reverse song

Chapter 452 Who Are You

A pair of bright red eyes in the dark are staring at Yi Tian. There is no emotion in the eyes, but it contains many negative emotions.

Yi Tian didn't know that he had been targeted for a long time. He just knew that there was an unknown thing hidden in the dark, and he didn't know what it was. He didn't even know that he had fallen into an inexplicable seal, just like what happened to A Xing that day. He just thought about how he could get out of here.

Darkness is boundless darkness. Even if he knows that there are boundaries here, Yi Tian will not act rashly, because no one knows if there will be anything strange in this journey. Yi Tian just stood there with his eyes closed, motionless. He could feel that someone strange things were close to him, and his warm breath spurted on his neck. If he were a timid person, he would have been scared and screamed long ago.

Yi Tian doesn't have that kind of fear from the soul, so he just stood there and guessed what the thing behind him was. He even wanted to give the thing behind him a fist to let it taste his strength, but he did not act rashly. With the previous attempt, he already knew that even if he turned around to fight, it was impossible to capture the other party's actions.

The only way now is to wait for that thing to show up.

The crisp laughter came from the dark. If it were a pleasant place, it would definitely remind people of beautiful things. But there are many different things in this darkness. He thought that it might be a ferocious monster imitating such a sound to make people fool people, or just wanted to add a little bit of fear to the people here.

It is always easy for people to make all kinds of strange actions when they are in a panic and lose the ability to predict danger. And that time is always the easiest time to hunt.

Yi Tian did not have the wish of that thing in the dark. He stood there so quietly, regardless of everything around him, and even the gust of wind that obviously swept around him did not feel the slightest. He waited for the other party to appear and then gave a fatal blow, which was the simplest and most direct way.

The sound of laughter still continued, but Yi Tian, who forced his eyes, suddenly felt a layer of blood in front of him. Meng Menglong also has a unique sweet smell of blood.

After confirming that it was not his own illusion, Yi Tian opened his eyes, very slowly, and the silver light in his eyes was still flowing.

What I see is a bright red woman. The reason why she is said to be bright red is because of the woman's makeup.

Bright red hair, bright red eyes, bright red lips, bright red clothes, the bright red color on her body is like blood flowing, making people feel like this person has just crawled out of the blood pool. The only white one is probably the woman's skin, which is almost transparent, as if she can see the blood flowing through the blood vessels under the skin.

The woman stood five meters away from Yi Tian, expressionless, but when she saw Yi Tian open her eyes, she suddenly smiled like a flower. That smile really makes the spring breeze drunk, of course, if it weren't for such a strange environment.

Yi Tian didn't expect such a beautiful woman to appear in front of him. He once thought that what was hidden in the dark would be an extremely ugly monster. However, he did not relax his vigilance because the other party was a woman. No matter what, it is too abnormal for such a beautiful woman to appear in such a place. Yi Tian will not be overwhelmed at this time.

The woman just smiled, and her bright red lips bent slightly. She swayed her body, as if she wanted to rely on Yi Tian, but did not take any substantive action.

Yi Tian will not dare to move because the other party is a woman and has maintained a kind attitude until now. As soon as he saw this man, he quickly went out like a leopard, which was beyond the woman's imagination. Puff, Yi Tian went straight through the woman's body, as if he had smashed something, and then saw blood fall all over the sky.

That woman is not an entity, but a strange combination of countless blood. Yi Tian's blow did not cause any harm to the woman, but also made Yi Tian understand that he was not facing an ordinary capable person, but a more strange existence. Up to now, he has never encountered such an existence.

Without asking questions or stopping, Yi Tian turned around and rushed to the woman again. The silver light in his hand immediately became strong, and the strange rune attached to his hand also flashed and directly hit the woman. This time, it was no longer a bloody picture. The woman was punched by Yi Tian, and then took two steps back and let out a shout. A trace of horror also appeared on her face with a faint smile.

"Who are you?" Shocked, the woman actually asked first, and it was not the kind of question she had planned to keep a mysterious and high profile at the beginning.

Yi Tian ignored the woman's problem. After being able to win with a blow, he did not hesitate to make up for the other party. With his feet on the ground, he rushed to the woman again like a cannonball. Originally, the distance between the two was not big. At such a close distance, Yi Tian approached the woman again with a sprint.

The fist burst out, and the attached rune shone again. In the same situation as before, Yi Tian's punch directly smashed half of the woman's body, and the blood flowers fell all over the sky. The woman made a sad cry and couldn't help retreating. The horror on the woman's face completely emerged. She didn't expect that someone could hurt her in this seal, and it was twice in a row.

The figure quickly drifted back and then disappeared into the darkness in the distance.

"Who the hell are you?" The woman's sharp cry came from the darkness, which was sad and harsh. She decided that Yi Tian might be an old man who disguised herself, and then took the opportunity to completely eliminate herself.

Yi Tian couldn't help shivering when he heard the sad roar and stopped the figure that had just jumped out. After such a delay, he completely lost the woman's sight, but he could still feel that the woman was looking at himself nearby. Breathing out, the repeated attacks just now also made Yi Tian nervous to the extreme, because he didn't know whether his attack would work. However, judging from the results, it is still good.

glanced at the darkness around him, and Yi Tian said in a low voice, "Who are you?" After seeing the woman, Yi Tian already had a guess in his heart. Because he heard A Xing mention this matter, he also had a general guess about the woman's identity, but he was not sure yet. Because according to the old man, Yi Tian was not the old monster at that time. It was impossible to attract the power of the seal to enter this strange place, so he did not think about it, but now he has to guess the identity of the woman.

Without answering, the woman will not answer Yi Tian's question. But this does not mean that Yi Tian knows nothing. On the contrary, he knows a little more than a woman, which is enough for Yi Tian to test the identity of the woman.

His expression did not change much, and even his breath did not fluctuate. Yi Tian just narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Why were you suppressed here?" He didn't say the woman's name at once. It's not that he didn't know it, but that he didn't want to say it so quickly. Otherwise, judging from the woman's crazy performance just now, the other party would definitely launch a crazy attack on him. Although I don't know if a woman can attack herself in this environment.

The suppression mentioned by Yi Tian immediately shocked the woman hiding in the dark, and then she directly determined which old man disguised to enter here like this. A trace of murder flashed in her bright red eyes, and she let out a low roar.

"Who the hell are you?" It was still a sad sound, as if the throat had been broken.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Yi Tian knew that he had bet right and was happy, but his face did not change at all. He still looked coldly. At that moment just now, he had seen the figure of the woman in the dark, but in order to make the other party appear, he could not do it now anyway.

The woman was very entangled with Yi Tian's identity. She suddenly rushed out of the darkness and almost rushed to Yi Tian's side, opening her bright red mouth and roaring: "Who are you?" The invisible sound burst out, and his expression was faintly crazy.

Yi Tian didn't even raise his eyelids. He looked at the woman rushing towards him faintly. When he approached a certain distance, he suddenly kicked his feet on the ground and rushed out. Another silver light flashed in the bloody light, and the woman's sad cry echoed in the dark.

is the broken half of the body, but it is revealed that there is no flesh and blood, but blood, bright red blood, wriggling like tens of millions of insects. With the flash of bloodlight on the woman's body, half of the woman's damaged body was also rapidly gathering and recovering. However, after a few breaths, the woman's body completely returned to normal and no scars could be seen.

This situation shocked Yi Tian and secretly said that this guy was immortal. However, no one is immortal in his memory. Qi Yan is not, Tang Mu is not, not even the old man, so the strange bright red woman in front of him is impossible. It's just that she used some special means to make her look immortal.

"Having been so many years, haven't you woken up yet?" Yi Tian pretended to know everything and slowly said such a sentence. He does know something, but he doesn't know everything.

Unexpectedly, when Yi Tian said this, the woman's face suddenly changed. She took a step back and said in horror, "Who are you?" She really didn't understand who the young man in front of her was. Although she repeatedly doubted that Yi Tian might be disguised by an old man, she could see at a glance that Yi Tian was not very old. If those old guys disguised themselves, it would be impossible to disguise their age at all.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Yi Tian repeated this sentence, "I'm asking you if you still don't wake up?" When saying the last sentence, the tone has become harsh, as if scolding a person who made a mistake.

Like a woman in a thunderstorm, her face looked frightened, but various pictures kept appearing in her mind. Those pictures of flesh and blood, as well as the desire to be suppressed in her heart and the desire for flesh and blood. She looked at Yi Tian and suddenly became ferocious.

"It's not our fault. Why should we bear such a crime!" She roared, and her crazy look had climbed onto her face. She opened her teeth and claws as if she was about to jump up and smash the corpse. However, she did not dare to move, at least for the time being. The more things she remembers, the more she is afraid she will be.

The last time A Xing appeared here, it has touched her memory. This time, Yi Tian came in, which completely aroused her sleeping memory. In fact, if the two people hadn't happened to come in, I'm afraid that the woman would have naturally dissipated in this seal in a few days. But it's a little different now.

With a cold look on his face, Yi Tian shouted, "What's not your fault? Don't you have a share of killing your fellow clan and devouring flesh and blood on that day? If not, why should we suppress you?" Yi Tian said the information he only knew, but his face was sad and inexplicable. It seems that after saying such words, the sleeping memories in the depths of his soul also began to wake up. Unlike the so-called inheritance, the memory that churries in the mind at this time is longer, just like dusty antiquires suddenly seeing the sun.

After being scolded by Yi Tian, the woman's expression also changed, and she couldn't help taking a step back, but soon she became ferocious again, and then rushed to Yi Tian with a roar. Her speed was extremely fast, and when she brought a red light, she had already arrived in front of Yi Tian. Her five fingers were open, and bright red light flashed on her bright red nails, as if she was about to tear Yi Tian into pieces.

When the woman approached Yi Tian's side a foot, a thunderlight suddenly appeared in the darkness above her head and fell directly. There was no suspense on the woman. The fierceness of this lightning can be seen from the fact that the woman's body was split in half. The purple thunder constantly burned the woman's two sides, but did not damage half of the woman's body.

The sad cry came from the woman's mouth, which was very amazing.

However, even if the thunder was amazingly powerful, Yi Tian, who stood a foot away from the woman, had no feeling at all. He just felt that his eyes lit up, and then the woman was split in half. All of this is so inexplicable and difficult to understand. Yi Tian looked at the painful look on the woman's face and saw that the body, which was divided into two halves, slowly closed to one place and returned to a good condition, as if nothing had happened. Only the woman's rapid breathing showed what had just happened.

Yi Tian took a step back and found that this place was really like what A Xing said, and the woman could not pose any threat to him at all. Because once the woman acts recklessly, a thunderbolt will fall to stop the woman's action. This can also explain why the woman could only do some harassing behavior against him before, but she could not attack him at all.

"Is it true that you don't repent?" In his heart, he was clear about the situation at present, and Yi Tian also put on an unfathomable look and said such a cold voice. In his memory, the old man seems to mention that those who have undergone mutiny attach great importance to their identity and are unwilling to abandon their former identity, unlike those who have betrayed foreign people.

"No, it's not like that." The woman suddenly began to panic, as if she was afraid that Yi Tian would deny her identity. For a long time, they have been trying to show that they are no different from ordinary people, but their inner desire for flesh and blood is completely impossible to hide. At this time, when Yi Tian saw her appearance and was said so, she immediately panicked for fear that Yi Tian would be removed from her clan if she was unhappy.

"Then why do you repeatedly try to attack me?" Yi Tian looked at the woman and wanted to figure out these things. However, while he was waiting for the answer, he felt that his body suddenly retreated uncontrollably, and the silver light flashing on his body also quickly converged. The red light faded quickly, but panic suddenly appeared on the woman's face.

"No! Don't leave me here!" The woman's body also quickly retreated and melted into the darkness, but gradually her voice disappeared into the darkness, and everything she saw in front of her disappeared. There is no more Yi Tian's figure and no more bright red light.

Yi Tian heard the woman's voice fade away, and everything in front of him quickly faded in the dark, but his own body became lighter and lighter. Finally, his eyes lit up and appeared beside Xiao Ruo. Xiao Ruo still flashed with silver light and looked at Yi Tian blankly.

"What did you get in?" The old man's voice came with a trace of helplessness. In fact, he didn't understand why Yi Tian appeared there, and even why Yi Tian could appear there. Is it just because of that little bloodline? This seems unlikely.

Yi Tian did not speak, because everything that had just happened was too illusory, so that he could not fully react for a while. He stood there fixedly, responding to the woman's figure in his mind, and the last helpless and sad words, and a trace of sadness in his heart was inexplicably stirred. Suddenly, Yi Tian opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood sprayed on Xiao Ruo without any accident, while Yi Tian's face turned pale in an instant, and his body shook, and he fell directly to the ground.