reverse song

Chapter 201 Giant Beast

The beasts in the city are still raging, but the beasts outside the city desperately want to rush into the city. The roar of wild beasts filled the ears, and blood and meat splashed everywhere, almost blurring everyone's eyes. A thin layer of blood fog has risen in Yu'an City. At a glance, there is red everywhere, and the place where his feet fall is full of sticky and disgusting blood.

The two-gun young man can't care so much. He wants to take people to protect the four native powers, so that they can do their best to block the corridor of the city gate as soon as possible and completely isolate the source of the beast. Only in this way can they fight at ease. The young man's arrangement was excellent and there were no mistakes, but at this critical moment, the two sharp-eyed wind powers saw the seven Babu people who were bathed in blood and were almost swallowed up by the herd.

One person exclaimed: "There are still people outside the city!" This sound was tantamount to thunder on the flat ground. Even the originally extremely calm young man did not expect that anyone could survive outside the city where the beast tide was raging.

"Spide two people to save them." There was no room for the young man to think too much, so he shouted.

Then two wind powers who found Babu and others turned into two green lights, passed through the corridor where beasts kept pouring in, and rushed straight to the seven people of Babu. Two wind powers burst into strong blue light around, and the wind kept rolling and strangling the beasts that wanted to jump forward. A short distance of more than ten meters is nothing for wind power. It was just a rush, and the two had arrived in front of Bab and others.

As soon as they arrived at the side of the seven people, the two wanted to go to Rababu and wait for others. But at this time, Babu and others were so tired that they acted completely by instinct. As soon as the hands of the two powers leaned over, Babu instinctively waved the tree spears in their hands to resist. The black light that can break through all powers suddenly appeared, cutting off the protective power of the two powers without hindrance. Fortunately, the two reacted quickly and pulled back their hands in time, otherwise their hands might be useless.

"Don't attack. We are here to help you." Two wind powers can also understand the reaction of Babu and others, but now the situation is critical, and they can only roll up a whirlwind while roaring, trying to get the seven of them into the city through the strong wind. However, a more strange scene appeared, and the tree spear in the hands of the seven Babu burst out a strong black light at the same time, which instantly strangled the whirlwind formed around them.

The two wind powers were stunned, but they did not expect such a situation at all. Just when the two were helpless, Babu barely saw the two people hovering in front of him, hurriedly roared at the six people around him, and took the initiative to stretch out his hand. Babu is not stupid. The only person who will appear in front of them at this time is the people who come to help them.

However, when his vision had become blurred, Babu instinctively recognized the two people in front of him as Xiu and Al, which is why he would stretch out his hand at ease.

The two wind powers who were still helpless did not expect that the seven people would take the initiative to stretch out their hands, hurriedly roll up a strong wind, and then quickly took the seven people to escape in the direction of the city with both hands. With help, this short distance is nothing at all. Two wind powers successfully brought the seven people of Babu into the city.

In fact, there are as great dangers inside and outside the city at this time. However, the dangers in the city are relatively easy to solve. Entering the city, with human protection, the nerves of the seven Babu who had been tense suddenly relaxed. Even so, the seven people did not dare to release the tree spear in their hands, because the roar of the beast did not disappear, and the bloody smell in the air was still very strong.

The young man was very satisfied to look at these seven scarred guys. Naturally, he could see that the seven people of Babu were just ordinary people without any powers, but they could survive outside the city with the ability of the seven people. The young man did not see the scene of Babu and others rushing out of the city and killing outside the city. If he saw it, he would be even more shocked.

However, the young man's mind was not here at this time, and he had to deal with many beasts in the city. The shouting, howling and the roar of the beast are mixed together to form a picture of life and death, and what renders the picture is the color of blood. As the number of beasts in the city decreased, the gate corridor was completely closed. The beasts outside the city could no longer rush in through the gate corridor, and then the beasts with powers unremittingly released their powers to try to break through the city wall and rush into the city to hunt wildly.

With the howling of the last beast, all the beasts that rushed into the city were finally killed. All those who participated in the battle looked breathlessly at the corpses and blood on the ground, but there were still many strange birds hovering over their heads, and there was a roar of beasts outside the city, which was a chilling roar.

"Reorganize and prepare to attack the beasts outside the city." Wiping away the sweat from his face, the young man roared loudly. Now is not the time to relax. Yu'an City may also be attacked by the beasts outside the city. Only by repeling all the beasts can we ensure our safety.

As soon as the young man's words shouted, he heard neat footsteps from the distance. It was the people who guarded the two gates outside the city. Yu'an City is located between the canyons and is divided into four gates, two of which lead to the inner city, and two gates lead to the outer wilderness. When the alarm sounded just now, all of them were checked to the four gates. No trace of beasts was found near the two gates leading to the inner city. After careful confirmation, those people dared to take people to support the other two gates.

Although the battle situation on the youth side was fierce just now, the duration was extremely short, so they had finished the battle by the time the reinforcements came. However, these reinforcements also came at the right time. After the fierce fight just now, the young people and others have a great physical exhaustion, and now they have the opportunity to have a little rest.

"How's it going?" A middle-aged man who was obviously the leader asked when he saw a mess on the ground.

"All the beasts in the city have been killed, the corridor has been closed, and there are a large number of beasts outside the city. In addition, it's those troublesome things." The young man pointed to the black birds above his head and did not drive away the annoying birds. It was extremely difficult for them to deal with the beasts outside the city. Under the wall, you can also rely on buildings to avoid the attack of strange birds, but when there is no shelter on the wall, it is not so easy to avoid the attack of strange birds.

Once there is no one on the wall, some climbing beasts may climb along the wall. That will still cause great trouble. At that time, even if they close the city gate and corridor, they will not be able to play any role.

"Organize all the powers to deal with the birds in the sky immediately. Ordinary people prepare weapons to deal with beasts on the ground. Get ready now. After listening to the young man's words, the middle-aged man did not hesitate to give orders. Now is the time of life and death, and there can be no relaxation at all.

In the short period of their conversation, several ordinary people were killed by strange birds. With the order of the middle-aged people, all the powers immediately gathered together. The physical quality of the power is better than that of ordinary people. Although the battle was fierce just now, it does not consume much physical energy for the power. However, it is surprising that the seven Babu, who couldn't understand these people's words, also stood in the crowd of powers. Seven of them were covered with blood and scars all over the crowd, which naturally attracted the attention of middle-aged people.

"I only need the power, and ordinary people will immediately prepare their weapons against the beasts on the ground." The middle-aged man repeated his words, but he didn't know that Babu and others couldn't understand him at all.

Babu only felt that the middle-aged man was talking about something, but he didn't understand the meaning of the middle-aged man's words at all, but he also had a way to make the middle-aged man understand what he meant. He raised the tree spear in his hand to the top of his head, and a black light immediately pierced out, directly hitting a one-horned monster bird flying over his head. Then Babu grinned, with his blood stains on his face giving people a horrible feeling.

Babu's show was extremely shocking to middle-aged people. He has never seen such a strange method. Even if the power man launches a power, he needs to look at the target to hit it, but the obvious blow of Babu just now accurately hit a one-horned monster bird. Lucky? Middle-aged people know very well that it can't be done by luck at all.

"Good. You can join us." The middle-aged man nodded and acknowledged the strength of Babu and others. "All the powers follow me up to the wall and drive away the strange birds. Vow to defend Yu'an City to the death!"

"Swear to defend Yu'an City to the death!" The earth-shocking roar sounded in the city that the soil on the wall fell down.

A group of powers, led by middle-aged people, immediately went up the wall and formed a defensive formation at the fastest speed. These strange birds are tricky for ordinary people, but they are nothing for power people. Any supernatural person can easily deal with these flying flat-haired beasts.

As soon as the seven people went up the wall, they made an extremely strange cry from their mouths. It was a sharp sound between the call of birds and the roar of beasts. It was crisp but low. Obviously, it was a sound that made people feel bright, but it gave people a strange and cold feeling. People around Babu couldn't help shivering when they heard the sound. They didn't understand why the seven bloody horrible guys suddenly went crazy and made such a strange tune.

However, just as the people on the wall felt strange, the dark birds above their heads began to mess up. The chaotic and panicked birds sounded, and the originally extremely orderly birds flapped their wings and began to escape. Some strange birds that were completely panicked hit each other and fell to the ground with a bang. Some timid birds suddenly stiffened and fell straight from the sky when they heard the sound of Babu and others.

Looking at the chaotic birds in the sky, everyone was stunned for a moment, and they naturally thought of the strange sound made by Babu and others. No one thought that just the strange sound made by the seven of them would repel the black birds above their heads, and they retreated in such a panic.

The biggest trouble is retreated, and all that remains is the beasts on the ground. However, something unexpected on the wall appeared again. More than a dozen strange birds with wingspan of seven or eight meters with various lights hovered in mid-air, and their sharp eyes were staring at the people on the wall. When all the birds fled in a panic, only a dozen birds hovered in the air without any panic or escape. They turned a deaf ear to the sound made by Bab and others, but their eyes were full of murder. This is a group of fierce flat-haired beasts, and everyone couldn't help shivering when they saw the dozens of birds shining in various colors. The most troublesome thing hasn't been dealt with yet.

Without waiting for the dozen birds to attack, the powers standing on the wall roared at the same time and launched attacks one after another. All kinds of light rushed to the sky and hit more than a dozen birds.

However, more than a dozen birds are quietly suspended in mid-air. When they see people on the ground attacking them, their eyes show humane contempt. One of the big birds flashing with blue light suddenly flashed its wings and rolled up a gust of wind, directly suppressing all the attacks. Then a big red bird flashed its wings, and hundreds of feathers fell directly from its wings and turned into fire feathers, and then roared down.

The rain-dense fire feathers fell into the city with blazing flames. The powers on the wall are fine. They can resist these fire feathers with their own strength. Ordinary people in the city are not so lucky. As long as they are stained by the fire feathers, the flames will soar and cover their whole body, burning a person into coke in more than a dozen breaths. At the same time, the falling fire feathers also ignited the buildings in the city, causing a fire. This makes ordinary people in the city start to put out the fire again, otherwise this fire alone can burn everything in the city to ashes.

Only two birds showed so much power, which shocked the people who were full of confidence. They have never encountered such a tricky strange bird, but it is impossible to withdraw now. Those big birds will obviously not let go of the people in the city.

"The wind powers formed a group to force the big birds down. TMD, I don't believe that they can be so arrogant on the ground. In addition, all the water powers went to the city to help put out fires and save people, the earth powers went to build a defense system, and the fire powers were on standby on the wall. Middle-aged people issue orders in an orderly manner. He didn't scare the two flat-haired beasts. Since there are beasts with powers outside the city, it is not surprising that the birds in the sky can have powers.

Everyone began to act nervously, and the only ones who stood and did not move were the fire powers and the seven Babu. Babu is squinting at more than a dozen big birds in the sky of various colors. When he was still in the mountains, he heard the old man in the clan mention such a bird, but he had never seen it himself, but he didn't expect to see more than a dozen birds at once today.

"Is there any way to draw them down or hit them directly." Babu asked Jijik in a low voice. Dealing with long-distance things is Jijik's strengths, and Jijik is good at making all kinds of baits.

Jijik carefully looked at the big bird hovering in mid-air, and then shook his head and said, "No. They are too smart and have the same power as the gods. Unless God makes action. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do." Jijik still knew about his strength, so he didn't open his mouth randomly.

"Then there's nothing we can do. I thought I could hunt one or two legendary things. Babu smiled. Although he couldn't hunt the big birds in the sky, he didn't pay attention to those big birds.

While Bab and Jijik were talking, more than a dozen wind powers rushed into the sky in two groups. As soon as they approached the big birds, they launched a joint attack at the same time, trying to influence the movements of the birds through the wind.

However, they regarded those birds as ordinary birds, but they did not expect that these birds were also creatures with powers. When the wind power launched an attack, a big bird with white light on its body screamed, opened its mouth and spewed out a cold fog. The wind power that surrounded them retreated one after another. Two of them retreated a little slower were directly frozen into ice sculptures and almost fell from the air. Fortunately, People reacted quickly and hurriedly pulled their bodies.

As soon as they took action, they were traumatized, which was indeed a big blow to those wind powers, but at the same time, they also made them more careful and no longer rush to approach the attack range of those birds. Since the power does not work, they can only choose the second way.

"Use weapons." A wind power man ordered to untie the weapon behind him, and the familiar road stimulated the energy to open up.

In order not to let the birds find their movements, they were flying around the birds at high speed, and a red ball of light erupted and landed directly on a big bird. The big bird fell to the ground with just a cry. Can strange things cause harm to these birds, but these energy weapons can. You should know that these energy weapons can be defeated even by power. And just now, they launched an attack by sneak attack.

When the first bird was shot down, the rest of the birds were shocked and hurriedly flapped their wings and began to climb high. They are not stupid, so they know that these people use special means to deal with them. Sharp and angry calls came from the beaks of those strange birds, and various powers broke out at the same time.

The sky is a world of birds. It is very unwise to fight with birds in the air, and even more unwise is to fight with a group of birds with powers. In addition to the first sneak attack and hitting a few birds, those wind powers did not even hit a bird's hair in the next period of time, but were attacked extremely fiercely by the big bird.

Just as the human and birds were fighting fiercely, someone on the wall suddenly shouted in horror: "Giant fire beast!"

At the horizon, a huge figure is rushing towards Yu'an City at a very fast speed.