replenishment. As long as the beasts in the city are killed, it will be much easier to rely on the wall to resist the tide of beasts.

With the roar of the youth, four powers shining with earthy yellow light immediately rushed out of the team. They quickly formed a four-person formation, standing in the direction of the city, pressing their hands on the ground, and then the earthy light poured into the ground along their hands. The ground trembled, and then the rumble sound came. The originally hard ground began to surge like waves, and mud kept gushing out. The mud is limited to the part of the city gate corridor, and it does not cross the boundary at all.

Even if the energy of four native powers is concentrated, it is extremely difficult to completely block the gate for a while. Because of the energy to concentrate, the four earth powers can't take care of themselves at all at this time. The two-gun young man took a group of people around and repelled all the beasts that rushed in. At the same time, he kept cleaning up the beasts that rushed into the corridor.

At the beginning, they attacked the beast while moving, so that the young people and others didn't feel anything. Anyway, they were killing the beasts. However, when they stood in a fixed place to resist the attack of the beast, they were stunned to find that the pressure suddenly became so great that they were forced to retreat repeatedly. Although the defensive front in the city has been established, there are a large number of beasts flooded in at the beginning, including many beasts with powers, which invisibly increases their resistance pressure.

Suddenly, there was strong resistance, and the beasts with powers among the beasts launched attacks one after another. For a while, the hail, flame whirlwind fell from the sky, forcing the ordinary people to retreat in a row, and the powers were dealing with the herd in the form of a small team, and the blow they suffered was the smallest.

"Depart some people to protect ordinary people." Someone roared, and then rushed to the defense line with a team of people and set up a power line to help ordinary people resist the powers released by the beasts.

The fire in the city, Bab and others outside the city immediately began to move in the direction of the gate after hearing the sound from the city. Because of the destruction of the city, the number of beasts around them has plummeted, which directly led to the minimum attack pressure on them. If they are still under the initial attack, then the seven of them will be here today.

Although the pressure has become less, the physical strength of the seven people has also reached its limit at this time. If it weren't for the long-term fierceness and desire to survive in the mountains and forests, they might have fallen to the ground and never get up again. Following the sound, they kept moving in the direction of the gate. They don't travel fast, but even this kind of movement is extremely difficult for them now. As soon as the seven people moved ten meters away from the gate, they heard shouts from the city.

In the city, a wind power who resisted the impact of beasts with young people saw seven people in Bab outside the city. As soon as he saw the seven people with blood stains all over his body, he exclaimed, "There are still people outside!"